Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 64 The Nine Tails Chaos! 【Please Subscribe! 】

"Damn it! Stop me!"

Just as Nine Tails was raging, a coquettish voice came, and then, a figure descended from the sky and stepped on Nine Tails' head with one foot.

"Painful feet~"


Immediately, Nine Tails' head came into intimate contact with the ground, and countless smoke rose up.

"Bastard! That bastard has broken the seal!"

Tsunade stared at the front with bloodshot eyes, and when she was kicked down, his entire head sank into the Nine Tails in the ground.

"Tsuna... Tsunade-sama, it's Tsunade-sama!"

"That's great, Tsunade-sama is here, there must be no problem with this~.

"Yes... it's saved, hurry up... speed up - evacuate the crowd!"

The surrounding Konoha Shinobi, looking at the terrifying monster, fell to the ground under Tsunade's feet, excited one by one.


At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen also rushed over with a group of elite ninjas. He looked at the Nine Tails lying on the ground, and then looked at Tsunade and asked, "Tsunade, what's going on? What about the seal of the Nine Tails? Will it break?"

You know, today's Nine Tails Jinchūriki is Uzumaki Kushina.

And Uzumaki Kushina has always lived in the Senju clan, and has a close relationship with Tsunade, and now Nine Tails has broken the seal, and I must know why.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade didn't even look at him, and kept his eyes fixed on Nine Tails in front of him and said, "There was a guy shrouded in black robes who suddenly attacked me and kidnapped Kushina."

"A guy in a black robe?": Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, then continued: "Do you know the origin of that person? How could someone be able to kidnap Kushina in front of you?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very curious as to who could kidnap Kushina directly in front of Tsunade, who already had Kage-level strength.

Tsunade glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen after hearing this, and then looked at the group of ninjas behind Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I saw those ninjas, all wearing ninja vests with a pattern like a ping-pong racket, and, without exception, these people all had ten pairs of eyes that were glowing with blood.

Needless to say, these people are the No. 1 ninja clan in Konoha today, the Uchiha clan.

"Master Tsunade, do you have any orders?"

The leader was in his twenties, with an old-fashioned face. He was obviously the young man who was the leader of the Uchiha clan. Seeing Tsunade looking at them, he couldn't help but ask.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Tsunade suddenly turned his eyes to the Uchiha clan behind him, and also turned around to look at the Uchiha clan, also full of doubts.

However, Tsunade did not pay attention to the old-fashioned young man, nor did he leave to answer Sarutobi Hiruzen's question, but turned his eyes to the tail again.

At this time, Nine Tails also pulled its head out of the ground, only to see that after shaking its head, it roared at Tsunade and the others.

"All alert!"

The roar of Nine Tails seemed to form a gust of wind, and countless Konoha Shinobi people raised their hands to resist this "gust of wind".

"Look Nine Tails in the eyes!"

And it was at this moment that Tsunade suddenly spoke up.


Sarutobi Hiruzen and all the ninjas were stunned when they heard the words, and then, according to Tsunade's words, they all looked into Nine Tails' eyes.

Blood red, with a strange light, full of tyranny and evil, these are the eyes of Nine Tails.

" this Sharingan?"

However, when Sarutobi Hiruzen looked closely at Nine Tails' eyes, he suddenly exclaimed.

"What? Sharingan? This... this is impossible, how is this possible?"

That old-fashioned young man, when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, at first couldn't believe it, but when he saw the three hooks in Nine Tails' blood-red eyes, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning.

"It's really Sharingan, shouldn't this monster be..."

"Damn, is the Nachiha family going to betray the village? This monster is obviously controlled by the Sharingan!"【

"Quick, surround the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan has betrayed the village."

. Ask for flowers!

At this time, the countless other Konoha Shinobi practitioners also saw the shape of three gouyu in Nine Tails' strange eyes, and immediately, everyone was in a frenzy.

In particular, when Nine Tails just came out, the ninjas who had killed their family and friends in the tyrannical massacre even surrounded the Uchiha clan involuntarily.

"No... No, this... This is none of our business, this is not what we did,": The leading young man was a little panicked at this time, and hurriedly thought about explaining.

…‥ ask for flowers……

However, facing the iron-like facts in front of him, he didn't know how to explain it at all.

Not only the young man panicked,

Even the ninjas of the Uchiha clan who came with the young man were a little flustered by the malicious eyes of the Konoha Shinobi.

"Okay!": At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen scolded everyone, then slowly opened his mouth and said, "Now what we have to do is to reseal the Nine Tails, and the rest."

Let's talk about Nine Tails. [011811511143393511]

After that, he looked at the young man of the Uchiha clan and said, "Fugaku, you Uchiha clan, please step back for now!"

"Lord Hokage...": Uchiha Fugaku's face turned pale again when he heard the words. Now let them back down. Wouldn't this make the Uchiha clan take it seriously? At the same time, it also made all Konoha's ninjas , Do you suspect that they are doing this thing?

"Okay! Get back first!": Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted Uchiha Fugaku with a wave of his hand. Immediately afterwards, he bit his thumb, and his hands began to form imprints.


"Come out! Ape King - Ape Demon!"

“Summoning Technique!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed on the ground and performed Summoning Technique.


A puff of white smoke rose, and then, a white-haired ape wearing a battle armor, two or three meters tall, with a burly body and arms folded his chest, appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sarutobi, long time no see, is there another battle?": Summoning beast of Sarutobi Hiruzen. The ape demon greeted Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Ape Demon, I don't have time to explain, I turned into a wishful good.": Sarutobi Hiruzen said anxiously,

Because, at this time, the Nine Tails had already started to attack them, and Tsunade and the other ninjas were struggling to cope.

"it is good!"

Ape Demon turned his head and glanced at Nine Tails, and nodded solemnly. Immediately afterwards, Ape Demon turned into an iron rod with dark red in the middle, golden yellow at both ends, and the thickness of the bowl.


Sarutobi Hiruzen danced twice with the King Kong Ruyi stick in his hand, and then pointed the end of the King Kong Ruyi stick at Nine Tails: "You can't fight in the village like this, you must put the battlefield outside the village."

"Please, Ape Demon~"

"Stretch out! Ruyi is great~"


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