Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 89 Ye Ming Complains About Senju Hashirama! 【Ask For Flowers! Please Subscribe]

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, the darkness disappeared and the heaven and earth returned to clarity.

Ye Ming leaned on the head of the bed, Tsunade rested on Ye Ming's arm, glanced at the little man in front of him, and said lightly, "I really want to know if Kushina will cut you directly if she sees you like this,"


Ye Ming was stunned when he heard the words, and then he swallowed and said, "It should be... not!~"

"Haha!": Tsunade sneered, then, after a moment of silence, said: "You're back, I can rest assured on Kushina's side, I-want to leave Konoha."

"Huh?": Ye Ming frowned when he heard the words, and then said: "Are you worried about Kushina? You don't have to, I'll find a way to tell her. Or, do you think the world is so big and you want to go out and see it? Look?"

Ye Ming's words, um, are very scumbags, but this is nothing, the world of Hokage, there is no rule that only one husband and wife can only be monogamous, and there are many nobles in this world, rich people, and many women.

The reason why many people in the original book have only one wife is because most of them are ninjas.

And ninjas have powerful powers, and most of them will not combine with ordinary people. Therefore, most of the other half of ninjas are also ninjas.

Although there are some concepts of male superiority and inferiority in this world, female ninjas are also people with extraordinary power, and there are many powerful female ninjas. Naturally, they will not let their other half share their men with others.

Over time, this also led to the silent compliance of the one-factory system among the ninjas.

After hearing Ye Ming's words, Tsunade first glanced at the guy, then frowned and said sadly: "This has nothing to do with you, in fact, if it wasn't for protecting Kushina, I would have left Konoha long ago."

Ye Ming heard Tsunade's words and immediately understood what Tsunade meant.

Although, because of him, the world of Hokage has changed a lot, Tsunade doesn't walk with Kato Dan and doesn't suffer from hyperphobia.

However, the fall of the Senju clan, and what Sarutobi Hiruzen did to their Senju clan, made Tsunade completely disheartened.

Ye Ming used some strength to hug Tsunade tightly. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Tsunade, I need your help."

Tsunade heard the words, did not stay silent, after thinking for a while, he sat up, looked at Ye Ming seriously and said, "Ye Ming, tell me, what do you want to do... ?When Hokage? takes control of Konoha?"

Ye Ming looked at Tsunade with a serious face, first nodded, then shook his head, under Tsunade's puzzled expression, he said slowly: "I really want to control Konoha in my hands, because , I need the power of Konoha,"

Tsunade frowned, at this time, she suddenly felt that Ye Ming was a little strange, or that she didn't really know Ye Ming?

"Tsunade, I need Konoha's power, I want to give this world real peace. : Ye Ming looked at Tsunade with a serious face of nonsense.

"Is the world...peaceful? Is this...really possible?": Tsunade was a little lost when he heard the words.


What an unrealistic luxury this is for the people of this world!

I don't know how many years of fighting in this world, her grandfather, second grandfather Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, didn't they unite with Uchiha Madara and the various ninja tribes to establish Konoha for peace?

However, world peace seems to be really just an extravagant hope for this world.

The establishment of Konoha did end the melee in Sengoku, but after decades of peace, the war changed from various ninja tribes to major countries and major ninja villages.

Not only did the war not end, on the contrary, the scale of the war was even greater, and the number of deaths was also increasing.

Even the Senju clan, the ninja clan that they have inherited for thousands of years, have fallen in such a war.

Looking at Tsunade who was stunned, Ye Ming put her in his arms, and then slowly said, "Tsunade, did you know? Actually, peace was once very close to us,"

"Huh?": Tsunade was held in Ye Ming's arms, and quickly regained his senses. Hearing Ye Ming's words, he asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

ask for flowers

"Actually, the essence of war is the uneven distribution of resources and the greed of human nature." Ye Ming's deep eyes gleamed temporarily, looking at Tsunade and said, "If there are no five great nations in the ninja world, no five great ninja villages, only A country, a Ninja village, what do you think this world will become?"

Tsunade heard the words, the whole person was dumbfounded, and his mind was blank.

Ye Ming ignored Tsunade's reaction and continued: "If the ninja world has only one country and one ninja village, resources will be distributed uniformly. After sharing, for example, the land of wind, it will no longer lack water. You can mobilize ninjas in the land of water. , To build an oasis in the desert, you can also build rivers and send ninjas to govern the desert. The land of earth is no longer short of wood and food. The land of fire is not short of ore...  


As long as this ninja world has only one country and one voice, that peace will shine on this continent. [011811511143463481]

Ye Ming said this and looked at Tsunade excitedly, "Tsunade, you know? I don't understand very much, your grandfather, the First Generation Senju Hashirama, since he unified the Ninja of the Fire Nation with Uchiha Madara, Then why didn't he pursue the victory and unify the entire ninja world?

You must know that Konoha at that time, although it was just established, but he and Uchiha Madara's strength, as well as the strength of the various ninja tribes, there is full hope that they will be unified, but he did not do so, but instead The war between ninjas has evolved into a war between countries, and the battlefield is expressed in another form.

Another point, even if he doesn't want to unify the ninja world, why did he also distribute the powerful power of the tailed beast to other countries? Doesn't he know that Konoha has the power of nine tailed beasts, which can deter the entire ninja world, To achieve a different peace?"

"But look what First Generation did? Since he sold the tailed beast for money? He is really a genius. With such power, since he didn't use it, he sold it directly, hehe! I really can't complain. "

[For flowers! For a monthly pass! For peace! Thank you for seeing this chapter to the big guys, for a long time].

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