Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1064: Powerful four headed snake

Chapter 1064: Powerful Four-Headed Serpent

In an endless space, red, blue, purple, a three-headed snake with three colors, a huge snake body coiled, quietly suspended in the void.

And on the snake head of the purple serpent on the far right, a petite figure, a pretty and pretty girl, coiled the purple snake tail under her, and connected with mysterious ancient handprints with both hands, absorbing these three snakes. A strange power emanating from it is being cultivated silently.

The snake girl, Ziya, has been practicing in this space in the Stone Maple Stone Monument since she last met Shi Feng in Beiyu.

In the past six months, no matter how fierce a battle has taken place outside, how much has changed, and how much danger has been encountered, she has no idea at all, and is just practicing quietly here.

In the past six months, her cultivation has indeed advanced by leaps and bounds. Originally, their declining serpent-man family and Wu Zong strong were only the priest Lao Kalai. At this moment, the breath emanating from Ziya had reached Wu Wu. State of respect.

Now that their snake people have emerged from a strong state of Wu Zun, if Ziya appeared at the moment of the snake people's territory, then those snake people would be hard to believe.

Maybe I thought hell.

"Oh?" And at this moment, Ziya's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a sound of astonishment sounded from her mouth.

Followed by, Ziya lowered her head and looked down, she suddenly felt that the three-headed snake under her had a strange wave.

"What's wrong, zombie?" Ziya asked, inducing strange fluctuations in the three-headed snake.

Immediately afterwards, the big red snake suddenly shone with a bright red light.

The big blue snake shines a bright sky-blue light.

Purple serpent flashing purple thunder like a thunder.

"Roar!" The three snake heads of the three big snakes, Yang Tian roared in unison.

"Roar!" Suddenly, in the sky, there was a roar like a beast.

"Huh?" After hearing the roar, and then feeling the strange power passed from above, Ziya was shocked again, then looked up to the sky.

Suddenly, a huge body shining with a fierce yellow light came into Ziya's eyes.

"This ... this is!" Followed closely, Zi Ya's face appeared extremely joyous, she understood why the three zombies' avatars just changed, just now.

"That's great! Huang Li snake body!" Said the little girl with a smile on her face, full of joy.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Then, one after another roaring like a beast, sounded in this endless space.

The big yellow snake shining with the bright yellow awns dived quickly. With three large snakes of three different colors, this moment quickly leaped up.

Ziya's body has drifted aside, looking up to the sky, looking at the four zombies that are about to come together.

Four huge, dazzling, dazzling lights, at this moment, suddenly hit together.

The four-color light has become unusually bright and dazzling. In this world, only the four-color light shines against each other.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" When the four dazzling rays of light dissipated, a red, yellow, blue, and purple four-headed snake appeared in this world, exuding extremely terrifying and fierce momentum!


Shi Feng followed the father and daughter of the python dragon tribe, and came to a wide, dense room. This room was packed with hundreds of bookshelves and densely packed with books.

Many books are very old and old, and at a glance, I know that they have gone through a lot of years.

Although Shi Fengren has been in this stone house, the movements in the blood stone monument have been under his control.

When he inhaled the big yellow snake into the blood stone stele, he followed the movement in that area more closely.

When the four serpents merged into one and turned into a four-headed serpent, Shi Feng was shocked.

The breath of these four big snakes even felt the palpitations. This breath is even better than the Tsing Yi girl I saw in the land of Jiuyang.

Even comparable to Taig Yin, the lord of the wildness!

In addition to being shocked, Shi Feng is more happy! These four big snakes, however, have concluded a master-slave contract with themselves, but they are completely under their control. Its power also means that you have powerful power!

And this big snake has four heads! Sometimes, it is equal to four strong men like Taisun Yin!

"All the books in my house are in this back room." At this moment, the python head of the python dragon clan said to Shi Feng.

"Huh!" After hearing his words, Shi Feng nodded slowly.

In fact, the power of his soul had already spread out in all directions, and the words recorded in a book constantly appeared in his mind.

This is Shi Feng's first encounter with books in this desolate continent. It was originally thought that the text of this world would be different from that of Tianheng continent.

However, I did not expect that most of the characters I saw were exactly the same as the traditional Chinese characters before Tianheng's ancient times, so that Shi Feng did not cause any difficulty in reading.

"Are these ancient words introduced into the Tianheng continent by this man from the barren continent? Or did Tianheng continent come here?"

However, in the endless years, no one can answer this question.

What's more, how many people do not know the Tianheng continent, in addition to their continent, there is a continent called the Manghuang continent.

And this is also true of the wild continent.

"What books are you looking for? You tell me, I'll help you find them together." At this moment, the beautiful girl next to Shi Feng said, speaking softly to Shi Feng.

"No need, I'll find it myself. You go out first." Shi Feng said calmly, and said to the father and daughter.

"You!" Heshan felt unhappy when he heard Shi Feng's words and looked at his still cold face.

Along the way, he has been soft-spoken and gentle to him, but he has always been this cold-faced and ignored him.

He never said anything to himself, he asked him a question and he answered.

"As soon as you come, you will hear about Xiaomi. Is it my inferiority, isn't it in your heart that Xiaomi? Xiaomi! Her Xiaomi, on beauty, talent, and identity, is she like me?

With the name in her heart, Su Shan suddenly became very irritable.

"Since we don't need our help, then you are here, let's go out first." At this moment, the python dragon tribe chief shouted respectfully to Shi Feng.

Seeing Abba as the head of a tribe, he was so respectful in front of this young man, but this young man ignored his love and was even more uncomfortable in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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