Hinata was shocked when she saw herself calm in the video. If it were her current self, she would never dare to do it.

Looking at herself in the video, she was full of envy. If possible, she hoped that she could have such courage now.

She sighed, helpless, there was no way, growth comes step by step, it can't be achieved overnight.

Yuhi Kurenai seemed to have noticed Hinata's emotions and smiled: "Not bad, Hinata, you will become an outstanding woman in the future."

Hinata smiled with a blushing face, thanked her, and then continued to look at the screen.

In the video, the battle between Naruto and Toneri ended, but the battle between Kurama and the Hamura statue continued.

The Hamura statue is immortal and difficult to destroy, but when Toneri's reincarnation eye was blown up, the Hamura statue also stopped attacking.

"Good fellow, I've let you fight for so long, it's my turn this time!" Kurama grinned, kicked the stone statue of Hamura to pieces with a flying kick, and then sat on the stone statue of Hamura with only half of its body left, with his fox fist ready to go, and with every move he made, he completely wiped out the stone statue of Hamura.


"It's so cool, this bastard has been beating me for so long, thinking of my uncle Nine-Tailed Fox, who has ever bullied me like this!" Nine-Tailed Fox pretended to wipe the non-existent sweat beads and laughed disdainfully.

The people in the ninja world were a little confused. Is this really the natural disaster tailed beast Nine-Tailed Fox that everyone fears?

No matter how you look at it, it just looks like an ordinary fox, and it's also very funny.

Naruto was a little happy, and even a little relaxed. Very good, it seems that the Nine-Tailed Fox will definitely get along with him! He laughed in his heart.

But the Nine-Tails sealed in his body was extremely unhappy. What a joke that he would become like this. He was the Nine-Tails Lord, a being feared by the world. How could he become like this? It was fake. This video must be fake.

But when he heard Naruto's laughter, he became even more angry. This bastard still wanted my power. Dream on.

The Nine-Tails cursed in his heart, closed his eyes, blocked his five senses, and stopped watching this shitty video.

In the 47th year of Konoha, Minato Namikaze was completely down.

The trick used by the blond boy in the video seemed to be his own Rasengan, but why was it so powerful and the tricks varied so much.

At the beginning, when he saw the Rasenshuriken used by Naruto, he felt inexplicably familiar, as if the Rasenshuriken had added attribute changes and turned into the appearance of a Rasenshuriken.

But now it seems...

It's confirmed. This guy can definitely use Rasengan, and the styles he can use are more and more powerful than himself.

At this moment, he was sure that this kid was definitely related to him!

Even if he was not his son, he would be his disciple or something like that.

Otherwise, he would not be able to use the Rasengan he developed.

You should know that he had only developed the Rasengan not long ago. It was powerful and difficult to practice. Although it was only an A-level ninjutsu, it was more powerful and difficult to practice than most S-level ninjutsu!

He had never taught anyone before, but he planned to teach Jiraiya after he came back.

Jiraiya was his teacher, and they had a very good relationship. He and Jiraiya were both a teacher and a father. Naturally, he wanted to let his master have a taste of his unique skills.

"Who is this kid? Could he really be his son?"

Minato Namikaze had a very bold idea in his heart. The seal of the tailed beast would be greatly weakened only when the Jinchūriki reproduced.

During this period, if an enemy led him away, attacked Kushina, and released the Nine-Tails, he might indeed seal the Nine-Tails in his newborn child for the safety of Konoha Village.

It is easy to understand that he was not seen in the video. The Jinchūriki must die when the tailed beast is extracted. He either died of exhaustion after sealing the Nine-Tails, or he did not complete the seal. The seal was done by his master or the third generation Hokage, and he died in a bloody battle with the Nine-Tails.

Namikaze Minato shook his head hurriedly. This idea was unreliable.

Even if Kushina was really pregnant, there were not many people in the village who knew her identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. The few people around him who knew her were all people he absolutely trusted.

For example, the children in front of him and Teacher Jiraiya, they would not betray him.

Moreover, as the production of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, Kushina would definitely arrange a large number of female ninjas around her to ensure that there was no mistake. How could she be attacked by the enemy so easily?

This is not realistic, but why does this child have blonde hair?And can he use the Rasengan?

Perhaps before the next video appears, no one can answer his doubts for him.

"Minato, Minato..." Kushina's voice kept ringing in his ears.

"What's wrong?" Namikaze Minato came back to his senses and smiled gently at Kushina.

"What are you thinking about?" Kushina looked at Minato with a suspicious look.

"Nothing, I just wonder if there is a way for you to subdue the Nine-Tails!"

Kushina pointed at herself: "Let me subdue the Nine-Tails too?"

Minato nodded: "Look, although the basic strength of the blond boy in the video is terrifying, it is probably the blessing of the Nine-Tails that allows him to have the power to destroy the world, so I wonder if it would be better if you get along well with the Nine-Tails and borrow the power of the Nine-Tails"

Yes, the previous speculation was just speculation, but just in case, everything is ready. This is the style of Namikaze Minato. Since there is such a doubt, he will not let such a thing happen.

As long as the Nine-Tails and Kushina have a good relationship, he will not leave even if he chases the Nine-Tails away. When Kushina is in danger, the Nine-Tails will protect her. In this way, there is no need to worry that Kushina will be taken out of the Jinchūriki or the seal will be unsealed by a surprise attack.

Kushina's eyes lit up. This seems to be a good idea.

"However, my seal..." Kushina's seal on the Nine-Tails is completely different from Naruto's.

If you want to use the power of the Nine-Tails, you must use the Four Symbols Seal.

"This is not a big problem. When I come back, I will find the Third Hokage and Jiraiya, and let them help me. I will change the sealing technique!"

Kushina was overjoyed, and then kissed Minato on the face.

"Trojan horse"

Hey, two boys and one girl, three children, looked at this scene with side eyes, their faces blushing.

Really, we should have more intimacy. We are still children.

In the video

Although Toneri's reincarnation eye disappeared and lost most of his power, he did not give up. He flew high in the air and absorbed the power of the sun with his body as a medium.

"Is this guy crazy? He actually absorbed the power of the sun!" Naruto was shocked and pulled Hinata as far as he could.

Regardless of success or failure, absorbing the power of the sun is definitely a life-threatening act.

As the origin of all things, the sun contains powerful power. Once it goes out of control, it will have a devastating blow to itself.

Sure enough, Toneri was anxious for success. Too much power of the scorching sun directly turned him into a monster, his whole body swelled, and then with a bang, his body exploded.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Naruto came to Toneri. At this moment, there was no good meat on Toneri's body, and he was only breathing with one breath.

"Did I fail!"

"You failed~"

Naruto said with some sighs, and passed the chakra containing the Yang attribute to Toneri's body, repairing part of his broken body.

"Okay, you should be able to do the rest yourself!"

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Nara Shikamaru rushed over in a hurry. This guy is the number one enemy of the ninja world, hoping to destroy the ninja world. You still want to save him now. If I didn't know you, I would really worry that you would defect to the enemy.

"Don't worry, he has no ability to do bad things now, and he just misunderstood Hamura's destiny, which is different from his original intention," Naruto persuaded.

Then he pulled Hinata over and told Toneri about Hamura's true destiny.

Toneri was stunned, and he couldn't believe it in his mind. The destiny he insisted on for so long was wrong?

"You go!" Toneri said desolately. The destiny was wrong, which meant that his life was as smelly as dog shit.

Naruto said: "You can go to the ninja world with us. I believe everyone will accept you."

Fuck you, no one will accept him!

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