Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 051 Kaguya Ji: Black Zetsu, don't talk nonsense, I am voluntary! (Please order first)

"That's all the family member information is currently available."

"And I like my ninja so much that I won't give it to anyone.""

Kitahara Hitoshi stopped and gave the Anbu his message.

But what he said made Black Zetsu feel a little fuzzy.


"No more...cough..." Moonlight Gale, played by Black Zetsu, pretended to cough-cough twice.

It should be said that Black Zetsu is worthy of being the best actor. Even if he plays Moonlight Gale, he is in one step and reproduces the short life and coughing scenes of Moonlight Gale.

And that's why it can fool Uchiha Madara, and then cheat Uchiha Obito from Uchiha Madara.

Great acting.


"You asked too much information.

"It's also too targeted.

"So it's easy to be suspicious."

"It was fine this time, but don't do it next time," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

Saying so, Kitahara Hitoshi patted the shoulder of Moonlight Gale, played by Black Zetsu.




Moonlight Gale, played by Black Zetsu, looked at Kitahara Hitoshi in astonishment, but Kitahara Hitoshi only left him with a back.

But... this move made Black Zetsu react...

Could it be said that its identity has been exposed!

Kitahara Hitoshi knew it was a fake, knew it wasn't Moonlight Hayate, and then deliberately leaked information about Shinobu, Kaguya, to it.

Isn't it?

Black Zetsu found himself exposed.

And this moment. Inside the small group.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_−) chat group]

[Big pillar Hanhan]: @ Kakashi, do you know this Anbu?

【Kakashi】: Hmm. This is the moonlight blast. His strength is not very strong, but he is good at shield penetration, so he was promoted to special Jōnin by the Third Generation program.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Special Jōnin? What is this?

【Namikaze Minato】: When I think about it, there seems to be no such statement in my period.

【Senju Tobirama】: I haven't heard of it either.

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama used to be a model for all ninja villages, such as the ninja school, the Chūnin exam, and the classification of ninjas, etc., all learned from him.

So it can be used as a benchmark.

【Kakashi】: Especially Jōnin, how do you say it?

【Kakashi】: Like Sarutobi Asuma, the son of Third Generation, who is Konoha Jōnin, and I am Elite Jōnin. A Guy is also an Elite Jōnin. Elite Jōnin is easy to understand, the elite of Jōnin.

【Kakashi】: But there is a special category in this one which is special Jōnin.

【Kakashi】: Refers to a ninja who is very talented in a certain area, so he was specially promoted to become a Jōnin and received the treatment of Jōnin.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: That's right.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Eh...

However, after listening to the explanation Hashirama sighed.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Your Excellency Hashirama, why are you sighing?

Ohnogi participated in the topic.

Because...the ninja of Konoha is being exposed and broadcast live.

For Iwagakure of Ohnogi, it was a way to get other ninja villages.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Eh...

【Tobirama の record】: Hashirama, he is sighing, Konoha is now worrying about the number and level of ninjas.

【Senju Tobirama】: Eh…

And Tobirama sighed.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Then why did Your Excellency Second Hokage Tobirama sigh?

【Senju Tobirama】:...I sigh that Danzo is not saved, Sarutobi is doing nothing, and instead it keeps expanding in this disgraceful aspect of the village.

【Senju Tobirama】:

This sentence actually left everyone speechless.


In particular, the appearance of Jōnin represents the lowering of the threshold of Jōnin.

Then it also explained... Konoha has no talent.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce talents without sticking to one pattern.

【Kakashi】: But what do these words from Kitahara-kun mean?

【Namikaze Minato】: Is there a problem with Moonlight Gale's identity?

【Kakashi】: Well, Minato-sensei, you can see it too.

【Kakashi】: I am also wondering if there is something wrong with Moonlight Blast. The question he asked just now was indeed too many, could it be said that he has been bought by Danzo?

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

【Dazhuzi Hanhan】: Mr. Black Zetsu, what happened to you?

【Duiko Black Zetsu】: Well, nothing.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

What else can Mr. Black Zetsu do?

It is of course dual use in Isshin.

For it, this small group is indeed poisonous, because of Kitahara Hitoshi's two words, its stunt acting skills were immediately doubted.

If they now arrange for Kakashi to find Moonlight Blast, its acting will be cold.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】: Speaking of – come on.

Black Zetsu decides to give his false identity a swipe, that is, to change the subject.

【Takako Black Zetsu】: Kitahara Hitoshi can find the Sharingan in Danzo's right hand so quickly, why is that?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Why...

【Senju Tobirama】: Isn’t it clear from the analysis?

【Senju Tobirama】: Big brother, I told you to take a serious look at the system instructions.

【Senju Tobirama】: Read the explanation of the system by yourself.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Eh??

【Senju Tobirama】: Let’s see for yourself, Mizukage has already ended up in person before, doesn’t that explain everything?

【Fifth Mizukage- Terumi Mei】:Hehe...

【Senju Tobirama】: I am not complimenting you.

【Fifth Mizukage- Terumi Mei】: Okay, Second Mizukage-sama.

【Senju Tobirama】: Don't call me that!

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】...

Ohnogi thinks that Mizukage is very daring at this time, doesn't everyone know that Second Hokage Senju Tobirama is in a rage because of what happened with Danzo and Sharingan before?

Then Mizukage actually dared to make fun of Second Generation directly.

What is this based on?

Obviously just as cowardly as him before.

【The big pillar is silly】:

On the other hand, the big pillar quickly came up with a systematic explanation that can be counted in water words.

[This group links the past, the future, the present, ignoring time, space,]

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: That is to say, little Kitahara Hitoshi may be from the future?

【Senju Tobirama】: It seems that you are not too stupid, Aniga.

【Senju Tobirama】: And even if he is not from the future, he has the potential to make this group system give such a high rating...

【Senju Tobirama】: What does this mean?

【Senju Tobirama】: Even if the building is about to collapse, or has already collapsed, as long as you have Kitahara Hitoshi, you can still get up - come back.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: That's right.

Onogi understood.

That's why Mizukage Terumi Mei dared to have a presence.

Because Terumi Mei is not Second Hokage, but Kitahara Hitoshi.

And she's now guaranteed a good relationship with Kitahara Hitoshi.

So she dared to speak, then the person standing behind was Kitahara Hitoshi.

In other words... Terumi Mei saw it early in the morning, the past ninja world looked at Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and the current ninja world looked at Kitahara Hitoshi.

Indeed, with that kind of combat power, he couldn't stand it at all.

Not even that old guy from Third Raikage, or now Fourth Raikage.


Lying – trough.

And Ohnogi just found out... This guy Mizukage stole away!

【Namikaze Minato】: Is Kitahara-kun the future?

【Namikaze Minato】: I agree with this statement.

【Namikaze Minato】: And if I follow the purpose of Third Generation, I can't imagine what the future of my Mingbao will be.

【Namikaze Minato】: Or maybe even if he finally achieved his goal, he finally became Hokage, but... there must be a lot of hardships.

【Namikaze Minato】: So, if I want to say now, Kitahara-kun is the future of my Mingbao.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: That's it...

【Senju Tobirama】: Eh!

【Senju Tobirama】: Sarutobi was not saved, and Danzo...was the same, and mixed with the two of them, and then they were still advisors for so long, so Koharu and Mitokado Homura are not good either.

【Senju Tobirama】: really has to be replaced by a young man.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kakashi, what do you think if I promote you to become Sixth Hokage?

: Huh? Can I?

Kakashi was taken aback.

【Senju Tobirama】: I want Kitahara Hitoshi to be the Fifth Generation character, but I'm worried that he doesn't like so many things about Hokage.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Huh? Does Hokage have to do so much?

【Senju Tobirama】: Big brother, shut up. When you were Hokage, you ran around because of too many chores and was caught by me.

【Senju Tobirama】: When I was Hokage, I also made various detailed classifications. According to the current development model, the documents that Hokage has to deal with should become more and more.

【Namikaze Minato】: In this case, I can testify that when I was Hokage, the files to be processed were as high as three Kakashi.

【Senju Tobirama】: Yeah, so Kakashi, I'm 99% sure that Kitahara Hitoshi will refuse.

【Senju Tobirama】: And the reason for rejection is that being Hokage has too many clutter to deal with.

【Kakashi】: Uh...

Kakashi seemed to react.

【Kakashi】: Uh... so am I doing chores?

【Senju Tobirama】: Then be a secretary. It is very strange that there are two Hokages in one ninja village. Although the Third Generation and Fourth Mizukage were together before, the Third Generation project is ultimately the master, so Minato is really a pity.


【Kakashi】: Ah this...

Kakashi found himself so close to Hokage and slipped away so fast.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kakashi, you can only promise, don't forget that you almost became a traitor by assassinating Third Hokage.

【Kakashi】: Hmm...

【Kakashi】: Wait a minute, Nidaime, didn't you not pursue it before?

【Senju Tobirama】: One yard is one yard. If you succeed in assassinating Sarutobi, but Danzo's virtue, Konoha may not be better than it is now.

【Kakashi】: Ah this...

Tobirama is not only rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but even Danzo.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

Mr. Black Zetsu's mouth was now open-mouthed, and he found himself speechless.

Originally, I wanted to say that everyone's attention would be taken away from its fake Moonlight Blast, but how did it only take a few words, and then it developed into what it is now?

He became Tuogu in Baidicheng.

Is becoming Fifth Hokage a certainty?


Black Zetsu is suspicious that Kitahara Hitoshi read the script.

Because things are moving so fast.

Like the fact that Danzo has Sharingan... Actually, Black Zetsu knew about it.

Because Danzo's Sharingan is 80% of the time when Uchiha exterminated the clan, Danzo picked it up.

The reason why it is said to be picking up junk is that it sees a whole side of Sharingan on the Obito's collection wall.

3-Tomoe, 2-Tomoe, even Mangekyō.

Instead of Danzo being exposed - the junk of 1-Tomoe and 2-Tomoe.

And while the small group confirms that Kitahara Hitoshi owns Rinnegan, it's easy to see through the Sharingan under Danzo's bandage.

But, didn't everyone say that Kitahara Hitoshi's Sharingan just woke up recently?

It's also related to Shinobi... that is, Kaguya-sama.

So the possibility that he discovered Danzo's anomaly through Rinnegan is not very high, it should have been known earlier.

Wait a minute, could it be that Kitahara Hitoshi really read the script?

Although it's not a good thing to say.

But at this moment, Black Zetsu had an idea.

That is... If Kitahara Hitoshi is really from the future, can he tell it, when will it unlock the seal of Kaguya?

A thousand years later... Black Zetsu would feel like a long time too.

So if you come across a prophet... Black Zetsu really considers asking.

Because it has been a single machine for a thousand years.

But now, hurry up and complete your task.

The dutiful son Black Zetsu obtained the identity of Moonlight Blast not to investigate Kitahara Hitoshi alone, but what it needs most is... Is Kitahara Hitoshi's ninja really its mother?

For Black Zetsu.

It has worked hard for thousands of years to lift the seal of its mother, so it is a filial son who has not seen his mother for a thousand years.


Now that you can get traces of Kitahara Hitoshi while it's still live, hurry up and stagger away from him and find your mother.


Black Zetsu came to Konoha's other big target - Black Zetsu to find her mother.

But considering safety, it is also waiting for a chance to stagger with Kitahara Hitoshi.

Because, if Kitahara Hitoshi discovers Kaguya's identity and imprisons him, then... Black Zetsu can't beat him.

Difficulty Moment SSS+

And now, the live video in the small group is still changing.

Kitahara Hitoshi was found by the real Anbu Yamato and was led to the office building, but soon, Third Generation, Danzo, Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura also acted together, and they all went to the end valley in the back mountain together. .

And along the way, Kitahara Hitoshi didn't say anything about being intercepted by the moonlight blast.

This made Black Zetsu feel more and more that Kitahara Hitoshi must have seen through it.

So maybe if you miss this one time, then you won't have the chance to contact the mother again.

【Senju Tobirama】: It seems that Sarutobi really made a choice.

【Senju Tobirama】: This is the only way to deal with it.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kakashi.

Tobirama's voice seemed a little heavy, but Kakashi knew it must be a big deal.

【Senju Tobirama】: After the Chūnin exam is over, the mission to assassinate Sarutobi is performed.

【Kakashi】: Huh...?

【Kakashi】: Second Generation... What are you talking about?

【Senju Tobirama】: You were bewitched by Danzo in the past, so there must be something wrong in your heart.

【Senju Tobirama】: We have been together these days too. According to Kitahara Hitoshi's illusion library, we have known each other for sixty years.

【Senju Tobirama】: So I still know your character.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kitahara Hitoshi mentioned earlier as the Fifth Generation project, and you, as his secretary, also considered your evaluation.

【Senju Tobirama】: I see people...

Tobirama seemed to laugh at himself.

【Senju Tobirama】: I used to see people very inaccurately, but... I really hope that this time I don't see people wrong again.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kakashi, I entrust my hope to you. You have a grudge against Sarutobi, so do it.

【Senju Tobirama】: But, I have entrusted Konoha to you, so don't let me down again.

【Kakashi】: Second Generation Lord...

【Senju Tobirama】: So, let’s assassinate Sarutobi after this Chūnin exam.

【Senju Tobirama】: The hesitation of the old man and Sarutobi is different, the old man is very decisive.

【Senju Tobirama】: Cut the mess with a quick knife, and use the heavy code in troubled times. The building of Konoha has already fallen.

【Senju Tobirama】: We need to make a substitution.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: quiet, the two of you. I can't even hear what Danzo Sarutobi are saying.

【Senju Tobirama】: Well, Aniga.


Now that Xiao Qun is in the live broadcast, Second Generation immediately explained that the mission was not very good.

Furthermore, if Kakashi was to assassinate Sarutobi, Kitahara Hitoshi would not be able to directly ascend.

If you think about it this way, you really have to prepare for it.

And watch live.

Kitahara Hitoshi followed Third Generation to the end valley.

The Valley of the End has two huge statues carved out of stone.

That's First Hokage and Uchiha Madara.

"This is where First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, the first ancestor of the Uchiha clan, fought.

Third Generation said.

"First Generation used Wood Style and beat Uchiha Madara.

"And Kitahara-kun."

"I know. Your sense of belonging to Konoha is not very strong..." Third Generation said.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_−) chat group]

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Namikaze Minato】:

【Fifth Mizukage- Terumi Mei】: Hahahaha…

Originally it was just to watch a play, but Terumi Mei couldn't help laughing.


The Second Hokage side has already started to publicly announce the assassination of the Third Generation, but the Third Generation side is good...

Actually started - started to say something ugly, isn't that pushing Kitahara Hitoshi out?

You know, Kitahara Hitoshi has withstood the temptation of Terumi Mei, and as a result, the stupid X of Third Generation deliberately pushed people out.

Sure enough...

Bringing good things to the village - I didn't do anything, or I couldn't do it if I wanted to.


On the contrary, he created an enemy for the village Sarutobi was the first.

Tobirama now suspects that if Sarutobi is a Hokage for another two years, then the now precarious Konoha will disappear immediately.

【Senju Tobirama】: I want to draw Flying Thunder God Slash now.

【Tobirama の record】: Don't mention those names.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Huh? What did Izuna say?

【Tobirama の record】: Senju Tobirama used that thing when he killed me.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Ah this...

At this time, the Third Generation project seems to be just breaking sentences.

"I know you don't belong so strongly to Konoha. 99

"But I watched you grow up.

"Know that you won't bring anything bad to Konoha."

"I believe in your power."

"Once, Second Generation teacher entrusted Konoha to me.

'And now...'

"I hope I can entrust the village to you young people."

"I have been informed that this time, the three Kazuki children of Sand Shinobi Village, and Kazuki are not good people."

"It is likely to cause damage to the leaves.

"And the side of Yinin Village... is actually my unfilial disciple, the village of Orochimaru, he may have a grudge against me, so he may take my life in this Chūnin exam.


"This-time Chūnin exam, if I die..."


"The village will be handed over to your next generation." Third Generation said. "I believe in you, I believe in Naruto, I believe in Sasuke. 35

【Senju Tobirama】: I put back the big sword I drew.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: What does Third Hokage mean?

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Playing emotional cards?

【Kakashi】: Probably because I reported some information about Kitahara-kun, and after he played against Danzo, he got more information from Danzo.

【Kakashi】: At least he should know that Kitahara-kun has Rinnegan.

【Kakashi】: And even if you can't guess Rinnegan, then Naruto and Sasuke's ability to reach Jōnin in a few days is exaggerated.

【Kakashi】: So what do you think, Kitahara-kun is from Konoha again, so Third Generation hopes to draw him down.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Phew...

【Senju Tobirama】: It seems that Sarutobi saved his life by himself.

【Senju Tobirama】: Kakashi, I still say that, you can still find Sarutobi if you have grievances.

【Senju Tobirama】: But the assassination of him can be slowed down temporarily.

【Senju Tobirama】: Wait until...

【Kakashi】: So... After the Third Generation abdicates?

【Senju Tobirama】: Yes.

【Senju Tobirama】:...Minato...Are you trying to...rush Konoha?

【Namikaze Minato】:

【Namikaze Minato】:

【Namikaze Minato】: I don't know.

【Namikaze Minato】: But I hope Mingbao can live well.

【Namikaze Minato】: I feel sorry for him already.

So, are you going to rush Konoha in order to be worthy of your son?

However, Second Generation can say things like agreeing with Kakashi's assassination of Third Generation, but he cannot remain indifferent to what happened to Uzumaki Naruto.

Although he is not married and has no one he likes, he also has granddaughters.

It's the elder brother's granddaughter, A Gang.

If A Gang is treated like this...

Then... I need a fart Konoha, and every household in the village will have Tandem Paper Bombs posted.

The old man died for the village, and that's how you treat the old man's children?

【Senju Tobirama】: Actually Sarutobi is a fool.

【The man who kicked Uchiha Madara away in Eight Inner Gates】: What's the solution?

Might Guy is also online.

Or maybe he's funny enough to stop when he sees Second Generation mentioning Kakashi's past.

in order not to disturb their communication.

【Senju Tobirama】: When I chose Sarutobi as the Third Hokage, what I told him was [Sarutobi, starting tomorrow - you will be the Third Hokage]

【Senju Tobirama】:[Protect and guard those who believe in you]

【Senju Tobirama】:[Then nurture the next generation who can be entrusted]

【Senju Tobirama】: The key word in it is to protect and guard those who believe in him.

【Senju Tobirama】: What does this mean?

【Senju Tobirama】: This shows that the old man never wanted to lick those who did not trust the old man.

【Senju Tobirama】: So...

【Senju Tobirama】: I keep the Konoha, the Konoha who believes in Hokage and who is willing to build peace together. Not what Konoha likes BBB.

【Senju Tobirama】: Sarutobi is so weak as Hokage!

【Senju Tobirama】: If the core is not changed, the villagers can change it, right?

the other side.

Black Zetsu here.

He has reached his destination.

Since he was wearing Anbu's costume and Danzo was called away, the Roots wouldn't be out there.

So I thought that I might need a fight that I am not good at, but it didn't happen, and Black Zetsu arrived at the apartment where Kitahara Hitoshi lived.

It snapped up the window outside the apartment.

Looking down, you can see that someone has been squatting here for a long time.

It should be Yamato's.

It had wanted to come last night, but silly X Anbu, who didn't know where it came from, was always here, so it had to retreat.

Therefore, we can only look at the present opportunity.

And Kitahara Hitoshi was taken away by the Third Generation, so this is his only chance to meet his mother!

Black Zetsu slammed the window open and jumped right in.

In its eyes, a ninja rabbit can be seen staying under the table, and from the posture, it seems that a book on the table fell, and then it came down and picked it up.

So now claws are holding the edge of a book.

And it has noticed the Black Zetsu who suddenly broke in.

Ninja rabbit did only one thing.

Its red claws slipped, a black time gap, and its body translated directly into the gap.

"Wait a second! 35

Seeing that Shinobu actually wanted to run away, Black Zetsu hurriedly spoke.

"Mother Mother!"

""|| Compliment—"

But Black Zetsu didn't speak, it was better to hear its voice - the sound of Shinobi was panning faster.

"Lord Kaguya!

Black Zetsu quickly changed his words. "I am Black Zetsu!

"Your eldest son!"


Ninja rabbit.

66....Black Zetsu.

." Ninja Rabbit.

Ninja's body moved for a while, and it seemed that he continued to move into the open space-time gap.

"No, that's not what I look like!"

Black Zetsu quickly released the restraint.


Its stature changed immediately and became a black black mud creature.

It's like the pink octopus balls in the comics that have been cut open, but it's black.

It uses White Zetsu, and then uses White Zetsu's transformation ability to directly change into a moonlight blast.

Not only the appearance has changed, but the nature of Chakra has also changed.

Therefore, after becoming a prototype, there is a body of White Zetsu next to it.


Ninja's move to sneak into the gap of time only stopped.

Because... it recognizes this gesture of Black Zetsu.


"Looks like it's Kaguya-sama!"

"Sure enough, mom-"

Black Zetsu cried out in excitement.

But it only let out the wailing after a thousand years, only to find that the ninja raised a paw, as if to stop.

"Well, mother, you can't speak?"

Because it saw the ninja jumping on the table, and then holding a kitahara Hitoshi's pen in both claws and writing.

[insufficient strength]

[Maintaining this posture is already the maximum limit]

Ninja Rabbit wrote seriously.

"O..." Black Zetsu nodded.

If so, then understandable.

However, it found that the mother was not running away, but began to take out the paper and wipe the ground it slid over.


"Ah this..."

Black Zetsu finds out that the ninja is actually wiping its tracks.

"..." Black Zetsu.

Is it that dirty?

Black Zetsu felt a 10,000 hit.

After Shinobu had done these things, the space gap was reopened.

Then take out the paper and write on it.

[follow me]

"Okay!" Black Zetsu nodded immediately.

Watching Shinobi move in, and it doesn't doubt anything else, it immediately follows up.

In fact, this step is a bit risky.

For a thousand years, although it has put what Uchiha Madara, big pillars Indra, these fools don't want.

It means that everything is under your control.

But this space gap opened by Shinobi... If it goes in, is it possible that it will be locked-come?

So... are you going to fuck yourself up?


Open the gap, and Shinobi's head pops out.


"Ogasan—" Black Zetsu jumped in without any hesitation.

As a child who hadn't seen his mother for thousands of years, Black Zetsu couldn't resist his mother's eyes.

"Ah, my mother--"

Black Zetsu arrives at its destination and finds it a new space.

The figure of the ninja rabbit is gone, replaced by the image of the half-human Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

And this image is the familiar gesture that Black Zetsu was created for.

This is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"This is the space of the Aijia's space, and the Aijia can barely recover." Little Kaguya said. "But the current posture is just a mimetic."


Before Kaguya's image could stand up, Kaguya changed back to the shape of a ninja rabbit.


"Mother Mother!"

Black Zetsu spoke immediately.

"It seems that the posture can't be maintained."" Shinobu looked at himself and changed into a rabbit's claws.

"Ah this..." Black Zetsu asked cautiously, anyway, now that it has been confirmed that the mother is the real thing, then it is satisfied.

"Has your seal been lifted?"

"No." Shinobi replied directly.

66....99 Black Zetsu. "So...what's your current posture?

"Why did you, who was originally sealed, become what you are now.


"Aijia doesn't know either.

"In the dark seal, and when I opened my eyes, I found a rabbit."

"It fell at the entrance of Konoha's village and was picked up by someone. 35

Ninja rabbit explained, then looked at his claws.

"Perhaps, this is not the body of the Ai family.

"It's the same existence as you."

It is the same existence as Black Zetsu, so is it an insurance created using Yin-Yang escape?

"Ai's family can't be sure of the authenticity." Ninja Rabbit said.

"Really...then, mother, come with me!

"I'll find the safest place for you. Then stay away from this Kitahara Hitoshi." Black Zetsu said.

"No, Black Zetsu, don't interfere." Shinobi said (Zhao's). "To be precise, you must never touch Kitahara Hitoshi.


Black Zetsu exploded upon hearing the name.

"He kept you as a pet!

"He... at %small%...#%¥!?

Black Zetsu finds itself in

Is it banned by the system?

"Actually...%3478XV and then Mr. XX...

"..." Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu found that he couldn't say anything related to Xiaoqun, and this time it was silenced even more, and it turned into a license plate number directly.

Well, it admits it.

Besides, I'm afraid it can't even be broadcast.

"Then..." it continued. "That guy Kitahara Hitoshi is not a good boy, this guy keeps you as a pet.


"He actually wants to give you a bath!"





"After all, Aijia looks like a rabbit now.

"For him, Aijia is like a pet.


"Isn't it also recorded in pet books?"

Shinobi's hand - carrying a book that just fell to the ground.

[Want to have a good relationship with pets? Then start from these three points - let's start]

[1. Always spend time with your pet and keep it groomed without rubbing it. ]

[2. Often give pets food rewards, or interest rewards, and have a good relationship with it]

[3. Bathe it frequently and establish the relationship between the owner and the pet. ]

"..." Black Zetsu. "This……"

"He just treats Aijia as a pet," Shinobu said. "You'll understand if you want to replace it. finished product

"Wum..." Okay.

Since Kaguya-sama said so, then Black Zetsu can't stop it.

After all it's a mother, and it's just a child.

"But, mother, you said that you can't do anything to Kitahara Hitoshi..."

"how to say………"

"Black Zetsu, Aijia is voluntary, so please don't interfere.

"You may have noticed that his physique is very special. 35

"In this world without Yui and Hamura for a thousand years, ninjas appeared and developed ninjutsu, and many of today's ninjas are descendants of Yui."5

"After time washes away, the blood vessels are thin.


"Aijia did an experiment. Originally, he just bit a little girl from the Hyuga family, and then that guy actually split-split another-personality."

"Hey, although they are all white eyes, but those white eyes are hard to describe."

"But Kitahara Hitoshi was different, he was bitten by Aijia, and his body blood went straight back to his ancestors. 99

"He is gaining the power of Aijia.

"What!" Black Zetsu responded, "So, mother-sama...Are you trying to nurture Kitahara Hitoshi?"

"In the beginning - the idea was not very clear, it can only be said to follow the trend.

"But. 35 Ninja said." After reading books with him for decades and constantly adding knowledge, Aijia was convinced that this person must be him. ""


"He has the potential and the reason for the potential."

"You don't know he read a library book. 95

"This is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person.""

"Black Zetsu, have you read the book?" Shinobu asked.

Black Zetsu.

." Black Zetsu.

Do you study at Black Zetsu?

Black Zetsu's millennium time is either among the fools or on the road of fools, so let it read and it will not read.

It is not easy to be able to read.

Shinobu looked at Black Zetsu and seemed to think that the child was illiterate and didn't have much room for communication.

"Go back and read some more books."

"Aijia will go its own way."

"Don't bother.""

"Hmm..." Saying this, Black Zetsu found himself out of the space in the Heavenly Imperial Palace and returned to the apartment.

And refrained from continuing to read.

"..." Black Zetsu had to reconnect with White Zetsu, and then transformed into a moonlight blast.

Because, the live broadcast in the small group is about to end, and it can be seen from the live broadcast that Kitahara Hitoshi has left the end of the valley.

Then it's time to go home.

it has to go...


Black Zetsu suddenly felt strange.

Obviously his mother is here, but why is it going!?.

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