After solving Luo Yongjiang, Ye Ming went directly to Damushan.

Damu Mountain is about five kilometers away from Longcheng Town. It takes 20 minutes for ordinary people to walk casually, plus the distance up the mountain, it will definitely take an hour.

But Ye Ming didn't take that long. He stepped directly on the Moonwalk and hit the air, ascending to an altitude of 1,000 meters, and then added a "weightless control" to himself, and flew towards the top of the Damu Mountain.

In a few minutes, Ye Ming flew to the top of Dashan Mountain.

Ye Ming lowered his head and looked down for a while, and finally saw a forester's cabin in a corner near the top of the mountain.

Ye Ming swooped down like an eagle and fell to the ground lightly.

Ye Ming walked slowly to the front of the log cabin and scanned the cabin with light perspective.

There were eight people in the wooden house, all of them were Luo Yongjiang's comrades. One of them, Ye Ming knew, was Luo Chang who often bullied him because of his bully father Luo Yongjiang's power when he was a child.

When he was a child, Ye Ming lived in the village. He was short and thin. Luo Chang was two years older than him. He was a child king with a domineering personality.

Once a group of kids were playing hide and seek, Ye Ming was a ghost and luck-good, found everyone.

As a result, Luo Chang was reluctant and insisted that Ye Ming was cheating - cheating.

However, Ye Ming was stubborn, gritted his teeth and refused to accept Luo Chang's statement, and refuted it.

When Ye Ming was a child, his IQ was very high and his eloquence was very good. Aimao and all the children under him couldn't say anything about him.

Seeing that he couldn't say anything about Ye Ming, Luo Chang directly brought a bunch of bear children to fight Ye Ming.

Ye Ming's two fists were no match for four, and he was beaten half to death in the end.

However, Ye Ming was already very dark-bellied at the time. Knowing that he could not be beaten head on, he avoided his edge for the time being, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

These arrogant children, including Luo Chang, thought they were killed, and they all fled home in fright.

After they all left, Ye Ming got up and limped home.

Ye Ming has held grudges since he was a child, and he has always remembered this account.

After a few days, the other children forgot about it.

But Ye Ming directly tricked Luo Chang into a tree on the mountain one day, telling him that there were many unicorns on the tree, and they were very big.

At that time, children liked to play with unicorns.

Luo Changxin thought it was true, and really climbed the tree to see it.

As soon as he climbed up, he found a hornet's nest behind the tree.

Luo Chang was so frightened that he hurriedly wanted to climb down the tree, but Ye Ming threw a stone on the hornet's nest, and a large number of hornets ran out.

Ye Ming turned around and ran after throwing the stone.

Luo Chang was too close to the hornet's nest, and he was on a tree, so he couldn't escape at all. As a result, he was stung by a large group of hornets and cried, fell off the tree, and was carried home on a stretcher.

At that time, Ye Ming thought he had avenged his revenge and was happy, but he didn't expect a catastrophe to come.

That night, Luo Chang's father Luo Yongjiang went to Ye Ming's house to make trouble and smashed everything that Ye Ming's house could smash, not even the water tank.

At that time, Ye Ming's parents had no choice but to let him smash things in the house.

Fortunately, Luo Yongjiang was not as powerful as he is now, he was just a bully in the village.

Therefore, after he finished smashing things, he extorted more than 1,000 medical expenses from Ye Ming's family.

Although it was only more than 1,000 yuan, the 1,000 yuan at that time was very valuable, and it was the income of Ye Ming's family for two years.

In the end, Ye Ming's father, Ye Zhengping, had no choice but to sell the only cattle in the family and pay for the medical expenses.

For a period of time after that, Ye Ming's family lived very hard. Although his parents didn't blame him, Ye Ming blamed himself very much.

From then on, Ye Ming's hatred for Luo Yongjiang and Luo Chang's father and son was deeply buried in his heart.

This time Luo Yongjiang was dealt with, and then it was Luo's turn.

Moreover, Luo Chang also beat his grandfather, so let's count the old and new hatred together this time.

At this time, Ye Ming had used 'X-ray perspective' to scan the entire wooden house, but found no trace of his father.

So, Ye Ming walked into the wooden house and knocked on the door.

A local ruffian came to open the door and asked, "Who is it?"

Ye Ming smiled and said, "I am Ye Zhengping's son, Ye Ming. I came to redeem my father."

The local ruffian seemed to know Ye Ming and nodded: "Come in."

Ye Ming followed the ruffian into the wooden house.

Luo Chang was sitting on the table playing mahjong with his arms around a girl.

The local ruffian who led Ye Ming into the door said to Luo Chang, "Brother Chang's precious son Yu Zhengping has come to redeem his father."

Luo Chang didn't lift his head, played mahjong in his hand, and said with a smile, "Oh, Yu Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, where have you been hanging out recently?"

Ye Ming said, "I'm still in college."

Luo Chang didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and he spit out a mouthful of phlegm at Ye Ming's feet: "I thought I'd become famous, my family lives in a foreign-style house, so I'm still a college dog.

ask for flowers

Ye Ming smiled and said, "Yes, I don't dare to compare with you, Brother Chang."

Luo Chang didn't talk to him, he just smiled and said to the girl he was hugging: "This guy is called Ye Ming, my playmate when I was young, he was a wretch, and I was often beaten by me when I was young."

The girl glanced at Ye Ming, but she was quite polite, smiled and said, "Hello."

Unexpectedly, Luo Chang suddenly changed his face, slapped the girl in the face with a slap in the face, and shouted with a ghastly face: "Did I let you talk to him? Flirting with other men in front of me, You treat me as air."

This slap was very heavy, and the girl was instantly slapped by the slap so that half of her face was swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding.


She hurriedly cried and said, "Brother Chang, I didn't mean that."

"Still lying." Luo Chang, like a lunatic, threw the girl to the ground and kicked her hard: "Bitch. y

After Luo Chang finished beating this girl, he turned around and changed his face again, with a smile on his face again, looked at Ye Ming and said, "I'm sorry, Ye Ming made you laugh. This bitch was raised by me and is also a college student, you Look at the college students these days, they are all bitches. Just throw a couple of dollars in and you can play with it."1

Ye Ming said calmly, "Brother Chang, I'm here to redeem my dad, not to take care of your family affairs. I've already brought the money."

Luo Changman asked casually, "How much did you bring?"

Ye Ming said, "200,000, is that enough?"

Luo Chang tilted his neck and said, "Yo, you are rich these days. You can earn a lot of money selling your ass while going to college in the city."

Ye Ming handed 200,000 yuan to Luo Chang and said, "I've already brought the money, what about my dad? Can I let him go?"

Luo Chang took the money, shrugged, and said lightly, "Oh, your dad, he is being hanged by me in the back mountain.

"What?" Ye Ming frowned.

Luo Chang looked at his watch and said, "I've been hanged by me for two hours. Who asked him to slap me.

Ye Ming suppressed the anger in his heart: "Then please go and put my dad down."

Luo Chang said slowly, "I'm sorry, Ye Ming, the price is not enough."

"200,000 is not enough? How much do you want?".

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