Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 097 Sage of Six Paths: Ashura, what to do! There are Indra everywhere!

Konoha Hokage Office.

Kitahara Hitoshi sat at Hokage's desk.

Because the village gave up the unfortunate child, he had to come back to work for two days during his vacation.

The table is a wooden structure, nothing special, but on the front of the table, the pattern of the forehead protector of Konoha is engraved.

Although Konoha is sixty years old, many buildings have been renovated and rebuilt.

But only this Hokage office building has been preserved.

It can be seen that Third Generation carried out special repairs to the building during their tenure as Hokage, carefully, and then kept it as it was in the past.

So after sitting down, it feels-feeling subtle.

It's like going back to the past all at once, back to the time when the First Generation built the village, and then the First Generation and Uchiha Madara are still there.

For example, you can see First Generation and Uchiha Madara dance when their relationship is good.

It's just that these scenes are just suddenly.

Kitahara Hitoshi looked - ahead.

Naruto and Yamato came over.

"Naruto, do you know why I specially asked you to come here this time?"

Kitahara Hitoshi spoke first.

"Do we have to deal with so many troublesome documents again?" Naruto said quickly.

"Sasuke was working on documents yesterday, and then he threw up in the morning," Naruto said.

"Although I didn't vomit, I still felt that my head was as big as an ox.

It is also thanks to Kitahara Hitoshi's sixty years of study in illusion that Naruto has some experience in knowledge processing and gathering.


The enthusiasm for the role of Hokage is sure to disappear in no time.


Kitahara Hitoshi said, "This time it's not these things, don't worry."

"But I have a purpose in keeping the two of you.

"As a ninja of Konoha, there are no "Seven Four Three" people who don't want to be Hokage.""

"And Naruto..."

"You want to be Hokage too, don't you?"

“Just thinking—to be and to experience—is different.”

"What I want is for you to prove yourself, and then to accept the responsibility.35

"Being Hokage, and aiming for Hokage, is not to draw cakes, but to hope that you really want to - take responsibility," Kitahara Hitoshi said.

"This means……

"I had an idea," Kitahara Hitoshi said, "to have you and Sasuke be the Seventh Hokage. 35

"Is it okay with Sasuke?" Naruto asked in an instant.

"You and Sasuke have a complementary relationship."

"You also found out when you faced off against Sasori before, the two of you have an inseparable sense of tacit understanding.""

"So if it's the two of you, I'm still very relieved," Kitahara Hitoshi said.


Naruto's depressed mood also rose instantly.

For him, he already knew who he was, as Fourth Hokage's child.

So... as the son of Hokage, he has suffered so much, but what he wants is to become Hokage, on the one hand, this is his ideal.

On the one hand, it is also worthy of being the son of Hokage.


Although Naruto knew who he was, he knew who he was.

But... for Naruto, it's actually an extra layer of burden. can't just let the Fourth Generation's identity as the child of the eye be misplaced.

So, now I suddenly hear that Kitahara Hitoshi has the intention of cultivating him...

Naruto's momentum picked up immediately.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_−) chat group]

【Senju Tobirama】: If I hadn't known that Kitahara Hitoshi wanted to pull Hokage out of the past to work, then I would have believed his nonsense.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Well, Tobirama, calm down.

[Da Zhuzi Hanhan]: It's normal to support the younger generation as a senior, and... we don't do well enough, so if we get out of the dirt, it's one more chance for ourselves to clean up the mess.

【Senju Tobirama】: This is thanks to my Reanimation Jutsu.

【Senju Tobirama】: This great study can bring the dead

[Mother-in-law Chiyo]: You are too embarrassed to say such things.

[Grandma Chiyo]: Obviously, it was only used to perform shameless tactics at the beginning. Tandem Paper Bombs' coordination ninjutsu.

[Mother-in-law Chiyo]: I didn't want to be bombed, so I brought in a hapless one.

【Grandma Chiyo】: So Impure World Reincarnation appeared, not only controlled by you, but also damaged and restored.

【Mother-in-law Chiyo】: Senju Tobirama, don't put gold on your face.

【Senju Tobirama】: Shut up.

【Senju Tobirama】: Sand Shinobi Village is now a branch village of Konoha.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then I am also the Second Hokage of Sand Shinobi Village.

【Senju Tobirama】: So are you sure you want to offend me?

【Senju Tobirama】: Or, you've been a consultant all your life in Sand Shinobi Village, and you don't care about the happiness of your younger generation.

【Mother-in-law Chiyo】:

【Mother-in-law Chiyo】:

【Tobirama's record】: Absolutely!

【Senju Tobirama】: Uchiha Izuna, you also shut up, what kind of plane is your eldest brother doing on the moon, all kinds of splitting the moon.

【Senju Tobirama】: 80% of the time it's something stupid.

【Senju Tobirama】: If he takes responsibility and handles it himself, then it will be fine, but I am afraid that Kabuto will not live.

【Tobirama の record】: What Kabuto can't live with.

【Tobirama の record】: The main Hashirama does not hinder my eldest brother, then my eldest brother has no weaknesses.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: This...

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Don't take me as if it's Madara's burden.

【Tobirama no record】:Isn't it?

【Tobirama の record】: If you don't build this village, then the ninja world may not have so many ninjas.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: This...

【Senju Tobirama】: Uchiha Izuna, shut up, don't try to shield my big brother.

【Senju Tobirama】: Brother, please cheer me up.

【Senju Tobirama】: I admit, from what we have seen and done so far, what we see is a very pessimistic ninja world.

【Senju Tobirama】: But...

【Senju Tobirama】: There are some things, some paths. If you don't come out, you won't be known.

【Senju Tobirama】: So,

【Senju Tobirama】: And have you given up the ideal of peace in the ninja world now?

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: This...

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Of course I hope that the ninja world can be peaceful, that the children can survive, that the ninjas can become adults... I hope that the ninjas can help each other. Co-co-collaboration.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then you have to.

【Senju Tobirama】: Besides, don't I have the Forbidden Technique Impure World Reincarnation to realize my dream?

【Senju Tobirama】: Wasn't Luo Sha from Sand Shinobi Village timid, and then tricked the ninja from his Shinobi Village out to Kirigakure?

[Mother-in-law Chiyo]: It's Ye Cang.

【Senju Tobirama】: Well, it's that ninja named Yekura.

【Senju Tobirama】: Ye Cang is very miserable, right, but now it has been transmitted by Impure World Reincarnation.

【Senju Tobirama】: Then continue to serve Sand Shinobi Village, didn't she have disciples in the past?

【Senju Tobirama】: And now the master and the apprentice are reunited.

【Senju Tobirama】: So, big brother, it’s okay to walk the path of regret, I have medicine for regret!

【Tobirama's record】:


【Fourth Raikage-Ai】: Then I am Cloud Shinobi Village.

【Senju Tobirama】: You Cloud Shinobi Village is out of play, Impure World Reincarnation is impossible for you.

【Fourth Raikage-Ai】:

【Namikaze Minato】: As expected of Nidaime.

【Senju Tobirama】: Hmm...

【Tobirama の record】: Blow, just listen to you.

Having said that, Izuna can't deny that Tobirama's Impure World really useful.

Like now... his eldest brother also Impure World Reincarnation, and then got resurrected.

This ninjutsu is indeed a dream-fulfilling skill that cannot be denied.

【Namikaze Minato】: Huh?

【Senju Tobirama】: What's wrong Minato?

【Namikaze Minato】: I always feel that Kitahara-kun's expression has changed just now.

【Senju Tobirama】: Has there been any change?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: It seems to have changed.

Tobirama then looked at Xiaoqun's live broadcast.

Today he is in the Hokage office building, but not in the office, he was asked by Kitahara Hitoshi to post a mission.

The request of the task-seeking is that the whole ninja world seeks various classics, books related to ninjutsu, etc., as well as books that explain various knowledge and so on.

Although I don't quite understand what this is trying to do, but following Naruto and Sasuke in Kitahara Hitoshi's sixty years of library illusions, Tobirama feels that his knowledge has been renewed again.

So he already understood the benefits of reading more books.

And Kitahara Hitoshi is willing to collect books from various countries at a high price, which is a good thing.

in the video.

Kitahara Hitoshi frowned, then changed his rhetoric,

"Naruto, I've come to an end for you and Sasuke to learn to edit files here. 55

"And then there is one more thing I need to ask of you. 35

"Yamato, go and call Sasuke over too." Kitahara Hitoshi said.


Yamato continued to serve as Anbu's identity, although he has Wood Style, but his Wood Style can only say yes.

It cannot be compared to a level like First Generation.

So he is still very honest.

And Anbu's job suits him too.


What makes Yamato a little puzzled is that when he was arranged by Kitahara Hitoshi to bring Naruto over, he told him in advance that this time - this time he was going to take Naruto - this time..


Are you going to go out together with Naruto and Sasuke now?


Despite his doubts, Yamato carried out his mission seriously.

And this moment.

Mount Myōboku.

Telescope Technique.

"Is this blond-haired child the Uzumaki Naruto you're talking about?" Sage of Six Paths stared at the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball was Yamato leaving and Naruto waiting in the room.

"Yes." Great Toad Sage wiped his eyes with his claws, then nodded,

"He looks a lot like Minato.

"It should be Uzumaki Naruto, the Child of Destiny."

"Minato...?" Sage of Six Paths tilted his head.

"Uh, this is not important, hurry up and see if Naruto has inherited Ashura's Chakra! Great Toad Sage urged.

"it is good!"

Sage of Six Paths also knows that its time is urgent.

So he quickly closed his hands.

The surrounding light dimmed again.

Surprised the Toads no matter how many times, Sage of Six Paths is so terrifying.

To their astonishment, they found that Sage of Six Paths had tears in the corners of his eyes.



"It is indeed the breath of Ashura's Chakra."

Tears welled up from the corners of Sage of Six Paths' eyes. "This is indeed Ashura..."


"After a thousand years, our father and son can still have such a meeting." Sage of Six Paths wiped his tears with his fingers.

"Then things are simple." Although the Great Toad Sage looked at Sage of Six Paths, he watched Sage of Six Paths move and love.

But it has to be interrupted.

"Then the matter is now clear."

"Uzumaki Naruto is the successor of Ashura's Chakra.55

"Then I give you the position of Uzumaki Naruto.

"He's in Konoha.

"And Konoha..."

"Probably at..."

Great Toad Sage lightly - lightly clapped, so Shima Toad hurriedly brought up the map of the Ninja world.

"The direction of Konoha is here—in.""

"And the location on the Nagato side is in Rain Shinobi Village..."

"And then in this—in..."

When the map is opened, the distance between Rain Shinobi Village and Konoha is relatively large.

But the Great Toad Sage knew that for Sage of Six Paths, the flying existences of the Ōtsutsuki clan, the distance between the two sides was not big at all.


Sage of Six Paths nodded.


Then start - start looking at the map and recite it.

"Wait-wait, Patriarch. 35

However, at this time, Shenzuo Xianren said again.

"What?" Great Toad Sage looked over.

It felt that today's Fukasaku Toad was talking too much.

"You blocked the crystal ball like this. 35

"I can't see it anymore." Fukasaku Toad said.


Great Toad Sage really thinks Fukasaku Toad is a stupid X.

Don't you see when this is?

Hurry up and reseal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

As a result, what have you been messing with?

"What else is there to see in this crystal ball, I have confirmed that Uzumaki Naruto inherited Ashura's Chakra...

"It's just that this Chakra is in a sealed state.



Sage of Six Paths suddenly opened its eyes, and then floated the body of the soul to the crystal ball.

Because of the crystal ball, Yamato brought Sasuke to Kitahara Hitoshi.

Then Sasuke and Naruto stand together.

"What's wrong?" The Great Toad Sage was confused.

But Sage of Six Paths hurriedly closed his hands again and closed his eyes.

The surrounding light was sucked away by him again.


This time Sage of Six Paths opened its eyes in astonishment.

"Impossible! 55

"What's impossible?" Great Toad Sage wondered.

"This new kid named Uchiha Sasuke, his body-on..."

"There is a thick Chakra of Indra who doesn't start.

"It made me feel like I saw Indra in front of my eyes for a moment! 39

Sage of Six Paths said.

Great Toad Sage.


"Huh? So, Nagato is Indra, Sasuke is Indra, Uchiha Madara is Indra, but Ashura has only Naruto--one."

Fukasaku Toad said.

It's really unpopular today, but to say it out loud makes Sage of Six Paths dumb.



Three Indra... Ashura, how are you going to top it!.

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