"It's really interesting, I don't know if it's true or not?"

Somewhere, Jiraiya, who had just been in love with the reluctance to leave the women's bathhouse, murmured.

Although the light curtain of the Heavenly Dao inventory appeared just now, the female bathhouse jumped for a while, and he feasted his eyes with voyeurism.

But now that he didn't have to look at it, this heavenly path inventory in the sky, he thought for a while and decided to go to Miaomu Mountain to ask.

At the same time, after browsing the introduction of the Heavenly Dao inventory light curtain, he also chatted privately with Tsunade, which felt quite interesting.

Miaomu Mountain, the big toad immortal looked at the sky in a daze, and in the face of the doubts of the toads, it could not answer.

After all, he predicted that this scene had never appeared in his dreams.

At the same time, he also received a private chat from his brother two thousand years ago, the Six Dao Immortal Otsuki Yue.

Compared with human wariness and speculation, it didn't think much about this, but happily chatted with the six immortals and talked about their feelings about the Heavenly Dao inventory light curtain.

"I don't know if the old man can be on the list of excellent leaders? Let's hope you don't make the bad list! "

Above Iwain Village, Onoki who didn't want to explore everything anymore, muttered while flying back to Iwain Village.

"Aha! I wish it was true, and then I made the list, so that my father would have peace of mind! "

Yunyin Village, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai said.

Here in Wuyin Village, all the high-ranking people chatted privately with the previous water shadows in the pure land while speculating whether Zhao Mei would be on the list.

For special reasons, a few years after Yakura's death, they still haven't chosen a new water shadow, and the Great Elder Genshi presides over everything, claiming that it is still under the rule of the fourth generation of Water Shadow Yakura.

After all, Yakura was manipulated back then, and they were very wary of secret enemies.

I have been pretending that Yakura is still alive, just to confuse the secret enemy they have not yet detected!

But now that he can't pretend, Yakura appears in the invitation list of the Pure Land undead.

Terumi is the next generation of water shadows set by Yuanshi and others, hoping that Terumi can be on the list of excellent leaders.

Nowadays, the Mist Hidden Village and the Land of Water can be described as deep and chaotic, and how to stabilize people's hearts is a big problem.

At the same time, the daimyo of various countries are also looking forward to it.

When it comes to chiefs, the head of a country is the greatest.

Since the establishment of the ninja village system between the Senjuju pillars a few decades ago, the ninja forces with organizational ability are not the scattered ninja clans that their daimyo could handle during the Warring States period.

If the situation of Shinobi Village and daimyo is solved, it is something that almost all daimyo have been thinking about for decades.

After all, there is an absolute military force sitting next to you, and TM is disobedient, always caring about asking you for money, are you happy?

For decades, three tragic ninja wars broke out, all of which were launched by Shinobi Village, and the daimyo and the state could not stop it, so they could only passively accept it.

The daimyos of various countries, who had realized that something was wrong, began to deliberately make trouble.

The country of earth and the country of wind withheld the military expenses of the ninja village, and the daimyo of the country of fire staged a daimyo guard coup a few years ago.

The daimyo of Mizunokoku openly expressed his distrust of Shinobi Village, and his relationship with Kirihide Village broke down.

The daimyo of the Land of Thunder is also often at odds with Yunyin Village.

Right now! This one came out of the sky, and the daimyos of various countries hoped that they could appear, and hoped that the ninja village would be ugly, so that they could speed up the gathering of ninja power!

Just as countless people were expecting, two hours passed quickly, and the Heavenly Dao inventory interface on the sky screen was finally about to begin.

When ~

Once again, the pleasant bell sounded, which focused the attention of everyone in the whole world, and the expectation was pulled to the peak.

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: Ding~! ] The Heavenly Dao inventory is about to begin to take stock of the top ten clumsy leaders and the corresponding excellent leaders in the past, present, and next few decades. 】

[Note: Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages, it must have a greater impact, and remote areas and small lord levels will not be counted.] 】

[Count a bad boss at a time, and then count a good leader accordingly.] The bad boss starts from the tenth place, and the corresponding excellent leader is not ranked, but corresponds to the bad leader, and after the inventory, everyone can rank the excellent leader. 】

[World Channel - Senna Uchiha: Humph! The two brothers between the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Hatsuma must be the first and second humble leaders! 】

[Senjukuma: Roll! ] It is the first best and the second best! 】

[Kazuma: The village chief of the Ninja Village is also worthy of selection? ] Only the head of a country can be chosen! 】

[Sarutobi Asma: Huh? And horses? You......! You're not dead yet? 】

[Jiriku: Amitabha Buddha! And the horse, you are in love! 】

[Wama: Roll! ] I don't want to talk to you traitors! But if you really have jade in your hearts, really have a country and the people, you will not help that damn ninja village that divided the country! 】

[Senjukuma: Huh? Shinobi Village split the country? Which village is it? 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: First teacher, don't listen to these careerists, we Konoha have always protected the country and the people! ] 】

[Shennong: Bah~! Don't face! 】


For a while, there was a lot of noise on the world channel.

When ~

[Tiandao inventory announcement: Tiandao benefits, Q&A open, the first person who answers the question correctly, will be rewarded richly, please pay attention to the consciousness link Tiandao inventory, answer the question in the personal interface. ] 】

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Q&A: Ding~! ] May I ask who is the first clumsy boss who will be counted next, the leader with the worst luck, please? Answer questions begin, limited to 30 seconds. 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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