Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1034: Breath of dragon

Chapter 1034: Breath of the Dragon

The sad past flashed quickly in E Niongrong's mind.

But all this has nothing to do with Shi Feng. For Shi Feng, this woman is the enemy. She thought about killing herself, and then she killed her herself. It was as simple as that.

Immediately, under Shi Feng ’s violent black thunder, even though E Niang Rongxuan was bombed to pieces and broken into bones, soon, the death force, soul force, and blood of a two-star demigod were devoured by Shi Feng!

The twelve Greats of the Wilderness ranked 11th, and the generation of two-star demigod strongman E Niangrong fell.




And just then, in the sky, there were three screams of sorrow, and these three screams of sorrow were drank from the mouths of the three evil gods.

However, after drinking the three screams of sorrow, these three evil gods did not rush down towards Shi Feng below, fight him, and take revenge on their leader, E Nongrong.

Their bodies are flashing rapidly, they are actually fleeing!

However, running was also normal. E Niang Rong, who was in a two-star and half-god state, died in the hands of this perverted boy, let alone the three of them. If they really avenge E Niangrong, they will not die in the past!

"These four evil gods have many evil acts. I don't know how many innocent people have died in their hands. Brother, don't let them run away, kill them, and kill us for this great waste!" To run, Long Xian screamed anxiously.

Long Xian's body flickered, and he was chasing towards one of the evil gods.

"Void sword killing!" These three evil gods have long been tracking by Shi Feng's soul power. When they saw Long Xian chasing the man wearing a black iron mask, Shi Feng condensed his sword with his hands and paused. In the distant void, two flaming **** great swords appeared.

Immediately afterwards, two blood flame swords faced downward at the same time, and blasted down!

"Do not!"

"Do not kill me!"

Two roars rang out from a distance. The two figures, appearing under the two blood-sworded giant swords, are the fierce man with a mace in his hand.

There is also a dwarf with a wicked face, a sharp-billed monkey gill, and a black bone fan.

From the two flames that slammed at themselves, the two had sensed a force that they could not resist at all, covering themselves.

The Blood Flame Greatsword is here in an instant!

The man holding the mace woke up with a dark shadow, turning into a huge evil wolf.

The dwarf holding the black bone fan condensed his entire body of demigod on the black bone fan in his hand, and then stabbed the sky toward the descending blood flame sword.

But then, no matter how fast the two men gathered, the mighty power seemed to be swallowed up immediately by the two bloodswords.

Although they are in the same star and a half-god realm, how can their power be compared with Shi Feng.

The two bloodswords of the Great Sword quickly dissipated, and the two men had been completely destroyed under the Great Sword of Blood, leaving only two shoals of bright red blood in midair, surging towards Shi Feng.

"Wow!" For a moment, Shi Feng heard a sound of dragon chanting ahead.

That Long Xian, has caught up with the man with a black iron face, and the two are fighting fiercely together.

When Shi Feng saw the body of Longxian, a blue dragon shadow was raised. There was a feeling of blood between the dragon shadow and Longxian.

"True blood of the dragon! This Tianlong tribe turned out to be a descendant of the true dragon." Shi Feng murmured looking at the blue dragon shadow and Long Xian.

At this moment, Long Xian, a violent punch followed by a punch, blasted fiercely towards the evil **** of the black iron mask.

And the man with the black iron mask on his face constantly exploded with powerful power, using both fists and feet, fist shadow and leg shadow, and constantly collided with Long Xian's attack.

"Oh!" Between the collisions, a burst of popping sounded.

The power of the two seems to be between Bozhong.

"Drink!" And at this moment, Long Xian burst into a sudden burst of drink, and the blue dragon shadow that appeared appeared suddenly a mysterious dragon power, flowing towards Long Xian.

"Well?" Shi Feng made a soft noise when she felt the power of the blue dragon shadow flowing towards Long Xian.

At this time, the evil **** wearing a black iron mask kicked out one leg, and his body suddenly spun and moved. The whole person instantly turned into a violent hurricane, sweeping the world.

The violent hurricane swept violently towards Long Xian, and it seemed that Long Xian would be swallowed up!

"Dragon's fist, burst!" However, at this moment, Long Xian once again burst into a sudden drink, and a punch blasted out towards the hurricane.

A very meager breath of ancient dragons rose in Long Xian's body.

"Boom!" A fierce and blasting sound blasted loudly between the heavens and the earth. Shi Feng saw that under Longxian's punch, the violent hurricane had been blown away by him. .

The hurricane dissipated, and the evil **** with a black iron mask on his face showed his figure, but at this moment his figure looked extremely embarrassed, his clothes were torn, his body was scarred and covered with blood.

With a bang, even the black iron mask on his face suddenly broke apart.

This turned out to be a face without any flesh, like a skull, which looked extremely oozing.

Looking at this person, Long Xian yelled again and again: "Bone killing, you have many evils, and I, Long Xian, will remove this great evil for you!"

When he was angry, Bone Kill's body could not help but regress under the might of Long Xian, but his body looked extremely unstable, as if he was about to fall from the void.

And Long Xian followed closely, and already punched again at the evil **** called Bone Kill, punched in his heart, shattered all his internal organs, and directly killed him. !!

The bone-killed corpse dropped quickly towards the hot earth below.

Just then, Long Xian saw five blood arrows suddenly ejected from the five holes like a skull that Bone killed.

With the jet of these five blood arrows, the corpse killed by the bone is drying up.

Long Xian followed these five blood arrows, turned around, and soon he saw that the five blood arrows were shooting at Shi Fengyu.

Seeing this, Long Xian's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

Shi Feng's left hand was five fingers wide, and the five blood arrows shot by her were shot on Shi Feng's five fingers, which were absorbed by the five fingers.

Immediately after, Shi Feng showed a figure in front of him. It was the return of Long Xian, looking at Shi Feng's left hand sucking blood, saying:

"You are swallowing blood, you are practicing such an evil method, and you also say that you are not the **** of the evil mountain witch!"

"Oh? I have to swallow the blood, do I have to be the mountain witch or the god?" Shi Feng asked Long Xian instead.

At this time, the blood in the bone killing body had been completely swallowed by Shi Feng, and turned into a dry corpse on the hot ground in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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