Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter Fifty-Ninth: The Konoha High-Ranking Man Who Got Into Qian's Eyes!

Chiba took out ten large gold bars.

"I leased the back mountain for a year, is this enough?"

Lease the back mountain for one year?

Ten half-meter-long gold bars?

All the people present were dumbfounded.

If it weren't for the fact that they wanted Chiba to go to the front line, they would definitely have agreed immediately.

"Ahem, Chiba, where did you get these gold bars?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed and asked the question in his heart.

At the same time, the other three stretched their ears, obviously listening.

"I did it myself."

Hiruzen: "..."

Danzo: "..."

Homura: "..."

Koharu: "..."


The conference room was eerily silent.

At this time, the four of Sarutobi Hiruzen all opened their mouths wide open, each of them couldn't believe it.


Are you fucking kidding me?

"Are you kidding me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly became serious.

"No, I can turn shit into gold now."

Turn shit into gold?

Are you serious?

"You mean you can make gold bars just by giving you shit?"

Homura spoke suddenly.

Chiba thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with the other party's question.

So he nodded.

"Do you want to lease the back mountain and raise livestock to collect manure?"


Asked this, Homura is not asking questions.

Although he only asked two questions, the few people present all understood.

Just give Chiba shit and he'll make gold bars.

"Danzo, go and close the door."

At this time, Hiruzen glanced at Danzo, and ordered.


A meeting of four becomes a meeting of five.

Gold bars are real.

To test, Danzo directly cut the gold bars into several pieces to confirm the purity.

Next, it is about the conversion ratio of manure and gold bars.

"Chiba, if it's a ton of shit, can you make a gold bar like this?"

"Roughly the same."

As Chiba's words fell, Hiruzen and the others went crazy.

It's not really crazy.

It's that they were so excited, they were going crazy with joy.


Compared with Konoha's banknotes, gold bars have stronger purchasing power.

Konoha's banknotes can only be used within the territory of the Fire Country, and once they go to other countries, they need to be exchanged for local banknotes.

And several ninja villages will block each other from time to time, which also makes the circulation of banknotes in Konoha extremely unstable.

Just like Konoha and Sand Shinobi Village now.

But gold bars are different.

This is the trading currency recognized by the ninja world.

meeting room.

Chiba waited for a long time and found that the four senior executives were still giggling.

"When will you help me build a farm?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen deserves to be Hokage, so he made a decision directly.

"Oh, that's good. As for the money for those livestock, it's all in my house. Go and get it yourself."

Livestock money?

"What livestock money?"

"I have to keep livestock, right? It doesn't cost money to buy livestock?"

As soon as Chiba finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

He saw the chrysanthemum smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

He knew that the other party should have planned to give him the livestock for free, but in the end, he offered to pay.

"Do you still have gold bars in your house?"

Looking at Chiba with a smile, Hiruzen asked.

"There is still a room, you can move it all."

"A room full of gold bars?"

Hiruzen froze.

Danzo's eyes turned into money eyes.

Both Homura and Koharu nearly hit their jaws on the table.

next moment!


Danzo turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen also disappeared.

Homura and Koharu also performed Body Flicker Technique together.

In the end, Chiba was left alone in the conference room.

"Hey~~ A group of mortals, I can make a room full of gold bars in half a day, I really have never seen the world..."

Chiba sighed secretly, shaking his head.

To him, dung is far more precious than gold bars. As long as he has Chakra in his body, he can continuously create massive gold bars.

Feces are the resources Chiba needs to improve its own strength.

And gold bars are useless to him.

He traded gold bars for excrement, making a steady profit.

Chiba's yard.


Danzo appeared first.

Before he could push the door, Sarutobi Hiruzen came.

Followed by Homura and Koharu.

"Danzo, you came here in such a hurry, maybe you want to take some of it for yourself?"

Mitokado Homura sneered, debunking Danzo's plan.

All of them knew that Danzo's roots needed a lot of money, and the other party was the first to come, obviously wanting to fill their own pockets.

"I'm just worried about the safety of the gold bars in the house."

Danzo spoke softly.

As for whether others believe it or not, I don't know.

"It seems that Chiba also left a lot of gold bars in the house. As Hokage, I accepted them for the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to the door with a smile on his face.

Just opened the door!

The golden light almost blinded his eyes.

"Hiss! So many?"

"A room full of gold bars?"

"That's too much!"

"Unfortunately, my speed is still slow..."

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