Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1008: Drink thunder

Chapter 1008: Retreating Thunder

"It has swallowed up the power of your old fellow, my Gongsun Yuan, that is the first strong man in this great wasteland! At that time, my old son Gongsun Taiyin will see me and have to kneel!"

Gongsun Yuan said with a smile on his face, but the power of swallowing between his hands was getting stronger and stronger. Not only the body of the black robe man was slowly sucked up in the resistance, but even the powerful old man, the body They all started to move towards Gongsun Yuan.

The strange cloud in the sky refused to withdraw the force that resisted the force of wildness, and the old man could not move rashly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Gongsun Yuan laughed loudly as soon as he could swallow the mighty power. Long hair danced wildly with the winds in this world, like a peerless madman, about to be born in this world.

The strong men in the midst of the lower sky looked up at the three grandsons and grandsons above and looked at the figure with a long flurry of laughter, as if they also saw a demon **** who would rise here.

At this moment, Gongsun's fate did not have the feeling of indifference and tranquility, showing a spirit of demon arrogance.

"My Saburo!" The rude-looking young warrior looked at Gongsun Yuan at this moment, and for a time, he was fascinated.

"Hahaha! In the future! Who else can stop the progress of my Gongsun Yuan! Haha! Hahahahaha!" Gongsun Yuan already laughed a little crazy.

"Ben Shao hasn't been hacked by thunder, you are happy now, isn't it a little too early?" And at this moment, the young voice that originally sounded again sounded coldly.

And just when this voice sounded again, there was another violent black thunder dragon rushing out of the violent black thunder pillar. The strength was even better than just now.

"Huh?" Induced by the arrival of Black Thunder Dragon, Gongsun Yuan's face full of laughter suddenly changed, and angrily appeared. Angrily screamed, "Grasshoppers who can't control their own powers! At this critical moment, they're doing bad things to the boy, and seeking their own way of death!"

The body of the Heipao people was sucked down by the force of swallowing. Seeing that his left foot was about to be caught by Gongsun Yuan's right claw, but he saw the violent black Thunder Dragon coming, and Gongsun Yuan's right claw turned into a change, turning his claw into a palm.

The dense, weird and distorted gray runes immediately appeared, swimming around Gongsun Yuan's right palm, and a cold, low-drinking voice drank from Gongsun Yuan's mouth: "Too empty palm!"

At the same time, Gongsun Yuan gave a palm, pushed it towards the black thunder dragon that was rushing to the right, and shot it on the huge black dragon head.

"Boom!" Under Gongsun Yuan's too virtual palm, the seemingly violent black thunder dragon burst suddenly.

"Too much palm, worthy of too much palm, two-star demigod combat skills, the unique skills passed down by Gongsun City Lord." Seeing Gongsun Yuan's powerful power of the palm, secretly shouted.

"Eh!" But at this moment, they suddenly heard a low sound of painful drinking. This sound turned out to be from the mouth of Gongsun Yuan, who had just given too much control.

Although Gongsun Yuan shook the black thunder dragon with one palm, his body was shocked to fly out under the power of the black thunder dragon.

"This! This black thunder dragon! This undead monster of the evil mountain witch tribe! Shocked the three boys who played too little hands!"

"After the thunderstorm, it is still the legendary Devil Black Thunder. This mountain witch boy should already be in a very weak and dying state. How can he still have the power to give Gongsun Gongzi to Zhenfei!"

"What kind of power is this undead monster? How was it that I hadn't removed it before? It's really a tiger problem!"

Gongsun's fate was shaken, and exclaimed sounds followed.

"Drink! Devil and Black Thunder! Give back to Ben Shao!" And at this moment, there was a sudden roar of drunk sound, and then echoed from this world.

Everyone could hear that the sound of shouting and shouting came from the pillar of black thunder again.

And just as the drink rang, the violent extermination of the Black Thunder suddenly burst and dissipated at this moment. As if it had really been repelled by that anger.

Immediately afterwards, an unrecognizable, flesh-colored figure appeared in the air.

Broken flesh, no trace of good flesh can be seen from all over the body, several blood red bones are clearly visible in the fuzzy flesh, and it looks terrible.

A series of black lightning flashed continuously on this broken flesh, constantly making "cracking" sound.

"Mountain Undead Boy!"


"Appeared! He finally appeared! Kill! Everyone will take advantage of his serious injury at the moment, kill him! Don't regret it later!"

Seeing the **** body in mid-air, the powerful men hurriedly burst out screaming.

"Dare to hurt me Saburo! Damn it!" The rude-looking young man with the power of a four-star emperor shot out in anger, bearing the brunt of his hands, and his hands became claws, and a cold frost had erupted on his claws. airflow.

An unusually cold atmosphere was swept out of the two claws, and the space where the two claws passed was frozen by the abnormally cold airflow.

Then, a figure quickly moved towards the broken body in the air, killing it.

"Hum!" Shi Feng looked at the rapidly approaching figures in front of him, and made a sound of cold hum.

He naturally knew that these people wanted to kill themselves when they were seriously injured and weak after crossing the robbery at this moment.

However, I can't let them do it.

"Jiuyou is immortal, the eternal ancients last! Jiuyou, the immortal body!" Shi Feng coagulated with his hands, forming a strange and strange handprint, the ancient text representing the law of life began to run at the same time.

At this moment, Shi Feng's body already had nine drops of undead blood, and the flesh was fuzzy and broken. With a shocking look, he was healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Damn evil mountain witches, how dare to hurt me Saburo, die!" As the hurriedly broke through, the rude-looking young man's claws suddenly caught.

Suddenly, a vortex of violent air frost created under the power of his icy cold, swept violently towards Shi Feng.

"The power of the four-star Emperor Wu? How can such a person dare to rush over to kill me?" Shi Feng said with surprise, looking at the huge whirlpool of ice flowing across.

Later, Shi Feng was moved by his heart. Under the power of his seven-star emperor soul, the seemingly violent and icy vortex was instantly invisible.

"Ah!" Then, an unusually harsh, painful roar yelled from the rough-looking young man.

Immediately, his body stood still in the air, as if he had lost his soul, his face widened, his eyes widened, and he maintained the original pain.

Under the power of Shi Feng's soul, he has been directly shocked to death.

(End of this chapter)

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