Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 85: The King Worm Crawling Out Of Chiba's Mouth!

Unbeknownst to Chiba, he has aroused the suspicion of the village's higher-ups.

Now, he is standing by a large pit in the back mountain, looking at the densely packed corpses of livestock in the pit.

"Is this how your family raises bugs?"

Looking at the bugs that crawled in and out of the corpse from time to time, Chiba felt his scalp go numb.

too disgusting!

However, Mei doesn't think so.

"Actually, as long as it is a living thing, it is a vegetative body. These livestock are dead, and it is just right to use them to cultivate worms."


Chiba was speechless.

Because he found that Jingmei's "eight two three" made a lot of sense.

"It's like us. If we die, we will be covered with maggots. My father said that this is the reincarnation of all things."

Chiba: "Makes sense!"

"So I thought, if I die, let the clansman spark me off, so that I won't be afraid that others will use my dead body for experiments..."

While Jingmei spoke, she was contemplative, like a philosopher.

"Ahem, let's talk about bugs."

Chiba was about to die, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

At this time, the Aburame patriarch came over slowly and patted Chiba on the shoulder.

"Chiba, you can't concentrate~~"

After leaving this sentence, the old man strode away.


Suddenly, Ye felt a burst of nausea.

He was shocked!

After eating so much Ollie...Ahh! He has never felt like throwing up since he collected feces for a long time, but now, he wants to throw up?

"What’s wrong with you?"

Jingmei looked anxious and hurriedly asked.

next moment!

Chiba couldn't take it anymore.

He felt like something was about to crawl out of his mouth.



Suddenly, he threw up.

What he spit out was neither Ollie nor phlegm, but a golden worm the size of a fist.

The whole body of the bug is golden yellow, with weird lines all over the body.

What's even more peculiar is that the golden worm has dozens of pairs of eyes, which looks extremely scary.

The golden worm flew out and circled around Yu Ye's head.

pause time.

Dense worms drilled out of the livestock carcasses in the pit and flew towards Chiba.

"This is? My previous bug?"

Jingmei's eyes widened in disbelief.

She didn't recognize it at first.

Because the worm was black at the beginning, and its size was even smaller than a finger cap. How did it turn golden after it came out of Chiba’s mouth? It’s still so big?

In the field!

Dense worms flew out from the livestock carcasses and surrounded the golden worms.

Looking at the posture, it seems that he is worshiping the king.

"What's going on? Why did all the bugs fly on Chiba's head?"

"Look, there's a golden bug on top of his head!"

"Gold bug?"

"Could it be? This is the legendary king worm that father said?"

This scene was so loud that many members of the Aburame clan exclaimed.

Even Patriarch Aburame's complexion changed drastically [Thinking of the legendary master worm.

According to legend, King Chong is the emperor of all insects and can command all insects.

"I the fuck..."

Chiba was dumbfounded and wanted to curse..

He was once surrounded by a group of flies, and now he was surrounded by a group of bugs.

Chiba has a feeling now.

As long as he moves his mind, the golden bug will obey his orders.

However, he didn't want the bug.

The feces have already made him no friends, and if there is another army of bugs, won't he end up alone in the future?

Suddenly, Chiba's eyes lit up.

"I remember, Jingmei kept saying that I stole her bugs, she must have lost them!"

Chiba thought he was too witty.

"Jingmei! Open your mouth!"

After speaking, Chiba had a thought.

The golden worm received the instruction, and got into Aburame Jingmei's mouth with a 'buzz' sound.


Jingmei was dumbfounded.

She didn't want to open her mouth at first, she just wanted to ask why she opened her mouth.

But as a result, as soon as she opened her mouth, the bug got in.


The swarm of insects that had surrounded Chiba's head changed direction and flew to You Jingmei's head.

"Amen! I wish you a happy life!" 2.3 silently blessed Chiba, and ran straight into the wooden house.


After closing the wooden door, Chiba remained silent.

The members of the Aburame clan ran to Jingmei one after another.

They want to know what's going on.


To say that the speed is fast, it has to be the Aburame patriarch.

He directly cast the worm blink body, and came to his daughter in the blink of an eye.

"Jingmei! That golden bug just now was given to you by Chiba?"


【Ask for various free tickets】.

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