"Reverse Channeling Again?!"

"Wow, this trick is too disgusting!"

"Why are the scrapped ones coming back?"

The villagers watched this scene and felt speechless.

Just now, except for the Heavenly Dao.

Many of the other Paynes were already under siege by the Konoha ninjas.

In this case, they can quickly break these Payne one by one.

Unexpectedly, he was rescued by a summon from the beast road.

Immediately afterwards, something even more shocking happened to the villagers of Konoha.

[Hell Dao came to the side of the two Penn who had been scrapped, and the figure of Hades suddenly appeared next to him, only to see Hell Dao throw the two Penn into Hades's mouth. 】

[After a while, the scrapped Shura Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao crawled out of Hades' mouth again, and the original scarred body was restored to its original state, as if it had never been harmed in any way. 】

Countless people opened their mouths wide and froze completely.

The next moment, there were countless discussions.

"What are you doing! This Hell Dao can save people?!" "Eighty-Two-Seven" "The crippled Payne, as long as he is pulled into it by the Hades of Hell Dao, he can immediately recover to his original state?!

Just now, the ninjas of Konoha spent a lot of effort to deal with these Payne.

Everybody's watching.

But it took so much effort to solve Payne.

Here in the Hell Path, it will be completely restored to its original state without even three seconds......

Such an ability shocked countless residents of the ninja world.

"These six Payne's abilities are too weird! Whether it's attacking, controlling, or investigating, interrogating, and healing, they all have them!"

"The strongest combat power is undoubtedly the Heavenly Dao made from Yahiko's corpse!

The villagers of Konoha had ugly faces.

Payne, who had worked so hard to solve just now, suddenly returned to normal.

Then from just now to now, those Konoha ninjas who sacrificed, didn't they all sacrifice in vain?!

Shikamaru pursed his lips and said, "I can only say, fortunately, this video has revealed all of the six Payne's abilities to us, otherwise, if we face Payne for the first time, I don't know how many casualties we will have." "

Asma nodded solemnly and said, "Now that the information is clear, when the video is over, as long as you do a good job of targeting it, you can quickly find out the Xiao organization! Such a dangerous existence, we must not let them continue to develop!"

I didn't know before, so forget it.

Now that we know.

The Naxiao organization will inevitably become the public enemy of Konoha and the bottom.

"Hey, no, what about Heavenly Dao? Why isn't it here?"

At this time, someone asked strangely.

"That's right, isn't the summoning called Heavenly Dao?Since they already know Naruto's location, they should be leaving Konoha, right?!"

The villagers said.

[Xiao Nan's face was expressionless, and he slowly spoke: "Now, what are you going to do?"]

[Heavenly Dao is not there, but the consciousness of the six Dao Payne is the same, and the Animal Dao replied: "Konoha will be an obstacle for us, since we are here today, let's simply solve it.] "】

[Xiao Nan's brows furrowed: "You want to use that trick?"

[The beast replied: "Naruto Vortex has a deep bond with Konoha, and if he is ruined, he can force the Nine-Tails to take the initiative to appear."] "】

[The next moment, the five Paynes in front of Xiao Nan fell to the ground one after another, as if they had lost their energy. 】

"What?" the villagers were stunned.

"Why are all these Paynes down? What are you going to do with Heavenly Dao Payne?"

Someone seemed to remember something, trembled, and said, "Could it be the trick from the last video?!"

The faces of the villagers of Konoha suddenly showed fear.

In the last video, the earth-shattering scene is still fresh in many people's memories!

Could it be that Heavenly Dao Payne really intends to use that trick?!

Although I have seen it, countless people still have numb scalps.

Outside of Konoha, the other ninja villages are looking forward to countless colors.

"Hahaha! Couldn't it be the trick that destroyed Konoha?! I didn't see it clearly just now! I wanted to watch it again for a long time! Come on, come on! Let Konoha feel pain!"

"Haha, I don't know how the villagers of Konoha feel now! It's exciting! Although the Xiao organization is perverted, as long as they destroy Konoha, I will support them!"

"Tuan Zang's crime is extremely evil, this is what he deserves!"

"I wish this was happening right now! In that case, we'll be able to wield the Fire Nation in no time!"

Almost all of them showed expressions of watching the play.

"Payne is too dangerous! If they do destroy Konoha, we'll have to slaughter them quickly, a bunch of psychos, it's a panic to keep. "

"Indeed, I don't know how many members of the Xiao organization are? Is this one named Xiao Nan and Payne all of them? I don't know who else there are, if it's just these two, it seems that there is no need to establish an organization. "

"It's weird, they're all Xiao people, why haven't the other members appeared, I've seen two people wearing Xiao uniforms on the black market...... Not Uchiha Itachi. "

In addition to everyone's discussion of Xiao.

The video footage has changed.

[With short blond hair and rippling eyes, the figure of Heavenly Dao Payne appeared in the camera again, but at this time, the position where he was standing was the top of the Hokage Building. 】

[And right in front of him, a woman with long blond hair and an extremely weak face, was panting, and there was still a chakra, flowing in all directions with the help of slugs. 】

"It's Tsunade-sama!"

"Tendo Payne has found Tsunade-sama!What is he going to do!Damn!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["In order to protect the Nine-Tails, you killed countless people in Konoha, do you think your Hokage is qualified.........?"

[Tsunade's face was weak, but his eyes were wide open, and he said majestically: "Where do you think this is! Is Konoha the village that will abandon his partner!, None of us will be afraid of such arrogant guys!"]

Countless Konoha villagers were shocked.

Tsunade-sama, it's really domineering!

Isn't this much more arrogant than the villain in Tuan Zang?

Ape Fei Ri Slash also flashed his eyes, and his eyes were a little moved.

Tsunade she ...... Always talking all day long about not wanting to come back, not wanting to care about the affairs of the village.

It's really a critical moment, and it's still very reliable.

Perhaps, that's why I gave her the Hokage position?

["What's more, you seem to have made a mistake!" Tsunade waved his hand and said loudly, "Naruto, he doesn't need our protection, he is already enough to become the pillar of the village!"]

["It's up to you, it's too self-conscious to want to arrest him!"]

Naruto was shocked when he said this.

"I ...... Have I really become the backbone of the village?" he muttered as he watched the video.

He didn't recognize the blonde woman in the video, but listening to her words, Naruto could feel the sense of trust she felt when she mentioned Naruto's name.

This feeling can never be faked!

I really...... Is it believed by everyone?!

The villagers were also surprised.

"Tsunade-sama believes in Naruto so much?"

"Has Master Naruto really become very powerful, I'm sorry for Naruto, but I heard that he has always been the tail of the crane......"

"Woo! I believe in Master Naruto! I'm so sorry for him for all these years! He's the child of four generations of adults! He must be able to protect us at critical moments like four generations of adults!"

"Yes!0.0Have you forgotten the title of the video?Maybe Tsunade-sama is right!Master Naruto will turn into an immortal!Come and defeat this abominable Rokudo Payne!"

For a while, the villagers of Konoha fantasized and became excited.

["Hubris!" The huge chakra erupted from Heavenly Dao Payne, causing a hurricane that shocked the surrounding ninjas. 】

[Under the eyes of Heavenly Dao Payne, there was a rare look of anger, he looked at Tsunade, and said coldly: "In the face of overwhelming power, any resistance is meaningless!"]

With that, his body began to float slowly. 】

["Feel the pain, feel the pain!"]

A deep voice spread throughout the ninja world.

Everyone stared at the video in amazement.

[Reincarnation eyes staring at the densely built land below, Heavenly Dao Payne's complexion has never changed, but his body is constantly flying towards the sky. 】

["Payne! what are you going to do?!" exclaimed as Tsunade's face froze and he felt a little unpleasant. 】。

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