The unbearable insults spread throughout the ninja world through the video.

It made many ninjas who had killed countless people in the ninja world frown.

Scolding, this kind of thing can be done by anyone.

However, scolding a child is so vicious.

Especially if the kid still looks cute.

It can't help but make people feel pity.

"These people are Konoha villagers, it's too much, isn't it?how can you treat a child like this?!".

"Is this kid the same Naruto Uzumaki?".

"It's outrageous! No matter what, he's just a child!"

[Listening to the incessant insults coming from his ears, little Naruto lowered his head the whole time, his face was depressed, and he walked slowly on the road, and finally, he seemed to be unable to hold back any longer. 】

"I'm not a monster!" Naruto turned his head and shouted at all the Konoha villagers on the street, "Listen to me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki! I'll definitely get the name Hokage!

[After shouting, he ran away in the disgusted eyes of everyone.] 】


The whole ninja world was silent.

The next moment, there was an uproar.

"It's really Naruto Uzumaki! it's the same person from the previous video!".

"I heard that this person is the Nine-Tails Zhu Li, he was discriminated against by the people of Konoha Village?"

"It's too dangerous to be human, and it's understandable. "

"In any case, it is disgusting to say so many vicious things to a little child. "

Inside Yunyin Village.

"Hmph! The people of Konoha are so impersonal. Karui said coldly, looked at Samyi on the side, and said, "Renzhuli sacrificed himself to seal the tailed beast for the sake of the village, no matter what, he can't let them be treated like this." "

Samyi glanced at the person sitting beside him, nodded, and said slowly: "So other villages will never be able to become a perfect human pillar like the master." "

Kirabi, who has always been lively, is wearing sunglasses at this time, sitting on the ground, watching the video in the sky and falling into silence.

After learning that Naruto Uzumaki is a Nine-Tails pillar force.

He's always been curious about this little ghost.

In the last video, the future self also expressed various blessings to Naruto many times, and it is obviously a good friend.

But I didn't expect that what appeared this time was the picture of Naruto Uzumaki when he was a child.

Looking at what happened to Naruto Uzumaki, he couldn't help but think of his former self.

There is no such thing as a perfect human being, everything is just earned by one's own hard work.

He has also had the experience of being discriminated against and attacked.

However, because of his brother by his side, he survived that time.

But he understands how great the pressure he faces as a human pillar force is.

Therefore, looking at what happened to Naruto in the video, he was rarely silent.

For a while, Karui and Samui were a little overwhelmed.

"Master, are you alright?!" Karui shook his hand in front of Kirabi's eyes

"Yo yo, don't worry, I'm fine! Now let's take a look at Naruto's video first!gogo!" Kirabi replied immediately.

Inside the village of Shayin.

"This person is the same as my Airo, he is a human pillar!"

"They're all monsters!they're all monsters!".

"But how do I feel that this kid isn't as scary as my Airo?"

"Yes, I'm going to kill people at every turn, but this Vortex Naruto seems to be easy to bully. "

Many villagers in Shayin Village watched the video and talked about it.

"We're afraid of my Airo, and that's because I'm too fierce!".

"That's right, this Vortex Naruto in the video, although he is also a human pillar force, but he has a good temper, why are these Konoha villagers still targeting him like this, are they really not afraid of death. "

"Oh my God, they're so bold, I don't dare to scold me for ......


"The villagers of Konoha are a bit too much, it would be nice to swap Naruto Uzumaki and Iara, and let them know what a terrifying ...... is."

Many villagers in Shayin Village were secretly frightened by the boldness of the Konoha villagers.

If any of them dare to scold me like this to their faces, they are really looking for death.

The other party dared to give them a sand funeral on the spot.

They are not so much afraid of human power as they are afraid of my Airo.

A homestead deep in the village of Shayin.

I Airo stayed quietly in the house, his eyes were blank and fierce, staring carefully at the picture in the sky: "Nine-tails...... Friends ......".

He muttered from time to time.

"This ...... Is that why you're friends with him......" I thought of the future self I had seen earlier, the gentle young man.

It's been half a month, and he still can't believe that it's his future self.

And at this time, inside Konoha.

Countless people who are familiar with Naruto, because of this short fragment, are all worried.

Because the video is played from the perspective of Naruto Vortex, it is easier for viewers to immerse themselves in Naruto's thoughts and feel his pain and sadness.

Although many people have always known that Naruto is not well received in the village.

But after all, everyone is not very old, and it is not Naruto himself, they can't really experience how huge this pain is.

"Naruto ......" somewhere in the wild camp, Hinata looked at the young figure in the sky with a distressed expression.

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