The video ended.

Shimura Danzo sighed. In the end, he still died. It was a pity that Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke did not die.

He knew that if Uchiha Sasuke did not die, he would be the next to die. Once Sasuke got the reward, he would probably be the first to be killed.

He had already thought of his last words.

But what he did not expect was that he could still think of Sarutobi Hiruzen before he died. It seemed that Sarutobi Hiruzen had a profound influence on him.

How to say it, they are indeed close friends, but the way they get along with each other is a little strange. Both of them want each other's life. Sarutobi Hiruzen may not be obvious, but he wants Sarutobi Hiruzen's life all the time, so that he can become Hokage.

Hokage Office

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent, constantly puffing on the pipe in his hand. He knew what kind of person he was better than anyone else. He was too indulgent to Danzo, which led to the current situation.

Of course, he admitted that it was because the two grew up together and experienced too many things after adulthood. He cherished the friendship between him and Danzo very much, and he also let go of some of the things Danzo did.

On the other hand, it was indeed as Danzo said, there is not only sunshine in this world, but also darkness. Where the leaves are, there must be roots hidden in the darkness. Borrowing Danzo's hand did help him solve many things that he was not convenient to show up.

It can be said that Danzo has indeed made an indelible contribution to the current situation of Konoha Village, but the key is that Danzo is too cruel, does things by any means, and is extremely abnormal and unhealthy. He thinks he is the only choice to save the ninja world and strengthen Konoha, but the path he chose is wrong, and this mistake directly led to his life tragedy.

In short, Danzo is finished, and he does not intend to prevent others from taking revenge on Danzo. Next, it is time for him to collect Danzo's body.

"My old friend, your journey has come to an end," Hiruzen thought indifferently, and he also felt a little sad. He was the same. He didn't make many achievements, but he did a lot of wrong things.

He didn't know which day he would die at the hands of a young ninja. It was not a pity to die at the hands of a ninja. As a ninja, he should die in battle.

Sasuke had completely understood the truth about the extermination of the Uchiha clan at this time. Even though he was not clear about some small details, it was enough now!

"Old dog, I must kill you!" He was waiting for his reward to be issued. When the reward was issued, it was the time for Danzo to die.

Then he would go to Itachi, he would find Itachi back, and then the two of them would find a way to resurrect the people killed by the Uchiha clan. Now he understood Itachi's painstaking efforts, and it didn't matter to him whether others understood him or not.

Of course, he didn't care if others taught Itachi a lesson. Who told that guy to act on his own and not discuss with him at all? He grew up and didn't know anything.

He was extremely depressed. Although he still loved his brother, it was not much.

However, one thing to pay attention to when dealing with Danzo is Shisui's eyes. The information in the video has been leaked enough. Shisui's eyes have the most powerful illusion known so far, which can completely change a person's mind. Now Danzo's eyes should not have been used on others, so he must be careful, otherwise he will be illusioned by Danzo again, which will be ridiculous.

Fifty-seven years of Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku felt a toothache. Sasuke really killed Danzo. Good guy, there was originally a 0.01 hope of reconciliation with the village, but now it has become zero.

If it was according to Itachi's plan, wouldn't Danzo be dead? How could Danzo let Sasuke grow up? No matter from which aspect, things became complicated.

"Itachi, you are back?" Just as Fugaku was thinking hard, Itachi brought Shisui in from outside the door.

Fugaku's eyes lit up: "What do you think?"

He was asking his son. Although Shisui was very strong, he was obviously more obedient to Danzo than Itachi.

"Control Danzo!" Itachi said lightly. There was no other way. The video directly showed the scene of Sasuke killing Danzo. All the arguments he had thought of with the village were useless. He could only control Danzo.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly: "How to control?"

"Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan is enough! As long as we change Danzo's mind, everything will be fine!"

Uchiha Tiehuo and others hurriedly said: "How can this be?"

Uchiha Itachi said faintly: "Why not?"

Then he opened his eyes wide and said angrily: "Do you really think that my father and I don't know what you are thinking? If you want to seize power, you must at least have that strength? Do you think youDo you have any?"

His three-magatama Sharingan shot out a strange red light, which made several people tremble.

Uchiha Tiehuo trembled in his heart and hurriedly said: "Let's go! Little ghost, you will regret it sooner or later!"

"You will regret it! I tell you, if necessary, I will sell you in advance!" He said indifferently. As long as the people he cares about are safe, it is not impossible to sell these rebels to the village.

Shisui smiled bitterly on the side. He originally wanted to use a more peaceful method to resolve the conflict between the village and Uchiha, but now it seems that only some extraordinary means can be used.

He is a member of the Uchiha clan, and naturally does not want the Uchiha clan to become as described in the video, being slaughtered and leaving only Sasuke.

"Trouble you, Shisui!" Fugaku spoke sincerely. His Mangekyo Key also has such ability, and he has no headaches for a long time.

Shisui nodded and said: "It should be, I will find a way to apply the illusion to Danzo! But... Is there really no need to worry about the Third Hokage? "

Fugaku smiled: "Don't worry, the Third Hokage has no intention of exterminating our Uchiha clan. As long as we behave ourselves in the future, he won't say anything. As for Danzo, the problem is even smaller. Over the years, his hands have been too long, and the Hokage is not tired of it."

Shisui nodded, and took Itachi and the others to make a plan.

"It's a troubled time!" Fugaku sighed and entered the house.

Forty-seven years of Konoha.

Minato and Fugaku are looking for the so-called Uchiha stele.

"Minato, are you really sure you can solve the conflict between our clan and the village?" He spoke slowly, his tone full of worry. Seeing the tragic scene in the future, he didn't want the future to be the same.

Minato said: "I can't say for sure, but I will try my best! I will do my best to change the village's view of the Uchiha clan! "

Fugaku gave a bitter smile. It was not that easy. It was not just the village leaders who disliked the Uchiha. There were also other big families or villagers in the village who disliked the Uchiha. It was not easy for Minato to change it alone.

However, he could only believe that Minato had the ability, otherwise the Uchiha clan would only repeat the tragedy.

Minato didn't know what to say. He knew that everything he said now was empty talk. The only thing that could make Fugaku feel at ease was that he would really do something after becoming Hokage.

"Found it!" Fugaku's joyful voice came. They finally found the secret Uchiha stele in the dark Uchiha clan land.

At the same time, they called Minato. The two stood in front of the stele. Minato frowned. Sure enough, without the power of the Sharingan, it was indeed impossible to interpret the stele.

"Can you see anything? "Minato said.

Fugaku shook his head, then opened his Sharingan, the three magatama kept turning in his eyeballs, and soon a smile appeared on his face.

"I see!"

Then he opened the Mangekyo again, staring closely at the words on the stone tablet, his face gradually became horrified.

"Sure enough, this Uchiha stele really contains a big secret!"

Fugaku was shocked and read it carefully.

The beginning of Konoha.

Uchiha Madara stared at Senju Tobirama, I didn't expect that Danzo was Tobirama's disciple, interesting, so to speak...

Senju Tobirama shuddered and said hurriedly: "Don't look at me, it's definitely not my instruction! "

"Besides, if you Uchiha clan behaved properly in the village, how could I be so crazy as to instruct my disciples to destroy the Uchiha clan?"

Senju Hashirama also nodded: "Indeed, Tobirama is not that kind of person. You should calm down, Mada, as for the future, it has changed. Our future will not be like this!"

Hmph! He snorted coldly and said nothing.

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