This was a war about the ninja world. At that moment, Obito lost his mind because he saw an absolutely impossible future.

After the battle of Kanna-shi Bridge, he returned to Konoha Village and became Hokage because of his outstanding achievements.

This was clearly an impossible future. At that moment, he lost his mind.

The huge sword seized the opportunity and slashed Obito's body, leaving a scar. Then, the chakra of the nine-tailed beast instantly rushed out of his body.

The nine-tailed beast shouted excitedly: "Just as I thought, your attack caused the resonance of the chakra of the tailed beast! Next is tug-of-war!"

Obito, who was in mid-air, was in a daze. He couldn't understand why he was hit by this attack.

"No, there is no chakra for the eight-tailed and one-tailed. I can't pull out their chakra." Naruto immediately became anxious. It was not easy to get to this step. I can't give up all my previous efforts.

At this moment, Gaara fell from the sky, and a large amount of sand tightly grabbed the chakra of the one-tailed.

"I was originally Shukaku's Jinchūriki, and his chakra is from me! Come here, Shukaku!"

There was determination in his eyes. Although he was tortured by Shukaku, under the influence of Naruto, he had long since let go of his hatred for Shukaku. It can even be said that he also longed for the relationship between Naruto and the Nine-Tails, but now there is no chance, because he is no longer a Jinchūriki.

Killer Bee also rushed to the place where the Eight-Tails Chakra was, and his big tentacles tightly pulled the Eight-Tails Chakra.

"Everyone pull hard, as long as the tailed beast chakra is pulled out, that guy will only be left with an empty shell, and the sacred tree will not be able to bloom!"

At the same time, the attack form transformed by the sacred tree also stopped, and Shikamaru used Ino's technique to convey his thoughts to everyone.

Everyone also understood at this moment that now they only need to defeat Obito with a final push. They ran towards the war with all their strength, hoping to contribute to the tug-of-war.

The picture turned, because of the connection of chakra, Naruto saw Obito's past, which was very similar to his past.

However, Obito was once again publicly executed because the scene of him kissing a photo was released again.

Ah buy a building, that's enough, Uchiha Obito roared in his heart, and kept looking at Lin carefully. After finding that Lin was not abnormal, he was relieved, but he almost hated this system now. He was about to forget this scene, but now he remembered it again. This death tasted really bad.

In the video

As Naruto got to know Obito more and more deeply, his heart became more sad. Tears slowly flowed from his eyes. Was it sympathy or something else? Perhaps Naruto didn't understand at this moment.

"Naruto, the connection of chakra can let you see his memory, be careful not to be confused!"

Naruto suddenly came back to his senses, and then turned his head to see that thousands of ninja troops came behind them, and Namikaze Minato also came to the tug-of-war scene using Flying Thunder God, and the Nine-Tails Chakra extended into a long golden line.

"Everyone, pull my chakra, let's work together!"

So, this scene was staged. Thousands of people tug-of-war with one person. This is very unfair. Obito, the 63rd of Konoha, roared in his heart.

A bunch of bastards, a group of messengers who think they are righteous, are now bullying me who is alone. It's too much!

Damn it, I should have killed you all earlier. Sure enough, I am still too kind. It seems that I still haven't abandoned my original intention.

Obito sighed rarely, kind people will definitely be rewarded, and the victory of this war will definitely be me.

The picture changed again and came to the consciousness space again.

Chakra is a kind of power that connects hearts, and it is even more vividly displayed at this moment.

Naruto and Obito stood facing each other, they were all alone.

But soon, more and more people appeared behind Naruto, more and more, thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, and Obito slowly looked back, no one.

He was still alone, and the growth process of a young boy had left him far behind.

He stared at Naruto closely, and the old eyes inherited from the Uchiha ancestors appeared again. At this moment, Naruto became like him.

He murmured to himself: "I, do I regret it?"

"You said I am no one, and I don't want to be anyone." Naruto said lightly, but Obito was anxious.

"Shut up, don't enter my heart!"

He was anxious, he was anxious, countless people laughed in their hearts, this scene was undoubtedly interesting, Obito used to kill gods and demons, and he looked like the boss of the sky, the second of the earth, and me the third, but at this time he was forced into a desperate situation by Naruto, and even threw a tantrum like a child.

Such a sense of contrast is impossible not toEveryone laughed. People who were familiar with Obito said that this guy's heart had not changed at all.

"Actually, you want to be Hokage just like me! If the situation was different, maybe I would chase you because I also want to be Hokage!"

"That was just the past that I abandoned. What's the point of you saying it now?" Obito shouted to give himself courage.

"But why did you still see that scene? You were once a friend of Kakashi, a disciple of my father, a member of the Uchiha clan like Sasuke, a senior with the same dream as me, and a ninja of Konoha Village"

Obito was anxious and waved his hand fiercely, saying, "What do you mean? What do you want to do to me?"

"I mean, you are Uchiha Obito!"

Then his face suddenly changed, and he pointed his index finger at Obito in front of him, and said angrily, "I said I would take off your mask!"

In the sixty-third year of Konoha, Uchiha Obito was completely confused. He actually regretted it? This unrealistic reality made him speechless. He had imagined many scenarios of his failure, but he had never thought of regretting it.

He knew that he didn't need to watch it next, he would definitely lose. A ninja's life cannot regret. The slightest distraction in the center of the battle would make this battle go to an unpredictable point.

And now the degree of his inner wavering has made him unable to believe that he will definitely lose the next battle.

"Will I regret it? Lin!" He touched his chest and muttered to himself. Deep in his heart was the curse cast by Uchiha Madara. He knew that he didn't know what this curse was controlling him, but no matter what it was, he had to find a way to erase it.

In fact, when he saw this scene, he was also a little shaken in his heart. Would the infinite moon reading really be right?

Now that the system has descended on the ninja world, he can completely use the resurrection coin to resurrect Lin and return to Konoha Village.

But he finally came to this step, and he was really reluctant to turn back. He wanted to see how far he could go in the video.

Can his persistence bring him the fruits he deserves.

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