another beautiful day.

Early in the morning, Chiba woke up from the cabin in the back mountain.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he met the Orochimaru team who came to throw pigs.


Just as Orochimaru was about to say hello, his complexion changed drastically, and he pinched his nose and ran all the way.

"Chiba, you eat Ollie early in the morning? Vomit!"

Tsunade complained, but the person also disappeared.

Only Jiraiya was strong-willed, and she just fainted without saying a word.

"Is it smelling again?"

Chiba was stunned, with an innocent look on his face.

The smell on his body will reappear every two days, just like ordinary people take a bath.

After taking a shower, it smells good, but it stinks again after two days.

"It's really not my fault."

With a sigh, he dragged Jiraiya a little farther away, turned and went back to the hut.

There was a warm box lunch on the wooden table in the room, which was obviously sent by Jingmei.

"Looks like she's off to water the dump again."

Since yesterday, Aburame Jingmei has poured water all afternoon, which is called "accelerated evolution".

cooked rice!

"Eat first, then take a bath."

Chiba made up his mind and picked up the love box lunch.

Now, he envied the Water Style ninja, at least they can take a bath at any time. Unlike myself, imitating any ninjutsu will become feces.

When others spit water, he spits Oli. Others sprayed fire, but he still sprayed Ollie.

Nothing fancy.

thump! thump! thump!

Before the meal was finished, Aburame Jingmei ran into the house.

"Chiba, Anbu is looking for you, saying that Fujiki wants to see you for the last time."


Chiba froze.


Seeing myself for the last time?

He hasn't seen Fujiki for the past two days, why is this the last time today?

"I don't know either. Anbu went to your yard to look for you and said that Fujiki was in the hospital."

Now, Chiba didn't eat his meal, and got up and left.

Jingmei is by her side and wants to go with her.

"Why is there still someone lying down here?"

Seeing someone lying not far away, Jingmei was full of question marks.

"Ahem, he will wake up when I leave."

Chiba was a little embarrassed.

At present, only the Aburame family in the whole village is not afraid of the smell on his body, other than that, there is no single enemy.

"That's right! You can watch this for me, and I can go by myself."

Coming to the village from the back mountain, Chiba ran straight across the street towards the hospital.

How could he care about taking a bath now?

Maybe after I take a shower, the vine Wooden Golem will be gone.

After all, the other party was his only friend.

"The Dung King is here again!"

As Chiba took to the streets, pedestrians were fried again.

Chiba ignored it and walked straight through.

Konoha Hospital!

As Chiba rushed into the hospital, the whole hospital panicked.

Ollie's smell wafts around and penetrates everywhere.

"Oh my god! Is the dung king also coming to the hospital?"

"He came to the hospital, we all have to go to the hospital!"

"I suddenly feel better, and I'm going to be discharged from the hospital."


A group of patients were so smoked that they couldn't stand it.

A ninja with a broken leg smelled it before he had finished his plaster cast. So he opened the window and jumped down.

A patient was sleeping, and after smelling the smell, he closed his eyes and died.

Some people are giving injections with their buttocks pouted. As a result, the doctor ran away before the needle was pulled out.

In the ward.

Mitokado Homura stood by the bed with an anxious look on his face.

Tsunade shook his head, sighing helplessly.

"Fujiki has been poisoned for too long. After he was poisoned, he ran back from the country of vortex, and his whole body was infected with toxin."

After speaking, Tsunade looked at Homura apologetically.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Homura's face turned pale instantly.

He originally thought that it would be safe to send his son to experience in the country of vortex. After all, it is surrounded by sea on three sides, and the only land connecting it is the Land of Fire.

In such a safe environment, Fujiki was still attacked.

"This toxin should have come from Sand Shinobi Village."

Tsunade is quite the Grandmaster when it comes to toxins, naming the source.

Homura didn't respond, just looked at his son quietly.

hospital bed.

Fujiki's eyes were open, and his body was black and purple, which indicated that the toxin had spread all over his body.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He was holding a glass bottle in his hand, which seemed to be something very important.


Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open, and it was Chiba who rushed over.

With the appearance of Chiba, the stench of Ollie immediately filled the room.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tsunade jumped out of the window the first time, and even Homura disappeared, leaving Fujiki and Chiba with the last time.


Chiba was shocked when he saw Fujiki covered in black and purple.

No need to think about it, the other party was poisoned.


Fujiki moved his mouth and looked at Chiba.

His arm trembled slightly, as if he was exhausted and wanted to lift it up.

"Is it for me?"

Chiba reached out and took the glass bottle.

Uncorked the bottle, a strong floral scent wafted out.


Chiba knew it was perfume.

At this moment, Fujiki on the hospital bed smiled.

"You're fucking dying, why don't you forget to give me perfume?"

Chiba cursed.

He was very blocked.

He has very few friends, only two that count.

One is Shizumi, and the other is Fujiki.

Now, Fujiki has been poisoned and is about to disappear.



A light flashed through Chiba's mind.

"Fujiki! Don't be afraid! It'll be fine if you run away!"

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