“Yes, Nagato, why?”Jiraiya is puzzled.

Of course, he doesn’t think like Tsunade.

It’s just pure confusion and incomprehension

“Ah this….”Nagato was speechless for a moment.

He doesn’t know why.

Oh my God, what an injustice. He really didn’t mean anything in particular.

Except for Yahiko, everyone else was done by him at will.

How did he know that Jiraiya had met those people before.

Making Yahiko Pain is easy.

First, I was reluctant to bury Yahiko, and it was a kind of comfort to be with him in this way.

Secondly, in his heart, there is only one leader of the Akatsuki organization, and that is Yahiko.

He hopes that Yahiko will always be in charge of the Akatsuki organization.

Not even him.

His love for Yahiko is impeccable.

Maybe this is fate.

It’s always so good luck to trick people

“Jiraiya-sensei, what else are you going to do at this time?”Kushina looked anxious.

Go back to recuperate and make a comeback, isn’t it good?

One arm has been broken ���, I am already exhausted, and I still have to go out and fight to the death.

“That’s reckless~”

Wouldn’t it be nice to catch a Payne back?

It’s not embarrassing to lose to Six Paths of Payne.

Remember that during the Third Ninja War, didn’t every village also issue an order to immediately put down their tasks and run away when they saw a yellow flash?

Can you escape from the yellow flash? If you escape, there will be a reward if you go back.

For such a powerful Pain, it is understandable to escape

“Jiraiya, you’d better not let me see you, otherwise, I guarantee that I won’t kill you.”Tsunade was very angry.


Wouldn’t it be nice to come back alive?

“That’s right, Mr. Jiraiya, don’t forget that Sister Tsunade is still waiting for you to come home in Konoha.”Kushina felt that if Jiraiya returned alive this time.

Maybe Jiraiya would really be with Tsunade.

No As for the tragic ending that is regrettable and desolate.

If you are not making a movie, why would you make it so tragic?

“Jiraiya will not leave until he understands.”Orochimaru still understands Jiraiya’s character and temper very well.

Jiraiya is so stupid.

Yes, if you are not stupid, you will not betray him for this. Shinobi has been chasing for so many years.

In order to bring more information to Konoha, in order to find out what is going on with his apprentice.

Jiraiya doesn’t know how Escape.

Even prepared to die long ago

“The toads in Miaomu Mountain are really loyal~”

Those who had previously had objections to the two toads were completely conquered at this moment.

It is every ninja’s dream to own these 303 psychic beasts.

Fight side by side and go through life and death together.

Psychic beasts are often more powerful than Your companions must be reliable.

Because you can trust them with your back.

Before, Mount Miaomu had always been just a legend. Except for Jiraiya, no human being has ever seen what it is like.

But this time the battle allowed people to see the vivid side of the Myouki Mountain toad.

They are like humans, no, even more pure than humans.

For a time, Mount Miaomu once again became the holy land that countless people yearn for

【Soon after, Jiraiya made some adjustments and returned to the battlefield again】


Fukasaku Sennin clapped his hands and summoned a super-large shuriken, preparing for a sneak attack.

But this move was also blocked by Perceived by Shura Dao.

Easily dodge.

In an instant, five Pain surrounded Jiraiya.

When Jiraiya saw these faces again, the familiar feeling came to his heart.

Sure enough, these are ninjas who have a relationship with him

【Countless memories kept rolling around, and Jiraiya finally found the answer:”I finally know Payne’s true identity.”】

However, at this moment, Shura Dao seized the opportunity.

It was just a fatal chokehold.

Jiraiya’s throat…broken

【At the same time, the other four Pain jumped into the air, holding black sticks, and smashed them down hard:”What’s the use of finding it now, Mr. Jiraiya?””】

Tendo Payne bore the brunt, and Jiraiya was unable to fight back.

was nailed to the stone slab with five black rods.

Scarlet blood dyed a large area of sea water red.

When did the majestic Sannin of Konoha and the hero Jiraiya become so embarrassed?

How can such a word be so tragic……..

【But even so, Jiraiya still gritted his teeth and insisted:”We must pass on Pain’s true identity….”】

His throat was broken and he was speechless.

The injury was too serious and the blood loss was too much.

Not only that, his will has begun to dissipate.

Recall your life.

Just like the sentence he once wrote:

【Ninjas live in a world where it’s not how you live that matters, but how you die.】

【”A ninja’s worth is not determined by how he survives, but by what he does before he dies.”】

【”Looking back, my life is full of failures. I was always rejected by Tsunade, I couldn’t stop my friends, and I couldn’t even protect my disciples and teachers.”】

【”Compared with the great achievements of the Hokage, what I did is not worth mentioning, they are all boring things.”】

【”I also imagine dying like all the previous Hokages. Whether the story is exciting or not is always determined by the ending.”】

【”Failure is also a kind of fun”】

【”I firmly believe that this kind of trial can temper myself and survive to this day. On the contrary, I want to complete a great achievement that can offset all the failures in the past.”】

【”Die as a great ninja!!!”】

【”It should be like this, haha, but this ending…I actually died like this”】

【”The Great Toad Sage predicted that I would be the leader of the revolutionaries, and the choices I made would affect the stability or destruction of the ninja world.”】

【”Defeat Pain here, stop Akatsuki, and save the ninja world. The result….Even this failed”】

【”What a shame….”】

【”I didn’t expect that this would be the ending of Jiraiya’s Heroic Story!!!”】

【”What a boring story….”】

Jiraiya summed up his life as always full of regrets and failures.

A little bit, a little bit, it seems like everything is just a little bit different.

But when he denied it, he recalled the words of Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato is probably his most loyal fan and named his children after names in the books.

Naruto, a great name

【”Yes, that’s right, I gave it to that kid…”】

Jiraiya recalled that he had helped give Naruto the name, and the scenes of training with Naruto came flooding back.

【”Naruto, looking back, you are just like the protagonist of that novel”】

【”Inherited the beliefs and wishes of Minato and Kushina”】

【”Compared to this, I…”】

Jiraiya always denied himself, but Namikaze Minato’s words of praise continued to inspire him.

In Namikaze Minato’s heart, Jiraiya is the most outstanding ninja with ninja talents.

【”The so-called ninja is one who can endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear. The most important talent of a ninja is not the number of ninjutsu he possesses, but the most important thing is the will to never give up!!!”]

This is the touch and shock that Naruto brought to Jiraiya.

It is precisely because of the will to never give up that he is also supporting the person who should be dead now. Jiraiya

【”Be honest and frank, never break your oath, and never give up at any time”】

【”If this is your ninja way, Naruto, I will be your teacher….How can you give up so easily?”】

【”If you want to ask why, the disciple’s nindo must be inherited from the master’s.”】

【”Right, Naruto!!!”]

The next moment, a shocking scene happened.

Jiraiya, who was supposed to die, used his perseverance to stand up..

This moment makes people cry

【Originally, Six Paths of Payne had already left, but seeing this scene was very surprising:”He can still stand up, he should be dead.””】

But not only did Jiraiya not accept his fate, his eyes became more determined. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Fukasaku Sennin on the side also understood what Jiraiya meant. He threw away his cloak handsomely and jumped in front of Jiraiya:”Come on!!!”]

since I couldn’t speak, so I could only write down the information I wanted to send back with my hands

【”Finger-engraved seal!!!”]

Chakra gathered at the fingertips, and then carved the words on Fukasaku-sage’s back.

Stroke by stroke, Fukasaku-sage endured great pain Pain

【Jiraiya shouted in his heart:”Never give up easily, this is the real choice I should make!!!”]

Die without regrets, even if you can He has always made such a choice

(chaj) Faced with such a touching scene, Tiandao Payne was unmoved. He just shook his head coldly:”You are so stubborn, go and deal with him!!!”] An understatement is like squeezing an ant to death

Even when facing his mentor, he didn’t care at all.

【Fortunately, in the end, he lived up to his mission. Fukasaku Sennin said firmly:”I got it, I will take it back.””】

【Seeing this scene, Payne sneered again:”Death message? The secret code has disappeared.”】

The five great Pains rose into the sky and used their fatal blows one after another, vowing to completely obliterate Jiraiya and Fukasaku Sage.

【”Naruto, there is no doubt that the child of prophecy is you, and I will entrust everything to you from now on!!!”]

The secret signal was sent out, Jiraiya has died without regrets.

His mission has been completed

【”Boom boom boom!!!”]

The huge explosion sounded like a farewell to Jiraiya.

Sinking into the sea, as if fate had already written a book

【”Jiraiya Hero Story….This kind of ending is a bit decent, right?”】

【”In the final chapter, the frog at the bottom of the well dissipated into the sea. Hahaha, it was quite decent.”】

【”Okay, it’s almost time to put down the pen.”】

【”By the way, what’s a good title for the sequel?…”】

【”Yes, it’s called Naruto Stories!!!”】

【”Well, this sounds good”】

Finally, Jiraiya disappeared into the cold and dark deep seabed with a smile on his face.

【When the wandering dragon returns to the sea, he still won’t welcome me!】

【The fallen leaves of Angelica sinensis root, the leaves do not welcome my three immortals!】

【Yunhe should return to heaven, but heaven will not welcome me, Miaomuxian!】

【The tiger will return to the mountain, but the mountain will not welcome my great hero! 】

The final chapter of Jiraiya’s Heroic Story, Naruto’s Story sets sail!!!

“What are you going back for? What’s the point of going back now other than to die?”

Seeing Jiraiya return to the battlefield again, many people have complicated feelings.

You can say that he is not stupid. He knows that he will die, but he still fights regardless of his own safety.

Call him stupid, but Jiraiya’s heroic and fearless spirit is awe-inspiring

“Did you come back just to verify if it was me?”Seeing such a scene, Nagato’s eyes flashed slightly, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart.

“Teacher Jiraiya…”Xiaonan bit her lip.

Although she kept shouting that she wanted to kill Jiraiya, even though she acted very coldly.

But when Jiraiya was really facing death, her heart couldn’t help but tremble.

As beautiful as the memories of the past are, the picture at this time is so ironic.


They are all knives

“The legendary three ninjas stained the sky with blood!!!”

The entire ninja world, especially the people of the Fire Country, especially the villagers of Konoha Village, are all in awe.

Respect Jiraiya, Respect the greatest hero in the ninja world!!!

“Teacher Jiraiya….”Kushina hates Pain even more.

Jiraiya had always been their closest relative, but he died tragically at the hands of his apprentice

“Jiraiya….”Orochimaru muttered to himself.

This may be the only bond he has left.

Witnessing Jiraiya’s disappointment with his own eyes, no one knew Orochimaru’s true feelings for a while

“Although the words may not sound nice, but���If you just go back to verify your guess, there is no need to use a shadow clone at all.”Senju Tobirama didn’t understand why Jiraiya chose to take action himself.

The shadow clone is fully qualified for this task

“Ah this….”Jiraiya became numb instantly.

How does he know his future thoughts?

But it’s not a bad thing to see your own ending.

If you have witnessed it with your own eyes, then perhaps the tragedy can be avoided.

And he is not afraid of death

“You can’t say that, I am worthy of being a ninja of Konoha.”Senju Hashirama spoke highly of Jiraiya.

He sacrificed his life for Konoha and devoted his life to the peace of the ninja world.

He had long ago As I said, no matter whether he succeeds or not, Jiraiya is worthy of admiration.

You can use the theory of success or failure, the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy.

But not Success or failure depends on the hero!!!

There is no doubt that Jiraiya is a hero.

He is the hero of Konoha.

Yes The hero of the ninja world!!!

“A nice young man, worthy of my little Tsunade.”Uzumaki Mito is also extremely satisfied with Jiraiya.

If Tsunade can find a place of her own, as a grandmother, she will have no regrets when she dies.

As for Jiraiya’s lecherous character.

She doesn’t care very much.

To be more precise, she believes that her granddaughter can control Jiraiya

“Haha, it’s an honor to be recognized by two adults, Tsunade, did you hear that?….”Jiraiya laughed mischievously.

He didn’t take his death too seriously.

Optimistic and open-minded

“Go away, you didn’t keep your promise.” Tsunade snorted coldly.

She promised that she would come back alive, but what happened?

Even the body couldn’t be collected.

Buried in the sea.

This time, she won the bet.

She bet that Jiraiya would not come back, but in the end, he really could not come back. Orochimaru is dead, Jiraiya is dead, and she is the only one left in the Konoha Sannin But she won this time. , but she must not be happy either. She had always dreamed of winning a bet.

She was bound to lose in every bet, but she won this time.

“I am indeed a loser.”Jiraiya sighed.

He almost got his friend back, and he almost got his goddess….This is his regret.

Failed to save his teacher, failed to protect his disciples…..Jiraiya has been living in guilt and self-blame.

It seems that I have never accomplished anything in my life.

It’s really embarrassing

“Jiraiya-sensei, you are not a failure at all. On the contrary, you are the greatest ninja. You are no worse than Naruto.”Namikaze Minato has always believed in this.

So when Jiraiya said that what he had done was not worth mentioning compared to Hokage, he was the first to refuse

“That’s right, Mr. Jiraiya, don’t forget, it was you who gave my Naruto’s name.”Although Kushina has been saying that Naruto should be careful about Jiraiya.

But it is just a joke.

She hopes that her Naruto will grow up In the future, he can become an outstanding ninja like Jiraiya.

Especially when she saw all kinds of recognition and love for Naruto in Jiraiya’s memories, Kushina really cried. Tears.

Once Jiraiya dies, Naruto will lose a close relative again.

It is also an extremely cruel thing for Naruto..

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