Ninja World: Start With A Shock Escape, Save Tsunade from War Demigod

Chapter 95 Jumping Clown Kato Dan! 【Ask For Flowers! 】

"So, the reconstruction of Konoha is so decided, does anyone else have any suggestions?"

Just as Tsunade and Ye Ming were whispering, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others had almost finished the meeting.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in Hokage's seat. Seeing that everyone had no opinion, he said again: "Then... Konoha will follow..."

"Wait!": Tsunade suddenly interrupted.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Tsunade in unison.

"Oh? Tsunade, do you have any suggestions?": Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tsunade and asked in a gentle tone.

"Lord Hokage, and everyone, I believe you have seen the war over the years. Whether it's our Konoha or other ninja villages, the number of ninjas has been reduced by more than half because of the war.

And many on the battlefield, there are actually many people who have a chance to survive, because of the lack of medical ninjas, resulting in "one eighty-three" deaths.

Now that Konoha wants to rebuild, it is better to improve the medical system.

When training outstanding ninjas, medical ninjas should also pay attention.

Moreover, I suggest that every mission team in the future should be equipped with a medical ninja, so that our ninjas can also have a certain chance of survival when they go out to perform missions.

Furthermore, Konoha has established a complete medical department and established a Konoha hospital, so that everyone who pays for Konoha will have proper treatment..."

Tsunade eloquently explained the system of the medical department and how it would benefit Konoha after its establishment.

After speaking, everyone in the conference room turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, then looked at the crowd and asked, "What do you think of Tsunade's proposal?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen said that, the meeting room suddenly became lively, and one by one began to chat, discussing Tsunade's establishment of a medical department.

In a moment!

A Konoha Jōnin fought and said: "Master Tsunade, Master Hokage, I think it is necessary to establish a medical department, but now is not the time! Today's Konoha wants to rebuild and needs a lot of resources, and with the current situation I'm afraid it will be difficult to establish a medical department!"

"That's right! Tsunade-sama, you have also seen the current situation of Konoha. Where can there be resources to establish a medical department?"

"I think so! There is no need to establish a medical department at all. Isn't the ultimate ownership of ninjas the battlefield? Why waste so many resources?"

"That's right! I also don't think it is necessary to establish it. Medical ninjas need people with strong control of Chakra to learn. With such talents, it is definitely a good battle history to cultivate them well. M

"There is really no need to establish the medical department! I don't really agree with it anyway!"

In the conference room, one person started to express his opinion, and he became the first bird, and then, one by one, all began to speak.

However, most are against the establishment of the medical sector. Not many support Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at so many rejections of her suggestions, and there was no change on the surface, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Although she established the medical department, she has some careful thoughts, but the establishment of the medical department and the reform of the task team, for Konoha, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

As for the lack of resources? It's just bullshit, you must know that the country of fire is the most prosperous place in the entire ninja world. Even if the current Konoha is almost destroyed, it is not difficult to rebuild.

The reason why they didn't want her to set up a medical department was because they felt that adding another department, or a department they were not familiar with, would have an impact on their rights.

"Oh! Konoha, it's really corroded!"

Looking at the righteous guys in the conference room, Tsunade sneered in his heart and just looked at them like that.

She also glanced at her teacher, now Lord Hokage.

Although there was no expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, Tsunade could clearly see the smile that flashed across her teacher's face,

"I agree with Tsunade-sama"

Just in the conference room, when almost everyone was opposed, a calm voice, extremely discordant, entered everyone's ears.

In an instant, the meeting room that was originally like a vegetable market became quiet, and one by one looked at the place where the sound came from.

I saw a young man with long silver hair, straight facial features, and a somewhat soft demeanor, slowly stood up, looked at Tsunade with a feminine smile, and said, "I support Tsunade's suggestion, I think... …”


Before Kato Dan finished speaking, a sudden burst of laughter interrupted his prepared speech.

And because of the appearance of this laughter, everyone's eyes shifted again.

Tsunade kicked under the table, Ye Ming, who was covering his mouth and laughing, rolled his eyes and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Haha!": Ye Ming still had a smile on his face, then slowly stood up, looked at Kato Dan and said, "I don't know the name of this beauty?"


"Ha ha.……………"

As soon as Ye Ming finished speaking, the entire conference room burst into laughter.

Even Tsunade, who had been staring at him just now, had a smile on his face after hearing Ye Ming's words.

Kato Dan listened to the smiles around him, his face suddenly gloomy, and when he saw the smile on Tsunade's face, he secretly clenched his fists, looked at Ye Ming and said, "I don't know Ye Ming, why do you want to? Shame? Lord Ye Ming, as Tsunade's friend, doesn't support Tsunade, so why should he humiliate Tsunade's supporters?"

After Kato Dan finished speaking, the slightly feminine smile had returned to his face, and he glanced at Tsunade.

In Kato Dan's words, there is a clear meaning to sow discord, and everyone's eyes are turned to Ye Ming.

After Ye Ming heard this, he was not angry, he folded his arms and looked at Kato Dan coldly: "The reason why I laughed out loud was because I saw a ridiculous jumping clown, and I thought it was ridiculous to be coquettish. As for what I said, I humiliated You? Hehe, I just humiliated you, why?"

"": Kato Dan heard the words, suddenly suffocated, took a deep breath, looked at Tsunade and said: "Tsunade, look at him..." 2.9" Shut up!": Tsunade didn't wait for Kato Dan to continue talking, he waved at him in disgust, then stared at him and said, "Kato Dan, I'm not familiar with you, please add an adult when you call me. ."

Tsunade's words immediately made Kato Dan's face flush, and he didn't know what to say.

"Haha!": Ye Ming sneered again, very satisfied with Tsunade's attitude, after all, that guy is in the original book, but Tsunade's boyfriend, it's strange that he likes Kato Dan.

"Who said I don't support Tsunade's suggestion?": Ye Ming glanced at everyone, propped up the table with both hands, and an aura pressed towards everyone, um, not Conqueror's Haki. Just an aura.

Ye Ming looked at everyone and asked slowly, "Tsunade wants to establish a medical department, who is in favor? Who is against it?"

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