The video finally started playing.


first person to appear in front of everyone was a black-haired teenager with a happy and confident smile on his face.

"Ah, who is this?" Sakura and the others were stunned.

Everyone at the scene was also confused.

"He's wearing Konoha forehead guards, how come he's never seen this person before. "

"Doesn't look very old, should it be a ninja in Konoha Village in the future?"

"Look, he's got a video camera in his hand! Is this the wedding cameraman?"

The villagers of Konoha were talking.

"It always feels like it's a little familiar...... although most people can't tell who the first teenager in the video is.

But his appearance also made many people in Konoha show a sense of familiarity.

"Wood...... Young Master Konohamaru!!" Just as everyone was wondering about his identity.

A loud shout spread in all directions.

Everyone immediately looked at the source of the sound.

is a ninja school teacher wearing sunglasses.

At this time, his eyes were shocked, and he kept rubbing his cheeks, as if to determine whether he was dazzled or not.

Iruka immediately said, "Konohamaru?".

He thought for a moment and shouted, "Isn't that the grandson of the three generations of Hokage?!".

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene suddenly realized.

"That's right, I'll just say that this boy looks so familiar! It's very similar to Konohamaru, the Hokage-sama's grandson!"

For a while, the villagers became more curious.

on the square.

The Konoha villagers turned their gaze directly to the high platform in front of them.

At this time, their Hokage-sama was standing there.

The ape flew to the corner of his mouth.

He thought everyone didn't know he was here.

But in the face of everyone's gaze, he glanced at the figure of the young man in the video in the sky, nodded anyway, and said with a smile: "If the old man's eyes are right, this kid seems to be really Konoha Maru." "

At this time, the hearts of the three generations of Hokage were filled with emotion.

Konohamaru, this kid, isn't enrolled in school yet.

Unexpectedly, I saw his future appearance in the video.

Get confirmation from the Hokage.

For a while, everyone was more curious now.

Why does Hokage-sama's grandson appear in this video?

Finally, Konohamaru spoke, and he smiled confidently, "Brother Naruto, congratulations on getting married! Hehe, I've been busy preparing a congratulatory gift for you for a while! You're going to love it very, very much! I promise, there's no one better than mine!".


Konohamaru!Hokage-sama's grandson!Prepare a congratulatory gift for the tail of the Konoha crane?!You've been busy for a long time?

For a while, many villagers in Konoha had expressions of disbelief.

"Naruto, he has a crane tail, I don't even bother to go to the wedding invitation, let alone a congratulatory gift!Isn't this Konohamaru-sama's grandson?!How could he be mixed up with someone like Naruto!".

"That's right, it's fake!".

"I think it's on the face of the Hyuga family, right? Isn't the title saying that Naruto and Hinata were married? Unbelievable, isn't this video really fake?".

"Look at it again, I can't imagine it...... It's an exaggeration. "

The next moment.

Konohamaru continued to smile and said, "Brother Naruto, are you ready to receive my congratulatory gift? This is what I collected for you after I traveled all over the ninja world, everyone's blessings! Oops! There are many, many people in the entire ninja world rushing to congratulate you! It's a pity that my video is limited, otherwise I'm afraid that the person who congratulated you will have to watch it for seven days and seven nights just to bless you!"

What a brag!

For a while, the faces of the people in the entire ninja world were full of disdain.

Who are you Naruto? I've never heard of it!

Just a nobody, get married and ask us all the ninja world to bless you?


At this time, not only the other ninja villages in the ninja world thought that the person in the video was talking big.

In Konoha Ninja Village, there are also many people who are speechless.

"Wow, what's going on with this Hokage-sama's grandson, it's too out of tune, is it, so good at talking big?!".

"Cut, that demon fox boy, he's married, it's good if I don't scold him to death, and I'm still vying to send him blessings?!What kind of bullshit are kidding!".

The crowd was full of disdain.

In their eyes, how could a mere Vortex Naruto have such a big battle?

Since it's impossible, it's the grandson of the future Hokage-sama in the video who is lying.

Even Ape Fei Ri Chop frowned at this time, and shook his head secretly: "It seems that this Konoha Pill's education still needs to be grasped a little, alas, I must be too busy, so I didn't teach him well." "

Naruto was confused at this time: "Who is Konohamaru?".

Inside the Ape Fei family.

Konohamaru looked at himself in the sky video in a daze, and said blankly: "This ...... This is the future me, where did I come from?".

"Alright, Brother Naruto, are you ready? Now is everyone's blessings, please tune in!" In the video, Konohamaru confidently patted the camera, and suddenly, the entire video flashed again.


A camera-like frame appears around the frame.


ninja world already has a video recorder at the moment.

So everyone is no stranger to this kind of thing.

"This is the wedding blessing video taken by Konohamaru? There are really so many people blessings?! Hmph, I want to see if it's a liar. "

"It's just a crane tail, I don't believe anyone can come to the wedding, even if they come, it must be for the sake of the Hyuga family's face. "

"That's right, if these two get married, who cares about that demon fox boy, the focus is still on the daughter of the Hyuga family!".

The villagers of Konoha Village couldn't accept that Naruto and Hinata would hold a wedding in the future.

Now, Konohamaru actually said something like 'The whole ninja world is rushing to bless Naruto!'


For a moment, everyone showed a sneering posture and looked at the sky.

They'd like to see what your Uzumaki Naruto's blessing video looks like!

[The cherry blossoms are fluttering, and the entire Konoha Village seems to be surrounded by a festive atmosphere, but the first person to appear in the video is not the blessed person everyone is expecting, but a background picture, and then in the middle of the background picture, there are four big characters 'Blessing Collection'].

It's not like you haven't watched TV.

For the beginning of a video, there is understanding.

This is a classic question.

Everyone understands.

If everyone's observation is average, maybe this background picture at the beginning of the picture will pass.

It won't cause any waves.

But this is the ninja world!

One of the most important abilities of ninjas is their ability to observe!

What's more, the background picture at the beginning of the blessing video taken by Konohamaru is something that all the villagers of Konoha Ninja Village will see every day.

So almost immediately, someone shouted in shock, "Look! There are two more !! in the Hokage."


ps: There are evaluation votes!Readers with flowers, please help vote, please! Every little bit of your support can be turned into endless motivation for the little author! Please!

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