Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 004 Tobirama: I Chose Sarutobi As Hokage, The Village Is Very Good Now!

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

【Senju Tobirama】: I wanted to take a serious look at the rules that appeared in front of me.

【Senju Tobirama】: But I have to admit that the guy who made my head big by yelling is indeed the big brother.

【Senju Tobirama】: Aniga, I am indeed Tobirama here.

[Senju Hashirama]: That's amazing.

【Senju Hashirama】: After I died, I appeared in a small shabby house with nothing in it.

【Senju Hashirama】: Let me sigh, is this the afterlife world?

【Senju Hashirama】: I was deceived. After death, people are not reunited with their ancestors, but are divided into small houses.

【Senju Hashirama】: Just in a small shabby house, and then the time passed like this, and the time seemed to never pass.

【Namikaze Minato】: Is this the case here too? But the house I was assigned to was better and not broken.

【Senju Hashirama】: Are you?

[Namikaze Minato]: Well, I'm Namikaze Minato, Fourth Hokage, and I saw a picture of you two on the wall of the Hokage office building.

【Namikaze Minato】: It turns out that you are exactly the same as in the photo.

【Senju Tobirama】: Because my eldest brother died in his 40s, and I also died in my 30s.

【Namikaze Minato】: Ah this...

【Senju Hashirama】: Tobirama, don't be so fierce. By the way, you are the Fourth Generation, so Konoha is already the Fourth Generation?

【Senju Tobirama】: Not only that, isn't this a Sixth Hokage who doesn't speak?

【Senju Tobirama】: Let me see, Sixth Hokage Kakashi.

【Namikaze Minato】: Kakashi! Kakashi... are you dead too?

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: Um... this, how do you say it? I shouldn't be dead.

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: Let's read the content in front of you.

Kakashi himself was dazed.

But he thinks he might have fallen into an illusion.

Because not only the teacher Namikaze Minato, but First Generation Nidaime are there...that's an exaggeration.

Mingming was told that Naruto was the teacher's child, but Naruto was treated like that, and now he actually met Minato-sensei...

Kakashi felt unusually tangled.

【Namikaze Minato】: So it is, it seems that those of us who died died, and then we met this small group and then appeared here.

[Senju Hashirama]: The existence of this small group ignores the past, future, present, and even death in space and time. Good Haki's rhetoric.

【Senju Tobirama】: Well...and the point is...what does the group of descendants and descendants mean here?

【Senju Tobirama】: Does this mean that we are all juniors? If it's Minato or Kakashi, it's both Fourth Generation and Sixth Generation.

【Senju Tobirama】: But my eldest brother and I are First Generation and Second Hokage.

【Senju Tobirama】: Are we not senior enough?

【Namikaze Minato】: Well... what Nidaime said is true.

【Namikaze Minato】: And the Kage-level is the threshold, the standard of this small group is very high.

【Namikaze Minato】: And what I'm concerned about is what happened to Kitahara Hitoshi who broadcasts three hours a day?

【Senju Tobirama】: Who is Kitahara Hitoshi?

【Senju Tobirama】: Now Minato you are Fourth Hokage, and Kakashi Sixth Generation, is Kitahara Hitoshi the Fifth Hokage?

【Namikaze Minato】: This group requires Kage-level to join. Kakashi, you have improved.

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】:  …

Kakashi is still stunned.

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: Ah...

Kakashi, however, let out a cry.

【Namikaze Minato】: What's wrong Kakashi?

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: I sensed my body, fell to the ground, and was taken to Konoha Hospital by Iruka.

【Namikaze Minato】:…

【Namikaze Minato】: So you're still alive?

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: Hmm. I'm alive……

【Namikaze Minato】: That said, this group is really amazing.

【Namikaze Minato】: Then those of us who have passed away can appear here that is, we are brought here as spirit bodies.

【Namikaze Minato】: Then the unpleasant reaction of the soul leaving the body will appear on Kakashi's side.

Minato began to analyze.

【Namikaze Minato】: Oh, wait a minute!

【Senju Tobirama】: What happened?

Tobirama found this Fourth Hokage to be very good and very analytical.

【Namikaze Minato】: Since we are dead, and Kakashi is now grown up and still alive, then it will be more than ten years after my death.

【Namikaze Minato】: So...doesn't that mean that we have a chance to get in touch with the current situation of the village through Kakashi?

【Namikaze Minato】: And the live broadcast here means that you can see the scene around this person called Kitahara Hitoshi.

【Namikaze Minato】: Then you can see the village too.

【Senju Hashirama】: Makes sense! I also want to see how the village has developed!

Hashirama, who is not very articulate, starts to talk, and at the same time gets a little excited.

As First Hokage, the beginning of it all, he passed away too early to see how the village was developing.

So he was looking forward to it.

[Senju Tobirama]: I chose Sarutobi as Third Hokage, and then I asked Danzo and the others to assist, so the current village must be very good.

Senju Tobirama suddenly became excited.

【Namikaze Minato】: Ah...then I also want to see how my son is doing.

【Namikaze Minato】: I sealed Nine Tails into his body before I died. I don't know how now.

【Namikaze Minato】: Because Naruto has Nine Tails and the blood of the Uzumaki clan, the current development is also very good.

【Namikaze Minato】: Kakashi, how is the situation with Naruto?

【Sixth Hokage- Kakashi】: Ah this...

Kakashi's head was as big as a cow in an instant.

[Tick! system hint. ]

[Kakashi has been disconnected]

【Namikaze Minato】:? ? ?

【Senju Hashirama】:? ? ?

【Senju Tobirama】:…

【Namikaze Minato】: So, is Kakashi's disconnection normal or abnormal?

【Senju Tobirama】: Minato, what do you mean?

【Namikaze Minato】: Kakashi is my disciple, and this disciple used to be more introverted, but his heart is good.

【Namikaze Minato】: And if it was just because of the small group, then there is nothing to say.

【Namikaze Minato】: But if he goes offline...

【Namikaze Minato】: Then maybe it means...

【Namikaze Minato】: Kakashi can't answer, which means that things are so bad that he dare not answer.

? ? ? ?

The group was stunned for a moment.

[Tick! ]

At this time, everyone found that a video appeared in the center of the small group.

[Today's share of Kitahara Hitoshi's 3-hour live broadcast begins! ]

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