Afterwards, Naruto asked Boruto for the training method of Uzugao, which was derived from the same source as Rasengan. Naruto practiced very quickly and mastered Uzugao completely in just three days, which stunned Boruto. He didn't expect that the ninjutsu he had developed for such a long time would be easily mastered by the other party in three days.

"By the way, Naruto, with your strength, you shouldn't need Uzugao, right?" Boruto still had a deep understanding of Naruto's strength. The Uzugao he released had no effect on him at all, but even so, Naruto decided to spend time learning.

You know, Naruto's stay here is only a month, and he has to learn it, which makes Boruto curious.

Naruto smiled and said, "There is still a lot of room for development of your technique."

Boruto said, "Oh," and looked at him curiously, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Naruto pondered for a moment and said, "I have been traveling in the starry sky for these years, and I have seen too much, but what impressed me most is that everything in this world is in motion, and it is constantly in motion.

Whether it is a planet, a star, or a star field, they are all rotating in different forms.

So I am thinking, your vortex is based on the rotation of the planet, so can it be improved to the rotation of the star, or even the star field?"

Boruto was stunned. This was a path he had never imagined, but soon, his face showed excitement.

There is no doubt that if Naruto's idea is correct, his vortex has great development potential and can even become the strongest ninjutsu.

Whether it is the rotation of a star or a star field, the power is much stronger than that of a planet, and it is not at the same level at all. If it can be successfully developed, the power of the vortex will definitely increase exponentially.

"Of course, this is just my current idea. If you really want to use the rotation of stars as the source, it will be extremely difficult." Naruto shook his head. Although he has learned the Uzumaki, he still has no idea how to integrate the power of stars or star fields into the Uzumaki.

Boruto said excitedly: "No, this is an excellent idea, an idea that I have never thought of before."

Naruto smiled. This is the benefit of broadening your horizons, and you can think of things that others can't think of.

"We can exchange ideas with each other and see if we can develop ninjutsu in a short time."

Naruto also understands that it is not advisable to work behind closed doors. It is necessary to communicate with multiple parties. After all, everyone has a different understanding of ninjutsu and may have some special ideas.

"We can gather the scientific community of Konoha and listen to their opinions. After all, they have a lot of research on the starry sky."

Nara Shikadai said. During this period, he was also following Boruto to learn the Rasengan Uzumaki, but unfortunately there was no progress.

In fact, he learned the Rasengan a year ago. After all, their ninjutsu is very strong in control, but there are few offensive ninjutsu.

Although the family ninjutsu is also very good, who doesn't want to learn the famous trick of the seventh generation? After he begged his father, Nara Shikamaru found Konohamaru and asked him to teach him personally.

Although he didn't have the terrifying comprehension of Boruto, he also used it proficiently within a year.

In fact, in the past year or so, there are too many people in Konoha who have learned the Rasengan, because the story of the seventh generation is so eye-catching.

Everyone wants to be the second seventh generation. If you want to be him, of course you have to learn the famous ninjutsu of the seventh generation.

In fact, there are also many people who want to learn the seduction technique, but the key is that the seventh generation does not allow anyone to learn this trick.

Because it was too erotic, when the seventh generation Hokage issued this order, it was complained by many people and people familiar with him.

The ninjutsu you developed yourself, even you feel erotic, and it was learned by your own son.

That's not what you said when you taught Konohamaru. But despite the complaints, everyone still supports the decision of the seventh generation Naruto. After all, the seduction technique is not suitable for ordinary people to learn.

It's not good to teach children bad things.

Hearing this, Boruto smiled and said, "This is a good idea."

Although they are ninjas, their knowledge may be much better than that of scientists, but their professional knowledge is definitely not as good as theirs. With their participation, they will definitely deepen their understanding of the starry sky, and then they will create ninjutsu with half the effort.

Since it was decided, several people quickly came to the Hokage's office and found the seventh generation Naruto, hoping that he could come forward.

"Okay, of course no problem, but Boruto you are really amazing, Uzugao!"

Naruto also sighed. Although he knew that his son had good qualifications, he never expected that the ninjutsu he created would be soSuch strong potential.

Using stars and star fields, it sounds very interesting.

Soon, with the help of the seventh generation Naruto, all the scientists in Konoha who studied the universe came to the Hokage's office.

However, the Hokage's office was too small, so the seventh generation Naruto specially opened a larger place for them to study.

When those scientists heard Naruto's idea, they all showed shocked expressions on their faces. They never thought that ninjutsu could be developed in this way, but soon, everyone was excited. This is a good opportunity to leave a name in history.

As long as they can help Naruto and Boruto complete this research, they will definitely have a place in future history textbooks and ninjutsu manuals.

So, under such stimulation, everyone used their lifelong learning.

An unknown planet in the distant starry sky.

This planet is full of red fire. If you stand in the starry sky, it seems to be a fireball shining out of thin air, which is not much different from the sun.

But he is a planet that breeds life, which is really incredible.

Sitting cross-legged in the core of the planet, Momoshiki slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of joy on his face.

Finally, he succeeded, communicating with himself in countless parallel worlds, uniting countless Momoshiki, and his strength finally reached the strongest possibility he could achieve.

Yes, this is why Naruto could never find Momoshiki.

Because countless parallel worlds and countless timelines of Momoshiki were absorbed into his body by this Momoshiki, which enhanced his own strength.

"Sure enough, no matter how powerful those Otsutsuki are, they are not as suitable as myself after all."

This is the truth that Momoshiki understood three years ago. Although he can refine the Otsutsuki of the same clan into elixirs, the utilization rate is far less than that of the Otsutsuki Shibai that Naruto has taken over.

So he thought of a way, that is, other people can't do it, then what about himself?

The same origin, the same strength, so the utilization rate should be quite high, right?

At that time, Momoshiki was shocked by his own terrifying idea, but soon he started to act.

No matter how much you think, it won't work if you don't do it.

After spending three days, he finally communicated with a Momoshiki, that was Momoshiki three years ago. Then he used the Otsutsuki Anchor Nail Divine Art to find that Momoshiki and devoured him instantly.

However, this method was too slow, so he later thought of a way.

That is to let these Momoshiki voluntarily integrate into him, but Momoshiki knows himself best, and it is completely impossible for other Momoshiki to give up their lives.

But as I said just now, Momoshiki knows himself, and naturally understands his weaknesses, so he took advantage of his weaknesses and absorbed countless Momoshiki of time and space.

How strong he is now, even he himself does not understand, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that he will not lose again!

He slowly stood up, stretched out his index finger, and a ray of light shot out and hit the center of the earth. Suddenly, the lava in the center of the earth rose and fell, like a precursor to the eruption of magma.

Immediately afterwards, it began to fluctuate violently, like the surging waves on the sea. After a few seconds of rumbling, this potential energy finally rushed up to the sky, broke through the earth's crust, and came to the ground.

But the energy released by Momoshiki was far more than that. The earth's crust began to crack, and the sky on the ground changed drastically. The originally fiery red sky turned dark at this time.

"What happened?" The humans living on this planet were terrified. How could the sky that had never changed suddenly change?

But before they could solve their doubts, they noticed the turbulence of the earth.

"Earthquake?" Everyone looked into the distance and was stunned.

The earth's crust cracked, lava erupted, and storms raged.

"This is the end of the world!" Countless people screamed.

"I don't want to die"

"Please, please, please help me"

The powerful people were also screaming heartbreakingly. Even if they were sitting high, they were just ordinary people. Not to mention them, even the top masters on this planet, what could they count for in the face of such a disaster?

Everyone could only watch the planet that gave birth to them gradually go to destruction.

Momoshiki was already standing in the void at this time. He just looked at it coldly. The screams of humans before death were his favorite sound.

To be honest, this planet is really big, not much less than ordinary stars, and much bigger than the Otsutsuki clan, so there are many strong people.

If it was the original Momoshiki who came to this planet, he would have to bow his head and be a human being, but now Momoshiki can't hurt him even if he stands still.

"This isThe inferior nature of human beings, inferior races cannot survive in the starry sky."

Even a child of the Otsutsuki clan can survive in the starry sky, and if they grow up a little, they can have powerful strength.

This is also the reason why the Otsutsuki clan regards humans as an inferior race.


After half an hour of weather changes, this huge planet finally couldn't hold on and exploded.

Fireworks, fireworks again. Fireworks created by planets are not rare in this universe and galaxy. It is better to say that there are planets exploding and being born all the time.

Momoshiki couldn't feel any waves in his heart Not to mention that he could destroy the planet himself.

His next target was not the Ninja Realm, but the Otsutsuki clan.

There was a secret treasure in the clan, which would be of great benefit to his next move.

Although he was not afraid of the Ninja Realm with his current strength, he was afraid that the damn light curtain would benefit everyone in the Ninja Realm again.

But he never expected that when he returned to the clan after so much hardship, he found that his home had been robbed.

The Otsutsuki clan's land was blown up, and the whole planet became nothingness.

Momoshiki was dumbfounded, his eyes were red: "Who did this! "

Anger made him lose his mind, and he released his power randomly in the starry sky. The powerful power destroyed the surrounding planets, and there were more fireworks in the starry sky again.

If Naruto was here, he would definitely say proudly

Yes, it is me.

During this period, he was not only discussing the upgrade method of Uzugao with Boruto, but he was determined to destroy the Otsutsuki clan in this era. Moreover, the Otsutsuki clan had destroyed so many lands that he was already familiar with it, just like returning to his own home.

First flew into the galaxy, and then shot The compressed Rasengan was released, directly blowing up the Otsutsuki clan.

Momoshiki roared angrily, but it was useless. Do you think he was sad about the death of his clan members?

No, he was just angry about the disappearance of the treasure.

"The planet was blown up, and I don't know if the treasure still exists." After being angry, Momoshiki gradually calmed down and began to look for the treasure.

The treasure was made by the Otsutsuki God extracting dozens of star cores. It can offset all pupil power and has a strong It has a great defensive function, so it is naturally very strong and should be able to survive the planetary explosion.

After searching for a long time, Momoshiki finally found it.

It was a ring. If it weren't for his great increase in strength, he might not have been able to see such a tiny thing.

He slowly picked up the ring with a look of joy, his face full of excitement.

Then he put the ring on his hand, feeling the huge power contained in it, and Momoshiki sighed.

"It is worthy of being a treasure made by the God of Otsutsuki. Even though my current combat power is far stronger than his, , but he couldn't make such a sophisticated treasure."

Momoshiki's current single-round combat power is actually far superior to the God of Otsutsuki, but the problem is that he doesn't have too many divine arts.

Although he has lived for so many years and knows many divine arts, he was not strong enough to learn before, and now, he spends most of his time improving his strength for revenge and has no time to learn.

However, he will evolve into a true God of Otsutsuki in the future, and after destroying the Ninja World, he will become a true god in this universe.

"I can't wait!" As he said, he flew towards the Ninja World.

Ninja World.

After a month, Naruto finally fully developed the advancement of the Whirlpool Face.

Including the initial form, there are now three types of Whirlpool Face.

The basic version of the Whirlpool Face with the help of planetary rotation.

The upgraded version of the Whirlpool Face with the help of stellar rotation.

The plus version of the Whirlpool Face with the help of star field rotation.

"Momoshiki, I have been waiting for you for a long time, I hope you won't let me down!"

Naruto looked up at the galaxy of the universe with a smile on his face

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