Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 54 The Dung King Is Back In The Village!

Chiba didn't know the consequences of this technique.

His purpose of performing this technique is very simple.

I just want those Sand Shinobi to cover their mouths with their hands and give up manipulating the puppets to attack themselves.

That's all.

As a peaceful shit, he hates fighting and killing.

As for the poop cloud that is still following him, Chiba thinks that when the poop idea is finished, it will be resolved naturally, so don't bother with it at all.

"Go home and build a farm and engage in breeding."

Filled with yearning for life, Chiba flew towards the village.

Shiyun followed for a while, but finally disappeared due to dystocia.

Konoha Village mouth!

Qingtian and his companions were on duty as usual.

"Hey, I don't wear a mask these two days, I always feel that something is missing."

When his companion said this, Qingtian deeply felt the same way.

It does feel a little less flavorful.

"Ah bah! How could I have such a thought?"

Startled by the thoughts rushing into his mind, Qing Tian hurriedly diverted his attention.

His eyes looked towards the forest outside the village.

Green and oily, how fresh and refreshing.

"Huh? Someone?"

Suddenly, Qingtian saw someone.

It was a man wearing a Sand Shinobi costume, walking towards the entrance of the village.

"Alert! Signal!"

Shocked, Qing Tian hastily urged.

call out! ! !

The signal flare was lifted into the air, drawing a line of smoke soaring into the sky.

"Oh? You welcome me so far away?"

Chiba is very happy and thinks that Qingtian can do it.

It is not in vain that he came back after going through all kinds of hardships. You see, there are even fireworks.

"No, it doesn't look like fireworks..."

Suddenly, Chiba sensed something was wrong. Because he had seen this kind of fireworks that didn't explode.

"Is this a signal flare?"

The pace quickened a little, and Chiba felt that he had to go up and explain.

at the same time!

As the other party approached, Qingtian and his companions also saw the other party's face clearly.

"It's over! The signal flare went wrong."

The companion was stunned, knowing that he had made a professional mistake.

But the problem is, the signal flare was sent by Qingtian.

But Qingtian ran back to the duty room in a hurry, hurriedly dug out a few masks, put on several layers, and then returned to his post in peace.


Seeing an old acquaintance, Chiba waved hello.

He has no smell on his body now, and he doesn't know why the other party is still wearing a mask.


Chiba came to the entrance of the village.


A guard lay on the ground and got up, throwing up a big puddle.

But Qingtian was much better, only took a dozen steps back and kept a certain distance from Chiba.

"No way? I have no smell."

Seeing this scene, Chiba was full of doubts.

People take a bath to wash away the dirt, but after a while, the dirt will still appear on the body.

The same reason.

The same goes for the smell of Chiba.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At this moment, figures came galloping from the village at an extremely fast speed.

This is the ninja in the village saw the signal flare and came to support.

"Where is the enemy?"

Orochimaru was the first to arrive and asked.

As a result, he changed his breath after speaking, and the disgusting Ollie's taste rushed to his brain, leading to acid water in his stomach.

"This smell, is it him? Vomit~~"

Glancing at Chiba, Orochimaru bent over and turned around, and disappeared with a 'whoosh'.

"Where's the enemy?"

"Who is so bold to break into Konoha?"

"Watch me beat him to death!"

Several shouts sounded, and immediately, several ninjas rushed to Qing Tian's side.

"Why is it so disgusting? Yue~~"

"This smell is so familiar... Ugh!"

"Fuck! Dung King!"

Seeing Chiba in Sand Shinobi costume, several people ran wildly.

After a while, another ninja appeared.

But these people ran away within three seconds, and they didn't forget to greet the Shabi who sent the signal flare.

The dung king returned to the village, how about setting up a signal flare to remind him? Let them mistakenly think that the enemy is attacking.

Chiba is a little tangled.

He was thinking about whether to give him a round of five grains on the spot?

In this way, the smell on his body will disappear for another two days.

"No, no, no, greasy sludge will appear on my body, it will be black, it's too embarrassing."

After thinking about it, Chiba decided to forget it.

After all, if he was all black, passers-by on the street would definitely laugh at him.

No, he can laugh at others. If you use it, others will laugh at you.

"I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed."

With this mentality of protecting himself, he decided not to use it.


At this time, Qingtian spoke.

He wants to prevent Chiba from entering the village.

Once the opponent enters the village, the streets will explode again.


Chiba is upset, and feels that Qingtian is not good for him.

"You smell like dung, so you can't enter the village."

"Oh? According to you, as long as people smell like dung, they can't enter the village?"


Qingtian was categorical.

"So this is ah..."

Chiba looked surprised.

next moment!

Ability activation——

The reincarnation of grains.


Qingtian only felt his stomach loosen, and then he ran out of his trouser pockets.


His entire body lost all strength, and Qing Tian collapsed directly on the ground.

And on his bulging trouser pockets, there was faint heat coming out.

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