Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 062 Shouzuru's SOS, Kitahara Hitoshi: I just casually said that Black Zetsu really beli

In the 61st year of Konoha, Shimura Danzō, a senior executive of Konoha, personally confessed that because of his own personal struggle for power and profit, he deceived Third Hokage's audio-visual, which eventually resulted in various results.

Finally, under the ruling of Second Hokage of the enlightened filth, Danzo succumbed to the law.

and public executions.

This is responsible for some injustices and decisions that have occurred in the past.

At the same time, the root organization originally led by Danzo was also reorganized and officially joined Konoha's Anbu.

In the past, Danzo went everywhere to deceive people in the name of Anbu, and he finally got it.

They became Anbu. Be exclusive to Hokage and have a better tomorrow.

The price was Danzo giving his life.

He used his life to carry the cauldron.


Looking at Danzo's divided body, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes.

Because, in the end, it's Danzo--personally who bears it all.

If Danzo is the king of the pot, then he actually has to assume the identity of the pot cover.

Danzo has many mistakes, but his mistakes are not small.

Like a double standard for Orochimaru, like hesitant to deal with the Uchiha clan.

Or he needs to be responsible for the handling of Naruto's affairs.

But now the culprits have fallen.

Third Generation closed its eyes.

When it was opened again, Danzo had been packed up and cleaned by the members of the root group.

And Danzo had assassinated the Third Generation in the past, but the Third Generation decided to forgive him and continued to use it for the village.

At that time, Third Generation thought of Danzo's strength, talent, and companionship, so he had to give him a chance.



This companion is gone.

He carried it all, and then nothing.

Third Generation breathed a sigh of relief.

When he turned around, he found that Kitahara Hitoshi was also about to leave.

He quickly stopped the other party.

"Wait a second..."


The shriveled lips of Third Generation just opened their mouths, as if they wanted to say a lot, but in the end, they only condensed into a few words.

"This time, thank you very much.

"If it wasn't for you, then this time I would be dead."

Third Generation sighed.

"The Third Generation grandpa treated me well," Kitahara Hitoshi said. "And the people who are suitable for taking the blame at this time are also the most unpopular.

"The most unpopular...

Only then did Third Generation remember that it had made many wrong decisions, but only one was right.

That is he in Konoha, including Naruto, thinks he is the kind Third Generation grandpa.

Including Kitahara Hitoshi.

That's why he will save himself once and for all.

It turned out to be - to popularize the will of fire, but it was unintentional.


Hatake Kakashi, who also came to watch Danzo's execution, stopped Kitahara Hitoshi as Asuma helped the exhausted and relieved Third Generation to leave.

This time Danzo carried the blame a lot.

Even the decision of the Third Generation not to announce Naruto's identity as the son of the Fourth Generation was pushed onto Danzo-.

However, this matter was consulted by Naruto again, so Naruto continued to hide it before he achieved anything.

On Kakashi's side, his father Hatake Sakumo was vindicated.

His father was Elite Jōnin of Konoha in the past. He was powerful and played an important role in the Second Ninja World War, especially in the attack on Sand Shinobi Village, which directly killed Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law. .

So Sand Shinobi Village retreated, and Konoha was victorious.

But the father was faced with a secret mission to choose whether to rescue his companion or continue the mission. He chose his companion and missed the completion of the mission.

In the end, the failure of the mission resulted in the loss of the village.

It caused quite a few fishing reels, and finally even the rescued companions blamed Kakashi's father, so Kakashi's father committed suicide when Kakashi went to ninja school.

When Kakashi returned home, all he saw was the body of his father who committed suicide.

So Kakashi became an orphan.

And this matter has been resolved.

As a high-level executive, let the fishing reels grow, and finally let the excellent ninja commit suicide, you need to be responsible.

So Danzo continued to take the blame.

Regarding this solution... Kakashi felt that it might be more complicated, and he said neither good nor bad.

But he knew that because of his father's influence, when he was a child, he felt that among his companions and tasks, he chose tasks. Because you saved your companion, your companion will not thank you.

But after Obito saved his life and gave him Sharingan, he was influenced by Obito, and he felt that it was more important to be a companion.

Because giving up a companion is not even a waste.

So he accepted the solution.

At least get my father's reputation back.


Kitahara Hitoshi looked over.

"Did you really choose to give Third Generation -- a chance? The finished product

Kakashi said, "Second Generation is full of Danzo's name. That is, you made Second Generation only Danzo's choice from the start.""

66..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi looked at him strangely, "What strange words are you talking about."

"Mother-in-law's. 99


"Still hesitant."

"Konoha has declined so badly, and although I don't think it will go wrong in future decisions, it's still okay to get some spare tires.

"I chose Danzo because I took out Danzo first and sacrificed to the sky, and the other three would definitely not refuse. 99

"So there's less resistance," Kitahara Hitoshi said. "Do I need to think about it?"

"On the Third Generation side, he is Hokage. If you take him out and car-crack, once the thing that Hokage can be car-cracked is opened, it will easily shake Hokage's absolute position."

"So..." Kakashi then reacted.

"You saved Third Generation by..."

"It was to save Hokage's position," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"%..." Kakashi.

Kakashi thinks that Kitahara Hitoshi should have expected to choose Konoha and a high-level backer, but Second Generation let Kitahara Hitoshi choose.

Apparently, Kitahara Hitoshi thought about being listed as a Hokage candidate by Second Generation.

So this is paving the way for himself.

"So..." Kakashi continued. "If the Third Generation project was retained because it was still Hokage, and the other two advisors...

"Those two are whatever," Kitahara Hitoshi said. "Next time you have something to pull out - just come.

"..." Kakashi.

Kakashi took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead.


So real.

Kakashi feels that he is still not suitable for Hokage. Being a secretary really gave him a lot of peace of mind.

With the fall of Danzo, the Chūnin exam also ended.

However, Konoha got a good supplement in this exam.

First of all, the strength of the four tone ninja brought by Orochimaru has the level of Jōnin, and Konoha accepts it.

Konoha Jōnin is scarce, and these sound ninjas are also young, and they just have the potential to improve.

And all the ninjas in Sand Shinobi Village were detained.

There are also three Genins of Yinin Village. Although their strength is average, they can also receive them.

So Orochimaru and the others brought all the people back to Konoha.

Orochimaru is a good person, as a rebel, but when Konoha was short of people, he did not take away a cloud, but sent all the talents to the door.

The grass ninja village was also detained because of Orochimaru's problems. After inspection, a child of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Xiangpho, was found, so he was also detained.

So it might have been a crisis that turned out to be... a harvest.

And now we have to wait for the follow-up of Sand Shinobi Village's Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara.

Kitahara Hitoshi had a nice vacation because he just passed the Chūnin exam and saved Konoha's face at the same time.

Currently on vacation.

But this leads to the daily live broadcast in the small group is...

He reads regularly and freely, and then takes a nap.

Take a nap and read a book. Look at the white rabbit.

Watch the White Rabbit, take a nap, and read a book.

Then occasionally transmit a Chakra to the little white rabbit.

Since the last time I sent her Chakra, Ninja Rabbit Little White Rabbit will not refuse now.

During the day, he would even lean against him by himself and absorb Chakra.

As long as Chakra is absorbed, then Ōtsutsuki Kaguya will certainly not refuse.



And such a time passed directly - a week.


[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

【The big pillar is silly】:

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Tobirama, didn't you say that your Impure World Reincarnation is going to be unlocked?

【Senju Tobirama】: Oh.

【Senju Tobirama】: Well, in fact, Orochimaru's control is unlocked.

【Senju Tobirama】: But didn't I let Kitahara Hitoshi learn Impure World Reincarnation?

【Senju Tobirama】: As a reward for handling the Chūnin exam this time, let him learn Impure World Reincarnation.

【Senju Tobirama】: So he used Impure World Reincarnation to unearth me... oh, I forgot, it was the day before yesterday, when the small group hadn't started live-streaming, and then I forgot to mention it.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: That's right.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: But...

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: But Tobirama, don't you think the current state is not right?

Hashirama felt he had to find a euphemism.

【Senju Tobirama】: Huh? I'm busy, sorting out information about ninjas.

【The big pillar is silly】:

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: This is what I want to say.

【Dazhuzi Hanhan】: During the live broadcast these days, Kitahara Hitoshi is resting and living leisurely.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: But... Tobirama, why are you so busy every day?

【Dazhuzi Hanhan】: Didn't I say before that this time after the Chūnin exam, little Kitahara Hitoshi was nominated as a Hokage candidate?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: But now you are always busy. What about him? He lies flat every day.

【Senju Tobirama】: Do you think I don't want to?

【Senju Tobirama】: He refused.

【Senju Tobirama】: He said that Konoha's stall was too rotten to start.

【Senju Tobirama】: It's true that we don't all come out, he doesn't pick up. So now I can do it first.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: So true.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: By the way, Tobirama, you are obviously my younger brother, right?

【Senju Tobirama】: Yes.

【Senju Tobirama】: Am I not your brother or Uchiha Izuna is your brother.

【Tobiramaの Achievement】:…I don’t want to be mentioned at such a time.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Then I said, Tobirama, when I was working as Hokage, why didn't you help me like this?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: On the contrary, when I'm lazy, you immediately come over and grab the bag.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: It was different then and now.

【Senju Tobirama】: When you were here, big brother, the ninja world was peaceful.

【The big pillar is silly】:

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: In other words, the times are different now.

【Senju Tobirama】: Almost, after all, at that time we Konoha were the No. 1 in Wu-Dainin Village.

【Senju Tobirama】: And what is it now?

【Senju Tobirama】: The ninja indicator given by Kakashi is not available (cjfi) 3000 is wrong, the current number of ninjas in Konoha is 6666. However, those who are injured and those who cannot continue to undertake ninja missions are not listed − come .

【Senju Tobirama】: These are all expenses.

【Senju Tobirama】: This guy Sarutobi is really dizzy, and a lot of information is not fully integrated.

【Senju Tobirama】: As a result, I have to do it all over again, and I'm sick of it.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Then you worked hard.

Hashirama recalled the days when he was a Hokage and had to deal with various documents every day.

At that time, Madara would still be with him, but now there is only one person in the office to organize...

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

[The filial son Black Zetsu has been down...]

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Wait a minute, Mr. Black Zetsu.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: I always feel like you've been very busy recently.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Every day I go online in a hurry -- go down and then go offline.

【Duiko Black Zetsu】: I am completing my mission.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Oh.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: So what exactly is it? Can you say something?

【Duiko Black Zetsu】:

what to do?

Of course, in order to complete what Kitahara Hitoshi said about collecting tailed beasts for Kaguya-sama.

Since Lord Kaguya needs Chakra, capturing the tailed beast is of course necessary.

So working on it.

In the past thousand years, it dared not forget for a second that its ultimate goal was to unlock the seal of Lord Kaguya.

But there has been no progress, and gradually I feel that the goal has become extremely far away.

But it's different now.

Just catch the tailed beast directly.

Then catch the tailed beast directly!


For Black Zetsu, it feels like an adrenaline rush and it's never been more fulfilling.

Finally...finally, finally, it can finally come in handy for Lord Kaguya.


Now Black Zetsu is busy every day and needs to supervise Obito, and then Obito goes to fool Nagato.

Nagato then manipulated Payne and contacted members of Akatsuki's organization to act.

But no matter how busy it is, it doesn't forget to keep going online during the live broadcast of the small group, and then confirm-the state of Kaguya-sama.

very good.

Kitahara Hitoshi really didn't lie, he regularly input Chakra to Kaguya-sama every day.

So seeing this scene, Black Zetsu feels that it can be full of motivation today.

Just wait, Lord Kaguya, it will soon be supplying you with a steady stream of Chakra, the tailed beast.


[Duiko Black Zetsu has been offline]

[In view of the fact that Black Zetsu went offline several times in advance, he was punished, but he was too filial, so he kept the title of filial son Black Zetsu]

[Congratulations to the filial son Black Zetsu for winning the permanent title – Big filial son Black Zetsu]

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Good guy, go offline continuously, and then be rewarded by the system.

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: It seems that Mr. Black Zetsu is really filial.

【Namikaze Minato】: Probably going to work with his mother.

Minato analyzed.

【Namikaze Minato】: But the time seems to be a little longer now.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Huh? Minato, what do you mean?

【Namikaze Minato】: I would like to say that the Sand Shinobi team of Sand Shinobi Village has been back to Sand Shinobi Village for a few days.

【Namikaze Minato】: I haven't heard any news until now, which makes me a little uncomfortable.

【Namikaze Minato】: Could it be that the letter that Kitahara-kun brought back to Temari and the others could not impress Chiyo's mother-in-law?

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: No.

【Senju Tobirama】: According to my analysis, it should be very effective.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】:@One Tail Guarding Crane.

【Namikaze Minato】:@Keep Crane!

【Big Pillar Hanhan】:@Keep Crane

【Kurama】: Let’s save it.

[Kurama]: Didn't you see that guy hasn't bubbling for days?

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Huh?

【Senju Tobirama】: I have been sorting information these days without paying attention.

【Namikaze Minato】: Could it be because Morizuru was beaten and became quiet.

【Namikaze Minato】: Then we got used to it a little bit?

【Namikaze Minato】:

【Namikaze Minato】: As a result, I don’t even know if it’s not online or not.

【Namikaze Minato】:


【Kakashi】: So what happened to Morizuru?

【Kakashi】: It stands to reason that if this is the case, it can be launched directly.

Kakashi himself has used Isshin dual-use, or is not online, but he still has the experience of being induced by @.

So he doesn't feel that Shouhe doesn't know that everyone is @ him now.

【Kakashi】: Could it be that Sand Shinobi Village...want-to rebel?

【Senju Tobirama】: This is unlikely, after all, I analyzed it that way. If Chiyo refuses to join Konoha, Sand Shinobi Village will be gone.

【Senju Tobirama】: She won't be so old that she can't even choose.

【Senju Tobirama】: So, if you want to rebel, then...isn't this a slap in the face of the old man?


[One Tail・Shouzuru is online]

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Huo! Just said Shouhe went online.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: It's getting cold, Gaara is getting cold!

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Chiyo's mother-in-law is also cold!

【Big Pillar Hanhan】:!???

【Senju Tobirama】: What are you talking about, Morizuru. Reorganize the one-under language.

【Senju Tobirama】: Didn't Gaara and the others go back to Chiyo with Kitahara Hitoshi's letter?

【Senju Tobirama】: Could it be that Chiyo disagreed, and then Gaara fought - came?

Tobirama just said that he will not be slapped in the face, is he going to be slapped in the face?


Kakashi thought that Temari and the others would go back, and Chiyo might refuse, but he couldn't think of a fight between the two.

If there is a real fight - then...

However it doesn't seem to be the case.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: What are you fighting? Temari Gaara and the others are fighting with Chiyo – come? This one is not.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But the problem is that the labor and management were arrested.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Gaara was killed by Chiyo's grandson, Sasori. I automatically broke free from Jinchūriki's body.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Sasori joined the Rain Shinobi Village Akatsuki organization and was ordered to capture the tail beast.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: And I was the target of their capture.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Really annoying...Reminds me of the scene that was originally captured by First Hokage and Uchiha Madara.

【Senju Tobirama】: Do you capture tailed beasts? If it's a simple capture, then you can't be captured?

【Senju Tobirama】: After being caught, you can pass the information back.

【Senju Tobirama】: You have to remember that you already have an identity, a tailed beast of Konoha. The most important thing is to remember your roots, and then send a message to Konoha.

【Senju Tobirama】: Don't be afraid, Konoha is your backer now.

【Senju Tobirama】: However, who has the courage to capture Konoha's tailed beast, what is the identity of the Akatsuki organization of Rain Shinobi Village...

【Senju Tobirama】:Wait-wait...!???

【Senju Tobirama】: Rain Shinobi Village?

Tobirama seems to think that this name has been heard recently and is very familiar.

No, it's not familiar or unfamiliar, because Kitahara Hitoshi told him that that stupid Danzo had provoked a boy with Rinnegan in Rain Shinobi Village.

Name is Payne.


Hostility towards Konoha.

Rinnegan, when he heard the term Tobirama, was horrified.

Because Kitahara Hitoshi owns Rinnegan, for them... Rinnegan destroys the world, and Pupil is above Sharingan.

"..." Tobirama.

【Senju Tobirama】: So is there a guy who also has a Sharingan in this Rain Shinobi Village?

【Senju Tobirama】: The name is Payne or something.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:!?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: You know, I was shocked too!

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Why do people with Rinnegan appear? I thought only Kitahara Hitoshi had it.

【One Tail・Shouhe】: That guy calls himself Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, and he calls himself a god.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Okay.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then I know the matter.

【Senju Tobirama】: How is the situation now?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Gaara was killed. Chiyo replaced Gaara's life with the Forbidden Technique.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: So Chiyo died and Gaara came back to life.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But because Gaara died, I was free.

【One Tail・Shouhe】: Then... I am dying, and I am about to be caught up.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:Why are my legs so short...

【One Tail・Shouzu】: That stupid X called Deidara that Akatsuki organized likes to throw bombs very much.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】: Just wait a minute.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Huh? Deidara?

【One Tail・Shouzu】: Yes, I was hunted down by a guy with a single golden ponytail who likes to use all kinds of clay bombs.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Do you know?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Da Yemu, do you know him?

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Uh... No, I don't know.

Onogi quickly denied it.

Because...why is it that you don't know each other, but... Deidara is his close disciple.

He originally wanted to nurture Deidara and take his place as the next Tsuchikage.

But... this disciple was very talented, but he kept talking about art, talking about clay bombs, and finally ran out of the village.

Ohnogi thought that the other party would come back after running for a while, but what he received was news that the other party had become a traitor.

It seems to be going after art.

Onogi felt that it was a waste of time to cultivate, so he felt that even if he pulled Deidara back again, he would not be honest.

So he turned to cultivate his granddaughter Heitu.

but now.

Not only was Deidara unavailable, but she also joined the villain's camp.

Don't you see that he can only be obedient at his age?

But Deidara!

But directly the civet cat belonging to Konoha... No, just grab One Tail!

So... whoever wants to buy millet... No, who can admit it.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: So how is he now?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: He exploded.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

If it weren't for the fact that he was an elderly person, then Ohnogi would really like to say a dirty word now.

So now consider it dead.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】: Explosion?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Yes, that's why I say this guy pervert.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Shouting this is art, art is explosion, and it really exploded.

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

【Cowardly as a Mouse-Onogi】:

Just treat it as a piece of hard work that has been cultivated and fed to the dog.

Onomu thought in his heart, so he immediately shut up.

【 Senju Tobirama 】: So, One Tail, your current situation is...

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I was pursued by Chiyo's grandson.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: Deidara's explosion hurt me a bit, but I'm in the sea now and he can't catch up.

【Senju Tobirama】:

【Senju Tobirama】:

In other words, did the civet cat run to the sea to survive after running away?

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I thought Chiyo's grandson's puppet couldn't swim, but I didn't expect him to swim directly.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But he is still a while away from me.

【One Tail・Shouzu】: At least you can avoid him for a day or two.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: But I'm worried that the Payne from Rain Shinobi Village will appear again.

【One Tail・Shizuru】: I don't want to fight with people who have Rinnegan.

In other words, Morizuru hesitated to fight against Kitahara Hitoshi, so has it cast a shadow on those who have Rinnegan?

So when I saw Payne, I wanted to run away.

【The big pillar is silly】:

【Big Pillar Hanhan】: Tobirama!

【Senju Tobirama】: Well, I will contact Kitahara Hitoshi now.

【Senju Tobirama】: Oh no, just give them a task.

【Senju Tobirama】: As their debut after being promoted to Chūnin. Then I had an idea that this operation could be regarded as a rescue operation.

【Senju Tobirama】: Conducted by Kitahara Hitoshi.

【Senju Tobirama】: And now Sasuke and Naruto also have the strength of Jōnin, so it is just right to add the identity of Jōnin to them.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then, when they come back, as a reward and as a key task that can be commended, isn't it possible to directly announce that Kitahara Hitoshi is the next Hokage candidate?

s: As expected of Nidaime.

s: If it was a reward, Kitahara-kun couldn't refuse it.

【Senju Tobirama】: Right.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shouzu】:......??The labor and management are running away now, why are you still releasing the mission slowly?

【Senju Tobirama】: The tailed beast will not die, what are you anxious about?

【Senju Tobirama】: After Gaara was killed and you were free, did you die?

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

The tailed beast is a special Chakra aggregate, say it is Chakra, but it is a living thing, and say it is a living thing, it will not die, and at the same time it has an endless lifespan and a lot of Chakra.

Every now and then, he swings out a Tailed Beast Bomb, and then...with a bang, the village is gone.

So terrifying.

At the same time, the vitality is naturally strong.


Tobirama and the others are not worried about the problem with Shoukaku.

【Senju Tobirama】: Run for your life first.

【Senju Tobirama】: I went to inform Kitahara Hitoshi and them.

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:

【One Tail・Shizuru】:¥¥…Y**

If he could curse, Shouhe must be cursed at the moment, but he had to act immediately.

The tailed beast will not die, it will re-aggregate when it is blasted.

Just, it will hurt.


[One Tail・Shizuru offline]

As a result, he clearly has a belonging, but Shouhe found that he still had to rely on himself to survive.

the other side.

"That's what happened this time," said Senju Tobirama, Second Generation.

He looked at the three Kitahara Hitoshi whom Kakashi had brought to him.

"This is Operation One Tail Recycling.

"It's a pity Chiyo, she sacrificed to save Gaara, but the result...

"It's actually pretty good for Konoha. 35

"Sand Shinobi Village has lost Chiyo, so it can't be tossed anymore.

"Because the opponent is Chiyo's grandson and is very powerful, I need all three of you to dispatch." Second Generation said.

"In other words, against someone else at Kage-level?" Sasuke found a blind spot. "My current level is Jōnin, but I don't know what a normal Kage-level should be like."

"I want to fight!"

Sasuke has become stronger, but he knows that Uchiha Itachi is stronger than him.

So he still needs to get stronger.

Second Generation could feel the killing intent from Sasuke.

But the killing intent was not aimed at him, but at Uchiha Itachi.

He knew the real inside story of the Uchiha clan's genocide case from Sarutobi and the others.

Knowing that the Uchiha family wanted to rebel, they were arranged by the Third Generation to deal with Uchiha Itachi himself. Uchiha Itachi chose to sacrifice the family to protect the village. Then Uchiha Itachi concealed the truth and was willing to leave the village as a traitor.

--The individual bears it all.

Sounds pretty heavy.

Then Danzo also picked up the Sharingan of the Uchiha family and used it, which is really not a human being.

However, the genocide of the Uchiha clan has not yet been announced.

Considering another reason for Uchiha Itachi to do this, protect the pride of the Uchiha clan.

If the treason of the Uchiha clan is announced, then the reputation of the Uchiha clan will all be sullied.

Uchiha is stupid and sweet, and if it is destroyed because of rebellion, it will be too cruel to them.

Everything was caused because Sarutobi and the others didn't think of a way to appease them.

So Second Generation put the matter on hold, or hoped that it would be resolved in the era of Kitahara Hitoshi.

So, Sasuke is still silly and sweet.

Tobirama watched Sasuke's actions with a momentary subtlety.

Because of Uchiha Madara, he thought that the Uchiha family were born evil, but... Sasuke and the others were born silly and sweet.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

Kitahara Hitoshi felt that Sasuke had unwittingly raised a flag.

It would be fine if Sasuke had Ultra Shadow's power hammer Sasori, but Sasuke is only a Jōnin level right now.

So I'm afraid I won't get hammered.

But it also needs careful consideration—because the Akatsuki organization actually started at this time—starting to catch the tailed beast.

If it is the original then it will be delayed until three years later.

But now... it appears.

Then the direct replacement of Chiyo and Gaara also appeared.

People are very concerned about why these things happen in advance.

It shouldn't be because he fooled Black Zetsu, and then Black Zetsu went to his agent Obito, and Obito went to the bottom line of Payne.

Payne then led the Xiao organization to start to do practical work.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

In other words, I just said it casually, and then... that stupid X of Black Zetsu really believed it?

Wouldn't it catch Second Tails, Three Tails, Four Tails, Five Tails, Six Tails, Eight Tails?

Results start with One Tail.

A fool or a pig.

Kitahara Hitoshi also thought about fooling Black Zetsu to mix with other tailed beasts, and then he would have to be busy for a long time. According to the performance of Kaguya, it would not be able to save Kaguya for a thousand years, at least he would have to be busy for more than ten years.

As a result... this time, I actually took stimulants and started straight away.

And then also start with One Tail.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

Second Generation noticed that Kitahara Hitoshi didn't speak.

"What?" Second Generation looked at Kitahara Hitoshi. "Don't you want to?

"After upgrading to Chūnin, you will become an official ninja.

"Then it's time to do something for the village. 35

"Then the village will also give you some rewards," Tobirama said.

Although Tobirama is very serious. In fact, I was a little worried that Kitahara Hitoshi would not agree.

Because this is a round, to complete the task, come back is Hokage.

But if it is rejected, then the game cannot be completed.

You must know that the pot king Danzo dreams of becoming Hokage, but Tobirama is curious, he wants to name Kitahara Hitoshi to take over the role.

But was repeatedly rejected.


He also knew it was a hot potato, but there was no other way.

The sky is falling and a tall man is needed.

At present, the tall man in Konoha is the only one who is trusted by everyone.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

"Forget it, the trouble I caused, let me solve it," Kitahara Hitoshi said.


"Did you provoke it?" Second Generation was a little puzzled.

And Kakashi also looked over curiously.

"Could it be that Payne's Rinnegan of the Akatsuki organization..."

"That east-west has nothing to do with me," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

‧"Second Generation." So, are you ready to go on a mission?

"Hmm. Kitahara Hitoshi nodded.

"it is good!"

But Second Generation took a light-handed tap. It seems to be somewhat refreshing. More like fear of rejection.

"Then it is decided. 99

"It's not too late, the three of you act quickly.

"Kakashi, give them the ninja kits that they need to travel, and then give them all the detonating charms.

"The food and the like along the way are all sealed in the seal scroll."

Having said that, Kakashi hurriedly piled up all the equipment named by Second Generation to Sasuke and Naruto.

"Eh..." Naruto was taken aback.

And Sasuke was surprised too.

Because where did Senju Tobirama get so many detonators.

“..…” Kitahara Hitoshi



He was just thinking that what happened to Shouzuru might be the work of Black Zetsu, who had fooled him, so he wanted to solve it - let's go.

But looking at Senju Tobirama and Kakashi eagerly now, it seems like they're... on their sleeves.

"..." Kitahara Hitoshi.

But the routine of these two people is to push Konoha to him.

And Tobirama is still staying in Konoha to support, that is to say, he still wants to revitalize Konoha.

That is to say... this time when the mission returns, it is likely to be replaced by Fifth Hokage's position in the mode of mission reward...?

Is the big breasted girl Hokage gone?

Kitahara Hitoshi felt a little pity, but if it was Tsunade, it would definitely be a lot of trouble.

And female Hokage has a different offensive than male Hokage.

Kitahara Hitoshi wasn't sure if he could resist.

Looking at it this way, Third Generation is actually okay, at least it won't be assigned so many tasks, because he has nothing to pursue.

So living a ninja life under the Third Generation is quite nourishing.

But let the Third Generation be in charge for another two years, and then Konoha just disappeared, it doesn't seem to work.

In that case.

"Then I took on the mission," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

Instead of worrying about which boss to choose, it is better to arrange it yourself.

"I hope you don't regret your choice today," Kitahara Hitoshi said. "It was the first time I saw someone dig a hole for themselves to jump in.

"Regret?" Tobirama said. "If the world has regret medicine, then this old man would like to have three bottles."

Is it.

Kitahara Hitoshi looked at him calmly.

I really hope you can be so stubborn when you become a horse in the future.

"..." Seeing Kitahara Hitoshi's calm, indifferent and sympathetic eyes, Tobirama vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Because... there is always an inexplicable feeling of digging a hole for myself.


At most, Kitahara Hitoshi makes him look like he is now. Now that he is a bull and a horse, can it be worse than now?

It's just that he clearly thinks and analyzes it this way.

In his heart, he felt that his back had been oozing sweat.

Several years later, he realized that he had misunderstood the word cattle and horses.

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