Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 054 Satisfy you Shouhe, I let Kaguya fight you! (Subscribe)

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Shouhe, you said it more clearly.

【One Tail・Shouzu】:Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

【One Tail・Shizuru】: It's terrifying!

【One Tail・Sorizuru】: Right in front of me, the ninja you said was Orochimaru disguised as being swallowed by lava.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Big Pillar Hanhan】:?

【Namikaze Minato】: So Kitahara-kun transferred you to a magma space?

【One Tail・Sorizuru】: Yes, before I could react, Orochimaru who played Anko and I appeared in this strange space.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: And Orochimaru who played Mitarashi Anko, he is gone.

【One Tail・Shouzu】: It's so scary, he was dissolved directly.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】: It seems that it is indeed in the lava.

【Senju Tobirama】: But why is Orochimaru gone?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Probably because of my thick skin.

【One Tail・Shouzuru】:...I'm soaking in the magma now, and it feels so hot, but it hasn't dissolved.

【Senju Tobirama】: Thick skin?

Everyone found a blind spot.

【Namikaze Minato】: Wait a minute, Morizuru, have you returned to your original appearance?

Tailed beasts and Jinchūriki are known to have a strange state.

The tailed beast can be sealed into the body of the ninja, so the ninja is called Jinchūriki.

And if it is well-controlled, Jinchūriki can use the tailed beast as a source of power. After all, the essence of the tailed beast is Chakra, so you can get a lot of Chakra.

And this can only be said to be in a good state after control.

Because the Chakra of the tailed beast that has been absorbed in this way is limited.

And if the tailed beast recognizes this Jinchūriki, then the tailed beast will agree to give more of his power to the ninja, so the ninja can get the tailed beast.

Instantly obtain the violent strength of the tailed beast, and quickly increase his speed, agility, and strength.

It's like opening a plug-in.

However, there is another state, that is, the ninja gave up resistance, so the tailed beast took the lead, so the tailed beast came out.

The ninja is inside the tail beast.

And now Shouhe said that his skin is thick... That is to say, Shouhe has obtained the last mode, has Gaara lost his consciousness as One Tail Jinchūriki?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Yes.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Huh? I've changed back to the way I used to be.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:????

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Labor and management are about to regain their freedom!

As a tailed beast that has always been sealed, Shouzuru is looking forward to being able to move freely again.

And now, such a difficult goal has been... achieved in an instant!

It's a go!

【Kurama】: Stupid civet cat.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:??

【One Tail・Shouzu】: What, stinky fox, are you envious of me?

【Kurama】: Hahaha...

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I'm back to my original state now.

【One Tail・Shouzu】: strength is still partly sealed because of Jinchūriki, but now I!

【Kurama】: Hahaha...

【Kurama】: Idiot civet cat, take a good look at your surroundings.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:Eh...

【One Tail・Shou Tsuru】: Lying-trough...

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I feel getting hotter and hotter.

【One Tail・Shouzuru】: The labor and management are still in the magma sea.

Shouhe responded quickly.

Want to be free?


So what about getting free in lava?

I don't want to - I want it!

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Then re-analyze -- next, the current state of Shouzuru is actually the little Kitahara Hitoshi who found out that Orochimaru faked Mitarashi Anko.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: So in order to prevent things from going wrong, we directly dealt with the fake Orochimaru.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Then, considering that Sand Shinobi Village might do something, did they directly seal their tailed beast weapons? "July 20"

【Namikaze Minato】: Yes, Shodai.

【Namikaze Minato】: The current state can be regarded as a one-time seal on Shuizuru.

【Namikaze Minato】: Because Morizuru has been quarantined.

【Namikaze Minato】: But from the description of Shukaku, the space it was transferred to is only the sea, and then the sea is lava, so it is very dangerous.

【Namikaze Minato】: But this can also ensure that Morizuru does not do anything.

【Namikaze Minato】: Because now it probably needs to do everything it can to keep itself.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】: So I said, what does it mean?

【One Tail・Shouzuru】: Didn't the labor and management say that the labor and capital will not hurt a tree of Konoha or even a flower?

【One Tail・Sorizuru】: Why did you put me here?

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: Well...after all, you promised us, but little Kitahara Hitoshi doesn't know.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Besides, he is very stable in doing so.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Not only did he deal with Orochimaru, who pretended to be the chief examiner, but also suppressed the arrogance of Sand Shinobi Village.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail Shoukaku】: So, am I the only one injured?

【Kurama】: Hahahaha... the taste of lava-roasted beasts is not bad.

【One Tail・Shouzu】: Stupid fox, you can come too if you have the ability.

【Kurama】: Well, I think so, but based on the relationship between Kitahara Hitoshi and Naruto, I don't think he would do such a trick to Naruto.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Is that so?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: So if Gaara and Kitahara Hitoshi get on well, then I don't have to encounter this?

[Kurama]: Maybe.

[Kurama]: But he probably won't care about you now.

[Kurama]: So you can do it yourself.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Huh!?

Shouhe blinked.

For it, the heat of the magma is very high now, but it is a tailed beast, and it still has a little resistance.

However, the temperature is still rising.

So Shouhe swam in the hot magma for a while, as if thinking about how to dissipate the heat.

And everyone focused their attention on the live broadcast of the small group.

After finding out that Orochimaru impersonated the chief examiner, Mitarashi Anko, it was discovered that Kitahara Hitoshi only made two moves.

1. He actively let his little white rabbit bite him.

Then it seemed as if a new ability had been awakened.

And this time, what awakened was Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's exclusive ability, the Royal Palace of Heaven.

Heaven's Royal Palace is a different time-space space directly opened up by Kaguya's pupil technique as an opening.

This is an operation and also a verification.

Kitahara Hitoshi has made it clear that his own ninja rabbit is the ultimate villain boss Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in the ninja world.

So, drawing its power from Ninja Rabbit again—unlocks Kaguya's powers.

If it can be turned on and linked to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's power, then his own ninja rabbit is definitely Ōtsutsuki Kaguya himself.

And if you fail, then your ability along the way is the welfare of the traveler.

And now the results are clear.

His own ninja rabbit is the real Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

He understands that he is gaining the power of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and judging from her past behavior pattern, making children is also to resist the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Then maybe it's time to cultivate him now.

After all, a thousand years have passed, and the sacred tree bears fruit once in a thousand years, so I think the people of the Ōtsutsuki clan may be coming.

However, Kaguya is obviously not as smart as Black Zetsu, because Black Zetsu also knows that his strength is not good, so he fooled Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara fooled Obito, and Obito fooled Nagato.

And on his side, Sasuke and Naruto also came to top the bag.

So maybe it's a bit too much, but on his side it's the power that he accepts, but the power is not from him.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

And looking at this, Black Zetsu actually has something to say.

Because it clearly saw that Kitahara Hitoshi used the power of Kaguya-sama this time - this time - actively, and then used the power of the sky.

The Shou Crane is a test item in the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

So at this moment, Black Zetsu doubted whether Kitahara Hitoshi saw through the identity of Kaguya-sama's ninja, and then deliberately accepted it completely.

But it didn't dare to ask.

Kaguya-sama kept it out of the way.


Black Zetsu never imagined that he would be a dutiful son for a thousand years and then be scolded by Kaguya-sama.

It's just a thousand years, and it's also true that it hasn't been done.

It's just an inside story - people can think, and this is not where the small group members who know nothing about the Ōtsutsuki clan are concerned about.

In other words, the Hokages of all dynasties are still most concerned about their Konoha.

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: But Kitahara Hitoshi's operation speed is very fast.

【The man who kicked Uchiha Madara away with Eight Inner Gates】: Huh?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Look, the examiner for the second Chūnin exam is still there, isn't it?

[The man who kicked Uchiha Madara away with the Eight Inner Gates]: Yes.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: But this is actually a Wood Style clone.

【Senju Tobirama】: Wood Style...A clone?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Yes, because I am also Wood Style, so I am very familiar with it. This is Wood Style clone.

【Namikaze Minato】: Shodai is right. Suddenly the fake Anko of Orochimaru was transferred away, so for ordinary candidates, the examiner is gone?

【Namikaze Minato】: Then how about the exam?

【Namikaze Minato】: Is the Chūnin exam forced to stop like this?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Yes, after little Kitahara Hitoshi transferred Orochimaru and Shouzuru away, he used the Wood Style clone at an extremely fast speed, and the Wood Style clone turned into a chief examiner, so he continued. Preside over the exam.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Sarutobi told him to deal with Sand Shinobi Village if there was a problem with Sand Shinobi Village, but just now Orochimaru pretended to be Anko, and things got bigger.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: As a result, after being manipulated by him like this, things became smaller directly.

With the sound of the big pillar, everyone continued to watch the video in the small group.

Because Kitahara Hitoshi's Wood Style avatar, Anko, is talking about the rules in a serious manner.

"Being Chūnin means that you will undertake more dangerous and important tasks.

"And the ninja needs two guarantees to complete the task. 55

"One, the ninja's ability to complete the task, and then the ability to do things on the task. 35

"Each team will receive a Book of Heaven and Earth, and the Book of Heaven and Earth is divided into two types: Heaven and Earth. 99

"And I'll only send you one copy."

"There were 145 people in total. That's 46 teams."

'Half of the team takes the Book of Heaven, and half of the team takes the Book of Earth.

"So you need to fight each other or collect the complete book of heaven and earth through other means."

"Your goal is the central tower, and you need to reach the central tower in three days."

"And another assessment, it is absolutely not allowed to open the scroll during this process."

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

【Namikaze Minato】: Generally speaking, Kitahara-kun does not know the rules of the exam.

【Kakashi】: Well, just now Orochimaru pretended to be Anko who opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, and then he was seen through and replaced by him.

【Kakashi】: But the rules he said now, the surrounding examiners supporting Anko didn't have any strange expressions.

【Kakashi】: This shows that what he said is correct.

【Kakashi】:So Kitahara Hitoshi peeked at the exam questions?!

【Namikaze Minato】: What are you thinking about Kakashi.

【Kakashi】: Well, I just said it casually.

【Senju Tobirama】: In other words, Kitahara Hitoshi really is... from the future?

【Senju Tobirama】: And...know everything!?


【 Senju Tobirama 】: Nine Tails, what do you want to say?

【Kurama】: No, no.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

Black Zetsu stared at Nine Tails.

It felt that Nine Tails should know some information about Kitahara Hitoshi's ninja little white rabbit, so it paused for a moment when Minato said that Kitahara Hitoshi knew everything.


Makes it feel a bit cumbersome now.

Because if the identity of the mother is exposed...

On the other hand, the Wood Style avatar used by Kitahara Hitoshi has completed his task, playing as Mitarashi Anko as the examiner of the second Chūnin exam - starting to distribute the Book of Heaven and Earth to the candidates.

However, before that, everyone needs to sign a responsibility letter.

Because the world of ninjas is not so kind, and they may lose their lives due to missions at any time, those who are not prepared are not qualified to be Chūnin at all.


Because the book of heaven and earth has not yet been obtained, it is considered that the examination has not yet officially started.

Then Kakashi, who is the guide for Jōnin, can sneak into the group of candidates.

So Kakashi was a little curious.

"It was hard work just now," Kakashi said. "But I'm a little curious, why do you continue to lead the exam?"

Temari and Kankuro were looking around because they couldn't find Gaara.

They must not have imagined that Gaara and Shouzuru are being kept by Kitahara Hitoshi in another space to cook hot pot.

And their guide, Jōnin Baki, also came here and started looking for Gaara.

Although no special treatment is required, Sand Shinobi Village is cold this time.

Because of the news from Third Generation and the others... Kaze is Orochimaru, so Sand Shinobi Village will be in a very dangerous situation after this Chūnin exam.

Especially now that even the tailed beast weapon Gaara is gone.

So the danger of Sand Shinobi Village has been lifted.

However, Kakashi is curious.

"Obviously just now I can use

"On the one hand, the face of Konoha needs to be preserved.

"It has a bad reputation for an examiner being impersonated as such. 55

"Also, Sasuke and Naruto are looking forward to this Chūnin exam.

"Then..." Kitahara Hitoshi paused, "Me too."

"—passed the exam. 35

"Then you can directly become Chūnin.

"I don't want to do a lot of Genin missions that don't make any sense," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

..." Kakashi.


He knew it.

Kitahara Hitoshi must be for himself.

So his personality is really like this...I don't want to be troubled.

At this point, Kakashi kind of understands why Nidaime said that if you want to nominate Kitahara Hitoshi as Fifth Hokage, you need someone to do the chores.

If someone does the chores, it might actually be possible to get him to work.

But it is.

Because in the past, Kitahara-kun obviously had that kind of knowledge, but what he showed was ordinary, ordinary, median-number.

So...he just wanted...the big guy to lead a new life and be very picky.

"..." Kakashi understood.

【Kakashi】: @寶涼, did you hear it? Kitahara-kun will take care of your question in a while.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Oh?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But it's so hot.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I think I can't take it anymore.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I don't want to be free, I want to change back to Gaara's appearance, seems that if I change back, Gaara is gone.

【Kakashi】:?? Morizuru, didn't you say your skin is thick?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But the temperature of the lava seems to be rising.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I am already using Chakra to resist.

【Namikaze Minato】: Huh?

【One Tail・Shouzu】: What is a word called...what is boiled in hot water...

【Senju Tobirama】: That's called boiled frog in warm water.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:Yes...

【One Tail・Shouzuru】: Originally, I thought the magma was fine, but now it feels wrong.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: So.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: @ Kakashi, remind Kitahara Hitoshi that I am still in the lava.


【Kakashi】: His Wood Style avatar has already started – the Book of Heaven and Earth has been distributed.

【Kakashi】: The exam is going on.

【Kakashi】: You wait a minute.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:%...

【One Tail・Shizuru】:...You all bully me like this.

【One Tail・Shouzu】: I have written down this hatred.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Shouhe, this hatred is not to be remembered.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shouzu】: Hmph, if you don't count, don't remember.

"Then it's your turn..."

The small team of Team 46 withdrew from the Sand Shinobi group because of Gaara's absence, and some teams also retreated.

In the end, only 33 teams continued to participate.

Kitahara Hitoshi and the seventh squad followed the entrance too - they were going to take the Book of Heaven and Earth and set off.

And [with luck], the Hinata -- an individual -- a team set out ahead of them.

So I should be able to form a team with her soon.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: That's right, this is the goal of little Kitahara Hitoshi pretending to be Anko.

[Da Zhuzi Hanhan]: Because as the chief examiner, you can make arrangements in the order in which candidates are admitted.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: It seems that he likes this little girl from the Hyuga family.

【Senju Tobirama】: Huh?

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Tobirama, it's okay if you don't understand.

【Senju Tobirama】:?!??

【Namikaze Minato】: Yes, but it should not be considered a violation.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Mmmm.

【Senju Tobirama】:??!?

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】: So, is it not over yet?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I can't last anymore.

[Kakashi]: ...I'll go and tell you a-.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Hmm...

Shouhe let out a whimper.


Hinata's one-man team has already set off, and Kitahara Hitoshi's seventh squad is also ready to set off.

"Wait a second." Kakashi hurried over.

"Kakashi-sensei, we are going to take the exam." Naruto was puzzled.

Because after Gaara disappeared just now, he and Sasuke were told that they no longer need to stare at Gaara, so they can take the Chūnin exam with peace of mind.

So the two - people engrossed in thinking - want to take the exam.

But Kakashi-sensei ran over and over again to interrupt.


"But..." Kakashi was a little embarrassed.

"But is Morizuru really okay?" Kakashi asked Kitahara Hitoshi in a low voice.

"Shizuru, lock it up alone- here it is," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"Um...that, locked-up, would it be a dangerous place?"

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.


Kitahara Hitoshi said.

And now it was their turn to set off.

"Let's go." Kitahara Hitoshi took the Book of Heaven from the Book of Heaven and Earth that was distributed, and ran to the field first.

So the three of the seventh class went to the death forest of the examination room together.


[Big Pillar Hanhan]: The Wood Style clone is really easy to use.

The big pillar said something.

Because although Kitahara Hitoshi followed Naruto and Sasuke to continue the exam, everyone's perspective is not in the forest of death.

This means that it was not Kitahara Hitoshi who followed Naruto and the others to the exam, but his own

【Senju Tobirama】: I used to think that the multiple Shadow Clone Technique I developed was the most convenient, but now, the Wood Style clone is also very useful.

【Senju Tobirama】: It is almost impossible to tell the truth from the false.

【Namikaze Minato】: Mingbao has also developed multiple Shadow Clone Techniques.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Minato, you seem to have an opinion on my patent.

【Namikaze Minato】: Huh? I just wanted to say that Ming Bao also worked hard to study ninjutsu and was very moved, what did you say, Nidaime?

【Senju Tobirama】:…It’s nothing.

【One Tail・Shouzuru】: Huh... it's finally here!

With the sound of Shouhe, everyone found that the perspective changed, and then they finally saw the current situation of Shouhe.

Minato has a lot of research on space ninjutsu and is also very talented.

So he can quickly learn the purpose of Second Generation Flying Thunder God, and then he developed the second stage of Flying Thunder God himself.

And Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, in addition to having the talent of sea escape, is good at developing various ninjutsu Forbidden Techniques, and he has a very balanced development in all aspects.

So as the developer of Flying Thunder God and Flying Thunder God Slash, he also has great insights into space ninjutsu.

But when he really saw Kitahara Hitoshi appearing in a space full of magma and sea, he still felt that he had never seen a scene.

No, I have never seen such a scene.

By the way, has there ever been such a world full of magma?

And in the sea where the lava was rolling, a civet cat was showing its belly and then crawling desperately.

And this civet cat, to be precise, the network, is the original appearance of One Tail.

Kitahara Hitoshi came in with his ninja little white rabbit.


Ninja Rabbit Little White Rabbit didn't speak, or it didn't write.

Or rather, it's actually a bit shocking..

Because before, it just happened to find that after injecting some power into Hyūga Hinata, Hinata changed.

But this can only be regarded as a marginal enhancement.

However, when it comes to Kitahara Hitoshi, it is very different.

Like it said to Black Zetsu, it knew that Kitahara Hitoshi had a talent, cultivate it, and maybe reach it.


Judging from the control authority in the instant Master's Heavenly Imperial Palace, he may be able to go further than it.

Because if it is itself, although it can enter and exit the space in the Imperial Palace at will, but the danger in it is also treated equally.

But the situation now is delicate.

Because Kitahara Hitoshi is now pacing directly in the magma, and it's subtle, he's holding it while he's holding it, but neither he nor it will be attacked by the magma.

That is to say, he has come to the front of it.

Kitahara Hitoshi noticed the blank expression of his little white rabbit, but he was used to it.

And he found that Rinnegan worked well.

Rinnegan's most basic ability, Planetary Devastation.

You can bounce the surrounding magma away by using the Shinra Tianzheng.

So he created the performance that he was not hurt by any magma even if he walked in the magma.

However, his own ninja was a little stunned. It stands to reason that its white eyes also have the same effect, but it was stunned, so he had to help and rebound.

Kaguya Ji = silly white sweet.

Kaguya Hime = a woman who is a billion Chakra, but who knows nothing.

Kaguya Ji = full-body equipment, the operation is more stupid than Mengxin.

He has been very clear.

Kitahara Hitoshi paced up to Morizuru.

"Shizuru," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

Shouhe is swimming breaststroke. "Call... call me?

"Can you save me quickly?" Shouhe said.

"I advise you not to talk to me like that," said 35 Kitahara Hitoshi.


Shouhe doesn't seem to understand.

【Kurama】: You stupid fox, just be nice, the last time Kitahara Hitoshi said that to me.

【Kurama】: I suffered a loss.

【Kurama】: This guy told me, fox, I want you to help me practice, and then he blew me up.

【Kurama】: The Tailed Beast Bomb I threw out directly blew me up.

【One Tail・Shouzuru】: Uh... so you idiot fox, your hair exploded.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】: It's so dangerous!

"Cough cough..."

"Kitahara Hitoshi-sama..."

"I did no harm to Konoha.

"So can you save me?"

"I will never hurt Konoha." One Tail said quickly.

"Um..." Kitahara Hitoshi said, "I took you in alone this time because you might endanger Konoha.


"I'm not too much." Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"If Morizuru doesn't lose once, then those at Sand Shinobi Village won't give up. 55

"Huh?" Shou He was stunned for a moment. "You mean..."

"Two options for you."" Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"1, add Konoha.

"2, add Konoha. 99


【Senju Tobirama】: Hahaha, isn't this just an option?

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: In other words, after this time, will Shouzuru join Konoha?

【Senju Tobirama】: What is joining?

【Senju Tobirama】: Shouldn't the fangs be pulled out on Konoha?

【Senju Tobirama】: So I agree with Morizuru joining Konoha.

【Senju Tobirama】: No, it is Morizuru returning to Konoha.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:……???

"Then what is this option?" Shouhe started to complain.

"You can choose," Kitahara Hitoshi said. "But I like to convince people with reason.

"..." Shouhe.

"Then why did you bring me to such a place?"

"It's like abusing me," Shouhe said.

"Put you on Konoha, after all, you are more than ten meters high, which may damage the surrounding environment, and then may interrupt the Chūnin exam.

"I don't like having to pass exams and repeat them again," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"It is also troublesome to be interrupted for exams, or to deal with various tasks after the battle." Kitahara Hitoshi said.



In other words, I was worried about useless tasks, so I just dealt with Shoukaku like this?

As expected of him.

Kakashi has already understood that this disciple of his own is both worthy and standing.


And just when Kakashi was thinking, everyone found that the system's prompt sound started.

【Kakashi】: Guy, are you online and offline again?

【A man who can kick Uchiha Madara away with Eight Inner Gates】: No, Kakashi, I've always been there.

【Kakashi】: Huh?


[Invite a new member to the group. ]

[Welcome to Orochimaru to join the younger generation? (^_-) chat group]

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: Orochimaru?

【Senju Tobirama】: Orochimaru?

【Namikaze Minato】: Orochimaru-sensei... eh, Orochimaru?

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Orochimaru!?

【Fifth Mizukage- Terumi Mei】: Orochimaru!




【Orochimaru】: To see so many people in a flash... Illusion? Uchiha Itachi?

【Tobirama's record】: Uchiha Itachi? That Uchiha genocide?




【Orochimaru】: Can someone explain to me.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: You are so bold!

【Orochimaru】: First Generation, Second Generation, Fourth Generation Minato...

【Orochimaru】: Terumi Mei, even Ohnogi is there.

【Orochimaru】: Wait a minute, this video, Kitahara Hitoshi...

【Orochimaru】: That's right...

【Orochimaru】: No wonder you can kill me.

【Orochimaru】: That's right, I thought it would be interesting to catch Uchiha Sasuke this time.

【Orochimaru】: But's interesting.

【Orochimaru】: I changed my mind.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Orochimaru, do you know who I am?

【Orochimaru】: Of course, aren't you Second Hokage? Senju Tobirama. Old 5.8 division of Third Hokage.

【Orochimaru】: Because I use Living Corpse Reincarnation, my understanding ability is very fast.

【Orochimaru】: Second Generation, First Generation, and Fourth Hokage.

【Orochimaru】: You dead people can still stay here.

【Orochimaru】: It makes me a little bit magical, but it doesn't mean I can't accept it.

【 Orochimaru 】: But Second Hokage, are you sure you don't send a - next?

【Orochimaru】: Because I am Konoha's traitor.

【Orochimaru】: And then I used my companions as experimental equipment.



【Senju Tobirama】: This is the first time I meet someone who is looking for a beating!

【Senju Tobirama】: Becoming Konoha's Rebel... It's your own choice!

The body of Senju Tobirama's soul body burst out with blue Chakra, and the power of the massive Chakra immediately rushed towards Orochimaru.

Onomu knew how powerful this move was, and hurriedly avoided it.

But Orochimaru did not avoid it, and took a trick directly.

The body fell to the ground with a slam, and the pressed one couldn't move.

【The big pillar is silly】:

Unlike when Tobirama stopped when he suppressed Ohnogi before, this time the big pillar did not move.

Because of this Chūnin exam, Orochimaru did more than just one thing that made people head.

So, first lesson one - the next is what should be.


【Orochimaru】:'s delicious!

【Orochimaru】: As expected of the power of the purpose of the Second Generation, it is very strong... It is more powerful than our entire era.

[Orochimaru]: I'm going to be compressed.

【Orochimaru】: Then...bye bye.


[Orochimaru exits group chat]

The system's prompt sound appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

Orochimaru is not only offline, but also withdraws from the group.

This operation makes people feel inexplicable.

【Senju Tobirama】: What does Orochimaru mean?

【Namikaze Minato】:  …I don’t know.

【Namikaze Minato】: However, I always feel a little unpleasant.

【Senju Tobirama】: Minato, what do you mean?

【Namikaze Minato】: The Orochimaru I know was before becoming a renegade.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Oh, so what was he like at that time?

Although the big pillar is not as good as his younger brother in strategy, he also feels that Orochimaru's behavior is a bit strange.

【Namikaze Minato】: My teacher, Jiraiya-sensei, admires Orochimaru very much.

【Namikaze Minato】: He thinks Orochimaru is very thoughtful.

【Namikaze Minato】: Very reliable.

【Namikaze Minato】: Besides, I like to study very much, but I don’t like to do fearless things. Every action has a purpose.

【Namikaze Minato】: Speaking of which, he was originally arranged to be the teacher of Tsunade-sama's younger brother Nawaki.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Then what about after that?

【Namikaze Minato】: Well...I think Orochimaru-sama's actions just now seem to be deliberately angering Nidaime, and then...seems like- to test Nidaime's strength.

【Senju Tobirama】: What does he test my power for?

【Senju Tobirama】: I can't get out again.

【Senju Tobirama】: Wait a minute!

Tobirama suddenly realized that the problem was not that big.

Because Kakashi reported before that the bodies of himself and his eldest brother were stolen.

who so pervert...

But looking at it now... Orochimaru is enough pervert.

That is to say

Could it be that... the corpse thief is Orochimaru!

And this moment.

"Join Konoha when you say join Konoha, do I have no dignity in Shouhe?" Shouhe said.

"So are you going to fight me?" Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"No!" Shouhe patted his belly-skin and said. "I'm not like a stupid fox, I don't fight you.

"To be precise, I want to fight your Summoning beast!" Shouhe said.


Nine Tails knew that nothing could save this stupid civet cat.

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