In the distant Warring States period, the imprisoned Uchiha Wuming looked at the light curtain with a trace of disbelief on her face. At the beginning, she felt that the Wuming in the light curtain was very similar to herself, but she didn't expect that it would really be herself.

Will she be sealed in the future?

Don't want that kind of thing.

"I don't want to accept that kind of thing." Uchiha Wuming gradually became crazy. How could she be willing to live in such a life of being sealed and living in darkness?

"I must escape, I must escape, I want to escape from this place"

She looked at the seal on the iron fence, and a trace of determination flashed across her face. If she used Amaterasu, it should be able to destroy it, right?

Amaterasu can burn everything, so it should be able to destroy it. She didn't have a spell to seal chakra, and even if she couldn't escape here, she could escape while the Uchiha and Senju clans were fighting.

I want freedom!

At this moment, Uchiha Wuming's desire for freedom emerged from deep in her heart, and no one could stop her at this time.

But she still endured it at this time, because she already knew how magical this light curtain was, and she wanted to figure it out and get more information.

"It turned out to be Wuming?" The people of the Uchiha clan were confused at this time. They didn't expect that Wuming would be sealed in the future.

Although some people were thinking about who the sealed person was at the beginning, they never considered Wuming.

After all, that guy is still so young, although he is very strong, and their Uchiha clan will not sit and watch the Uchiha killer being sealed.

"Senju, damn Senju, it's all Senju's fault!"

So the people of the Uchiha clan pushed all the mistakes on the people of Senju.

[The scene turned, Wuming woke up from the bed, she looked at the still unfamiliar ceiling and sighed softly.

"Oh, you're awake." On the side, the voice of Tekusase suddenly came, and Tekusase looked at Wuming with joy in his eyes

Wuming spoke calmly, obviously she didn't want to care about the game space anymore, it's better to say that she didn't want to hurt Boruto.

"Anyway, the plan is going well, that's enough, there's no need to worry about it..."

"Although...but." Without getting a positive answer from Merujin, Tekusei didn't dare to speak on his own

"It doesn't matter, Wuming is right, the plan is going well, Konoha Sand Village, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, Mist Village, the five major ninja villages are ready to go to war, the Fifth World War is only a matter of time."

In a trance, Merujin thought of what Pain once said to him.

"This world needs pain. Only by giving pain can this immature world grow. Merujin, you are very similar to me. Your family companions were taken away by the big country. You and I have experienced this pain and realized that the laws of this world are full of errors. Therefore, your will is very similar to mine. As long as you have a will as strong as God, you can easily change this world. With this will, fight to the death to realize your long-cherished wish." Thinking of this, Merujin continued: "The world, and humans, the village will be in dire straits and will be destroyed because of the war, and our Zero will follow the goal of Lord Pain and rule everything with power." Hahaha, as if he saw victory, Merujin laughed. 】

In the sixty-third year of Konoha, Nagato's face was gloomy as if water could drip out. He could guarantee that this bastard was definitely pretending to be mysterious. He didn't know this bastard at all, so how could he say these messed up words to him.

His goal is true peace, not to rule everything with power.

Moreover, even if he really knew Merujin and would tell him some of his inner thoughts, he couldn't say that. This was completely against his original intention and Yahiko's consciousness.

He wouldn't do that, so Merujin was a liar, a damn big liar.

"Find him, I must find him!" Nagato murmured. He would never let him go if he dared to discredit the dream of Akatsuki.

"Konan, let them act and find this bastard for me. I won't let him go. He dared to discredit our dreams. There is no need for such people to exist in this world."

Konan nodded. She was also very angry. She could not tolerate such discrediting of her beloved Akatsuki!

The 83rd year of Konoha.

"It's just nonsense!" Naruto roared. Nagato was his senior brother. He naturally knew his senior brother's true thoughts. He was really working for world peace, although the method was a bit extreme.

But how could he say that he would make the world suffer and rule the world? It was completely impossible.

"Merujin!" Naruto gritted his teeth, hating it very much, but the most urgent task now was to seeAfter the video is over, he will not let this guy go. He will not let anyone who disturbs the ninja world wantonly.

The secret base of the Zero Organization.

"Meritoru-sama, you are indeed chosen by Lord Pain. This world will definitely revolve around you!"

Meritoru snorted coldly: "Do you think I am lying to you?"

Tekuse said immediately: "No, no, I just didn't expect that Mr. Meru would have such a good relationship with Lord Pain. You are simply the second generation of Pain."

Uchiha Wuming glanced at the two people and said nothing. In her eyes, these two people are almost like fools. If it weren't for them helping her achieve her goal, she would have killed these two people the moment she broke the seal.

"Boruto!" Wuming sighed secretly, why didn't she meet such a person before.

If there was someone like Boruto by her side before, Wuming believed that her life would not be so miserable.

Maybe they can also embark on a bright life and future

[In the game world, Boruto and the other two stood there blankly, not knowing what to do. The incident was too sudden, and the mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be Wuming, which made the three of them unexpected.

Even though there were some guesses in his heart, Boruto still hoped that Wuming would deny it.

But now that things have come to this, no one can change it.

"Boruto, are you okay?"

Sarada was a little worried about Boruto, and asked directly.

Boruto hummed: "Nothing"

"But what should we do next? We still let her escape," Mitsuki sighed. It was a pity. The game space was Wuming's home court. If they were in the real world, maybe they could catch Wuming.

"The ninja world that wiped out all kinds of memories, in other words, a ninja world without history is about to be born!"

"Who is it?" Boruto was shocked. This sudden voice really scared everyone.

In the center of the three people, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and then the light quickly expanded and turned into a sphere.

"If you want to resolve this dispute, follow me."

As soon as the words fell, the light ball tore open the space and disappeared without a trace, leaving only a space crack in the original place.

Boruto gritted his teeth. For the sake of the ninja world, he was not afraid of any danger.

"Let's go and see what kind of monsters and demons there are!"

Then the three of them came to an almost pure white space.

"Where is this?"

Mitsuki said: "It seems that it is not the space just now, and no other players are seen. It should be a space independent of the space just now, and the appearance has also returned to the reality."

"Welcome to the time-gathering gap." The light ball slowly spoke, and before the three of them could react, the light ball turned into a man with white hair and no pupils.

"Otsutsuki Toneri, you can also say that he is the monitor of this planet."

"Otsutsuki? Are you Momoshiki's partner?"

Boruto exclaimed? The three of them immediately got ready. None of these Otsutsuki are easy to mess with.

"I'm different from them. I'm here to help you." Toneri explained

"Help us? Can you believe that?"

"Believe it or not." Toneri didn't emphasize anything in particular. He was just stating a fact.

"But you don't have any way to save the situation now, right? So even if you feel suspicious, you still step into this place, right?"

"Boruto, he doesn't seem to be an enemy."

Although the Sage Mode is not activated, Mitsuki is also a half-Sage body. The Sage Mode's malicious perception ability is almost engraved into his bones. He can clearly know whether the other party has no malicious intent.

Boruto pondered for a moment. It was indeed like what Otsutsuki Toneri said. He had no way to solve this matter now, otherwise he would not have come to this strange place.

Risking his life to negotiate with Otsutsuki Toneri

"I believe you!" After all, for the sake of the ninja world and his father, Boruto compromised.

"But if you have any suspicious behavior, I won't be polite either," Boruto said seriously.

"Anxin, I really came to help you. In order to break the current deadlock, I must make your actions go smoothly."

"Then please tell us how to break the current deadlock."]

In the 83rd year of Konoha, Toneri, who followed Naruto and others to this time and space, had a flash of joy on his face.

"Did you see that? I helped you. Haha, didn't I say I was still very useful?"

After coming down from the moon, his personality became much more cheerful, but it was still a bit regretful that he couldn't get Hinata.

The seventh generation Naruto looked at him and smiled, then thanked him: "Thank you so much, otherwise we might really be finished"Combined with the last video, it must be with the help of Toneri that Boruto successfully recovered his memory, otherwise Boruto would not have been hunted down.

Toneri looked proud, but he obviously didn't care much about Naruto's praise, instead he focused all his attention on Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto, praise me quickly" He had such an expression on his face, which made Naruto a little embarrassed.

"Toneri, you are so amazing, so great"

"Then can I get close to Hinata?"

"No, if you dare to get close to Hinata, I will break your legs" Naruto said seriously.

Oh, Toneri replied somewhat disappointedly

[Sarada said: "Is this matter difficult to handle?"

Toneri nodded and said: "Yes, it is quite difficult. It takes a lot of time to restore the deep memories that people have accumulated so far

Under normal circumstances, it takes at least several years or even decades"

Sarada said anxiously: "There is no point at all"

Toneri laughed softly: "But because of the era you live in, there is one thing that is quite lucky, that is the existence of your father Uzumaki Naruto"

Toneri looked at Boruto with a smile on his face, as if thinking of Naruto's great significance to the ninja world.

"My father?"

"Your father exists in almost everyone's memory, but to a certain extent. His power transcends war and is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Only Uzumaki Naruto can do this

This is what we are going to use this time"

"First, I need you to go back to the past, trace Naruto's history, and then recover the past track"

Sarada frowned. Going back to the past, is it really possible?

"How should this be done?"

Toneri said: "As long as we use the special properties of this mysterious space and the power of the Otsutsuki, we can do it under limited circumstances."

As he spoke, a large amount of blue chakra flowed out of Toneri's right hand, and then he waved his right hand, and a book about Naruto Uzumaki floated in the air.

Then he put his hands together, and the book immediately turned into a gate.

"But only one person can go back to the past, and history cannot be changed."

Boruto said: "Since this is the only way, we can only do it."

Toneri nodded, his face full of praise. He is worthy of being Naruto's son, bold and careful.

"After recovering Naruto Uzumaki's trajectory, I will liberate them. The trajectory after liberation will be centered on myself and gradually spread to others. The trajectory that continues to spread like ripples will illuminate everyone again.

In this way, everyone's memory will be restored, and the war will naturally stop. This is the order."

"I know!" Boruto nodded heavily, obviously he planned to go by himself.

Mitsuki asked, "So this work should take a long time, right?"


Sarada said, "In that case, let's go back and explain the situation to Dad. I want to sort out the situation and discuss the next things."

"Then please hurry up, the situation is urgent," Toneri said seriously.

Boruto pondered for a moment. He originally planned to stay alone, but after hearing what Mitsuki and Sago said, he decided to tell Sasuke first.

After a while, Boruto came back alone.

"Did it get done so quickly?"

Boruto nodded and said, "Of course, I can't wait to solve this matter."

Toneri stretched out his right hand and handed a black shining stone to Boruto.

"Then please accept this."

"As long as you follow Naruto's trajectory, the light will be restored. When he emits a strong light, it will be the time when your father recovers his memory."

"Then I'll give it to you, right?"

"That's it!"

"Okay, I understand."

Toneri nodded and opened the door.

"Okay, go and find your father, Uzumaki Naruto's path."

Boruto nodded heavily, jumped into the gate, and traveled through the long river of time.

Sheren's voice sounded again: "Go back in time, follow Naruto's path, let me guide you"]

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