

For a while, because of the barrage.

Everyone in the ninja is discussing the name of Qimu Mo Mao.

In Muye Village.

Kakashi's complexity is complex. Listening to the discussion of his father around him, the minds of Hai Chen could not help but show that the father’s

"This scorpion's parents died in your hands ... I don’t know if you are in Pure Land now, can you see this in the video?

screen.Kakashi thought.


In the previous Tianzhu chat room, Qi Mao Mao's speech appeared.


According to the introduction of the Tianmu video chat room.

At this moment, those who are in Pure Land can also see the video content.

"Ah!" Naruto shouted loudly: "Teacher Kakashi! Is this flag Mao Mao said by the barrage, is it your father?!

"Naruto! Don't always ask some nonsense! Isn't this a certain thing!" Haruno Sakura talked silently.

"No." Naruto touched his head, and said depressedly: "I can feel the look of the scorpion in the video. He misses his parents very much. Perhaps he will become like that in the future, because his parents will be because of his parents.The reason why he left him, 27 is the uncle Qi Mo Mao Mao, just did not kill his parents. "

"Huh!" Sasuke said: "You stupid! We and the people in Shayin Village are not a friendly alliance relationship! Ninja, do you have to show mercy to your opponents!


Although Sasuke's parents have died.

But he is still very convinced of the weak meat in the ninja.

On the battlefield, the two sides fought, and I was not as killed as a person.

It's too normal.

Asma glanced at Kakashi and stood up and nodded, saying, "Yes, Naruto."

"We are ninjas. For us, maintaining the interests of the village is the most important. The original wood leaf and Shayin Village were fighting.In the future, the harmonious relationship between the two villages will be misled. "

"Scorpion's parents died in the hands of Qimuimao, which is very normal!"

Shikamaru also nodded, saying: "In the previous future sky -to -day video, the contents of the playback made me almost think of how good our relationship with Shayin Village was."

He continued to look up at the sky, saying: "These guys are always enemies. You see these of the Sandi Village Ninjas who are going to take the CITIC Exam.


The surrounding Xiaoqiang looked at the Sarawak Village Ninja gathering place not far away.

At this moment.

Because of the reason why Dao Ban Mu Mo Mao Mao.

Many Sarawak Village Ninja, and even other village ninjas have revealed a lot of hatred.

The face is full of anger.

At least, the relationship between the two villages is indeed poor.

"Well." Naruto sighed, and then, his eyes staped: "I understand! However, although we have a bad relationship with Sarawak Village now, I believe that in the future, we will definitely change this kind ofThe situation! Maybe, one day, we can get along with each other like a future video! "

Kakashi was calm, thinking in his heart: "The future Naruto ... is known as the hero of the Ninja ... Maybe he can really do it ..."

Kakashi, who has experienced war and experienced the death of his companion.

The desire for peace is not weak.

However, as a ninja of the wood leaf, he understands that peace is not possible.

But in a distant future.

When Naruto held a wedding.

People from various countries and villages can be happy and unsatisted to celebrate.

This so -called six -generation Naruto can even assume the defense of the village to the ninjas of the village to perform it, and then let everyone go to Naruto's wedding ...

Such a beautiful picture.

If it is not achieved true harmony and peace.

How can it appear?

Pure land.

Qi Mu Mao Mao looked at the video and looked at the barrage's remarks, and his eyes were also complicated.

"Master Master ... I didn't expect to kill you two, it would have such a great impact ..."

The master is a special enemy.

Simu Shuomao naturally remember these two dead people.

"Parent's death, the impact on his child is too great ..." He looked up, thinking: "Kakashi, I'm sorry

"Whatever you want to watch the violent novel, just go to Novel Network!)

In the sky, the video continues to play.

[The young scorpion is always gloomy. Until, he mastered the puppet skills and made his parents into two special puppets, and then lived with them day and night.Smile again..

[At night, when the scorpion sleeps, the parents will place their parents on both sides of them, allowing them to hold themselves in the middle..

[During the day, he would also let the two puppets hold him and use the puppet to feel the love of parents who have completely disappeared..

In this way, it should have been a warm and extremely warm picture.

However, the process of playing in the video is a minister.

It really makes countless people's scalp numbness, but feels extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh my god, the more weird you look."

"That is, 310 is my parents ... It was made into two puppets, and put it around all day, that's also very scary!

"The scorpion guy is really perverted! It's outrageous!"

Countless people are preaching all over the ninja.

Wooden leaves, Xiaozu.

Many members of the organization who originally liked to ridicule, at this moment, they closed their mouths rare.

Because they felt it, just next to them, the scorpion murdered, and there was a burst of murderousness that broke out of itself.


At this time, if these people say some wind and cool words, the scorpion of the scorpion directly greet the probability of greeting up, they always feel that bandits

Frequent causes.[ 071123181]

Although not scared.

But no matter what, at this moment, this is also Muye Village.

Since it is Muye Village, it still has to be a little scared.

Otherwise, if the disguise is revealed, wouldn't it be troublesome for yourself?

"Hey." Didala helplessly said: "Brother Scorpion, you can't think of your childhood and unfortunately."

"Shut up. Scorpion preached coldly.

At this moment, he was too lazy to speak to this nagging guy.

The most secretive, the most private childhood was videos of the sky curtain, so naked!

He especially wants to vent his anger now!

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