[Onoki: Gee~! ] Your Excellency Orochimaru is so much fun! Unexpectedly, the first generation and the second generation of the dirt reincarnation came to fight the ape flying sun! 】

[Fourth generation Lei Ying Ai: Ahahaha! ] It does feel funny! 】

[Terumi: The big snake pill is really full of bad fun! ] 】

[Medicine Master: The third generation of Hokage is too pedantic, Lord Orochimaru can't stand it, let the first and second generation of filthy soil reincarnate to clean him up! ] 】

[Tsunade: Damn Orochimaru! ] How dare you? 】

[Jiraiya: Big Snake Pill! ] You are also too disrespectful to the first and second adults! 】

[Big Snake Pill: Oblivious! For the sake of my reincarnation in the next four battles to help the Ninja Alliance, you will be calculated! 】

[Uchiha Senna: Strange! Wasn't the rebirth of filthy soil created by Kuruma? My brother can lift the restriction on the rebirth of filthy soil, can't he do it? 】

[Onoki: Is there a possibility that Tsuma also wants to beat the ape flying sun?] 】

[Yamanaka Haichi: Lord Tsuchikage, don't talk nonsense, the big snake pill in the video said that the first and second generations of dirt rebirth are not perfect, probably to facilitate his control, otherwise if it is too strong, he can't control it! ] 】

Konoha! Ape flying sun chopping is quite uncomfortable!

Damn big snake pills! How can this be? Let the first and second adults beat themselves?

I don't know if he is weak-hearted? Or rather... The big snake pill knows more than he thinks?

He knew that his heart was weak, so the evil and filthy soil rebirth of the first generation of adults and the second generation of adults was to blame himself?

[Video: In the picture, Konoha went back after collapsing the plan, and Orochimaru looked at his hands that could no longer be used, and sighed the strength of the ghoul seal, so he began to read through various forbidden techniques. ]

And, let your subordinates go to the former country of whirlpools, as well as the whirlpool ancestral halls and ruins that have appeared in various places, to find the sealing techniques of the whirlpool family, and find a way to crack it.

Of course, he also went to find Tsunade to heal, and then the Three Shinobi War ensued.

After the battle of the three ninjas, Orochimaru sent the four of Otobu to Konoha to bring Sasuke with him, and he wanted to reincarnate Sasuke's body to obtain the long-hungry Sharingan.

However, something unexpected happened, and Sasuke did not arrive at the time he expected, and it was too late.

This made him have to choose a new body, as for Sasuke, then cultivate for three years first, and the three-year cooldown time for immortal rebirth has arrived in the reincarnation of Sasuke.

From then on, Orochimaru cultivated Sasuke as if he were himself, and guided him wholeheartedly. 24

In the following time, the ninja world did not cause war because of the Konoha collapse war, but the various forces were indeed a lot more vigilant.

And the big snake pill because he was sealed by the ghoul of the third-generation teacher ape flying sun, his strength was greatly reduced, he was a lot more cautious and did not go to trouble at all.

However, his research did not stop, and the forbidden technique of soil rebirth was outsourced to Disonas, an old colleague of the Xiao Organization, who was beaten into a waste by Heavenly Dao Payne.

The art of the Great Serpent of Yagi was also studied and perfected because of the abundant funds and the ninja who were deceived by the ninjas.

Since the death of Junmaro and Otonobu, most of the affairs in Oto-ninja Village have been controlled by Yakushi.

At the same time, Sasuke and Kasu and the others cultivated by the Great Snake Pill often went to help.

These people are rigorous and kind-natured, and they manage Oto-ninja Village well, which also makes Tano Country more peaceful.

Under the protection of Oto-nin Village, Tano Kuni is thriving.

More than two years later, Orochimaru conducted a huge trial against Sasuke, and hundreds of primary spell test subjects were no longer Sasuke's opponents, and Orochimaru was satisfied.

At the same time, he also arranged for Sasuke to find Shennong in the Land of Emptiness and get the regenerative ninjutsu he bought from Orochimaru, presumably that the divine doctor had already come up with a better one.

From this, Sasuke obtained the physical activity technique that Shennong had improved through regenerative ninjutsu.

Although it is a secret technique of physical arts, Orochimaru has perfected its own regeneration technology according to the main points in it.

It didn't take long for the big snake pill and the medicine master to prepare to join forces to calculate the wave of scorpions.

After all, over the years, the scorpion has been chasing and killing him, which is very annoying, just to reduce the strength of the Xiao organization.

But I didn't expect that this meeting at the Heaven and Earth Bridge, the scorpion that came was Yamato in disguise, and the two sides moved inexplicably.

Orochimaru tested Naruto's growth here, and Naruto, who was transformed into a four-tailed state and nine-tailed chakra, shot a tailed beast jade, and beat a little miserably.

However, Naruto was pushed back by the Kusanagi sword sneak attack, counting him victorious.

Things were unfavorable, anyway, knowing that the scorpion was dead, Orochimaru did not entangle, but returned to the nearby base and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Sai, the person of Danzo, came to contact him to kill Sasuke, Orochimaru was naturally unwilling, not to mention that this Sasui also turned against Naruto and them.

After Naruto Sasuke finally met, Orochimaru took Sasuke and they left. 】

[World Channel-Shennong: Damn the big snake pill! ] You even covet my technique? 】

[Big Snake Pill: Oblivious! Otherwise, what do you think I sold you regenerative ninjutsu for? 】

[Humble Ruhu: Damn the big snake pill! ] Why not sell me forbidden? 】

[Orochimaru: Humble Ruhu, who do you think is responsible for your easy theft of Konoha's forbidden art, and for studying for several years without being discovered? ] 】

[Tsunade: Orochimaru! ] It can't be you who induces Humble, right? 】

[Big Snake Pill: Oblivious! He was so eager to catch up with us, but his talent was just that, didn't I help him? 】

Mount Meru, Belyu is silent! Then my face became ugly!

It turned out that it was not he who stole the trick back then, but the big snake pill helped behind his back!

[Deidara: Big brother Scorpion, you will die in the future! ] 】

[Scorpion: Got it, got it. 】

[Kakuto: Are you stupid, wasn't there in the inventory video yesterday? ] Scorpion Miku was killed by his grandmother and Tsunade disciples. 】

[Deidara: Why didn't I see it? 】

[Kakuto: Idiot! ] There is no picture, it is Sakura who said it when she reported to Tsunade in the video! 】

[Onoki: After so many years, Deidara, you are still an idiot! ] 】

[Yakura: In other words, the excellent leader of Orochimaru is not qualified, it's not that the previous has no intention of improving the environment of Tanokuni, the affairs of Oto-ninja Village have always been managed by his subordinates, so he just takes money! ] 】

[Fourth generation Lei Ying Ai: Huh! ] You don't understand this, do you? As a leader, you must learn to delegate power, yesterday I looked at my inventory, didn't you see that I handed over a lot of things to my subordinates to do? 】

[Onoki: Is this path, one person's energy is limited, or multiple talents have to help, and you can master the general direction yourself! ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: Ahahaha! Here you have to name someone in Konoha, the clumsy Hokage who will almost die of affairs in the future! 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: ...! 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinna: Hmph! Damn Uchiha Senna! 】

Jiu Shinnai, who was a guest of the Hyuga clan, was very angry when he saw his son being named!

And said that now that he is resurrected, he will teach Naruto himself in the future, and Naruto will definitely fulfill the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal and complete the mission of bringing unprecedented changes to the ninja world!

Hinata Hinata listened to it and broke out in a cold sweat! Don't you still know who your kid's sexiness and IQ are? Do you teach?

But Hiashi didn't dare to say that this fierce man who had beaten everything in the ninja school since he was a child, he didn't dare to provoke.

Then said, isn't there a heavenly way inventory now, let Bofeng Shuimen and the second generation adults teach Naruto in private chats!

When Jiu Xinnai heard this, he suddenly realized!

At the same time, Hiashi looked at her daughter, who was shy and on the verge of fainting, and felt that it was time to improve her education.

The future has brought mildness, let his grandson Boren, the personality is a little wild!

[Yakura: Speaking of the big snake pill, Orochimaru is also meticulous, go and single out with the third generation of Hokage Hall, and also face off against the nine-tailed man Pillar Force! ] 】

[The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai: It is said that he is in the position of the leader of the Yin Ninja Village, and he is very meticulous! ] 】

[Terumi: I have been the leader of Oto-ninja Village for many years, and many forces do not know that it is Oto-Ninja Village that he made by Orochimaru, and everything is done by subordinates, and they also deceive the major ninja clans to get money. ] 】

[Onoki: And the magnates who slaughtered the country of Tianzhi got a lot of money to engage in scientific research, and they were afraid of the Xiao Organization, so they wanted to start a war so that countries could improve their cutting-edge combat power to confront the Xiao Organization, it was all conspiracy and calculation, are they still meticulous? 】

[Luo Sha: Exactly! Combat too! How is it meticulous? Calculated me, are you still meticulous? 】

[Scorpion: The big snake pill is the most meticulous! ] This guy runs away every time, and he can't kill him, it's really annoying! 】

[Medicine Master: Pure scientists, why do you have to fight you barbarians? 】


[Video: In the picture, Orochimaru knew that the Xiao Organization began to make large-scale sorties and captured several tailed beasts. ]

Therefore, he ordered the medicine master to go and the beautiful red lotus and others to go and capture the wild three-tailed that he had discovered many years ago.

Regardless of the purpose of the Xiao organization's capture of the tailed beast, this is a way to cut off part of their plan, and it is also a way to strengthen their strength.

However, after that, the medicine master came back, indicating that the mission had failed, and Red Lotus broke away from the organization and went into seclusion with Ghost Pill. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Orochimaru didn't care, what he cared more about at the moment was about to be reborn into Sasuke's body.

The Great Snake Pill became weaker and weaker, because the body he had not reincarnated three years ago was not good enough.

But at this time, Orochimaru was very excited, the three-year period had arrived, and Sasuke, who had cultivated for three years, that perfect body, should be his!

But! While he waited for Sasuke to come to the room, he waited for the Chidori sharp gun that Sasuke had killed.

Orochimaru had no accident, how could Sasuke obediently let him reincarnate and seize his body?

However, the big snake pill did not care, he was already ready to completely transform.

So he instantly transformed into a large snake with white scales, and the dense scales on his body were actually composed of countless white snakes, and they killed Sasuke one after another.

Although Sasuke solved it easily, it also gave Orochimaru a chance, and the giant white snake swallowed Sasuke in one gulp.

Came to the body space of Orochimaru, this is his home field, his world, Sasuke's body is his!

However, Sasuke was indifferent, his indifferent expression was slightly disdainful, and he didn't even bother to do anything at all.

In the process of directly devouring Sasuke, a terrifying change suddenly broke out.

I saw the shadow of a three-headed black monster rising behind Sasuke.

The big snake pill that was devouring Sasuke was quickly eaten back in his home field, but was swallowed instead. 】

[World Channel - Deidara: Huh? The big snake pill was killed? 】

[Kakuto: Didn't it mention that he was killed in yesterday's video? But it was resurrected in the fourth war! 】

[Orochimaru: This is how I died? How can it be? Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye can't have such strong power! Especially in my body space, even if it's a weasel! It is impossible for his soul to resist either! 】

In a certain town near Konoha, Orochimaru was very puzzled!

He felt that with his cautious personality, how could he be killed by Sasuke? Even if he is a kaleidoscope.

I didn't expect that in the video now, Sasuke is just a three-hook jade writing wheel eye.

Sangou Yu... By what?

[Jiraiya: Oh? Big Snake Pill, this is how you died? 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Damn the big snake pill! ] What have you become? 】

[Deidara: Huh...! This stinky snake is so disgusting! 】

[Scorpion: Indeed! ] Have you transformed yourself into such an ugly snake? 】

[White Scale: Bastard! ] Where are the snakes ugly? 】

[Tian Xin Shenji: Be careful when you speak! ] Although the snake body of the big snake pill is not perfect, the snake is not ugly! 】

[Turizuhime: That kid with a red-haired avatar, what qualifications do you have as a puppet to say life? ] 】

[Ichikijimahima-hime: I ate you two in the morning! ] 】

Xiao Organization, Deidara, and Scorpion looked confused, but soon they learned that this was the White Snake Immortal and the Three Snake Ji of the Three Holy Lands Dragon Earth Cave.

Shut up if you think about it, the big toad immortal of Miaomu Mountain can predict Naruto two thousand years ago, or the six immortals worship brothers, God knows what the background of the Dragon Earth Cave?

At least yesterday, Toad Pill asked the White Snake Immortal if there were any prophecies, and the other party also said that there would be some human sons in the future.

These holy places are very mysterious, don't mess with them!

[Datumu Asura: Actually, that's Big Brother's Chakra, and the big snake pill will naturally be instantly eaten. ] 】

Pure Land, Asura gives everyone an explanation.

[Rasha: Otsuki Indra's? 】

[Yakura: Is that the reincarnation of Chakra of the son of the Six Dao Immortals? 】

Everyone saw Asura speaking, and suddenly realized!

Poor in the video, Orochimaru had a winning-won expression, but he miscalculated that Sasuke was Indra's reincarnation.

Although the power of Indra has not yet been tapped, it is not anything that can be devoured.

[Jiraiya: Poor big snake pill, ahahaha! ] 】

[Tsunade: The raipi snake is so meticulous, it still kicks the iron plate! ] 】

867 [Orochimaru: Is it possible, it's my good vision, I just see the best body in the ninja world! ] 】

Although the big snake pill was uncomfortable, he didn't care anymore.

Anyway, now that he knew that Sasuke was the reincarnation of Indra, the son of the Six Dao Immortals, he wouldn't dare at all.

When he has the strength to dare, it is probably not rare for Sasuke's body.

Even Sasuke, who is the eye of reincarnation in the future six jade, does not have those big barrels in the future that are attractive to the big snake pill.

Moreover, Orochimaru is very clear that he is not dead in the video!

He has many means, how can he die easily?

[Video: The screen turned, when the big snake pill appeared again, it was not long after, in the decisive battle between Sasuke and Itachi, Sasuke was defeated by Itachi, without Chakra suppression, so the big snake pill devoured by Sasuke appeared again from Sasuke's spell seal! ]

As soon as he came out, Orochimaru saw the Itachi of Susanoo on the opposite side, and immediately directly opened the huge Yagi Great Snake Form Battle Itachi.

However, it was instantly cut off several huge snake heads by Itachi's Susano.

The big snake pill didn't care, the weasel on the opposite side looked very weak, and he was sure to consume the other party.

So the body appeared from a huge snake's mouth and spit out its own Kusanagi sword from its mouth, ready to break through the Itachi's Susano.


But! In an instant, Itachi's Susanoo was in his hand, and the huge flame sword instantly turned into a heart-warming coolness for his body.

Feeling the body being absorbed and pulled, the big snake pill instantly became frightened.

This was not Susano's condensed Susa Great Sword at all, but the Ten Fist Sword of one of the Kusanagi Swords that he had searched for for many years without finding!

Then, the big snake pill that had just been resurrected for less than a minute was sucked into the illusion space by the artifact Ten Fist Sword. 】

[World Channel - Deidara: Ahahaha! Big snake pill are you dead again? You are so miserable! 】

[Scorpion: Boom! Timid! Killed by the weasel again? 】

[Orochimaru: Shhhh I didn't expect you to have this hole card? Artifact Ten Fist Sword! 】

The big snake pill was stunned here, and then he was very uncomfortable!

Before was weasel seconds once, the previous video played, he was ugly.

Unexpectedly, in the video now, he is very cautious about opening the Yagi Great Snake to avoid the Itachi Close Illusion to deal with him.

And then! Be extended by the ten-fist sword instantly!

Somewhere, Obito also secretly wipes his forehead!

He has always distrusted the weasel, and if given the opportunity, he does not recommend making a move on the ferrets.

Because Itachi has another kaleidoscopic eye of Uchiha that he wants so much.

If there were other gods, he would be able to fully grasp the situation by using it directly against Nagato.

Once he did not dare to make a move against the weasel, that is, to beware of other heavenly gods, lest he become a puppet of the weasel.

I didn't expect that in addition to other heavenly gods, the ferret also had an artifact such as the ten-fist sword!

"It seems that I will kill that man in the future! Certain! "

Sasuke, who followed Naruto's mother and son to the Hyuga clan as guests, couldn't help but say.

Although he seems to have failed miserably in the video, it was he who survived later, presumably fighting with Itachi in the future, and finally he opened the kaleidoscope to kill the other party!

Hinata Hinata was about to stop talking, and finally thought about it or didn't say it! .

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