[Due to the collapse of the building, the dust and fog caused by it dissipated.] 】

[Heavenly Dao Payne is still staring at the front with a blank face.] 】

[On the ground everywhere, five or six Konoha ninjas have died without a sound. 】

[Kakashi was stuck in the ruins and rocks, and he no longer had any strength in his body, so he could only stare at Heavenly Dao Payne, who was standing not far away. 】

[The Akido Ding Seat fell on the stone, and there was no sound. 】


"Daddy, Daddy!" Akido Dinza looked at the scene with bitter tears.

Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and the others all had extremely ugly faces.

[Autumn Dao Ding Ji kept shaking the Autumn Dao Ding Seat, who had fallen silently, and tears continued to flow down. 】

Another terrifying impact came, and Qiu Dao Dingci's sturdy body vomited blood, was blasted several meters away, and smashed into the ruins and stones, and was already seriously injured. 】

"Dingji!" Akido Dingza nervously shouted, "Be careful!"

Next to him, Kaichi Yamanaka and Nara Shikahisa looked helpless: "I didn't expect this Heavenly Dao Payne to be so strong, just now Kakashi almost succeeded in defeating this thing, but I didn't expect that the Shura Dao has not completely exploded." "

Just now, in the video, Kakashi led Akido Dingza and Akido Dingji, together with several Konoha elite ninjas, to jointly attack Tendo Payne.

But in the end, it was still one step short and failed, and the fatal attack was blocked by the Shura Dao.

In the end, except for Kakashi and Akido Dingji, the rest of them were all killed.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo said angrily: "This Xiao organization, absolutely 07 pairs must be exterminated as soon as possible!"

Only by feeling the pain can we truly understand the true meaning of peace. Tendo Payne approached Kakashi lightly. 】

"It's over! Kakashi is in danger!" the countless villagers froze.

"How could Kakashi die? No, I remember that he was going to be the sixth Hokage later!"

"That's right, he's the worst Hokage ever! But if he doesn't die, I can still support him!"

"Who's going to save people!"

Naruto was even more anxious and said, "Kakashi-sensei! What should I do, you're going to be killed!"

The corners of Kakashi's mouth twitched, and he spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's a pity, but it can't be helped. "

He began to be confused again.

If I really hang up, then who will be the sixth Hokage?

Heck, he's not coveting Hokage's position.

It's just pure curiosity......

In the frightened gaze of all the Konoha villagers, the Heavenly Dao Payne in the video stopped.

[Kakashi's half body, all buried in the ruins, only his upper body exposed to the ground, he stared at the approaching Heavenly Dao Payne. 】

["Kakashi Hachiki, your strength is very good. Although close, Tendo Payne didn't quite walk in front of Kakashi's eyes and stopped almost six meters in front of him. 】

"I won't come near you just in case. Heavenly Dao Payne's gaze was still calm, and his finger was aimed at an iron nail on the ground. 】

[A gravitational force erupted, sucking up the iron nails on the ground directly and being caught in his hands. 】

[Immediately after, Tendo Payne aimed the iron nail in his hand at Kakashi, who was stuck in the ruins, his eyes were cold. 】

As if knowing what he was going to do.

For a while, the villagers of Konoha covered their eyes one after another, and they didn't even dare to watch.

"Go die. Heavenly Dao Payne flicked his fingers. 】

The long iron nail aimed at Kakashi's forehead and flew away. 】


In the midst of everyone's shocked gaze.

[Kakashi's head flickered, blood flowed out, and he fell headlong, as if all the strength in his body had been drained. 】

"Dead ...... It's dead!Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura said in horror.

"How could it be ......" Naruto's face was extremely ugly, "Kakashi-sensei! you're still going to my wedding!

Kakashi sighed helplessly, "Don't be nervous, I'm not dead yet, I'm standing here well!"

"Huh. Naruto suddenly looked stunned and suddenly said, "That's right!"

"Anyway, being able to learn about the ability of the six paths of Payne in the video is a big profit for us!" Kakashi showed joy in his eyes, "Although I don't know what the future holds, but now, if we meet Payne, we won't be so passive." "

Many of the villagers also wailed for a while, and soon raised their spirits again.

That's right!

None of this has happened yet!

It's time to change!

The hateful Xiao organization, they must be uprooted!

In the previous video, the villagers of Konoha were very sympathetic to Yahiko and Akatsuki, but now, their hatred for Akatsuki is ten times stronger than sympathy!

[Heavenly Dao Payne's gaze is still indifferent, after solving Kakashi, his body jumped, and he went to other directions, the Nine-Tails Pillar Force has not been found, he has to continue to search. 】

[Half-ringing, Qiu Dao Ding Ji slowly got up in pain, and kept panting in his mouth. 】

"Oh, Dingji, you're not dead, you're not dead!" Yamanaka Ino said excitedly.

Qiu Dao Ding Ji touched his eyes full of tears and whimpered, "But my father is dead." "

Shikamaru said helplessly: "Ding Ji, I have said that this is a matter of the future, what are you in a hurry, if you start a war with Payne again next time, it will be good if you don't die at that time." "

Ding Ci pursed his lips, nodded reluctantly, and said, "Next time, we will definitely not lose to this guy!"

In his eyes, it was as if the battle in the future was fought by him himself.

["Ding Ci...... Don't cry just yet, and if you can still move, go and tell Hokage-sama about Payne's message. "】

"Huh?!" everyone was shocked.

"This voice is Kakashi!" Maitkai said excitedly, "It's Kakashi, he's not dead!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The villagers were also excited.

"Haha! Sure enough, I'm not dead! I'll just say, Kakashi is the one who wants to be the Hokage, how can he die!"

"That's it! Haha, really, this guy is the worst Hokage! Forget it, since he's not dead, I still don't support him. "

"That's right, hehe, this Kakashi, wants to trick me into sympathy and support him as Hokage, that's not good!

Asma couldn't help but laugh and said, "Kakashi, this guy really didn't die so easily. "

Kakashi-sensei. Akido Dingji quickly got up and looked at Kakashi. 】

["Hurry up and ......" Kakashi said as he was dying. 】

[Autumn Road Ding Ci burst into tears: "I ......"]

[Before he could finish speaking, a mechanical sound came.] 】

[Kakashi and Akido Dingji were shocked, and looked towards the place where the voice came from, but Shura Dao, who had fallen to the ground and had basically lost his ability to move, slowly raised his head, the corners of his mouth always maintained an evil smile, and said gloomily: "I didn't expect your vitality to be so tenacious. "】

"Tinji! " Kakashi shouted again. 】

[Akido Dingji finally stopped grinding, got up directly, and ran towards the Hokage Building while crying. 】

[Shura Dao fell to the ground, but the skin and flesh on his back quickly conjured up a missile, aimed at Qiu Dao Dingji, and blasted out directly. 】

"Oops! Ding Ci has reached the limit, he can't stop this move!" Asma said anxiously.

["Ah!" Akido Dingji closed his eyes and kept running, not daring to turn back at all, but the missile was in hot pursuit. 】

At a time when everyone is nervous.

The scene returns to Kakashi's body again.

["Dingji can't stop this move......" Kakashi stared weakly at Dingji who was constantly running, his eyebrows were full of fatigue, and he kept thinking in his heart: "Payne's information must be sent out......]

["If I use it again, my chakra and physical strength will be completely exhausted...... By then......" Kakashi was still staring at the running Tinji. 】

"What, what again?" the ninjas were a little confused. []

"Kakashi is at his limit! What else does he want to do?!" Asma said nervously.

"If Chakra and his physical strength are completely exhausted, then Kakashita ......" Maitkai's face became serious, "I'm afraid he's really going to die." "

The people around him were all nervous.

Kakashi-sensei...... You, what are you going to use again?" Naruto asked curiously.

Kakashi shrugged and said, "I don't know." "

He was also confused, what could he use at this time?

Judging from his own strength at this time, there is no way for him to save Ding Ci.

In the midst of the confusion of everyone in the ninja world.

[Kakashi's scarlet left eye triple hook jade pattern changed in an instant, turning into a pattern consisting of an outer circle, a circle, and three blades connected. 】

"This!!!" The eyes of the entire ninja world widened instantly.

Kakashi was also full of shock.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sasuke was even more amazed: "This is a kaleidoscope writing wheel!"

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that he has been pursuing since he watched the first video!


[When the word fell, the missile that was chasing the attack of Autumn Dao Dingji began to distort in an instant, and the surrounding space seemed to be visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, it disappeared......]

[Kakashi's pupil power is completely exhausted, his head tilts, and he dies completely. 】

The ninja world suddenly opened its mouth wide and fell into a moment of silence.

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