Countless people looked at this scene in the video in shock.

For the first time, they truly confirmed the existence of the Pure Land.

After you die, can you really see other people in the Pure Land?

That's an exaggeration.

Kakashi looked at Hachiki Sakushige, some memories of the past welling up in his heart.

Dad, look at it this way, you haven't had a bad time over there.

He couldn't help but smile.


Sakura's eyes were a little incredulous, and she replied, "Could it be that this ninjutsu can really resurrect people?"

Everyone was glued to the screen, not daring to miss a single thing.

Pure Land.

Qimu Shuomao looked at the bonfire in front of him, and then looked at himself and his son in the video, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I never thought that there would be such a day in the future.

[The moment Kakashi's figure disappeared.] 】

[The screen changes again.] 】

[The desolate and strange Pure Land disappeared, and what reappeared in everyone's eyes was still that Konoha Village. 】

13 [A large number of points of light appeared from the mouth of Hades, scattered in all directions, and soon spread to every corner of Konoha.] 】

[In the midst of ruins on the edge.] 】

[A figure, straight and straight in the ruins, the silver-haired head towering.] 】

"It's Kakashi!" someone shouted immediately.

They all remembered that Kakashi had died of exhaustion after using an amazing ninjutsu Kamui.

"Is this his body?" said humane.

"That's right!"

[While everyone was talking, a blue ball of light flew into Kakashi's forehead, and the next moment, a large amount of green light enveloped Kakashi, as if he was treating his injuries. 】

Then, in the eyes of everyone who was completely shocked.

[Kakashi shakes his body and slowly opens his eyes.] 】

"Alive, alive!ahhhh

"What the hell is this!Can you actually resurrect a person, what are you kidding?!"

"Someone? Are you looking down on my reincarnation eye? Look at who that person is next to Kakashi Hachiki!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at them.

"Kakashi!" shouted a fat and muscular figure facing Kakashi. 】

[Kakashi's sanity gradually regained clarity, and he looked over: "It's Dingza, ......"]

[He was a little confused and said, "Do you know what's going on?"]

[Anyone who knows about such a thing as resurrection from the dead will probably find it hard to believe, that is, they have experienced all this firsthand, so they have to believe it. 】

[Autumn Dao Ding said: "We seem to ...... Brought back to life?"]

[The two looked in all directions, and after seeing Konoha Village, which had turned into a pothole, they instantly ...... silently]

At this time, everyone in the ninja world was finally able to be completely sure.

"It's resurrected! It's really resurrected! The art of reincarnation in the outer way! This ...... The Vortex Nagato's technique is a bit outrageous!" Someone in Konoha Village exclaimed.

"It's not just Kakashi and Akido Dingza, the rest of the people have been resurrected! All those who left in this great battle have come back to life. "

"Is this what Vortex Nagato said? It's too luxurious, why did he do this! He was so vicious to Konoha just now, and now he suddenly launched a kind heart to save people. "

Countless confusions and disbelief spread in the ninja world.

"Alive, alive!" Akido Dingji excitedly pointed to the sky, the still healthy father, very excited.

Nara Shikamaru glanced at Asma and said strangely, "Asma, how did you die? It's a pity that you weren't rescued." "

The corners of Asma's mouth twitched, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "There's nothing you can do about it." "

Although he knew that he was dead in the future, he died in the hands of the Xiao organization.

But he had no idea how he died or who killed him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maitkai patted his chest and said with regret on his face: "Youth, why didn't I have a chance to fight! Kakashi fought hard, and I didn't even have a trace, what a wife...... It's weird!"

"Wow!" Li Luo shouted: "Teacher Kai! Me is the same! I am not even here in such a shocking battle!

"Oh! Xiao Li!" Maitkai perked up: "So we have to train hard! Strive to have a big battle with Xiao in the future!

Onoki looked at the video in a daze, one after another resurrected Konoha ninjas and villagers.

His face was getting uglier and uglier.

In the end, he scolded directly: "Is there something wrong with the brains of the people of the Xiao Organization! Vortex Nagato spent so much effort to destroy Konoha and now resurrect them for me?!

Onoki was furious.

As a Tokage, after seeing how fiercely Konoha and Akatsuki's organization fought so fiercely in the video, he didn't know how many attacks he had thought about against Konoha anymore!

Outcome...... You fought so fiercely in front of the vortex Nagato, and finally gave me this one?

Loess said with a solemn face: "I don't know what this person thinks, he was knocked to the door by Naruto in the vortex, and he woke up at once? But this innate technique of reincarnation is really outrageous! It can resurrect so many people at once." "

Onoki gritted his teeth and continued: "This should be the power possessed by the eye of reincarnation! The eyes of the legendary Six Dao Immortals are indeed worthy of their reputation, but it is a pity that they are paired with a fool. "

Yunyin Village.


Samyi said lightly: "In this way, Konoha is equivalent to no loss, once we attack Konoha, the result is unknown." "

"Yo-yo! little Naruto is very good, gogo!" Chirabi sang, "Ka-ka-ka! I don't know if I've been caught!"

is also a pillar force, and he can also be said to be a member of Xiao Target.

Therefore, I still admire Naruto's defeat of Rokudo Payne.

Thunder Shadow shouted angrily, "Don't run around during this time! If I meet those people from Xiao, I won't have time to help, and I'll be in trouble!"

"Yo yo!" Qi Rabi sang, "I'm not afraid! Naruto can beat it, and so can Yao!"

Sand Hidden Village.

Luo Sha shouted angrily: "Stupid, stupid, why is there such a stupid and naïve person in the ninja world!"

He never thought that even if Konoha won Nagato, it would definitely be a lose-lose situation.

But who knows, Vortex Nagato suddenly used such an outrageous ninjutsu before he died?!

Resurrecting all the Konoha villagers who died in this battle means that Konoha has nothing to lose except for the razing of their homes.

At any time, he can pull up a ninja army again and face those who dare to invade Konoha.

"It seems that we have to rely on ourselves!" Luo Sha made a decision secretly.

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