The complexions of Qingtian and the two of them changed drastically, and their brains were stunned by the smell.



This taste is so sour.

"Chiba didn't fall into the cesspit, but ate shit!"

"Eating shit is not as strong as his breath..."

Can't help it.

The two couldn't bear it anymore.

Involuntarily, Qingtian and his companions took off their clothes, used them as filters, and covered their mouths and noses.

But it still doesn't seem to be able to stop the smell.

"Am I making you so sick?"

Chiba was unhappy and couldn't help complaining.

He risked his life to transport supplies and was almost killed by Sand Shinobi, but now these two people hate him so much?

"Huh? By the way, the supply station!"

Suddenly, he thought about Sand Shinobi blowing up the supply station.

"The supply station has been blown up, report it quickly!"

After Chiba's words fell, the expressions of Qingtian and the two became serious.

The supply depot was bombed, which is a big deal.

"You stay here on duty, I'll report!"


The companion directly dropped these words, and disappeared in an instant, leaving Qing Tian with an ugly face behind.

He also wanted to report, but was taken a step ahead by his companions.


Chiba's stomach started growling again.

"Huh? Is Chiba hungry?"

As a ninja, Qingtian's ears are extremely sensitive.

"Chiba, you are here to help keep watch, I'll buy you some ramen."

After finishing speaking, Qingtian turned into a puff of smoke, leaving Chiba standing alone at the entrance of the village.

"Hey! I want more ramen~~"

In the distance, Qing Tian staggered when he heard the shout.

Now he is not worried about the guarding at the entrance of the village, because Qingtian knows that as long as Chiba stands at the entrance of the village, the safety of the entrance of the village will be fine.

Hokage building!

Inside Hokage's office.

A map was spread out on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of the table frowned, Shimura Danzō stared at the map, silent.

Sand Shinobi Chen Bing frontier, this is extremely bad news for the current Konoha.

Although the reason given by Sand Shinobi is to guard against Rain Shinobi Village, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is Sand Shinobi's excuse, and the purpose is to use this reason to continuously send more ninjas to the front line.

"According to the news from the border front, the number of additional ninjas sent by Sand Shinobi Village has been increasing, and it is almost equal to the number of our border defense troops."

Sarutobi Hiruzen broke the silence, frowning.

As Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen had received this kind of news a long time ago, so he ordered the construction of a supply station to prepare for the defense in the near future.

Saying this now, I just want to hear Danzo's opinion.

"Third Kazekage has no small ambitions."

Danzo spoke softly.


Glancing at Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little tired.

I thought Danzo could give some advice, but these words just popped out?

thump! thump! thump!

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the office.

From the sound of footsteps alone, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo knew something was wrong.

as expected!

"Report to Lord Hokage, the first supply station has exploded!"


"Fried? Sand Shinobi did it?"

Hearing this news, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo asked in surprise.

They couldn't help but be shocked, because the supply station is related to the normal operation of the frontline troops on the border. Once the supply station is destroyed, the frontline troops will lose important supplies.

"This is the news brought back by Chiba who transported supplies. He should know the specific details."

"Then what are you waiting for? Bring him here immediately!"

Slapping the table down, Sarutobi Hiruzen urged.

However, the ninja's complexion was a bit tangled, as if he hesitated to speak.

"Huh? Why don't you hurry up?" Danzo squinted his eyes slightly and scolded in a deep voice.


Chiba at the entrance of the village waited and waited, waited and waited, and finally got the ramen.

At the same time, another ninja also came back and motioned for Hokage to summon him.


One mouthful of delicious ramen made Chiba feel alive again, and he walked towards the Hokage building while eating the ramen.

Watching Chiba eating noodles, Qingtian and his companions felt a chill and their scalps were numb.

"If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be shit in the corner of his mouth..."

"You read that's a piece of shit, and it's all dry."

They had never seen such a disgusting scene, and it blinded their titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Qingtian even speculated whether Chiba could come back alive because he was forced to eat shit by Sand Shinobi.

on the street!

With the appearance of Chiba, an unbearable stench wafted along, and the stench centered on Chiba and followed him all the way.

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