Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1013: Gongsun fate!

Chapter 1013 Gongsun Fate Dies!


With a slap of dense runes and a furious black thunder punch, a sudden impact immediately occurred, and the sound of the impact rang heaven and earth, and the space where the impact violently trembled.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a painful roar resounded, and in the voice was full of unwillingness, full of anger!

Everyone below, after hearing the painful roar, everyone's heart sank, and all their hopes were shattered under this roar.

This sound was the roar of the three sons Gongsun Yuan. At this moment, the right palm of Gongsun Yuan's collision with the black thunder fist had burst and blood was constantly flowing.

Gongsun Yuan's face has also become abnormally terrible, as if he had transformed from a previous calm male into a fierce beast, and roared at Shi Feng again:

"Why! Why do you still have this kind of combat power! If you are not dead, you should be seriously injured and lose your combat power even if you are not dead! Why! Why are you now more powerful than me! Why!"

At this moment, Gongsun Yuan seems to be unable to accept the fact that is happening in front of him, and is crazy.

The pain of the hand being blown out seems to have been ignored.

"Because of me, what you said, undead!" Shi Feng grinned coldly, and said to the madman-like Gongsun Yuan ahead.

Then, he stopped talking nonsense with this lunatic, and the punch that still shone with the violent black thunder suddenly blasted out again.

This time, the black thunder fist directly hit Gongsun Yuan's heart, and then suddenly pierced through his back. He had directly penetrated Gongsun Yuan's body.

"Ah!" A more painful roar yelled from Gongsun Yuan's mouth. Shi Feng's right fist suddenly stunned, and the violent black thunder swallowed up Gongsun Yuan's entire body.

All abnormal sounds between heaven and earth disappeared at this moment. There was only the sound of thunder and thunder that was still ringing in the air.

Gongsun's third son Gongsun's family finally died!

Every black thunder began to surge into Shi Feng's body. Soon, all the black thunder were sucked back into the flesh by Shi Feng.

Naturally, the death force, soul force, and blood of Gongsun Yuan have been cleaned up by Shi Feng.

Gongsun Yuan has been completely wiped out, and no dregs have been left in this world.

"It's over! It's over! It's over!" People of all tribes and tribe looked at the young figure proudly in the air and said helplessly.

When Gongsun Yuan died, the only hope in their hearts was completely destroyed.

After Shi Feng killed Gongsun's fate, he remained motionless, still standing proudly in the void, lowering his head and looking down at the people of the various tribes below.

There was a faint smile on his face, a mischievous smile, like a cat watching a mouse group.

Under the overhead view of the man, the people below suddenly felt overlooked by the giant. Although he was as big as them, it did give them the momentum of a giant.

"I! I am willing to join the Shanwu tribe! From now on, I am also a Shanwu tribe! I am willing to swear allegiance to you, and follow you to fight all the tribes of this desolate tribe. The middle-aged man hurriedly opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng over the sky.

After speaking, his body hastily moved quickly and moved to the side, as if he had begun to keep distance from those people.

Later, he still looked fierce and looked at those people and said violently, "You people, who are against my great Mountain Witch tribe, should be damned! Lord!"

Speaking of the Lord, the man looked up at Shi Feng again, saying respectfully: "You will destroy their power. I am willing to kill them personally to show my loyalty to you ! "

"He Shou! You greedy for life and fear of death. If your patriarch of Ur ethnicity learns what you are doing now, you must break your legs, and then you will have skin and cramps!"

There was a strong man with a seemingly loyal demigod who saw the middle-aged man who moved aside and loyal to Shi Feng, and quickly pointed at him and rebuked.

"Hum! Don't talk to me about the Tiurs. I am now my great Shanwu tribe! I swear allegiance to my great Shanwu tribe in this life!" He sneered disdainfully at the demigod Said.

Then he looked up at Shi Feng from the sky and drank, "Lord, his subordinates are loyal to you. This person is afraid to be dissatisfied. Please ask the Lord to punish him!"

Shi Feng looked down, with a playful smile on his face. At this time, his gaze also condensed on the middle-aged man named He Shou, and asked, "Are you loyal to me?"

"Yes, Lord, in the future, this life of He Shou is yours. It is our great Shan Wu tribe!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the middle-aged man named He Shou quickly answered.

However, Shi Feng shook her head at him and said, "My men don't need waste!"

This man is greedy for fear of death, and is a mean and shameless villain. Shi Feng naturally does not need it.

Immediately after that, an invisible killing sword suddenly appeared over the head, and then, suddenly dropped!

"Ah! Don't! Lord! You can't kill me! You can't! I can work harder and become stronger in the future!" He felt his eyes widened, and quickly rushed into the killing pressure under the sky. Looking up in horror.

Under the killing sword, he had no resistance at all, and was cut into two parts instantly, gushing bright red blood, and gushing towards the figure above Ao Li.

After killing He He, Shi Feng moved his sight, moved back to the crowd there, and spoke out in a cold voice again, saying, "You people are all people who want to have fewer lives, so! One of you No one can live, all have to die! "

"No! Don't kill me! I haven't done anything against you! We can be said to be innocent and innocent at all!" This warrior with the power of the five-star Emperor Wu Shi entered after the first crossing The ancient ruins really did not attack Shi Feng.

"Don't kill me! As long as you don't kill, your life-giving grace, I will always remember it in my life!"

"He Shou is an eight-star emperor waste, but I am not, I am a one-star demigod, and I can be loyal to you!"

"Hum! Kill if you want to kill!"

"I didn't expect that I would die here!"

Just as Shi Feng's voice sounded, every sound followed.

Most begging for mercy, after all, no one wants to be killed. Dead, but there's nothing left.

However, there are also tough guys who vowed to die without asking for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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