Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1015: Scared Blackbird

Chapter 1015: The Scared Blackbird

In the dark void, when the vacant Shi Feng was sensed, he slowly opened his eyes and stared forward.

Gradually, a black shadow emerged in front of Shi Feng, and it was the black robe man who returned.

However, the black robe man returned only to her, and the old man did not show up with her after leaving with her three days ago.

"Let you wait long." Heipaoren said to Shi Feng. The voice became that old, hoarse old man's voice.

After hearing the voice of the Heipaoren, Shi Feng shook her head and said, "I thought that we could be considered a life-and-death relationship. I will continue to move forward together in the future. Insignificant old man's voice. "

"That's what my voice is, it's born!" Said the man in black. Used, naturally the voice of the old man.

"Okay! If you want to be born like this, then you'll be born like this!" Shi Feng said, her figure cross-legged, slowly unfolding in this void. Then, he said to the man in black robe, "Can we go on now?"

Now that this man in black robes has returned, these three days must have been passed down by the old uncle.

As she spoke, Shi Feng's eyes glanced at the pond below, especially the yin-yang spring in the pond.

Ever since that thunderstorm, the old man seems to have hated him. He destroyed those people with a black thunder sea, and then talked to the old woman, and the old woman ignored them.

It looked as if she owed her a lot of money.

Since the old lady remembered and hated him, then he would naturally be blessed to enjoy this yin and yang spring water.

In my heart, I really feel strange.

"Hmm!" After listening to Shi Feng's words, the Heipao people nodded slightly. Then she said out loud:

"But I know from the grandmother's mouth that there are many powerful existences in this ancient ruins. Some, even not far from the true god! If we continue to explore this ancient ruins in depth, the following Road, it will be ten times or even a hundred times more dangerous than before! "

"Why, are you going to shrink back?" Shi Feng asked her when he heard the words of the Heipaoren.

"Me? I naturally don't!" The man in black robe responded firmly, followed by "I remind you! If you choose to turn back now, you have time!"

"Hehe, look back?" After hearing the words of the Heipao people, Shi Feng showed a smile as if he heard a joke from the sky, and said, "If you just look back scared by your words like this? In the future, there will be few books, so what? The impact is stronger! How can you look down on your wild continent! "

"Looking down at our wild continent!"

Shi Feng's last words were full of arrogance, and even the Heipao people exclaimed for his arrogant words.

Later, Heipao humane said: "It seems that you really don't know how big our wild continent is! I don't know how strong our strong man is!

The wilderness we were in before was just the tip of the wild continent. We do n’t know how many wildlands like this are on the continent. Moreover, I have heard that in other great wastelands, there are even powerful characters that we simply cannot imagine, and even Gongsun Taiyin will be vulnerable to them. "

"The reason why I failed to enter the demigod before was that I was in the Tianheng continent. I had never seen the power of the demigod. I just sat and watched the sky. As long as I give me enough time, I can certainly reach the state that others can reach. Or even above everyone else. "

Shi Feng's face appeared full of firmness, said confidently.

And at this moment, the black robe man looking at Shi Feng saw the firm and serious expression on Shi Feng's face, and suddenly an illusion occurred. She seemed to really see it. This figure stood proudly and looked down at the whole continent. Sight.

Then, the man in black robe quickly returned to God, and soon cast out the illusion just now, and stared again at Shi Feng, and stared at the young face with an extraordinary momentum.

For a moment, the Heipao people didn't say anything again. After a while, the talented man in black robe said, "Let's go! This jungle, my grandmother has told me a way, as long as we follow this road, we will not meet again until we leave this jungle What a danger. "

"Hmm! Go!" Shi Feng nodded slightly after hearing the words from the Heipaoren.

Immediately afterwards, he and the figure of the black robe flashed at the same time, disappearing in this void.


"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" In the spooky jungle, violent roars continued to sound.

Three days, in this ghost forest, it has been three days. The black cricket and his army of wild monsters still did not see a half-way figure, and did not see any trace of looting mines.

Even the black cricket sent out his barbarian demon to explore the road. As a result, the barbarian sent out seemed to be overwhelmed by this dark jungle, and never returned.

"Damn! Isn't this king going to be trapped in this ghost place forever?" Heiyong shouted viciously again.

The huge black dragon body suddenly moved towards the front suddenly, and a strange tree was immediately knocked down by the black cormorant that rushed forward.

This dark jungle became chaotic again, and the roar continued.

At this moment, he rushed into the rapid-flying blackbird and suddenly saw a figure appearing in the distance in front of him. It is indeed a figure!

However, this man, who is only about a meter tall, looks like an old woman who is too old.

After seeing the old woman, Hei Xing straightened into Feiteng's body suddenly accelerated, the dragon's mouth widened, and shouted majesticly towards the side: "Dead old woman! My king asks you, you ..."

When the black owl spoke of the word "you", the huge figure that went straight was suddenly abrupt, because the old woman had turned towards it at this moment, and the old face looked at it.

Looking at the old woman who is only about one meter tall, Blackbird suddenly has a kind of feeling, as if being stared at by a powerful ancient beast, eyes on the old face are like swords, Blackbird only feels his entire body, As if to be pierced and covered with cold.

Hei Ling knew that he was kicked to the iron plate. In such a spooky jungle, there was such a spooky old woman, it should have been difficult to think of it!

"Get off!" Immediately, a cold drink drank from the old woman's mouth.

Hearing the word "roll", the **** felt relieved. The black faucet nodded hurriedly towards the old **** and said, "Yes! Go! I go! I go!"

Immediately, the huge black dragon body suddenly turned, looking at the savage army of soldiers coming from the back, the black screamed out: "Go! Go back to the king! Go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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