Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1021: True loneliness

Chapter 1021: The Real Silent Old

"It seems that I must die this time!"

In the face of the impending smashing of them from the top to kill their destroyed blood flames, the three patriarchs no longer held hope for the lonely old man.

He is breaking through, but the state of two stars and demigods!

How can the state of two-star demigods break through so easily? There are only twelve strong people in this horrendous soul!

"Drink!" And while the three patriarchs were desperate in their hearts, at this moment, the silent old man who closed his eyes and realized suddenly screamed loudly into the sky.

The three men who heard this shout suddenly felt a stunned spirit, and a thought flashed through their minds like lightning.

"Don't ... keep him old! He's already ..."

The hope after disappointment re-burned in their hearts again, lying on the ground weak and weak body, not knowing where to get strength, is shaking involuntarily slightly.

Immediately afterwards, they were shocked to see Ji Lao's claws protrude upward.

The stalk fell down, like a giant mountain of blood-flame killing sword, compared with it, Xiao Lao looked as small as an ant.

But compared to such a small lonely old man, one claw grabbed the blade of this blood flame sword! The whole blood flame killing the giant sword was stopped in the air by the force of the hand of Ji Lao, motionless!

"Off!" At this moment, there was another low-drinking voice, drinking coldly from Ji Lao's mouth. At the same time, Ji Lao's right paw looked at it just gently scratching, the **** flame was raging The huge sword that burns and kills is bursting!

"Two stars! The power of two stars and demigods!" After seeing the power of Jiu Lao at the moment, the power clan Yin Zheng, who was lying on the hot and dry ground, could not bear the excitement in his heart, and gave an exuberant roar.

"Haha! Sure enough! Sure enough, it is a state of two-star demigods! Silent old, solitary old, finally broke through!" Yuechen, the chief of the Full Moon clan, laughed with excitement.

At this moment of lonely breakthrough, they were almost as happy as himself.

As long as the silent old breaks through, then they don't have to die.

Hum, there is a strong silence, and it's time to turn to the mountain witch boy, waiting to be beaten to the ground, waiting to be skinned and cramped!

Yuechen thought in her heart fiercely, looking at the violent sky, the blood flame sword was broken, and it turned into a fiery sea of ​​fire, still burning in the void.

Yuechen seemed to have seen the young figure standing on the top of the flame tree through the sea of ​​blood above the sky, and his young face was now showing a terrifying face.

This feeling was as if he Yuechen broke through and shocked the man.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Two-star demigod, I finally broke through! I finally broke through! The full blow of the undead monster is nothing more than that! Haha! In the future, there will no longer be only the twelve strong, Plus me, it will be the thirteenth strong! Ha ha, ha ha ha ha! "

Feeling that he has unprecedented power all over him, the elders from the big tribe can no longer restrain his excitement at this moment, and laughed.

At this moment of loneliness, the whole person's momentum has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it looks as if he is ten years younger in an instant.

Ji Lao only felt that at this moment, the people in the world were all under their own feet.

"Congratulations on your step into the two-star demigod state, with great power! Congratulations, congratulations!" Although the three of them were lying on the ground at this moment, they could not move weakly. But the ancestor of the Phoenix clan, Huang Yan, looked at the lonely old man who laughed at Yang Tian, ​​and still congratulated him.

Deepen the relationship with a two-star demigod strong, and in the future, this ancient ruins will be out, and it will be nothing but harmless.


"Congratulations Silent Old!"

At this time, Yin Zheng and Yue Chen also quickly spoke, congratulating Silao.

Ji Lao stopped laughing and laughed. After hearing the trio's congratulations, he laughed and said, "Hehe!"

Followed by, Ji Lao laughed again and said: "Oh, if the **** does not break through, he will be killed here with your three wastes!"

Three wastes!

The smiles on the faces of the three patriarchs solidified when they heard the words of Ji Lao!

This lonely old man, not only has his momentum changed greatly, but even his expression has changed. When looking at them, he is full of contempt and has begun to call himself God.

It was as if he had completely changed from the previous modest old man.

This dead old man! This is his true face. The former humility seemed to be pretended!

This old man, the city government is so deep!

"Ji Lao! Who are you shouting!" Li Zheng, the patriarch of the Li clan, appeared full of anger and yelled at Ji Lao.

"Oh! What? Are you dissatisfied with your own god?" Hearing the voice of Yin Zheng's wrath, Ji Lao gradually cooled down with a "ha" smiling face, glaring at Yin Zheng.

Later, Ji Lao leaned out with his left hand, turned into a claw, and took a breath toward Yin Zheng.

Immediately, Yin Zheng's body quickly flew towards him under the suction of Ji Lao's suction, and then flew to Ji Lao's body in an instant, and Ji Lao grabbed his face.

"How dare you be dissatisfied with your own God? Then, let you try your new power of God!" Ji Lao looked at Yin Zheng who was holding in his hand and said.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Zheng only felt an incomparably powerful force that emerged above his face, scaring him to yell in horror: "No! No! Don't be old! I am wrong! Please You Rao ... "

"Oh!" Yin Zheng's words for mercy hadn't finished, his head suddenly burst under the power of the lonely old man, bursting like a watermelon, and the red blood splattered towards the four sides.

There was also a splatter of blood splattering on Jiu Lao's body, but Jiu Lao didn't seem to take it seriously if he didn't notice it.

At this moment, I have stepped into such a powerful realm, what a splash of blood on my body is nothing!

What's more, now that I am strong, I can baptize my body with blood.

With a "snap", Yin Zheng's headless corpse fell to the foot of Silent Old, the blood hole in the neck of the bowl was still flowing bright red blood, flowing in this hot On the dry earth, the sound of "Zizzi" was emitted and was instantly evaporated.

After the killing of Yin Zheng, the silent old man turned his eyes and looked at Huang Ye and Yue Chen. His face still had a playful smile on his face, and said, "I see from the faces of both of you at the moment. Out of your dissatisfaction with God! God, can you read me wrong? "

"No! Absolutely not!"

"No! No! My Yuechen, I would like to lead you in the future!"

"I'm dying, and I'm willing to lead you in the future!"

After hearing Ji Lao's words, Huang Yan and Yue Chen quickly opened their mouths.

How dare they not stand at this moment. This old guy has a powerful two-star demigod at this moment, it is not the old guy they knew before!

Yin Zheng's headless body is still lying at his feet!

(End of this chapter)

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