
Soon, the Heavenly Dao Q&A reward session came, and the image of the soul phantom Uchiha appeared on the reward selection interface.

[Tiandao Q&A Announcement: Q&A rewards are issued, and the rewarder is selected as the first Uchiha spot who answers the question correctly, and the reward options are - 1. Kaleidoscope Sharingan (pupil technique self-generated); 2. High-grade whirlpool physique; 3. Equip the resurrection armor (resurrection in place three seconds after death, cooldown time of one month); 4. Perfect forbidden rebirth of dirt. Limited to one minute, the timeout will randomly select the reward. 】

Uchiha looked at the four rewards, and his face was a little dark!

You said that there is no resurrection reward, he has the forbidden art of resurrection armor and dirt rebirth, you have it! And none of them can revive themselves!

Uchiha snorted helplessly, this time there was no arrogant non-choice, waiting for random results.

Instead, the third option was chosen to equip the Resurrection Armor.

It was really the other three rewards, which did not improve him much.

Through the video of taking stock of my Ai Luo before, I learned that there will be a big tube wood outside the sky in the future, and I stared at the bells and whistles of reincarnation eyes.

Uchiha felt that if he chose a resurrection armor, he could fight those people in the future.

Here Uchiha Senna, still grumbling, saying that the probability of resurrecting the crystal is too low.

Many people echoed, after all, by now, Tsunade has obtained one.

Here in Short Book Street, Rope Tree lamented his name, and his sister got the only resurrection crystal to resurrect herself.

However, looking at the solemn face of his sister Tsunade, Rope Tree also became worried!

Their grandpa is on the botched list!

For thousands of years, the list of the top ten clumsy leaders, this sister and grandfather are on ...

And here in Konoha, there is no sound at all.

Let's not mention that the original Hokage-sama of faith is on the poor list!

You know, only now that the four clumsy leaders have been counted, Konoha has three on it!

Could it be that Konoha really had a thin life?

[World Channel - Pepperfish Hanzo: Gee~! ] This is just counting the four clumsy bosses, and Konoha has three! 】

On the other hand, there are also people who rub salt on the wound.

[Kazuma: So! Konoha shouldn't exist! Should be disbanded! 】

[Shennong: Let me bomb it! ] 】

[Huang Quan: There won't be ten clumsy leaders next, seven eight 24 on Konoha, right? 】

[Sarutobi Asma: Bastard! Konoha can't be on again! Besides, there are so many Hokage! 】

[Huang Quan: Why not, Naruto is the seventh generation, and there is also a Nara Shikamaru who replaced Naruto after he disappeared, plus the group that is not counted as a sixth generation by you, there are nine people! ] 】

[Shennong: Wouldn't Konoha want nine clumsy bosses? All Konoha people next? 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Impossible! ] My family Naruto is definitely on the list of excellent bosses! 】

[Kazuma: Huh! Still dreaming! People who have not been qualified after studying for more than ten years, still want to be on the excellent list? 】


Konoha here, everyone began to be in a trance in difficult acceptance, wouldn't Konoha be a wrong existence?

But! Naruto Sasuke, who has the reincarnation of the son of the Six Immortals in the future! Why didn't it develop well?

At the same time, the Tiandao inventory video began, and countless ninjas wanted to see if the ninja village system was wrong!

[Heavenly Dao Inventory Announcement: Ding~! ] The inventory begins, the seventh of the clumsy leader, the first Hokage Senjukuma of Konoha Village. 】

Then, the video plays.

[Video: The screen begins, the familiar black screen, and then the screen unfolds.]

The previous situation is brief, more than sixty years ago, Senju Zhuma led the Senju clan and fought a decisive battle with the Uchiha clan led by Uchiha Madara.

Ten Hands Pillar here, defeated Uchiha Madara and faced with Madara who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, Pillar Madara sincerely asked him to lead Uchiha and Senju to coexist peacefully, and then fulfill the dream that the two agreed upon when they were children.

Determined to commit suicide between Senjuju, Uchiha agreed.

The two feuding families shook hands and made peace, and when the two were children, they talked freely about the ideal place and established the Shinobi Village.

While looking at the establishment of the village below from the high cliff, Senjukuma asks Uchiha to help name the newly established village.

Uchiha thought for a while, looked at the leaves in his hand, and named the village Konoha.

And Senju Zhuma laughed and said that when the village is built, Madara will be the leader of everyone.

Then he named the leader of the village Hokage, because Madara was good at fire.


Senju then vigorously opposed the use of Uchiha as the leader, saying that it must be fair and open, and let the villagers choose.

Repeated refusals were fruitless, plus various big reasons between the heads.

At last!

It was up to the villagers to elect who would be the Hokage, and it was no surprise that the Senjuju became the first Hokage voted by the villagers with an absolute crushing advantage.

With this, the first Hokage Senjukuma began to take office. 】

[World Channel - Mitarai Red Bean: Huh? I didn't expect that the name of our Konoha village was taken by Uchiha Madara Madara ? 】

[Luo Sha: Boom~! At first, I thought Konoha's name was because His Excellency Pillar was a Kidun ninja! 】

[Chiyo: That's the reason why Uchiha got this name because of His Excellency's wooden escape between the pillars. 】

[Loess: Then, Your Excellency Madara is also good at fire escape, and then gave the village head the name Hokage? 】

[Fourth Generation Lei Ying Ai: I always thought that they were in the Land of Fire, so I took the name of Hokage! ] 】

[Terumi: I didn't expect the names of Konoha and Hokage to come from this, and His Excellency Madara had a good relationship at that time! ] 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Ahahaha! Of course! Madara and I have known each other since childhood! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Roll! ] I'm not! If I had known your surname Thousand Hands, I would have stabbed you to death! 】

[Senjukuma: Don't say that, Madara! ] 】

[Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon: The two are so good, how did they turn against each other in the end? ] Could it be that the position of leader promised by His Excellency Pillar was not given? 】

[Kazuma: Definitely! ] The god of ninja does not believe what he says! 】

[None: Seeing that the two quarreled for a while, it must be that His Excellency Madara wants to rule the world, and His Excellency Zhujian does not agree. ] 】

[Kakuto: No wonder the original Hokage is now on the poor list, or is the reason why the pattern is too small! ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: It's really too small! ] Obviously promised to let my eldest brother be the leader, but he repented! And you bastard! You can only engage in small actions for a lifetime! 】

[Senjuma: Can he be the leader of a village with your brother's kind of person? He can't be! 】

[Uchiha Senna: Why can't you be a fool? A villain is a villain, otherwise my brother led Konoha to rule the world, why did four tragic wars break out in the ninja world? No wonder it's on the poor list because of the small pattern! 】


[Video: In the picture, Uchiha is not angry because he lost the election, but happy because the Shinobi Village is gradually growing.

Soon, Senjukuma happily told Uchiha that the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan had also applied to join Konoha!

Both of them are happy that once a large number of ninjas and ninjas in the Land of Fire are condensed, then the war can be controlled and everyone can introduce contradictions and peaceful coexistence.

After that, good things followed, and the Inuzuka clan joined Konoha.

A village of ninjas, instantly becoming a novelty in the ninja world, bringing peace and reducing ninja wars, but also terrifying the government of the Fire Nation.

Under the trembling and temptation of the daimyo of the Fire Nation, the two sides reached an ideological strategy of peaceful coexistence, with the daimyo contributing money and Shinobi village contributing to jointly protect the Fire Nation.

At the same time, the daimyo of the Fire Nation was not at ease enough, and then sent a princess to the Senju brothers.

If the two do not want, they will send it to the son between the pillars.

Pillar was here in the Fire Nation, and knew about the worries of the daimyo of the Fire Nation, so he asked his son to marry the Princess of the Fire Nation.

Seeing this, people with lofty ideals from other countries began to follow suit and establish ninja villages.

The daimyos of various countries, fearing the invasion of the Fire Nation, which had gathered the ninja army, quickly agreed to the establishment of the ninja village.

Thus, the Sengoku period for thousands of years ended, and the Shinobi Village period began!

When the huge ninjas gathered in one village, the war in the Fire Country was indeed much less, and after other countries established ninja villages, there was also less strife.

Pillar Mama was very happy, and he was so happy that he pulled Uchiha to tour Konoha every day.

But Uchiha Madara is famous, and even though he wants to blend in with Konoha, every time he sees many people looking at him with fear, Madara is very uncomfortable.

Especially when he occasionally helped the children in the village, not only did he not get thanks, but the other party was frightened.

Uchiha was depressed.

Soon after, he was called by Uchiha to the secret basement of their clan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Here, Uchiha mentioned to the pillar that the stone tablet recorded the words written by the ancestor of Uchiha, the Six Dao Immortals.

The higher the pupil power of his chakra eyes, the more detailed the record will be.

Madara told the pillars that in ancient times, the Six Dao Immortals of the Creation God made the whole world completely peaceful by becoming a ten-tailed human pillar force to open the Infinite Moon Reading.

Subsequently, Madara excitedly invited Pillar Ma, and they resurrected the Ten Tails together and became the Ten Tails Human Pillar Power to exert the Infinite Moon Reading and make the whole world completely peaceful!

After all, even today's Shinobi village system only temporarily avoids most of the war.

In many small countries, where they can't see, wars are still there.

Moreover, the system of Shinobi Village is likely to break out into a bigger war in the future.

Hearing this, Senjuju denied Uchiha's idea that ruling the world and capturing the tailed beast would bring war.

Now that there is finally peace, there can be no more war, and they should believe in the future, and believe that the future ninjas can put an end to war and make peace.

Uchiha's face turned gloomy, saying that the ideal between the pillars was too naïve, and now everyone was peaceful only because the two of them were strong and suppressed those people.

At the same time, he also said sadly that he wanted to take the Uchiha family away, but no one followed him.

Uchiha said that he was leaving to pursue his own path.

Senjukuma failed to keep Uchiha Madara Madara .

Because he can't handle all kinds of management and documents, the Hokage between the pillars is basically just a name, and then the affairs are handled by his younger brother Kuruma all the time. 】

[World Channel - Uchiha Senna: Abominable Pillars! ] My eldest brother is right, only a unified world can truly be peaceful! 】

[Senjukuma: Roll! ] Didn't you watch the previous inventory of the next four battles? The Infinite Moon Reading must be wrong, otherwise why did Madara die after casting the Infinite Moon Reading, and why did the Six Dao Immortals help Naruto Sasuke improve his strength to deal with the enemy! 】

What Senju said was exactly what Uchiha thought!

In the previous inventory video, in the late stage of the next four battles, he has successfully become a ten-tailed human pillar force and cast an infinite monthly reading.

If the infinite moon reading is really as said on the stone tablet, it is the method by which the six immortals once created a peaceful world.

So why did the Six Paths Immortals resurrect Naruto Sasuke, who was killed by himself, to deal with himself?

Plus later, Hei Jue resurrected Otsuki Kaguya!

This made Uchiha understand that he was a pawn!

[Uchiha Senna: Hmph! Even if the infinite moon reading is wrong, then at that time, the pillars should also assist my brother, and the two of them must set the Great Buddha, destroy the four countries and unify the world, and they can also create unprecedented peace! 】

[Senjuma: Evil Uchiha, is there only one who destroys the country and destroys the country in his mind? ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: Is there something wrong?] So you see? You're seventh on the botched list! Or because of the small pattern! 】

[White Lotus: To be honest, if His Excellency Pillar and His Excellency Madara joined forces back then, I'm afraid that no one or any force would stop them, right? 】

[Ishikawa: At that time, the Hyuga clan joined Konoha, and His Excellency Pillar was the son-in-law of the Uzumaki clan, and no one could stop it! ] 】

[Liedou: I don't know, what would it be like if the ninja world was unified? 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Perhaps, there are not so many ninja world wars? 】


[Video: In the picture, Senju Pillar soon after sees Uchiha killing Konoha, this time driving the Nine Tails, and says that Pillar and Konoha are the beings that hinder his world domination and must be destroyed.

In order to protect Konoha Village, Madara and Madara fought a great battle.

As soon as the two clashed, the terrifying power erupted, making Konoha Village falter.

Seeing this, the pillars immediately ran north, leading Madara to a place where there were few people.

The two chased one after another, and came to the junction of the Land of Sound and the Land of Frost in the north, and began to kill in this lofty mountain.

Juma has been persuading Uchiha to give up the idea of ruling the world, and war will break out if he conquers the world.

Uchiha is firmly committed at this moment, and Iron Heart 053 wants to kill Pillar and Konoha, so that he can fulfill his dream without hindrance.

Seeing that there was no way to persuade Uchiha, the pillars were helpless, opened the Immortal Law and the Thousand Hands Giant Buddha, and launched a decisive battle with Uchiha who controlled the Nine Tails.

The battle between the two broke the sky, and the sun and moon were without light.

In the end, the Thousand Hands Pillar sealed the Nine Tails and continued to fight Uchiha.

Finally, here in the End Valley, Maruma deceives Uchiha Madara with a wooden doppelganger, and then kills Uchiha Madara from behind. 】

[World Channel-Luo Sha: How is it possible? How can the strength of the two be so strong? 】

Looking at the battle of the Valley of the End in the video, countless people were stunned!

[Mifune: Lying groove! ] Hundreds of miles across the strait from the Land of Sound, Uchiha Baba threw the difficulty of the beast to our Iron Country? Back then, I thought it was a meteorite that landed at night! 】

[White Lotus: Fortunately, it was not thrown towards our Water Country! ] 】

[The original Lei Ying Ai: I never expected that the strength of His Excellency Pillar and His Excellency Madara back then was so strong? 】

[Liedou: Shhhh Such a powerful force! What did you achieve directly with the earth over there? 】

[Shihe: When I saw that ring of mountains, I didn't dare to imagine that it was the remnants left by the blast wave! ] 】

[White Lotus: To be honest, don't say that Your Excellency Pillar and Your Excellency Madara joined forces, I think any of them can rule the world single-handedly! ] 】

[Liedou: No wonder now that the Heavenly Dao inventory slogan, saying that the pattern of Your Excellency between the pillars is small! ] 】

[Shihe: It's really small! ] If I had such strength back then, I would definitely not have engaged in any ninja village system and directly established the Ninja Realm Republic! 】

[Luo Sha: Is it because your strength is too strong to rule the world, Your Excellency Zhujian is on the poor list? 】

[Onoki: This is just one of them, the pattern is small, and then in the video, Your Excellency Kuruma has no management ability at all, and it is all Your Excellency Kuruma who is dealing with all the affairs of the village. 】

[Scorpion: Then add to the several ninja world wars brought by the next few major ninja villages, so the wrong ninja village system, the fault is counted on the head of the pillar! ] 】

[Kakuto: You seem to be hostile to Shinobi Village! Or rather, anger at the Ninja World War? 】


Ninja world, countless people who watched the Tiandao inventory video were shocked!

Who would have thought that decades ago, Uchiha and Senju already had such strength!

Without the eye of reincarnation and Mu Duan, Uchiha still has the ability to strike across the sea, attacking the Iron Country hundreds of miles away!

In this era where the attack distance is several kilometers and it is the top combat power in the ninja world, everyone can't think about it!

I also don't understand very much, how did such a powerful pillar not rule the world back then?

With their strength, who dares to resist? How many casualties can a war of resistance have? Not at all, just break through the enemy leader!

No wonder the pillars are clumsy chiefs with small patterns!

With this strength, why is it still guarding a small and deformed ninja village system? Rule the world directly! Then make rules, collect talents, maintain the system, and so on!

Countless people who watched the video have thought of a path in another direction for the pillars, which is much better than the Shinobi village system! .

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