Here in Konoha, Sarutobi received Shinobi Thunder Gate Yueli with a smile!

Who would have thought that this kid, with such good luck in the future, overheard the information revealed by the future traverser Boruto and created the first enterprise in the ninja world?

Lei Men Yue was trembling and sweating!

Is he so crazy in the future? Let Kakashi and Konoha be restrained? It won't be killed now, right?

Fortunately, Sarutobi comforted him and promoted him to deputy minister of transportation, allowing him to contribute to the development of Konoha.

Watching the trembling Lei Men Yueli leave, even if it was an ape with profound internal skills, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his cloudy eyes!

A merchant in the area actually forced Konoha to be like that in the future?

Sarutobi thought that in recent years, he had been relatively mild, and it seemed that Kakashi would be more moderate in the future.

But now that you know the horror of capital, you naturally can't let this kind of thing happen in Konoha anymore!

Give some donations and let Hokage be grateful to Dade? Let Naruto help promote the business?

How about that! These businesses must be owned by the village!

With so much money, will Konoha still lose talent? Will he continue to control the daimyo and ask for money, so as to be restrained?

"Be careful! In the future, he is the founder of the first enterprise in the ninja world, the leader of the business alliance, and his secret status exceeds that of Hokage, and now this arrangement, he is a lifelong working boy, can he accept it? "

Next to him, Elder Mito Menyan said worriedly.

"He'd better take it!"

The slightly murderous words sounded on the lips of the three generations of Hokage.

In this regard, all the high-level officials have no opinion.

Seeing that Kakashi and Shikamaru were actually restrained by this capitalist, they even left a lot of hidden dangers for Konoha because of this.

It's strange that they can be happy!

Anyway, the inventory of the Heavenly Dao has revealed a lot of things in the future, and now it is the same with or without the thunder gate and the history.

He is honest, it is a Konoha working boy, not honest, he doesn't need Tuan Zang this glove to come forward!


[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: Ding~! ] The eighth place of the botched leader of the ninja world, the sixth generation of Hokage Kiki Kakashi, has completed the inventory, and the ninja world scoring has begun, and anyone can support and not support the inventory target on the personal interface. If the final number of supports exceeds half, Tsunade will be rewarded, and if the number of unsupported is more than half, all of Tsunade's abilities will be deducted. 】

Kakashi here, already as if commanding the aftermath, let Naruto Sasuke and them have a good chat with I-Airo, and he left.

Kakashi felt that his future clumsy Hokage could not be forgiven, and then he would be sucked out of all his abilities and become an ordinary person.

Perhaps..., it is better to be an ordinary person and go back to learn the craft from Boss Ichiraku.

However, the next development surprised Kakashi!

Because! At the last moment, his approval rating turned out to be more than half!

807 Not only did he not have the ability to be extracted, but he would also get a chance to choose a reward!

As for why countless ordinary people in the ninja world would support him?


Because of today's chaotic ninja world, a large number of civilians live under the control of power.

Whether it is the village chief, the town mayor, or even the powerful people everywhere, they are quite strict with the commoners.

In the video, Kakashi, as the biggest leader of the strongest force in the ninja world, is kind, very close to the people, and has no shelf.

Such leadership is what many people aspire to! Because it can give you a lot of self-esteem.

So even though Kakashi appeared on the poor list, his performance was not good.

But what does that matter to most people? Whether Konoha is good or not does not affect them.

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: Ding~! ] The support rate of the target Kiki Kakashi is more than half, and Kiki Kakashi is awarded this one reward choice. 】

At the same time, the confused Kakashi, real-time images appeared on the Heavenly Dao inventory light curtain.

[Heavenly Dao Q&A Announcement: The reward options of the inventoried Kiki Kakashi - 1, the sword stunt Raiche; 2. Natural thunder fruit; 3. Shenwei kaleidoscope writing wheel eye; 4. Perfect Flying Thunder God Art. Limited to one minute, the timeout will randomly select the reward. 】

[Luo Sha: Lying groove! ] It's all such a powerful reward! 】

[Onoki: Which time is the reward not strong? 】

[Fourth generation Lei Ying Ai: It's a pity that there is no resurrection crystal, is the probability so low? ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: Indeed! The probability of resurrecting crystals is indeed too low! 】

[Senjuma: The rewards this time are indeed a little strong, and I don't know how to recommend them. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Let's declare war on his own! ] 】

[Uchiha: Of course, choose a kaleidoscope! ] 】

[Deidara: Didn't he transplant Obito's eye?] 】

[Scorpion: That's just a single one, definitely not a pair strong. 】


Kakashi originally wanted to consult his father and the shadows to see what they recommended.

But when I think of my future self screwing in the video, I don't do things decisively enough.

He had to change, so he didn't consult anyone, but chose what he wanted!

Subsequently, Kakashi chose a second reward, the Thunder Fruit from Nature in the Nautical World.

He is not good at swordsmanship, sword stunts can not be considered, Kaleidoscope is the best, but he does not have enough Chakra.

And it is mentioned in the introduction that if you use too much, you will be blind, unless you raise the eternal kaleidoscope.

Besides, Obito is already a kaleidoscope of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he doesn't need to be the second Obito, and when he has time, return Obito's eyes to him and persuade him to turn back!

Although the Flying Thunder God is very strong, it can cross the transcendent distance, and it is even as dashing as in the previous video, the teacher of Bofeng Shuimen saved everyone in the next four wars.

But when needed, the fourth generation of the teacher and the second generation of Hokage are the reincarnation.

The Thunder Fruit not only has a strong lightning ability, but also has an extremely high ceiling, which can improve its strength, and it is impossible to catch up with Naruto Sasuke in the future.

Moreover, the thunder fruit can be elementalized to avoid attacks, and the speed of the explosion of lightning is unparalleled.

It's a pretty perfect ability, not to mention something from another world.

The main thing is that he chose other rewards, which he took with him after death.

And the Thunder Fruit ability is different, he will be reborn after death, so that Konoha can inherit this Thunder Fruit ability from generation to generation!

In the Pure Land, Senjuma is quite gratified, it seems that Kakashi has great potential, at least he has grown, he does not need everyone's advice, he has made his own choice, and he is no longer so screwed.

At Yunyin Village, everyone is very sorry, how good such a good thunder fruit would be if it was Yunyin Village, and you Konoha Village should engage in wood fruit and fire fruit!


Not long after, a pleasant bell sounded again on the light curtain of the Heavenly Dao.

Everyone linked the inventory of the Heavenly Dao, and the vigorous spiritual power that was blessed began to concentrate and prepare to answer the questions!

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: The inventory of the clumsy chief, the eighth leader, Kiki Kakashi, is completed, and the corresponding excellent leader is counted next. ] 】

[Tiandao inventory announcement: Tiandao benefits, Q&A open, the first person who answers the question correctly, will be rewarded richly, please pay attention to the consciousness link Tiandao inventory, answer the question in the personal interface. ] 】

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Q&A: Ding~! ] May I ask who is the excellent leader who will be inventoried next, the leader who made a very effective start for the bad situation? Answer questions begin, limited to 30 seconds. 】

[World Channel-Ape Flying Asma: I guessed correctly earlier! ] The corresponding excellent boss is really a leader with a very poor start and efficient income! 】

[Luo Sha: Do you still need to guess?] The moment the title appears, you know the corresponding title! 】

[Yakura: Now that I think about it, there is no title when I take stock! ] 】

[Black hoe thunder tooth: You forget it, it's a shame to give the title! ] 】

[Momochi no longer chop: If you give it, it will be the leader of the worst human pillar force, and then I Ai Luo is the leader of the best human pillar force. ] 】

[Yakura: However, when I Ailuo rose, the tailed beast in my body was already pumped! ] 】

[Loquat Juzo: That's the worst doll leader and the best doll boss! ] 】

[Qing: Don't! I love Luo Gong fame is young and middle-aged, Yakura looks young on the outside, and still has children! 】

[Fourth generation Lei Ying Ai: Don't talk about this, I think the excellent leader this time is my father! ] Back then, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn rebelled, and it was my father who single-handedly suppressed the rebellion. 】

[Luo Sha: Just him? The reckless man who attacked our Sand Hidden Village and was repelled and was consumed to death by the Onoki disaster? 】

[Nara Shikahisa: This time it must be the third generation of Hokage-sama! ] 】

[Onoki: Don't pull it! The second generation Hokage has developed Konoha to flourish, and Sarutobi Hinata is simply one of the lucky starts. 】

[Ape Flying Asma: Then look at this circle, no one meets the standard! ] 】

[Luo Sha: Me! Back then, the three generations of wind shadows disappeared, and the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village searched everywhere, and were invaded by the three generations of thunder shadows, and then I led the team to repel the other party and reunite the ruined endgame! 】

[Onoki: Don't be embarrassed, there must be one of you on the bad list! ] 】

[Qing: Needless to say, it must be Terumi-sama! ] 】

[Genshi : Damn Uchiha Obito manipulated Yakura to cause great disasters to Mist Hidden Village and Mizunoku, which led to Terumi's worst start! ] 】


Answer interface - (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Four generations of Lei Ying Ai: Three generations of Lei Ying Ai. ] 】

[Senjukuma: (ceda) between the Senju pillars. 】

[Wave Feng Shuimen: Naruto Uzumaki. 】

[Onoki: Onoki. 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Second generation Hokage-sensei. 】

[Shimura Danzo: Shimura Danzo. 】

[White Lotus: Terumei. 】



Soon, thirty seconds will come, and the answer to the Heavenly Dao Q&A will soon be revealed.

[Heavenly Dao Q&A Announcement: Ding~! ] The correct answer is the fifth generation of the Mist Hidden Village, and congratulations to Bai Lian for being the first to answer correctly. 】

At the same time as the answer was revealed, an image of a mature royal sister and a beautiful woman appeared on the Heavenly Dao Q&A interface.

For a time, countless people in the ninja world exclaimed, especially men!

After all, Terumi is sexy and beautiful, or one of the top ten excellent leaders for thousands of years, which man doesn't want to mess with him?

"Damn it! Obviously I'm the worst start! "

The underground root base of Konoha Hokage Rock, Tuanzo is very unhappy!

In the future, Konoha was completely destroyed, but not a single person died, isn't it enough for him to clean up this mess?

Behind the threat of the daimyo, Betenjin manipulated Mifune to open the establishment of the ninja alliance, these are all his credits!

Especially the credit of the Ninja Alliance, it should be counted to him! Isn't it that he didn't want Tenjin to manipulate Mifune to open his mouth and establish a ninja alliance, and there will be a picture of the ninja world working together later?

And here in Wuyin Village, everyone was very excited and cheered!

Can you not cheer?

Ten years ago, Yakura was manipulated, the village of Mist was in turmoil, and the ninjas were killed in the dark, and even butcher knives stretched out all over the country of water.

Even if ten years have passed, now in the country of Mizuno, the contradiction between the people and the ninja is very huge, the daimyo is completely cut off from the ninja village, there is no economic source, relying on the meager entrusted income, and now the situation in the village is really bad!

Now that Zhao Mei is on the list of excellent leaders, it will definitely restore the former glory of Wuyin Village in the future, and develop with the country of water, otherwise it will not be on the list of top ten excellent leaders for thousands of years.

In that way, with the endorsement of the future video of the Heavenly Dao, they can hold high the banner of the beautiful underworld, reach a reconciliation with the daimyo and the dignitaries, and win the hearts and minds of the citizens of the country of water, so as to quickly integrate the chaotic country of water!

Not only them, but the daimyo of the country of water also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, before taking stock of my Ailuo, who doesn't envy the future country of wind?

There are also countless citizens of the Land of Water who are living in the depths of the water, and they are clasping their hands together, praying sincerely that Zhao Mei will come to save them quickly!

[World Channel-White Lotus: Ahahaha! Attaboy! Sure enough, it was Terumi! 】

[Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon: I also chose to illuminate the underworld, it seems that we are not mistaken about the first generation of adults! ] 】

[None: Hey, with the merit of participating in the four battles, after uniting with the other four ninja villages, you can indeed gain great prestige to change the country of water, it should not be difficult! ] 】

[Senju Jiama: I can't say that, if you can be on the top ten excellent list, you must be able to lead the entire development of the water country to unprecedented strength! ] 】

[Onoki: The previous Mifune and I'Iroh raised the standard of a good leader a little high! ] Some dare not hope for extravagance! 】

[Luo Sha: Is it possible, my son I Ai Luo is the best in thousands of years, Mifune is the second best, and Terumi is the third best. I'm not greedy, I want to be last place, and I will be the tenth on the excellent list. 】

[Shimura Danzo: Dream of you, the number one on the clumsy list is almost the same! ] 】

[Luo Sha: You TM is the number one on the clumsy list! ] Ugly shady man! 】

[Yamanaka Stroke: Danzo-sama is very important, otherwise Sasuke and Orochimaru will both take over the rod in Danzo-sama's hands in the future! ] 】

[Shino the oil girl: You have to talk about your conscience! The ninja alliance that condenses the ninja world in the future was facilitated by Danzo-sama! 】

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai: Use other heavenly gods to control others, is it okay? ] Even if there is no Tuanzo's trick, we will form a ninja alliance!" 】



At the same time, the Heavenly Dao reward selection link came, and the soul phantom of the original Water Shadow White Lotus appeared on the interface.

[Tiandao Q&A Announcement: Q&A rewards are issued, and the rewarder is selected as the first white lotus who answers the question correctly, and the reward options are-1. The power of the sea king in the seafaring world; 2. Perfect water breathing; 3. Advanced white eyes (pupil spontaneous birth); 4. Air fortress technology in the Land of the Air. Limited to one minute, the timeout will randomly select the reward. 】

After Bai Lian quickly swept the reward, he asked Zhaomei to consult them to see which reward they wanted.

After a quick discussion among the high-level of Wuyin Village, they asked the original Water Shadow White Lotus to choose the power of the sea king from the navigation world to Zhao Meiyu.

The Perfect Water Breath can indeed help improve the strength of Mist Hidden Village, especially the Eleventh Sword Technique, which can be called absolute defense!

But not everyone can make it.

Advanced white eyes are also the most recommended by everyone.

However, considering that Yu Gao has already obtained a high-level white eye in front, there is no need to give such a high priority.

As for the Air Fortress technology of the Empty Country? Isn't it time to grab it? Big deal, buy technology, or collaborate.

Even if you don't get it, it doesn't matter, Wuyin Village is not in a hurry to develop aviation for the time being, and in the future there will be a foundation, study it yourself!

And this power of Aquaman from the seafaring world!

That's a village that commands all underwater life!

Not to mention that there are huge psychic beasts in the sea, especially giant sharks, giant whales and giant tortoises.

Even simply ordering ordinary sharks and whales is enough to traverse the sea!

The country of water is an island country surrounded by the sea in the east, and with the power of the sea king, the country of water rules almost the entire ocean world!

There are more resources under the ocean than on land!

For a while, everyone in Wuyin Village immediately thought about it!

The high-level of the various forces were envious, the sea was so vast, and the power of the sea king ordered all fish.

The resources of the sea can simply fertilize the country of water to death!

It seems that in the future, diplomacy with the Mist Hidden Village and the Land of Water will increase investment!

[God knows: Abominable! Damn the power of the sea god! 】

[Big Snake Pill: Hehe, God knows that you have studied for so long and still have not improved, or come to me. ] 】

[God knows: impossible! In the morning, I will research the most perfect mackerel, as well as the strongest psychic beast sea master! Even if it is the power of Aquaman, I will defeat him!" I am the king of the sea! 】

[Qing: Where is the clown! ] Find death! 】

[Onoki: The sea...! Don't know how rich the resources of the sea are? 】

[Four generations of Lei Ying Ai: Envy! ] At least much better than the slightly barren Thunder Country! 】

[None: The geography of our Earth Country is also not very good, I wonder if there are any rewards for improving the inventory of the Heavenly Dao? ] 】

[Luo Sha: A resource for the entire sea? Envy! I wonder what the desert of the Land of Winds can produce? 】。

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