"This baby!" Countless people in the ninja world looked at the child who appeared in the video, and almost instantly, they recognized it.

This face, this blond hair, six cat-like whiskers at the corners of the mouth.

There could be no one else besides Naruto Uzumaki!

"Naruto, that's you!" Sakura said in surprise, "I didn't expect this video to be three or four years old, and then go back to playing baby!"

"Oh my God! What's going on! The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is right next to it! How did Naruto Vortex get so close to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox!"

[Baby Naruto was lying on an altar-like table, the cloth used to wrap the baby covered his whole body, and the nine-tailed demon fox stood next to him and went crazy, showing off his might!]

Just when countless people were worried about Naruto in this scene.

[Boom, boom!]

[Countless golden chains, from all directions, severely restrain the behavior of the nine-tailed demon fox!]

["Roar!!Jiu Sinai!It's you again!" Nine-Tails' hoarse and murderous roar made countless people stunned. 】

[The next moment, a pale woman with long bright red hair, a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth with "Zero Eighty-Three", panting, appeared in the picture. 】

"Kushina...... Mrs. Kakashi stared blankly at the man in the video.

["I will seal it with ghouls and seal half of the Nine-Tails, but there is still half of it, and I can only seal it with gossip and seal it on Naruto's body. After Whirlpool Kushina, another blonde man wearing a Hokage robe and a Konoha forehead guard appeared and spoke slowly. 】

"It's the fourth generation Hokage!" countless people in Konoha shouted instantly.

Although the fourth generation of Hokage has passed away for more than ten years, his former style still makes countless Konoha people nostalgic.

The moment this figure appeared, countless people recognized it.

"It's really the fourth Hokage! The red-haired one is the wife of the fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina!"

"This ...... Could this be the scene of the four generations of Hokage sealing the Nine-Tails more than ten years ago?!"

"This, it's uncomfortable to say, is Naruto Uzumaki really the son of the fourth Hokage-sama!!"

Naruto looked at the two figures in the sky in disbelief.

They seemed so familiar, yet so strange.

It was as if he had seen them countless times in his dreams, but in reality, it was only today that he really knew what his parents looked like.

A tear welled up from the corner of Naruto's eyes, and he looked at the video carefully, not wanting to miss a single thing.

"Naruto......" Hinata, who arrived panting, stood aside, looked at him, and did not step forward.

Sakura Sasuke and the others were silent.

"Ghoul sealing?!This sealing technique, if I'm not mistaken, the user must die, right?!"

"That's right!The ghoul seal is a very domineering sealing technique, once you get hit, it will definitely be over, and of course, the interpreter will ......also die."

"Konoha's fourth Hokage, this is going to die with the Nine-Tails?"

"He is proficient in the art of flying thunder, if he wants to escape, he should be able to escape at any time......"

In the ninja world, many voices are talking.

["Roar!" The Nine-Tails were locked by the sealing chain released by the Vortex Nine Sinai, the flexibility of the body was greatly reduced, and the huge sealing energy shield trapped the Nine-Tails in it, even if it wanted to escape, there was no way. 】

[Ahh 】

[Jiu Sinai gasped heavily, already in a dying state, and the wave of wind and water kept sealing, ignoring the meaning of the nine tails at all. 】

["Ah! I won't let you succeed!" The terrifying voice of the Nine-Tails made countless viewers in the ninja world who were watching the video feel their scalps tingle. 】


"Oh my God, can you really deal with such a monster?!"

[The Nine-Tails kept struggling in chains, and finally, a fierce light flashed in its eyes: "It's now!"]

[With its hoarse roar, the Nine-Tails instantly raised its right hand, and with its extremely sharp claws, it aimed directly at Naruto on the altar and quickly stabbed down!]

"Naruto!" Hinata shouted worriedly.

Many friends who knew Naruto were also nervous.

A monster like the Nine-Tails! With a casual blow, it doesn't know how many people it can kill.

Not to mention that Naruto in this video is just a baby!

The picture flashed, and the next moment, the figures of Bo Feng Shuimen and Vortex Kushina both appeared in front of the altar where Naruto was placed, and a huge claw pierced through from behind, directly stabbing the bodies of Vortex Kushina and Bo Feng Shuimen out of a huge blood hole. 】

The ninja world was silent.

Naruto went limp, almost fell, looked at the scene in disbelief, and muttered, "Don't ......"

[Bo Feng Shui Gate and Vortex Jiu Sinai leaned together, a sharp claw pierced the two, and a violent wheezing sound came from the two of them. 】

[But Bo Feng Shuimen's movements did not stop at all, he showed a faint smile, and said, "Thank you, Jiu Sinai...... When the ghouls are sealed, I will seal your chakra into Naruto's body...... In the future, when our child, as a human pillar force, wants to control the Nine-Tails Chakra, you can help him ......"]

Naruto touched his stomach in distraction.

There, there's a strange pattern.

But for all these years, he never knew what it was.

[As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying phantom surged out of Bo Feng Shuimen's body!] (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it the Grim Reaper?!"

"This is the ghoul sealed! It's the first time I've seen it!"

"Oh my God, that's amazing!

[The huge Grim Reaper took a knife from his mouth and cut it directly from the body of the Nine-Tails...........]

["Roar!" Nine-Tails roared angrily, his huge body became much smaller in an instant. 】[]

[Bo Feng Shuimen glanced at Naruto who was lying on the pedestal, and said, "Kushina, I don't have much left to live. "】

["I'll seal part of my chakra into it, if there's anything you want to say to Naruto, just say it."] "】

[Kushina's face was extremely ugly, but after hearing this, he immediately smiled, looked at the baby Naruto in front of him, and kept chanting. 】

【"Naruto...... Don't be picky eaters, eat well, and grow up fast...... Take a shower every day to keep your body warm...... And don't stay up late, make sure you sleep ......"]

["It's also very important to make more friends...... It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot, just a few trustworthy ones......]

["Although my mother is not doing well, you still have to study hard and learn ninjutsu...... Of course, it doesn't matter if you're really not good at it, just be happy. "】

["The most important thing is the three prohibitions of ninjas!, money, wine, and women...... Be sure to find a good girl, preferably a ...... like me"]

The staccato voice became smaller and smaller, but the whirlpool Kushina was still holding on and constantly speaking all kinds of words.

Countless people in the ninja world have left tears in their eyes.

Especially the villagers of Konoha were in tears at this time.

["Mom is a woman, and I don't know much about this, but you have to be careful of the teacher......"]

Jiraiya sighed, and couldn't help but rub his nose in embarrassment, well, no one paid attention to him.

["You will go through a lot of hardships, and there will be a lot of pain in the future, so you have to 4.4 hold on to yourself and have dreams...... I really have a lot more to say to you......"]

["I love you ......"]

[Swirl Kushina's eyes kept shedding tears.] 】

["I'm sorry, Watergate, I'm all talking. She stopped her voice and wept. 】

"It's okay. Bo Feng Shuimen laughed out loud, he stared at Naruto lying on the pedestal, and said slowly, "Naruto...... What Dad wants to say is the same as Mom's. "】

[The next moment, he closed his eyes and said with the last strength in his mouth: "Gossip Seal!"

(Barrage: Woo woo! The four generations didn't have to die! It's a pity!)

(Barrage: I wish they could live a good life with Naruto!)

(Barrage: The villagers of Konoha are wolf-hearted dogs!The four generations of Hokage saved Konoha!And they did that to his children!)

(Barrage: If the four generations of Hokage and Kushina see it, then I'm afraid it's going to be them who make the world feel pain.) )

(Barrage: Bo Feng Shuimen: "The Fifth Ninja World War!" [Funny JPG]).

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