Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 78 Chiba: When I Wake Up, Sand Shinobi Will Suffer!

Chiba has been continuously maintaining Healing Jutsu.

He did not start repairing from the external wound, but from the heart.

Repair internal organs.

This is an extremely Chakra-intensive repair work, even if medical ninjutsu is as strong as Tsunade, there is no way to have so many Chakra.

However, Chiba has.

He scooped up most of the excrement in the country of the vortex, and accumulated a huge amount of excrement.

"Although Chiba's Healing Jutsu is stronger than mine, but he is trying to repair the heart, which consumes ten times, or even ten times more than repairing external wounds..."

Although Tsunade was shocked by Chiba's Healing Jutsu, he still felt that it was impossible for him to save Shizumi.

"you can!"

Aburame Zhihui was full of hope and felt that Chiba could do it.

The others didn't know whether they could be saved or not, but they were just observing Aburame Jingmei's state.

time flies...

Jingmei remained silent, but Chiba's face turned pale.

"This costs a thousand points of Chakra?"

After glancing at the remaining Chakra on the attribute panel, Chiba added points directly.

【Usable Chakra Amount (upgradeable): 112/1500】


100 poop points, 20011 poop points.

【Usable Chakra Amount (upgradeable): 2112/3500】

200 dung point smashed down, he continued to maintain Healing Jutsu.

The change in this scene made several people around look confused.

They clearly saw that Chiba's face was pale, it was obvious that Chakra was running out, but why did his face turn rosy all of a sudden?

Moreover, the richness of Healing Jutsu has increased dramatically, and it is even greener than before.


The heart is repaired.

Chiba takes control of Healing Jutsu and starts repairing the next internal organ.

Two hours passed.

Tsunade was numb.

Danzo and the others also think Chiba is a monster.

Because, at this time, the amount of Chakra output by Chiba has far exceeded the level of Kage-level.

"He has maintained the Chakra output for so long, not to mention me, even Hiruzen plus me, there is not so much Chakra

"How did Chiba have such a huge Chakra? Could it be that he is from the Uzumaki clan?"

"This Chiba is really not an ordinary person.

"Sister moved!"

Just when several people's thoughts were flying wildly, Aburame Zhihui was pleasantly surprised to find that Jingmei's hand moved.

Jingmei only felt that she had fallen into a dark abyss.

Her body kept falling.

Lonely, confused, cold.

She thought of the 'Fat Chiba' pig, because that's what she had secretly named Chiba.

There is nothing in the abyss, only this thought accompanies her.


A ray of light appeared.

That's Chiba's face.


With a tremor, Jingmei opened her eyes.

She sees Chiba.

She really saw Chiba.

But immediately, Jingmei apologized.

"Chiba, I didn't protect the farm well, sorry..."

"No, I should say I'm sorry, I promised to protect you, but I didn't.

Chiba stared at the other person's face, sincere and self-blaming.

"But all the wild boars on the farm are dead..."

"Isn't it enough to buy a batch?"

"Then I will help you manage it?"


While the two were talking, Chiba was still treating each other's injuries.


Danzo turned away with a constipated look on his face.

"I just remembered that I haven't finished breakfast yet!"

He couldn't take it anymore and wanted to go home and continue eating. After all, he hasn't picked up his bowl yet.

"Ahem, it's time for me to go to work."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and flashed away with a 'bang'.

"Are you still leaving?"

At this time, Aburame Zhihui looked at Hiashi, obviously feeling that he was an eyesore.


Hiashi was choked and had nothing to say, so he could only leave.

Next, Aburame Zhihui looked at Tsunade again, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.


Tsunade smiled, grabbed Aburame Zhihui's collar, and cast the Instant Technique.


Only Chiba and Aburame Shizumi remained in the field.

Suddenly, Jingmei thought of something.

"By the way Chiba, if you hadn't given me those flies, I really wouldn't be seeing you now."

"Huh? Flies? Dumpster flies, you say?"


After speaking, Jingmei stretched out her hand.


I saw an army of black flies flying from a distance, like a dark cloud.



With sharp eyes and quick hands, Chiba ran into the wooden house and closed the wooden door.

No way, he has shade to flies.

"I put the fly somewhere else, you can come out."

Following Jingmei's words, Chiba opened the wooden door a little, and poked out his head to take a look.

Seeing that there were really no flies, he walked out.

"Chiba, those livestock are all dead, what are your plans for the corpses?"

"Bury it. 17

After thinking about it, Chiba decided that he could only bury it.

After all, those livestock were all poisoned, and no one would eat them.

"Then give me the body."

"For you? Are you afraid of being poisoned to death?"

"No, we, the Aburame clan, can use the carcasses of those livestock to cultivate worms."


Chiba found that the Aburame family came to the wooden house.

They built a few simple houses, and then rushed into the farm.

"Chiba, you are very good!"

An old man wearing sunglasses patted Chiba on the shoulder with a look of relief.

"you are?"

"My name is Aburame913 Shichuan, and I am the patriarch of the Aburame clan. Well, Shizumi is my daughter."

"Ah? I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Hearing Chiba's perfunctory response, the old man's mouth twitched.

I don't even know the name, what a fart for a long time.

The Aburame family was busy, and even Jingmei changed her clothes and joined the ranks of carrying the dead animals.

After greeting the chief Aburame, Chiba walked towards the village.

Along the way, he opened up the properties panel.

【Host: Chiba】

[Fruit: Dung fruit (a fruit condensed from the essence of countless kinds of dung)】

[Fruit introduction: can control and manipulate all biological feces and excrement]

[Advanced fruit ability: reincarnation of five grains (beauty, beauty, detoxification): control of feces in all living organisms]

[Imitation ability: SSS (this level of ninjutsu for all ninjas)]

[Advanced Dung Fist: Manipulate feces to condense into fists to attack the enemy, up to a thousand dung fists can be condensed at the same time]

[Septic tank (infinite space): dedicated to storing feces, gather the feces within a radius of 100 meters through the mind, and store them through the mouth]

【Dung points (1 ton of dung = 1 dung point): 56】

[Usable Chakra Amount (upgradeable): 244/3500]

Gazes over the remaining amount of Chakra as he prepares to go home and sleep.

Because sleeping is the fastest way to reply Chakra.

"Sand Shinobi! When I wake up, you will suffer.".

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