Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1083: 嫦 shan love

Chapter 1083: Aunty Love

Last night, the news that the Yan tribe was destroyed and the Di patriarch Di Luo was killed, swept through the tribes like a storm.

Immediately after that, more and more amazing news came one after another from various ethnic tribes. The black crow tribe's long white teeth fell, and the real murderer has surfaced.

The man who killed the Black Crow tribe's white teeth was still the boy who destroyed the Yan tribe.

The hearing of Baiya was shocked to an individual. Not only because Baiya is the patriarch of the Black Crow tribe, but Baiya, but a generation of Tianjiao who is famous in this wild waste, has become famous for many years. The average one-star demigod can not be said to be This Tianjiao rival.

But such a Tianjiao figure was actually killed. And died in the hands of a teenager who was not too old.

The beauty ranked third among the top ten beauties in the mountains and mountains, the daughter of the python dragon patriarch Wu Shan, who was unconscious and awake. When she heard that Bai Ya was assassinated by that person, she suddenly awakened from her sleep. She had a beautiful and fair face. His eyes were wide, and he looked at her father Boa Boa, embarrassingly, with some incredulity, and followed the boa dragon tribe warrior Boa Yuan who reported the letter.

"Shaner, you are awake!" When Mana saw the daughter who suddenly woke up and uttered a coquettishness, first followed by a surprise, and then a delight appeared on her face.

But Wu Shan didn't bother with the python, the two eyes were still concentrated on the body of the python, and asked, "Is the white tooth really dead? And, was he killed by that person?"

She was afraid that what she heard was something in her sleep, so she opened her mouth and confirmed to Mangyuan again.

The black crow tribe has a long white tooth and is in the mountains and deserts, but it is the "he" in the minds of countless unmarried girls!

Even Wu Shan, who ranked third among the top ten beauties, once secretly told herself that in this life, she can only marry Tianjiao like Baiya, Longxian, and Xunyi.

Even the Black Crow's White Teeth came first!

But now he did not expect that the white tooth ranked first was actually killed by him!

Wu Shan suspected that what she had just heard was dreaming, but she was awake at the moment, and she even suspected that she was still in a dream. After all, Bai Ya was killed, and the news is indeed too shocking.

But the sight in front of me is so real, it doesn't look like a dream at all!

"There should be nothing wrong!" Mang Yuan said after hearing Shan Shan's words, "Many people are talking, it is definitely because of the black hairs and white teeth that this man is wearing!"

"Ouch!" And just before Mang Yuan's voice fell, Su Shan suddenly made a painful cry.

"Ah? Shaner, what's the matter with you?" Hearing her daughter's cry, the python stunned, and the figure sitting on the stone bench flickered suddenly. The next moment, it appeared in Baishan's Baiyu Before the bed.

"No ... I'm fine, Dad, you don't have to worry about it." Seeing the python coming, Pan Shan quickly looked up at him and said.

Originally, after hearing the words of Boa Yuan, she suspected that she was in a dream state, so she quietly pinched her thigh, but did not expect that because she was struggling too hard, she shouted directly.

"Not dreaming! Not dreaming! He! He! Actually killed Baiya! He turned out to be such a man, such a Tianjiao character!" Wu Shan felt his heart agitated for a while.

Really want to see him at this moment!

For a while, in Shan Shan's mind, the figure was full of that person.

With a cold and arrogant attitude, he descended on the Manglong tribe!

With a sneer, he looked down at the python dragon family as if looking down at the whole world!

With his mighty power, he shocked all the people of the Manglong family, and even his powerful father Manacock was extremely respectful to him.


A man like him is a real man!

"Shan, are you really okay?" Boacock still said uneasily when she heard her daughter say it was okay. However, it seems that her daughter's injury is no longer a big deal, and it is better than before.

Before long, she should be able to get out of bed.

"I'm really okay, Dad!" Wu Shan replied to Boa, followed by Meimu and looked towards Boa Yuan, not far away, and said, "Boa Yuan, go out first, I have something to say with my dad . "

Hearing Wu Shan's words, the mandarin duck followed his head and looked at Mangyuan, saying, "The mangyuan, go out first. If there is any news about that person, come and report to me."

"Okay, patriarch!" Boa Yuan nodded, and walked towards Shishi.

When Mangyuan stepped out of the stone room, his figure completely disappeared into his own eyes. He quickly turned his face to Manghou and said in a panic, "Aba, where is he? Where is he now? I want to see him. "

When Wu Shan said "he" to the python, she could not wait to see her beautiful white face.

This look of her now is not like she was seriously injured yesterday and almost died. It's like a long-separated couple, eager to see the returning husband.

Boa said: "He killed the entire Yan tribe last night and killed the Di tribe. Now he doesn't know where to go."

"Ah!" When she heard the python, she quickly opened her mouth and said, "Ah," she said. There was still a panic on his face, "He will not! He won't come back to us again, will I? I won't see him in the future."

Speaking of the last sentence, Wu Shan showed a full loss and helplessness.

Mana has already found that his daughter is afraid that he already likes him!

But think about it too! Even a generation of young Tianjiao white teeth have died in his hands. Such a Tianjiao character is in the mountains and a barren land, which girl doesn't mind.

In this world of strength, every woman loves powerful men!

Mangyu comforted his daughter: "Relax, Shaner, he will return to Manglong. That man is going to the abyss of sin. Abba helped him customize the map to Master Guluo Jiuzang, and sooner or later he will return to visit Manglong. take."

"What! He's going to the abyss of sin!" When he heard the words of the abyss of sin, Wu Shan quickly followed the shock again.

And the python, suddenly realized that it was not good!

My daughter fell in love with that person! And that person is going to enter the abyss of sin!

"How can this work!"

"Abba, what is he going to do in the abyss of sin? Is it because he wants to avoid the black crow's pursuit and enter the abyss of sin?

Abba, you ca n’t let him enter the abyss of sin. Once he enters the abyss of sin, then he is a person of the abyss of sin. Without the consent of the three evil devil masters, eternal life will never come again! "As a man of the savage continent, naturally Lu Shan has also heard of the evil place of the abyss of evil!

(End of this chapter)

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