Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 13 Ye Ming: Damn It, 600 Billion Detonating Charms?

"Ninja-Super-Exploding Flame Array!"

With this sound, the cheers of the dozen or so Konoha Shinobiers stopped abruptly, and the smiles on the faces of the three Tsunade froze.

However, before Tsunade and the others could react, the ground around Ye Ming's place was densely filled with detonating talismans.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared, and Tsunade and the others all subconsciously blocked their eyes with their hands.

At this time, the sound between heaven and earth seemed to be pressed by the Shizune key, and all the sounds disappeared.

And this was only a brief loss of voice. In this brief moment, a terrifying shock wave sent Tsunade and the others flying, followed by an earth-shattering loud noise.


A mushroom cloud slowly bloomed, and above the sky, the dark cloud that was blown away by Ye Ming's punch was once again blown away by this violent explosion shock wave.

Moment of effort!

The rain in the whole country of rain stopped!

I don't know how many years I haven't enjoyed the sunshine, the country of rain is once again blessed by the sunshine...

And I don't know how long it took.

The aftermath of the explosion subsided slowly!


"Cough cough cough..."

Tsunade crawled out of a rubble and slumped on the ground, his hands propped on the muddy ground, coughing violently.

After a while, she hurriedly looked at Ye Ming's location, and then she was stunned.

The current environment has completely changed.

At this time, Tsunade seemed to be no longer in the land of rain, but in the land of water surrounded by the sea.

Because, she... saw the "sea"

That's right!

She actually saw the "sea".

What appeared in front of Tsunade was a cloudy, 'sea' level with no edge in sight.

“Ye Ming~”

After being stunned for a moment, Tsunade looked at the "sea" with red eyes and shouted.


There is no movement!

There was only the sound of water flowing toward the "sea" in front of him.

"Clap clap clap..."

Looking at the big "sea" in front of him, Tsunade's tears fell on the ground tick by tick, and the water on the ground slowly flowed forward.


Jiraiya and Orochimaru dragged their tired and severely injured bodies to Tsunade's side. Jiraiya looked at Tsunade who was crying and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how.

Orochimaru silently looked at the big "sea" in front of him. After a long time, he muttered to himself in a low voice, "Life is so fragile!"

Another moment passed!

The surviving Konoha Shinobi people also gathered around the three Tsunade.

"Did they die together?"

All the Konoha Shinobi followers, looking at the scene in front of them, thought silently in their hearts.


It was at this moment that the calm big "sea" in front of him suddenly made a loud noise!


Accompanied by this loud noise, the water flow that had just gathered was directly pushed by this explosion, and was pushed horizontally in all directions. At the center of the explosion, an "island" slowly rose.

“Ye Ming!!”

Hearing the loud explosion, Tsunade suddenly raised his head, and then he saw a "small island" slowly rising, and on the "small island", a small figure was half-kneeling.

Needless to say, it was Ye Ming.


Back in time before the explosion!

When Ye Ming blasted with all his strength, his current strongest blow, he suddenly heard Hanzo's voice.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under his feet turned into paper, and then a crack split open where he was standing.

And Ye Ming, who had just released his strength, fell directly.

When Ye Ming fell out of the crack and saw the surrounding situation clearly, he couldn't help but scold his mother.

"Hanzo, the dog R, how many detonating charms did you use to ride the horse? 600 billion? Damn it! The Rain Shinobi Village now doesn't have that big head of Kakuzu, did you hollow out the whole rain country? I R …”

An underground exchange.

Kakuzu sneezed, then rubbed his nose and sighed: "I'm old! I'm still cold!"


Closer to home!

Looking at the situation around him, Ye Ming couldn't help but scolded his mother. He saw that the surroundings were densely packed, layer upon layer, full of detonating talismans.

With so many detonating symbols, Ye Ming estimates that there are 300 billion instead of 600 billion.

That scene is almost the same as the scene where Konan misappropriated Kakuzu's hard-earned pension, saved money, and bought a detonating talisman to blow up Runtu (my name is Obito, it's Obito!).

Thinking of Konan, Ye Ming suddenly remembered that in the original book, Konan's three little devils were peeping nearby, right?

In the future, Konan Fried Runtu (Obito, it's Obito.), wouldn't it be inspired by seeing this scene?

"Damn it! It's going to be tough now,"

"I didn't expect that after fighting with Sannin for so long, and losing Hanzo, who was assisted by Sanjiaoyu, since he is still so strong, isn't he really a powerhouse with the name of a demigod?"

Looking at the detonating talisman around him, it had already started to burn, and the detonation was only an instant event, Ye Ming's expression became extremely ugly.

At the time of life and death, Ye Ming gritted his teeth. Cross your hands over your head.

"Eight Inner Gates, Fifth Gate!"

"Dumen, open!"


Du Men in Ye Ming's body was instantly forcibly rushed away by the violent Chakra.

The moment Du Men rushed away, a layer of green gas ignited on Ye Ming's body, and the surrounding Chakra, more like a flame, rose into the sky.


Ye Ming, who forcibly opened Du Men, once again gathered the power of shock, and then, he crossed his fists in front of him and slammed it left and right.


"Crack clap..."

The power of shock, with Ye Ming as the center, began to go in all directions.

And at the same time!

The dense detonation talismans around them were also detonated.

The moment of explosion!

Ye Ming only felt dazzling around him for a while, and then, a heat wave that seemed to be able to burn together, swept towards him.

However, the scorching heat wave was completely isolated from the outside by the shocking force that Ye Ming erupted.


Almost instantly!

An earth-shattering explosion sounded beside Ye Ming's ear.

After the explosion, Ye Ming landed on the ground, and immediately, he saw countless currents flooding towards him.


Ye Ming endured the side effects of Eight Inner Gates, his right hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed it in the air. Then, the ground under his feet was squeezed by the shock and slowly rose.

In a moment!

Ye Ming was half-kneeling on the small "island" surrounded by the "sea" on all sides.

And the Eight Inner Gates that he had opened had been closed, but there were still wisps of green energy on his body.


Ye Ming put his hands on the ground, gasping for breath, and there was a tear-like pain from his body. His skin even cracked, and a stream of blood came out of him.

This... is a side effect of Eight Inner Gates, and the bodily damage from the shock-reversing power.


Ye Ming looked at the surrounding scene, even though his body was extremely uncomfortable, a smile appeared on his face.

Hanzo perished with him, while he was still alive, this battle, he... won!


Ye Ming's smile suddenly solidified, and his eyes were full of disbelief as he looked ahead.

"What an amazing kid! In such an explosion, you can still survive, kid, tell me your name, and I will keep it in my heart."


[There are enough manuscripts, you can urge them to update. Has anyone read the book? The big guy who is still reading this book, can you squeak in the comment area? The comment section is so quiet! The author is a little nervous! Ask for a wave of flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket,]

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