"Akatsuki's uniforms! These people are members of Akatsuki!"

"Who is the Penn Six......

The people of Konoha looked at the Qidao figure that suddenly appeared in the video, and they all became a little nervous.

After seeing the faces of the seven people clearly, someone immediately exclaimed, "Look! The one in the lead is Yahiko! and...... Their eyes are all reincarnation eyes! He is the culprit who destroyed Konoha in the last video!"

No need for him to say.

Everyone has noticed.

The figure of a member of the Qidaoxiao organization suddenly appeared in the video.

There are six realms, and both eyes are reincarnated eyes.

"What the hell is this, Nagato?"

"Isn't the eye of reincarnation the eye of Nagato? Why did it suddenly appear on these six people! And isn't Yahiko dead?"

"Damn! These guys really want to destroy Konoha!"

All kinds of doubts and anger echoed in the hearts of everyone.

["Enemy attack!" The captain of the garrison reacted extremely quickly, and the moment the members of the Xiao organization appeared, he shouted: "It's Xiao's people!"]

[The surrounding team members instantly showed vigilance and were preparing to seal the attack.] 】

[However, in the next instant, seven figures instantly attacked from all directions. 】

Blood splattered, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen members of the garrison team were pierced through the heart by Payne Liudao with a black iron rod. 】

["Ahhh~!" The captain of the garrison vomited blood in his mouth, and his head was grabbed by Tiandao Payne, hanging his body in the air. 】

["Naruto Uzumaki, where's it?" A calm and cold voice came out, and the captain of the garrison snorted, spat out a mouthful of blood directly from his mouth, and squirted towards Tiandao's body. 】

In the next moment, the captain of the garrison was directly bounced away, and his body was shattered in mid-air, and he died silently. 】

Seeing this scene, countless villagers in Konoha showed extremely angry looks.


"How dare you attack Konoha!"


"Why did they come to Naruto?"

"Akatsuki's target is Master Naruto?!Is Master Naruto in the village?!" The villagers looked anxious.

"Damn!" Naruto angrily looked at the Konoha ninja on duty who was directly killed by the Akatsuki organization, "What the hell is going on in the future! Why are these people coming to arrest me?"

Kakashi's face was solemn and he said, "Just now those people said that the goal of the Xiao Organization is to capture the Tailed Beast, and it should be for the Nine-Tails in your body, and at this time, you must not appear." "

"Nine-Tails ......" Naruto touched his stomach in a daze, and there, there was a seal mark from small to large.

Before today, he never knew what it was.

But it wasn't until he saw the video of his parents sealing the Nine-Tails just now that he understood everything.

When the villagers of Konoha are worried about this scene in the video.

The people of the other four ninja villages were excited.

"Hahaha! Well done! This Xiao organization is really bold, and it really dares to invade Konoha. "

"I don't know how many of them came! This guy who looks like Yahiko in the lead should be the leader, right? Nagato hasn't arrived, so I don't know where he's gone. "

"During this period in the video, who is the boss of the Xiao organization?"

"The scene where I saw Yahiko destroying Konoha in the last video, will it happen? Is this the time?!

Many people are curious and confused.

["Heavenly Dao, what are you going to do. Xiao Nan spoke calmly and spoke. 】

["Go in directly, search the memory of one person by one, and you must find the whereabouts of the Nine Tails!" Tiandao said lightly with an expressionless face. 】


Hearing this title, everyone was stunned.

Isn't this person Yahiko?

They had seen the video of the establishment of the Xiao Organization before, and they were all too familiar with the face of Tiandao.

Although there are some messy black iron rods on his face, it is indeed Yahiko......

Just when everyone was puzzled about the identity of these people.

(Barrage: "It's coming, it's coming! Payne Rokudo finally appears, this section of Naruto is super handsome!")

(Barrage: "My pain, above you, Konoha can feel it.") ")

(Barrage: "It's a pity that Nagato's own body is not good, although Payne Rokudo is comprehensive, but the strength of a single person is indeed too weak, I want to see what Nagato himself is like.") ")

Everyone in the ninja world was in high spirits, and the barrage appeared again.

"Payne's Six Paths? is the name mentioned in the title of the video, does the Six Paths refer to these six people with reincarnation eyes?"

"Yahiko is dead, the video hammer is dead, otherwise Nagato would not have gone crazy, this so-called Heavenly Dao is made from Yahiko's corpse!"

Everywhere in the ninja world, many people immediately analyzed the information.

Each ninja village has its own information class.

Since the video appeared, the shadows of each village have already asked them to record the content of the video and analyze and judge the information generated in it from all angles.

In a sense, this is a way to grasp the path of the future development of the ninja world.

Information, for ninjas, has always been very important.

"In this way, these six reincarnation eyes of the ninja are all corpses??! countless people were suddenly terrified.

[In the next moment, six Payne gathered together, and two of them stood up, grabbed a relatively thin Payne, and then aimed him at Konoha Village in front of him. 】

["There is an enchantment inside Konoha. Tiandao said slowly: "After the beast Dao enters, it will make the other party mistakenly think that there is only one person, and then I will ask him to summon us in reverse channeling, and then disperse to find the whereabouts of the Nine-Tails." "】

"Huh?" everyone in the ninja world was stunned.

What is this operation?

Of course, they knew that there was an enchantment in Konoha Village, and as long as they stepped into the enchantment, they would be felt by the people of the perception class, and the perception class could immediately notify the Hokage as quickly as possible, so that the whole village would enter a state of combat readiness.

But at this time, they had never seen this infiltration method that Tiandao Payne said.

"The person they are going to throw out now is called the beast way, and what does that mean?"

Listening to this strange name, everyone was very puzzled.

"If these six people are corpses, then they must have been made like this by Nagato, I felt that Nagato was so weak in the previous video, but I didn't expect Yahiko to become so weird after his death, this is the ability of the reincarnation eye?"

[Boom!] The beast road was thrown out. 】

[The beast path flew over the sky, and in an instant, it broke through the barrier of Konoha and completely entered Konoha Village. 】

[As soon as the camera changed, sensing the class, the perception ninja instantly opened his eyes and said solemnly: "Someone has invaded! There is only one person!"]

[Immediately after, the picture returns to the beast road, the moment it lands in Konoha Village, its hands are sealed, and the next moment, a few puffs of smoke explode around it. 】

[Whew!] Xiao Nan and Wudao Payne, who were still outside just now, appeared inside Konoha. 】

[Tiandao didn't talk nonsense, and said lightly: "Scatter!"

[Seven figures, then scattered. 】

For a while, everyone in the ninja world was stunned.

"This is reverse psychics?!Can you still play like this?!"

"Konoha's defensive perception is useless!"

"Wait, what about the other people from the Xiao Organization? Why are there only seven of them? They wouldn't want to rely on seven people to solve Konoha Village, right?" someone asked speechlessly after the corners of his mouth twitched.

They couldn't imagine that there were people in this world who could solve Konoha with only seven people.

This is the first ninja village in the ninja world!

One of the five ninja villages.

It's not just a small village in the ninja world...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you can solve Konoha directly, doesn't that mean that you can also solve other villages?

Then you know that the organization directly rules the ninja world is not over?

For a while, many people raised doubts.

At this time, someone said: "But, the one who blew up Konoha with one move before seems to be Heavenly Dao Payne, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was talking and questioning shut up.

Yes, I saw the scene of the destruction of Konoha just now, but it completely shocked them.

If this Heavenly Dao Payne can really make such a move, maybe he can really directly destroy Konoha?

[After Payne's six paths dispersed, the first to attack was the only bald head among the six Payne, his face always maintained a stiff smile, and his whole body was covered with black iron rods and nails. 】

[I saw one of his arms, and the originally intact hand suddenly changed, and the wrist was folded open, revealing a missile mouth: "Ha!"

[He roared, and several missiles flew out of his hand, blasting towards Konoha Village in all directions. 】

[Boom, boom!! The explosion instantly resounded through Konoha. 】

["Ah!!" followed by a cry of terror. 】

(Barrage: Payne of Shura Dao, who can summon all kinds of weapons, this infinite firepower envy me to death, I feel that in the face of a large area of enemies, this Shura Dao thief is fierce!)

"Shura Dao?!This Payne is called Shura Dao?"

"Yahiko is the way of heaven, this is the way of Shura, and the one that used the reverse psychic technique just now is called the way of beasts. "

In Konoha, Shikamaru immediately said: "This is the method of naming the legendary six realms of reincarnation, according to this name, the other three Payne should be called the Human Dao, the Hungry Ghost Dao, and the Hell Dao." "

Asma nodded solemnly and said, "I just don't know what their specific abilities are." "

[After Shura, what appeared in the video was another Payne, who tied his hair, grabbed the forehead of a Konoha ninja, and pulled his entire body up. 】

[Immediately after, a blue phantom visible to the naked eye was slowly pulled out from the Konoha ninja's body. 】

Such a strange scene immediately made countless people in the ninja world chill. []

What the hell is this?!

"What is he doing!"


Just when everyone was curious about this Payne's ability, the barrage finally reappeared.

(Barrage: The way of the world, you can forcibly capture a person's memory and soul, much faster than Konoha's cumbersome method of detecting memory! )

So introduced.

But it made the high-level of the major ninja villages look fierce.

"'I didn't expect the ability of this reincarnation eye to be so weird, and the Xiao organization is really dangerous. Onoki said solemnly: "Their target is still all the tailed beasts, if Konoha really fights with Xiao, we have to do something against Konoha, and we must solve Xiao first." "

He is old, and he knows the truth that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch behind.

If the Akatsuki organization can really defeat Konoha, it means that the strength of this organization is passable.

If their Iwain Village is immersed in the invasion of Konoha by then, it will give this organization a chance to breathe, and it will be finished if they are treated as mantises.

"Hmph!" Ohnogi's eyes flowed with deep murderous intent.

In the battle between ninjas, intelligence accounts for a very heavy proportion.

Payne's ability to the Six Paths is indeed weird, and if it is the first time he encounters it, then he is likely to suffer a big loss.

But if he understands the information thoroughly and is specifically targeted, he wants to see if these six courses can eat him in the dust.

It just so happens that now this video has almost exposed the foundation of Payne's six paths.

At this time, countless people were also immersed in the introduction of the Tao of the world.

"Oh my God, there is such a terrifying ability!"

"Read people's memories, absorb people's souls! Isn't this really a demon? "

"It's scared to death!"

[After absorbing the memory and soul of the human world, he shook the ninja in his hand, looked indifferently for the next target, and muttered in his mouth: "Konoha knew that we would come and sent Naruto Vortex away, but there don't seem to be many people who know where he went, and this person doesn't have it in his memory. "】

[As soon as the picture changed, Tiandao Payne raised his hand and directly shattered a huge building in front of him, and then said, "Keep looking." "】

"Can Liudao Payne still communicate at any time?" (Zhao Zhao's)

"That's outrageous, isn't it?"

The villagers of Konoha were extremely nervous.

[Reappearing in the picture is a new Payne, at this time, he is kicking a Konoha ninja against the wall, and a terrifying phantom suddenly appears behind him, with a big mouth open, like a treacherous. 】

This time, the barrage appeared quickly.

Just when the ninja world was tingling with this strange ability.

(Barrage: Hell Road!I feel that the most annoying part of dealing with Payne is this guy, a proper top nurse, who can summon Hades to devour people, and can directly resurrect other Payne, if there is no Hell Road, I feel that Payne is not difficult to deal with.) )

(Barrage: Originally, Jilai also suffered the loss of intelligence, and if Jilai could also understand Payne's ability, he wouldn't have died at all.) )

(Barrage: Isn't it just to send out the information that he is willing to die, I can only say that it's a pity, the main thing is that I can't even find the body, otherwise I can reincarnate him in the filthy soil to chat.) )

The corners of Jiraiya's mouth twitched, and his face was embarrassed.

I thank you for caring about the old man's corpse.

He thought of the scene where he was reincarnated and chatted after he hung up... Obstruct...

Uh, I couldn't help but shudder.

However, this barrage made him understand the cause of his death.

Looking at the six Dao Payne who were messing around in the video, Jiraiya's eyes were full of solemnity.

Indeed, if you don't understand it, it's very troublesome to meet these guys.

"What! can be resurrected?!" someone shouted in horror, "What does this mean?"

"Payne's power is amazing, but it's a good thing for us! Now we can find out through the video, no matter when this happened, we know this guy, and it will be much easier to deal with the Xiao organization next!"

"Jiraiya-sama actually died trying to find out the information?!".

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