[World Channel - Luo Sha: No! ] The probability of resurrecting crystals is also too low, right? 】

[Uchiha Senna: Exactly! Otherwise, my brother would have been resurrected! 】

[Senju Kuma: Evil Uchiha! ] Don't think about the resurrection! 】

[Uchiha Senna: Hmph! Don't forget the eye of reincarnation and the rebirth of dirt! 】

[Kazuma: Your Excellency Izumi and Madara if you don't suggest it, let me resurrect you! We believe we have a common goal! 】

[Uchiha Madara: That forbidden technique of yours is too ugly! ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: Sooner or later my eldest brother will get the Resurrection Crystal! ] As long as you keep choosing a thousand hands, the two brothers are clumsy leaders ninety percent! 】


And here in the reward selection session, Garuro didn't care about the resurrection crystal at all.

Her own strength is also at the level of patience, and resurrection will not help her children much, it is better to choose a good reward for the children.

Although she is very optimistic about the rustling fruit, considering that I Ai Luo needs to control the tailed beast in the body, as well as avoid strong enemies coveting the tailed beast.

After listening to her husband Luo Sha's suggestion, I chose a high-grade vortex physique for me to love Luo!

It just so happens that I love Luo is a redhead, and he went out and said that he was a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he had more credibility than Naruto!

With the Vortex Physique, the powerful Chakra amount and the King Kong blockade, it can completely suppress the Shouhe and use its power, and can also improve considerable strength, especially the increase in the upper limit of talent.

Moreover, no matter what kind of perception ability the Vortex family awakens, they are super perverted and can better guard against enemies.

Of course, with a high-level vortex physique, I will have to find a bunch of daughters-in-law for my Airo in the future, and when the time comes, I will turn Shayin Village into a new vortex country!

Here in Shayin Village, Luo Sha has happily begun to open the future career of Luo Ailuo.

Anyway, he is not ready to retire, Gou good, Wind Shadow he continues to be, in the future I love Luo as a stallion!

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: Ding~! ] The inventory begins, and the excellent leader who is lucky - the fifth generation of the Sand Hidden Village Mekaze I Ai Luo. 】

The video begins to take stock, and the daimyo of the country of wind has a very bad face! When I took stock before, I knew that the status was just on the threshold of inventory.

If you want to make a difference, you must have meritorious achievements that benefit the country and the people.

What does I love Luo Future mean? You have benefited the country and the people, what have I become? Won't Shinobi Village start to overturn the daimyo in the future, and he has become an unlucky bastard in the country of the wind?

[Video: In the screen, the screen is black first, and then the screen unfolds.]

The plot is brief, originally a month into the future, before the Konoha collapse battle broke out in the Konoha Naka Shinobi Exam, the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa was killed by Orochimaru.

After the war, I love Luo and they return to the village of Shayin.

Chiyo's mother-in-law and Markey, these high-ranking people, suppressed the other factions' plans to want a new wind shadow, but prepared for me Airo to take over.

However, I Ai Luo is too young, only twelve years old, and has met with a lot of opposition.

However, Chiyo's mother-in-law is very domineering and forcibly suppresses the opposition, saying that at present, only I Ai Luo in Sand Hidden Village is a magnet, and he is a human pillar force, and wait for him to grow up.

After going through Konoha's Chūnin exam, Airo was untied by Naruto, who was also a human pillar, and has been targeting Naruto ever since.

During this period, he cooperated with Konoha several times to help solve problems, and his sister Temari often traveled between the two places to deepen exchanges between the two villages.

Following Naru's example, I-Aira began to study hard for the village and grew rapidly, during which he achieved great results in and outside the village, while not forgetting to cultivate a new generation of ninjas.

Three years later, before a joint Chūnin exam with Konoha, I-Aira officially became the fifth-generation Kazekage of Sunahide Village at the age of less than sixteen.

After taking office, I-Aira directly announced the close alliance with Konoha, and the beginning of the Naka Shinobi held by Konoha was also launched in the Land of the Wind.

Although I love Luo's efforts for several years and have been recognized by many young ninjas, there are also voices of opposition.

Fuyi, the elder of Shayin Village, did not recognize I-Ailuo, thinking that he, as the village's final weapon, should not serve as the wind shadow of Shayin Village, and doubted whether his ability could control Shouhe.

Otherwise, once there is a riot like before, Shayin Village will live in the fear brought by my Airo.

Therefore, he wants to extract the tailed beast in my Airo's body.

So in the beginning of this Zhongnin, the monk United Fa Yi calculated that I love Luo and prepared to assassinate him.

At the same time, Fuyi is very dissatisfied with my Ai Luo and their advocacy of establishing diplomatic relations with Konoha, because it is the enemy of the Shayin Village, and the decades-long grudge between the two sides is very difficult to resolve!

Then they first unleashed a sandstorm to threaten the candidates, and when I Ai Luo came to observe the situation, they sneaked up on him.

I Ai Luo really hit the plan, and was imprisoned in the desert by the Chakra Ninja Tea Cauldron of the monk Hoichi, and even the eight-tailed man Zhuli of Taki Ninja Village who came unexpectedly was arrested.

During this period, I Ai Luo did not rush, quietly waiting, believing that there would be help coming.

Finally, with the help of Hinata Ninji and others, he escaped and defeated Hoichi.

At the same time, I Ai Luo also came to find Fuyi, indicating that he understood Fuyi's thoughts and regarded Fuyi as a compatriot from beginning to end.

Here, I Ai Luo explained his heart to Fuyi.

Once he used it as a weapon, let the village fear him, six assassinations, and he did not get the family affection he deserved.

But during the Konoha Collapse War, he met Naruto Uzumaki, and from then on, he decided to be on par with Naruto Uzumaki and be a person to be needed.

Even if many people in the village are still opposed to him and afraid of him, they sometimes think about whether they can do a good job in the wind shadow.

However, through contact with many people in Shayin Village who accepted him, I Ai Luo slowly understood that maybe people like him might be able to do something for everyone.

At the same time, he wants to eliminate hatred from the village so that everyone can make friends who share their pain, which is also his strategy inside and outside the village of Shayin.

If Fuyoshi felt wrong, he could have come and take his life instead of doing it to those Konoha ninjas.

Fuyi sat in the desert for an afternoon, and finally felt that he had fallen behind when the veterans were left behind, and perhaps the terrible memories of the past should disappear into the darkness, and the future would be handed over to the children, and this time he would bear all the responsibility.

Then, Fuyi committed suicide by seppuku in the dusk. 】

[World Channel-Luo Sha: Fuyi you...].

[Chiyo: Alas~! 】

[Liedou: What will you do in the future?] Are veterans so worried about making friends with Konoha? 】

[Kai Laozang: Is this this...]

[Onoki: Because of the three Ninja World Wars, Sand Hidden Village was killed the worst by Konoha! ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Don't talk so purposefully, in the three Ninja World Wars, we in Konoha have never been out of the border of the Fire Country, and have always been a defender. ] 】

[Pepperfish Hanzo: Huh~! ] Young people really dare to think, decades of generations of grudges, you want to arbitrarily advocate the elimination of this hatred and pain? 】

[Garuro: Why not?] I love Luo must have done it, and I will be on the excellent list! 】

[Shamen: Believe in the children of the future! 】

[None: Fuyi can also do this person! ] Responsible! 】

[Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon: Groove! ] Seppuku! What a great man! 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: This must be a person with lofty faith! 】

[Senjuma: Being willing to entrust the future to young people is indeed a master! ] 】


On the contrary, here in Shayin Village, Fuyi looked confused!

After all, now that Luo Sha is still there, their many years of tradition are still there, he does not have the idea of making me love Luo in the future.

And go to the previous video to see the performance of the fourth ninja world battle I Ai Luo in the future, he is very recognized.

Although I Ai Luo is young, he is mature and stable, and his strength is not weak, and this is still Shamen harsh?

Only pity the original future self, came to that step, self-seppuku !

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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