Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1006: It's so lively every time!

Chapter 1006: It's So Lively Every Time!

Under the blasting power of the shadows in the night, a sound of pain rang out, but thirteen demigods rushed to resist together.

Facing this demigod combat technique of the Heipao people, the thirteen people joined forces and were eventually blocked.

In the first move, there were no casualties, except that under the force of blasting, a sound of pain was heard.

Thirteen demigods and 37 emperor-level powerfuls continued to kill the black-robed men above.

"Dark shadows in the night!"

"Void Sword Kill!"

At this moment, the man in black robe condensed his sword fingers in his right hand, and then gave two drinks to the bottom. At this moment, he is not mainly killing people, but how to stop these people, for Shi Feng, for the old man behind him, fight for time.

When the low drink rang, there was another black shadow detached from her, and an invisible huge sword of killing appeared under her, followed closely by the black shadow and the sword of killing, and then towards the bottom attack.

The huge slashing sword was cut down, and the violent and mighty powers that blasted up were exploded again, and the blasting force was raging and shaking.

The dark night is like a sweep in this dark night, helping the sword of killing to sweep away the attacks from the strong.

Under the union of two demigod combat skills, the slain sword and the shadow swinging the night, those flashing figures were blocked again.

"Huh! The stubbornness is insane, even now it has to resist!" Above the ground, a sound of cold humming sounded again, and the thousand-mile **** mirror in the husband's hand began to move again and shot towards the sky.

On the mirror surface of the quaint Thousand Miles Mirror, there is another green awn shining out, this green awn, like a green long sword, pierces straight up.

"Since Jin Brother has shot, that will help you in the next step." Seeing Jin Fu launching an attack with a thousand-mile mirror, Gongsun Yuan smiled and said to Jin Fu.

Subsequently, Gongsun Yuan's right hand was in the palm of his hand, and twisted and weird grey runes appeared. There were hundreds of them, desolate and ancient, swimming around Gongsun Yuan's right hand.

At the sight of the hundreds of gray runes appearing on Gongsun Yuan's right hand, Jinfu's eyes widened, and he suddenly exclaimed: "Too much palm!"

Too much palm is just one of the famous stunts of Gongsun Taiyin who is the strongest in the wild. It is rumored that this handprint is the combat skill of the two-star demigod realm!

"Exactly!" Gongsun Yuan still smiled indifferently when he heard Jinfu's exclaimed voice. Immediately afterwards, they saw Gongsun Yuan blasting upwards with a palm, and rushed up!

A large gray palm print was blown out by Gongsun Yuan, a power that seemed to swallow the sky and the ground, permeated between this heaven and earth. The green brilliance illuminated by the mirror of the husband's thousand miles was immediately covered by the large palm Passed.

The large grey palm print sprinted towards the top like lightning, and when they met those strong human races, they passed through their bodies under the control of Gongsun Yuan, and then continued to bombard.

This is the place where the big grey paw print called Taixu Palm passed. The black robe man ’s sword and the power of the shadows swinging in the night were blasted under the grey paw print.

"This power! Not good!" When the man in the black robe felt that the palm was about to reach below, he immediately issued a "bad" exclaiming voice, followed closely by the palm, from the bottom up. Suddenly banged on the black robe man.

The entire body of the Heipao people was swallowed up by the too-virtual palm, and then the too-virtual palm took her body and continued to blast directly into the sky.

"This! This is the stunt of Gongsun's family. It's too palmy! What a powerful force!" A strong individual tribe, when he saw this big grey palm print, hurriedly exclaimed.

"The combat skills of Gongsun's family are really powerful! And this is one of Gongsun Taiyin's famous stunts."

"Hum! Although this messenger of the black robe is fierce, he will be nothing in front of Gongsun's house." Swallowed, and then made a disdainful hum.

Then he lowered his head and looked respectfully at the three sons below, Gongsun Yuan.

After one move, Gongsun Yuan didn't take another shot, and his face still had a smile on his face.

"If one day I can be with a man like Gongsun Gongzi, that would be great! He! He will treat me very tenderly." This young man with four-star imperial power and rude looks , Said secretly in his heart, looking down at the beloved, his heart was beautiful.

In his mind, the picture with Gongsun and Gongzi quietly appeared, and they ran together under the setting sun. .

"Who told you to betray me! This is exactly what you asked for!" Jinfu, holding a thousand-mile mirror, also stared coldly at the sky, grinning furiously.

After the limelight was overshadowed by the palm of the hand, Jinfu also stopped the attack launched by the Thousand Miles Mirror.

"Oh!" There was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and the big grey palm print that was gazed at by everyone was suddenly rushing towards the sky, suddenly under an invisible and powerful force, and was instantly scattered.

During this time, the black figure swallowed up by the virtual palm was also revealed again in the sight of everyone.

The invisible and powerful force smashed too much palms, and then slammed into the body of the black robe fiercely, and slapped her body again.

Seeing that powerful and invisible force, the crowd did not feel any surprise. When they broke through the jungle, they were photographed by that force and shot into the spooky and strange jungle.

However, it is strange that when they entered the spooky jungle, many people found that the long black hairs growing on their hands and even spreading towards them suddenly disappeared.

The figure of the Heipao people is still falling uncontrollably toward the lower side. At this moment, how can every strong man let go of such good opportunities, and quickly gather his strength again, launching the strongest one after another? Attacked and blasted away towards the Black Robes.

It is bound to kill the fierce and evil Mount Wu tribe!

The man in black robes who had fallen swiftly had already sensed a violent attack from below, and a thought flashed in his mind: "Am I going to die? But ..."

And at this moment, a young and melodious voice suddenly echoed in this world: "Why is it so lively every time Ben Shao crosses the robbery! Are you here for a special trip?"

Hearing the voice, the man in black robe suddenly trembled. Regardless of the force that was rushing towards him, his eyes moved involuntarily to the direction of the huge black mine.

Destroy the black thunder, still descending violently, but at this moment, suddenly a thick black thunder, like a black thunder dragon, rushed out of the black thunder pillar, rushed to the black Under the robe man.

Where the black thunder dragon passed, those powerful forces who wanted to destroy the black robes were instantly swallowed by thunder dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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