Although it was late at night.

But at this time, Konoha was still lively.

As far as today is concerned, there are so many more fun and topics to discuss than usual.

The biggest protagonist, of course, is the theme of today's video, the duel between the two brothers of the Uchiha clan.

In particular, one of them, Sasuke Uchiha, is now in Konoha Village, and has just graduated from the ninja school, and today is his first day of officially becoming a Shinobi in Konoha Shinobi.

The news about Sasuke Uchiha has spread throughout Konoha Village.

Even people who were not familiar with him before are now familiar with Sasuke's background.

"Alas, even if there is only one person left in the Uchiha clan, he can grow to such a powerful point, and he really deserves to be our Konoha ninja. "

"Haha, it's amazing! Konoha will have one more fierce general in the future! I feel that the Uchiha Sasuke in the video is even more powerful than the original three ninja adults!".

"Definitely, didn't you see, at the end of the video, the traitor Orochimaru was sealed! He looked very wrong at the time, and he must have been arrested by Sasuke-sama beforehand. "

A video, the amount of information brought is just too high.

It is so high that many Konoha villagers can talk about it for a few days and nights.

But even today the absolute protagonist, is Sasuke Uchiha.

There is still a topic that has broken into everyone's sight and caused many people to discuss.

"Hehe, have you heard, the eldest lady of the Hyuga family today has been with that monster imp. "

"What, Miss Hinata, what are you talking about?" someone said with a shocked expression.

"Nonsense! The two of them were talking and laughing on the street today, and some people said that Hinata-sama looked like she was shy! "

"Hey, it's big news!"

Originally, if it was just Hinata and Naruto talking, everyone would not have much to talk about.

But in the process of chatting with Naruto, Hinata blushed and looked shy, which immediately made many people who saw this scene think about it.

"Cut, how is it possible!" Someone said with a disdainful face: "If you talk about gossip, you also have to talk about common sense, right? A demon fox imp, who doesn't hate him in Konoha? Miss Hinata is a noble daughter of the clan family! Can you take a fancy to this kind of person?"

"I also think, listening to my children, that demon fox ghost is obviously a crane tail at school, and shouting all day long to challenge this challenge and that, which is very self-conscious. "

"Hahaha, he's even shouting all day long that he's going to be Hokage! "

"This little hairy boy, every time he passes by the door of my store, I seem to rush up and beat him up!"

"So, this news must be a rumor, but Miss Hinata is indeed a little too kind, why is this kind of demon fox still talking to him, you should just drive him away. "

"That's right, it's definitely the demon fox who stalks Miss Hinata, and he doesn't look in the mirror to see what he looks like, he actually dares to pester Miss Hinata. "

"The Hyuga family will definitely teach him a lesson!".

The combination of Hinata and Naruto is too magical, and although everyone has been discussing and ridiculing, there are really few people who believe that these two people will be a couple.

On the contrary, many people think that although Miss Hinata is unlikely to like Naruto, it is indeed very likely that a nasty ghost like a demon fox imp will run to pester the eldest lady of the Hyuga family.

The villagers in the village were talking.

But here in the upper echelons of Konoha, the atmosphere is low at this time.

Hokage Building.

Inside the Hokage's office.

Even if it's late.

But here, the lights are still on.

There are not many people in the house, but they are all heavyweights of Konoha.

Except for the three generations of Hokage apes who were hanging a pipe and were constantly twitching.

Two advisors, Mito Menyan and Koharu Zhuan, as well as the gloomy leader of the Konoha roots, Shimura Danzo, and Konoha think tank, Nara's most powerful assistant, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaichi, Hachiki Kakashi and others.

Shimura Danzo's deep voice sounded: "Uchiha Sasuke's rebellion against the village is unforgivable! Such a person cannot stay!".

Nara Lujiu frowned and said: "A video can't be used as evidence of his future rebellion against the village, right? What's more, the future is the future, and now he is just a child who has just graduated." "

These Konoha executives did notice that Sasuke did not have forehead protection on his forehead in the video.

But in any case, even if it is really a future image, there is no direct evidence that the other party is really a traitor.

Moreover, use the sword of the future to kill the people of the present...... This spread out, and it was not good for him, or Konoha's reputation.

Mito Menyan also nodded, and said: "At present, Uchiha Sasuke's reputation in the village has become very high because of this video, and everyone thinks that in the future, there will be another powerful ninja in Konoha, and if we execute him on the grounds that he may betray the village, it is quite unconvincing." "

The ninja world is the law of the jungle, and this is something that everyone living in this world understands.

As residents of Konoha Ninja Village, everyone will naturally be happy to see the future Uchiha Sasuke so fierce.

Many people are also reporters who have experienced three ninja wars in the past.

It's so brutal.

If there is one more powerful combat power like Sasuke Uchiha in the video, then if there is another war in the future, Konoha's chances of victory and the lives of their villagers will be more guaranteed.

Therefore, in just one video, Sasuke Uchiha has suddenly become the leader of Konoha Village, and a lot of people pay attention to him.

At this time, you said that the family might rebel against the village in the future, so you executed him directly......

The villagers of Konoha must be incomprehensible.

Even other villages would laugh at Konoha Ninja Village, who was so timid and unlucky.

Shimura Danzou smiled, as if he had long understood that they would say this, so he said, "In that case, let's send him to the roots." "

A gloomy smile appeared on his face: "Send the roots, I will definitely teach him well, I promise, not only will he not betray the village, but he will also become the most solid sword of Konoha in the future!".

As soon as this statement came out.

There was a sudden silence in the office.

On this point, no one really doubts Shimura Danzo's methods.

Once Uchiha Sasuke really entered the roots, he wanted to betray the village...... Absolutely impossible.

Their discussion of Uchiha Sasuke is mainly worried about what such a genius will do if he has no sense of belonging to Konoha and defects in the future.

Zhuan Xiaochun narrowed his eyes and said, "I think this suggestion is good, the root is indeed suitable for this child." "

Mito Menyan also nodded.

They didn't have a good impression of the Uchiha in the first place.

Sasuke Uchiha is very talented, and he may betray the village in the future.

It's a good choice to send it to the roots.

In Danzang's hands, he will indeed only become a Konoha sword.

As for Sasuke Uchiha's own thoughts, it doesn't matter.

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