Without changing his face, he pretended to be calm.

"I don't know what you're talking about, kill me."

Nightstar smiled and whispered.

"Do you think you can be a dog for Cardo?"

At this time, people are swordsmen, I am fish meat, no matter how lazy I don't cut it, I just snorted coldly.

"Rebels like me, who need money to live, can only choose this way."

"What if I say, Konoha can take you in?"

Without frowning slightly, he looked at Night Star's face suspiciously.

"Are you, a teenager, qualified to make such a commitment?"

Nightstar beckoned to Kakashi, and said indifferently after waiting for the latter to come over.

"Kakashi, tell him about my identity."

Kakashi was a little puzzled, but still followed the order and opened his mouth to introduce.

"This is the head of the scientific research department of Konoha Village, personally appointed by the acting Lord Hokage, and has the voting rights for major decisions in Konoha Village, Lord Asahi Night Star."

This series of titles is no longer a stunner.

Of course, he would not feel that the high-level of Konoha Village was a group of fools who would easily hand over such an important power to a teenager.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that the night star had cast a tuxue before. When the Yellow Spring Marsh, it seems that there is no seal?

Muji performing ninjutsu?

I've never heard of anyone who can do such a thing!

He was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke.

"I won't interfere with you again, it's just, I want to think about it for a few days."

Kakashi frowned slightly and dissuaded.

"This guy should be delaying the army."

"It doesn't hurt."

Night Star waved his hand nonchalantly and pulled Zaibu out of the swamp.

"In this cruel ninja world..."

He patted the back of his neck and said calmly.

"Serving me is the only way out for you and Shiro."

Kakashi looked at the high Night Star, listening to the words of the other party in his ears, and suddenly an urge to surrender arose in his heart.

Is it illusion?

Kakashi knew it wasn't.

This is only because every move of the night star gives people a feeling of being in control.

Asahi Night Star is a natural leader.

"I'll think about it."

He said a word without saying a word, and then turned to leave.

Kakashi sighed and whispered.

"Accept the rebellion of other villages, don't you need to discuss this kind of thing with Lord Shikaku first?"

"No need."

"Then what if Wuyin knows and finds us trouble?"

"Just destroy it."

Hearing Night Star's answer, Kakashi's eyes flashed with a fine light, and he said word by word.

"Like, did you get rid of Elder Danzo, the same as the three generations of Hokage?"

In the face of Kakashi's questioning, Nightstar did not answer, but changed his tone and smiled.

"Wuyin Village, it was originally your enemy."

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and his eyes darkened a little when he thought back to the scene that day.

Under the planning of the Mist Hidden Village, he personally killed his friend in the same class, Rin Nohara.

If it weren't for Matkai's help, perhaps he would have sunk into the darkness of the dark part and turned into a ruthless killing machine.

At that time, Konoha Village was tired of responding to the enemy, and even though Nohara Rin died, he still did not choose to attack the Mist Hidden Village, but calmed down and chose peace talks.

"Let's go."

Night Star said indifferently, and then continued to walk forward.

Kakashi looked at his back, and a strong throbbing welled up in his heart.

For so many years, the three generations of Hokage have been adopting a full-fledged statesman posture, and the interests of the village are paramount.

For this reason, it is inevitable to sacrifice some personal lives.

Nightstar said that he wanted to extinguish the fog, which made Kakashi feel a little inexplicably excited at the same time.

Can the opportunity for revenge really come?


Time, soon it was late at night.

Sitting on the sofa, a "girl" who looked very beautiful was standing beside him.

"If you don't behead your lord, you weren't injured today, right?"

"I'm okay."

No matter how unscrupulous the tone was, but Bai had been with him for so many years, he had long been used to it.

Shiro looks beautiful.

It's just a pity, it's men.

He also has a gentle personality.

It's just a pity, it's men.

At this time, Cardo walked in surrounded by several subordinates.

He saw the big grin sitting on the sofa without chopping, his brows furrowed, and he reprimanded coldly.

"The ghost people in Huanwu Yin Village, even an old man who repaired the bridge can't be killed, it's really waste!"

After hearing this, his face turned cold, and he stood up abruptly and lifted the decapitation knife, but he felt that the sky was spinning.

Seeing his appearance, Bai immediately sensed that something was wrong, but he couldn't lift a little strength all over his body.

Cardo looked at the two who collapsed to the ground and sneered twice.

"Since the task can't be completed, it's better for you to create some surplus value, the head of the misty ghost man is worth a lot of money in the exchange house."

Then he looked at Shiro and showed a lewd smile.

"As for you, the one with fine skin and tender flesh, although it is a man, but there are some rich businessmen, just this mouthful."


No matter how much he didn't expect it, Cardo actually put poison in the tea.

In the end, it was a misstep.

At this moment, on the skin of the back of the neck, several obscure words suddenly appeared.

Beside him, Nightstar appeared out of thin air, looked at Cardo and the group of men, and chuckled.

"It seems that I came just in time for an interesting time."

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