"Amazing! It turns out that Minato was so strong when he was so young."

Minato Namikaze scratched his ear and laughed: "Actually, he is not young anymore. If we talk about age, he is about the same age as you. We just graduated from the Ninja School at that time!"

Uchiha Obito said with admiration: "But he is still very strong. He is a few Chunin from the Hidden Cloud Village, maybe even Jonin, but he was still defeated by Minato."

It was just a sneak attack, and Minato was speechless.

The name of Golden Flash is indeed not groundless.

The sixty-third year of Konoha.

Raikage Ai thought of the battle with Minato Namikaze back then. Two against one even let the opponent have a slight advantage. It was really embarrassing to say, but Raikage Ai admired Minato very much.

He is powerful, but he does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If you meet him, you can survive as long as you run away.

Of course, this also indirectly shows the terrifying strength of Minato Namikaze.

During the Third Ninja World War, some ninja villages even stipulated that if they met Minato Namikaze, they had to flee immediately. As long as they could escape, their mission would be completed.

This rule was enough to exclude most of the strong men in the ninja world.

In the video

Desperate Kushina was still walking aimlessly. Minato came in front of her and whispered, "Are you injured?"

Kushina suddenly raised her head and looked at the yellow-haired boy.

"I'm here to save you!" Minato Namikaze smiled.

Kushina looked at Minato Namikaze with a relieved expression on her face, and then her body shook and she fell down due to exhaustion.

Minato was quick and rushed forward to hug Kushina.

"Don't worry, it's safe!" Then he slowly picked up Kushina.

"Wait a minute..." Kushina was a little shy, but at this moment, Minato Namikaze hugged her and jumped up. The boy and girl under the moonlight looked so moving at this moment.

Kushina noticed the red hair in Minato's hand.

"This is..."

"It's beautiful hair, so I noticed it right away," Minato explained gently.

Kushina glanced at him first, then turned her head away.

"Even though you never helped me once."

"Because I know you are very strong, both in strength and in spirit, but this time it's a conflict between villages, I can't just sit back and watch, because I don't want to lose you!"

Kushina looked at Minato with a little surprise: "Even if I'm a foreigner?"

"What's the matter? You live in Konoha Village, you are a Konoha person"

At the same time, Kushina's voice was heard by everyone.

"Minato looked like a very good ninja at that time, which made me believe that he could realize my dream. He changed me, which made the hair that I once hated, the person who brought my fate, become the red line of my fate. That's when I started to like Minato!"

"So that's it, this is the beginning of the love between Master Kushina and Teacher Minato"

An idea suddenly flashed through Obito's mind, it seems that it's good to be a hero to save the beauty, but he quickly shook his head, how could he let Lin be in danger.

Minato's face showed nostalgia, and more than ten years have passed.

Kushina's face was flushed, this thing even released her own voice, which was unexpected for her, but fortunately she didn't think of some weird things at that time, otherwise it would be really difficult to end now.

After that, the relationship between Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki quickly heated up, and the two got along better. It was from this time that Minato Namikaze also knew Kushina's life experience and why she came to Konoha Village.

As a member of the Uzumaki family of the Uzumaki Shio Ninja Village in the Uzumaki Country, an ally of the Land of Fire, Kushina is born with a huge amount of chakra and is proficient in various sealing techniques.

The symbol of the Uzumaki family is the vortex-shaped mark on Konoha Village, and this information shocked many people.

Kushina came to Konoha Village because she was born with a large amount of chakra that could seal the Nine-Tails, and became the container for sealing the Nine-Tails, that is, the Nine-Tails' human power.

And his predecessor was the wife of the first generation Hokage, Mito Uzumaki!

This news made all the Konoha staff dumbfounded.

They have been cursing the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox for so long, and now you tell us that the wife of the first generation Hokage and the wife of the fourth generation Hokage are both the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?

Are you kidding me? Doesn't that mean we cursed them together?

Everyone was upset, thinking that Mito-sama and Kushina were willing to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in order to protect the village and enhance the village's foundation.

They regretted insulting Naruto. As the video was played, they understood that Naruto was also a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki like Mito-sama and Kushina.

AndThey treated him like this, and they felt a little regretful.

But some people don't have such thoughts, because during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, their relatives and friends all died at the hands of the Nine-Tails, so how could they easily forgive the Nine-Tails for other people's reasons?

This is obviously unrealistic.

In the early days of Konoha, Hashirama Senju touched his chin and was a little confused. The Nine-Tails was still wandering in nature, so how could it suddenly be sealed in Mito? What happened in the future?

But this idea is really good, especially when he saw the golden-haired boy Naruto fighting Toneri on the moon, the Nine-Tails' golden body was shining, which made him a little envious.

He decided that in the future he would find the Nine-Tails, seal the Nine-Tails in his body, and then use the power of the Nine-Tails to fight against the unknown risks in the dark.

No, there are still one to eight tails, and they must be found to enhance the foundation of Konoha Village, so that Konoha Village can become invincible, so as to avoid the situation where people from the Hidden Cloud Village come to Konoha quietly to kidnap people.

At this point, he wanted to complain about the defensive barrier of Konoha Village, which was always exploited.

Konoha's 63rd year.

Naruto was shocked, and then realized that this was the case. He was so important to Konoha Village.

But soon he was extremely depressed. Although he was an extremely important Jinchūriki to the village, the key point was that the Nine-Tails did not cause any harm to Konoha Village before. Instead, when he became a Jinchūriki, the Nine-Tails almost destroyed Konoha Village.

This is why the people of Konoha Village hate Naruto.

But Naruto believes that he will change everyone's views one day.

In the video

Kushina was having a physical examination in the hospital, but the news of her pregnancy made her very excited. Time passed quickly, and when she was about to give birth, Sarutobi Hiruzen found them.

"Kushina, your due date is coming soon. I want to tell you something. The last Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Mito Uzumaki, almost unsealed the Nine-Tails during childbirth. To be on the safe side, I'm very sorry that you have to give birth in a sealed barrier far away from the village. But don't worry, I will arrange for someone to help you, as well as my wife Sarutobi Biwako."

Kushina was strolling on the street with a big belly. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she hurried forward.

"It's about the seal. I will stay by your side when you give birth," Minato also said.

Everything is going on in secret

The scene changes. One evening afternoon, Kushina was strolling on the street with a big belly. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

A beautiful woman holding a baby was also strolling on the street. Kushina hurried forward and said, "So cute, a girl?"

Mikoto smiled and said, "It's a boy."

"What's the name?"


Sarutobi Biwako was surprised and said, "It's the same name as the father of the Third Hokage."

Uchiha Mikoto nodded and said, "Yes, I hope he can become an outstanding and powerful ninja."

But before long, Sasuke burst into tears.

Mikoto said again, "Kushina is about to give birth, have you thought of a name?"

Kushina said proudly, "I have thought of a name, it's Naruto!"

"Naruto volume?" Mikoto suddenly laughed.

This made Kushina's face darken, and then she said with fear: "By the way, does it hurt?"

Mikoto was also a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect Kushina to be afraid of something, it's really surprising"

This sentence made Kushina very embarrassed. She was not a god. Although she was a little fierce, she was really afraid.

She wanted to say something, but was pulled away by Sarutobi Biwako.

"Be careful, Kushina, your matter is confidential!"

"Got it!" Kushina was extremely helpless

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