The scene turned, and a large amount of chakra was condensing in the mouth of the Nine-Tails. He was going to release the Tailed Beast Ball again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked. Damn, this guy still didn't give up. How deep was his hatred for Konoha?

But at this moment, a summoning technique sounded, and a huge toad fell from the sky and pressed steadily on the head of the Nine-Tails.

Looking at the huge Tailed Beast Ball in the mouth of the Nine-Tails, Minato was shocked.

"Does this guy want to flatten the surrounding area?"

Originally, he wanted Bunta to help suppress the Nine-Tails first, but Bunta was not the opponent of the Nine-Tails at all.

But the explosion of the Tailed Beast Ball was imminent, and he couldn't remain indifferent.

The other ninjas felt relieved when they saw the Fourth Hokage appear, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly relieved.

But the next moment, Namikaze Minato and the Nine-Tails disappeared at the same time, and he used the Flying Thunder God to transfer the huge body of the Nine-Tails away.

Dozens of miles away

A loud noise illuminated half of the sky. Sarutobi Hiruzen was horrified and hurried over with everyone.

Minato Namikaze supported Kushina and held Naruto and moved again.

He was pale, trembling all over, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his chakra was running low.

The huge Nine-Tails behind him was still roaring.

"Deploy the barrier as soon as possible..." But his chakra was not enough to support his deployment of the barrier now.

Kushina reluctantly said, "I can still hold on!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless golden chains appeared from behind and tied the Nine-Tails tightly.

This is one of the secret sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan, the Diamond Seal!

The Nine-Tails, which had just been freed, was tied up again, furious, and struggled violently.

Naruto in Minato's arms cried out, and Minato was worried about Kushina while coaxing Naruto.

Kushina used the sealing technique forcefully when she was weak. Now she is like a candle in the wind, and she seems to fall at any time.

Looking at Naruto who was crying loudly, Kushina said gently: "I'm sorry for waking you up!"

Then he said: "If I hold the Nine-Tails like this, I will die! But I want to use my last chakra to help you! Thank you, Minato, for doing so much for me!"

Minato looked sad: "I'm sorry, Kushina, I can't save you! It's you who made me the Hokage and the father of this child, but now I..."

"Don't show such an expression, Minato, after all, today is the child's birthday, and more importantly, I'm still alive. What else can I think about besides imagining the happy life of our family of three in the future?" Blood kept flowing from the corners of her mouth.

"I still have a wish, I want to see the grown-up Naruto"

"Kushina, you don't have to die with the Nine-Tails. I will let you see Naruto with your remaining chakra!" Namikaze Minato said firmly, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"In addition, I will deal with the Nine-Tails. Of course, I can only use the Shikigami Fuujin since I am not the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki! But this is enough!"

Minato's tone was extremely tragic, and Kushina's expression was sad, but she knew that this was the only way.

Although the sealing technique would kill the practitioner, she knew that she could not shake Minato's determination.

"There is another point. The Nine-Tails sealed in me is only half. Such a powerful force cannot be suppressed by physical means, and it is not possible from a strategic point of view. The Nine-Tails seal has your participation. If the Jinchūriki is not there before the Nine-Tails is resurrected, it will cause the collapse of the balance of the head. At that time, Konoha Village will face war again."

"And if you use the Shiki Fuujin, you can seal me and half of the Nine-Tails permanently, so the other half of the Nine-Tails..."

Minato paused for a moment, then looked at his son Naruto.

His master Jiraiya's words rang in his mind.

In Minato's warm little house.

Jiraiya said: "Maybe he is the son of prophecy"

"You mean..."

"The son of destiny who changed this world"

"So I plan to seal the other half of the Nine-Tails in Naruto, and seal it with the Eight Diagrams!"

Kushina was shocked beside him.

"I know what you want to say, but Jiraiya-sensei talked about the world changes and the disasters that may face in the future. Today I have confirmed two things. The person who attacked you will definitely bring blood and rain to this world, and the only one who can stop him is this child."

"This child named by Jiraiya will open up the future as a Jinchūriki. Somehow, I firmly believe this!"

Then he put Naruto on the ground, quickly formed seals with his hands, and a huge shadow of the god of death suddenly appeared behind him.

At the same time, the Sandaime came late, watching Minato perform the Shikigami Fuujin, and sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Then"It's a seal, it's the Shiki Fuujin..." Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured.

"Trust this child, because he is our son. After the Shiki Fuujin is completed, I will seal your chakra on Naruto. I hope you can help him when he tries to control the Nine-Tails as a Jinchūriki!"

But Kushina shouted angrily: "It is precisely because he is our son that I don't want him to bear such a heavy responsibility! And why do you need to use the Shiki Fuujin? Why do you want to die! I hope you can stay by his side! Accompany him to grow up!"

Kushina didn't understand: "Does it mean that for the balance of the tailed beasts, for the country, and for the village, Naruto must be sacrificed! Do you have to be my sacrifice!"

She roared angrily, but Minato spoke calmly: "Abandoning the country and the village is like abandoning a child. You, whose motherland has been destroyed, should have a deep understanding of what kind of life the people of the lost country are forced to live, not to mention that our family are all ninjas! Also, I can't beat you if I'm alive. Although you were Naruto's mother for a short time, what you taught him is beyond my reach!"

"This is a mother's duty!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the back couldn't stand it anymore. Minato was still so young and couldn't die here. He wanted to rush into the barrier, but the barrier of the diamond seal was so strong that the Nine-Tails couldn't break through it in a short time, let alone Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"There's no way. The barrier in front is too strong. They plan to kill the Nine-Tails in the stomach!"

When they came to Minato Namikaze, the Shiki Fuujin had been fully performed, dragging the Nine-Tails' huge body towards Minato's body.

The Nine-Tails was shocked. This guy was so cruel that he didn't even want his life to seal himself.

"Damn Fourth Hokage!"

But Minato Namikaze yelled: "Seal! "

Soon, half of the Nine-Tails entered Minato's body, and the Nine-Tails' body also shrank by half.

Minato squatted down, used the summoning technique to summon the altar, and slowly put Naruto on it.

"This is the altar for sealing. Do you want to seal me again?" The Nine-Tails was frightened and struggled harder.

Minato did not answer, but Kushina coughed at this time. She was almost dying.

Minato ran over quickly, but the Nine-Tails' eyes flashed.

"This is the time!" The big nails stabbed at Naruto.

But what was surprising was that Kushina and Minato actually helped Naruto block the attack.

Blood continued to flow from the abdomens of the two.

"I said it, this is a father's duty! "

"But mothers should fulfill this obligation even more."

Minato chuckled and used the summoning technique again to summon a toad.

But this toad was quite strange, shaped like a spring.

"Nine-tailed Fox!" Toad-Yin was frightened as soon as he came out.

"Toad-Yin, I'll give you the key to the seal, and then let Jiraiya-sensei keep it for you!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen outside the seal has understood: "So that's it, he plans to let that child become a Jinchūriki to protect the village!"

"Kushina, it's almost time to activate the Eight Diagrams Seal, I also want to leave some chakra on Naruto! If you have anything to say, say it now!"

Kushina was extremely weak and could only speak with difficulty at this moment.

"Naruto, don't be picky about food"

"Eat enough every day and grow up quickly!"

"Take a bath every day! ”

“Also, don’t stay up late, make sure you get enough sleep, and make friends. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have many friends, just a few good friends are enough”

“Although I’m not good at it, you should study hard and practice ninjutsu, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Even if you don’t learn well, don’t worry”

“You should respect the teachers and seniors in the training class. There is one more important thing, about the three prohibitions of ninjas. First, you can borrow money at will when you are not hungry, and you should save up the rewards for the missions. You can’t drink until you are 20 years old, but you can’t drink too much”

“There are three more prohibitions that are most important Women, because mothers are women, may not understand very well, in short, there are men and women in this world, you will be interested in women sooner or later, but don't be entangled by strange women, by the way, speaking of this, you must be careful of Jiraiya teacher"

"Naruto, you will encounter a lot of things in the future, but you must stick to your heart and have your own dreams..."

Kushina burst into tears.

"I obviously have a lot of things to say to you, I want to grow up with you, I want to watch you grow up..."

"It's almost time, Kushina!"

Minato whispered: "Eight Trigrams Seal!"

The scene ends, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion ends

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