Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1077: Here comes Yan Yan!

Chapter 1077: Here Comes Yan Yan!

Yan Lun stared at the thousands of fireballs scattered on the ground. Although splendid and visually enjoyable, Yan Lun, where is the mood to admire the fireworks.

For a while, Yan Lun was already lost, even when Shi Feng's figure moved and floated in front of him, he seemed unconscious.

Later, Shi Feng's left hand slowly stretched out toward Yan Lun and said, "I just want to kill Shao Shao by your scum? Even if you practice for another hundred years, Shao Shao will kill you. The ants are average. "

Shi Feng said, Yan Yan's face had been pinched by his left hand. Yan Lun was so pinched by Shi Feng that she suddenly awakened from her disappointment. Shi Feng's words were just like magic sounds in Yan Lun's mind. Echoed in the midst.

"You! You let go of me!" Yan Lun growled angrily at the stone maple pinching his face.

It was a great shame for anyone to pinch his face with his hands.

Not to mention, was pinched by this person!

I was originally looking for this person to wash up the shame, but now, I have been subjected to this greater shame.

"Ah!" Yan Lun was burning in anger, and immediately gave out a loud roar, his right hand was fisted, and he blasted away towards Shi Feng's left arm, looking at the posture, as if to give Shi Feng's hand to Raging.

It's this hand that makes me humiliated in front of people at this moment, myself, but the future chief of the Yan tribe!

How can I convince the public in the future!

"Huh!" Seeing Yan Lun's blow again, Shi Feng issued a burst of disdainful hum, saying: "You use the nine-star emperor level to launch a demigod warfare against Ben Shao, the power has already been exhausted Even the demigod warfare can't kill Ben Shao. This punch, you also have a face to face Ben Shao? "

As Shi Feng said, her right hand was bent, and she popped toward Yan Lun.

There was a loud blast of "嘭", and Yan Lun's fiercely punched blow exploded with Shi Feng's seemingly easy finger.

"Ah! Ah!" Bursts of painful wailing, howling from Yan Lun's mouth, red blood splattered from Yan Lun's abolished right hand.

The people of the Yan tribe in the distance could hear Yan Lun's howl like a pig. He saw his right hand was abolished, blood splattered, and everyone was shocked. He couldn't help but step backwards and wanted to stay away.

Even the powerful Five Commanders couldn't resist the evil villain of the Mountain Witch tribe, and tormented them with wailing, let alone them.

At this time, there was a response from the Yan clan who said, "Hurry up! Let's go find the clan master! Foreign enemies are coming! Foreign enemies are coming!"

"Yeah! Find the clan master! Foreign enemies, the evil mountain witches are coming!"

A Yan warrior shouted, and everyone immediately responded. Immediately, a pillar of flames rose from their bodies, and a total of more than 60 pillars of flame rushed into the night sky!

This is their signal to the Yan tribe!

Foreign Enemies Strike!

"Oh?" Shi Feng also saw the flames of fire rushing from those of the Yan clan at the moment, and gave out a light "Oh".

At this time, Yan Lun, who was full of pain and sorrow on his face, roared at Shi Feng's anger: "Today's enemies! I'll forget to write down! In the future, Yan Lun will pay you back a thousand times ! "

"In the future?" Upon hearing the roar of Yan Lun, Shi Feng retracted his gaze looking forward, looking at Yan Lun like a fool, saying:

"You're so mad about Ben, and you want to have a future? You think too much!" When speaking to Yan Lun, Shi Feng's face was full of teasing and ridicule.

Just then, above Shi Feng's right hand, a **** light shone, and a demigod warrior bloodthirsty sword appeared in his right hand.

Followed by, Shi Feng held Yan Lun's face and loosened his left hand. When his right hand moved, a sword pierced Yan Lun's throat.

"Oh! No! Don't!" Yan Lun suddenly saw the sharp blood-colored sword, icy blood-colored sword-mang, stabbing towards his throat.

With his eyes widened, for a moment, he didn't believe everything that happened to him.

I ... Yan Lun, isn't it a peerless genius? In the future, shouldn't I also be like Baiya, Longxian, and Xingxuan, such a wild and arrogant figure?

Then he inherited the position of patriarch of my Yan tribe and led me to an unprecedented peak.

How can ... how can ... those things have not been realized yet, I Yanlun, how can I die.

Do not! Will not! My Yan Lun is a genius who came out of the flames of the flames. I can't just die like this. At the critical moment, someone will definitely save me.

I will never die like this.

Thoughts flashed like lightning, quickly flashing through Yan Lun's mind.

Just after more than 60 warriors of the Yan clan rushed into their bodies for more than sixty pillars of fire, among the Yan clan's territory, one after another burst into the night sky.

This heaven and earth has already been as bright as day.

Between the whole world, the temperature is rising sharply, and a hot air wave is sweeping.

Flames of flames rushed out of the pillars of fire, densely, like a large ball of fire, and flew towards Shi Feng.

And just as Shi Feng stabbed Yan Lun's throat, suddenly, Shi Feng felt an invisible force appearing in the sky and descended towards himself.

So familiar scene! Such a familiar power!

That night, when the power of Jiuyou destroying the sky sword was about to kill Yanlun, it was because of this person's appearance that Yanlun was rescued.

Tonight, this man also shot when Yan Lun was about to be killed. At this moment, he not only launched an attack to save Yan Lun, but also killed himself with that invisible force.

However, Shi Feng at this moment is not already that night, and will only struggle to resist Shi Feng.

"Hmm! Finally, the patriarch of the Yan clan!" Shi Feng sneered, feeling the hot, invisible force that descended.

At this time, Shi Feng replaced his left-handed flexor, and the power of the demigod appeared at his fingertips, and his bounced.

"Oh!" The bloodthirsty sword, in Yan Lun's astonished eyes, had pierced his throat.

When Yan Lun was dying, someone did save him, or his father Yan Luan.

But this time, Yan Yan did not rescue him.

Under the strength of this boy, his father, Yan Yan, is powerless now.

Not only that, "Uh!" Suddenly, there was a painful cry in this world.

When the people of the Yan tribe saw that the five commanders Yan Lun was pierced by the young man's throat with a sword, when they heard the pain, the face under Zhang Lieyan changed suddenly.

This screamed like a scream of anger from their patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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