After some salvage.

Ultimately, Orochimaru fished out thirteen Sand Shinobi corpses from the cesspit.

"It's not easy to drown all thirteen Sand Shinobi..."

Jiraiya sighed.

As a result, the two still did not agree.

"Hey! Please give me some feedback."

With a yell of dissatisfaction, Jiraiya was aggrieved.

It was obviously a team of three, making him look like an outsider.

At this time, Tsunade and Orochimaru were observing the appearance of each Sand Shinobi, how could they have time to talk to him?

"No Luosha!"

After some confirmation, Tsunade shook his head.

"Indeed, it's interesting without him."

Orochimaru opened his mouth slowly with a strange look on his face.

As a teammate, Tsunade quickly noticed Orochimaru's unusual expression.

"Orochimaru, what have you found?"

"An interesting thing."

With a smile on his face, Orochimaru spoke quietly.

"I salvaged the thirteen corpses, and then I found that the last corpse sank one meter deeper than the other corpses!"

Speaking of which, Orochimaru's eyes flicked to Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"One meter deeper? Is he heavier?"

Jiraiya rushed to answer, but Tsunade rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not! This Sand Shinobi should have fallen into the cesspit before the others."

Tsunade expressed his understanding.

But at this moment, Orochimaru shook his head.

"If he falls in first, the other Sand Shinobi won't be stupid enough to follow!"

When Orochimaru said this, the two also felt that it made sense.

Since someone fell into the cesspit, how could everyone else jump in? This is simply worse than a pig.

"Yeah...then why did he sink deeper than the others?"

Jiraiya and Tsunade turned into curious babies, looking at Orochimaru together.

After all, Orochimaru was considered the smartest of the three.

Stared at by the two, Orochimaru asked a question.

"Didn't you realize that there is one person missing in the cesspit?"

"Few people?"

Jiraiya scratched her head, wondering who was missing.

Will there be fewer people in the cesspit?

What kind of logic is this?

If you want to talk about IQ, it has to be Tsunade.

She finally understood who Orochimaru was referring to.

"You mean? Luo Sha?"

"That's right!"

Orochimaru nodded.

But at this time, Jiraiya was not happy.

"How is it possible? He is obviously not in the cesspit?"

"No! It can only be said that he escaped from the cesspit. The most direct evidence is the body of Sand Shinobi who sank one meter deeper than the others!"

Orochimaru's eyes shone with wisdom, and he directly explained the key point.

"So it is! So it is..."

Tsunade suddenly realized.

"I understand! Luo Sha and his subordinates all fell into the cesspit. But Luo Sha used his subordinates as a stepping stone and fled here!"

Tsunade finally sorted out his thoughts, and felt that Orochimaru was too smart.


"You're wrong about one thing!"

Orochimaru again denied Tsunade's statement.

"No? What's wrong?"

"If it were you, if you fell into the cesspit with a dozen of your subordinates at the same time, would you use your subordinates as pedals in the first place?"

Orochimaru asked back.

"Of course not! I'm not as cold-blooded as Luo Sha."

"Yeah, you won't! Luo Sha won't either! I guess he should have done it after the sinking."


Near a creek.

Luo Sha lay quietly in the stream, letting the stream wash over her.

He has maintained this posture for a long time, in order to wash away the smell of Ollie on his body.

The night is slowly falling!

Finally, Luo Sha stood up.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, I was planted in a cesspit!"

There was an unconcealable anger on his face, and the killing intent in his heart was extremely strong.

Luo Sha never dreamed that a small transporter in Konoha Village would kill all 18 of his subordinates?

"I was too careless! If I had shot at the first time, this result would not have happened..."

He regretted it, regretted that he had underestimated that young man.

Luo Sha didn't pay attention to a waste that could fall off a bullock cart. But the result was that all his subordinates were wiped out, and even he was almost suffocated to death.

"If I just go back like this, how can I have the face to see the teacher?"

Looking in the direction of Konoha Village with deep eyes, Luo Sha had a bold idea in his heart.

He wants revenge!

He wanted to catch the young man who had killed eighteen of his subordinates, and then tortured him severely.

"As long as I eliminate the trace of the smell, I can continue to hide, I don't believe you won't come out!"

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