Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1090: Pursue and kill

Chapter 1090 Pursuing and Killing Without Commitment

The four-headed serpent chasing and killing fierce fire was getting closer and closer, and the snake tail shining with four colors behind him swayed again suddenly.

The four-colored snake tail superimposed by the power of the four snakes appeared in the sky above the fire, and then swooped down fiercely.

"Abominable!" The four-color snake in the back felt closer and closer to himself, and launched a fierce attack on himself again.

On top of the fiery face, once again the evil face was revealed, and once again gritted his teeth and resounded.

The fire was burning with the fist of fiery flames, and a fierce bombardment came out.

The fist that was exploded by fire was yet another attack on the demigod of Samsung. The flame fist collided with the tail of the snake.

"Oh!" Another violent sound storm suddenly exploded.

At this moment, the fiery figure shook slightly at this moment.

Although the magnitude of the fire is small, but still has not escaped Shi Feng's sensitive soul induction.

At this time, the corner of Shi Feng's mouth hooked, showing a sneer.

This desire for fire just urged a powerful combat technique to withstand the blow of the four-headed snake, and the energy in the body was again severely depleted.

However, after the fire tried to stop the blow, his body flickered again, and he moved quickly towards the front and fled.

"Hahaha!" Shi Feng sneered, urging the four snakes to pursue.

Laughing: "It seems that the flames of the Holy Land, and it won't be long before we change to a saint!

If you desire, you will not be the Lord of the Holy Land! "

"Ah!" Hearing Shi Feng's taunting words again, roaring violently again.

He, the Son of God above the flames of the Holy Land, was ridiculed by the star demigod.

The feeling of fire now is like a person who hears a grasshopper that he can pinch to death, ridiculing himself.

However, that grasshopper has a tiger as a backer, and wants to pinch it severely, but has the tiger as his accomplice.

Huoyu clenched his fists with both hands tightly, and really wanted to use those two hands to brutally crush that person.

At this time, the fire desire resounded again and yelled, "I have a secret method applied to me in the flames of the Holy Land. If I really die of flames, everything that happens here must be returned to the Flames of Holy Land as soon as possible.

At that time, I will definitely send the strong over here, and you will surely die very miserably. "

"Oh? There are still such wonderful secrets?" After hearing the fiery words, Shi Feng said with curiosity and said "Oh".

Such mysterious mysteries were indeed unheard of.

However, this mysterious and barren continent, an ancient and powerful force in this barren continent, is very likely to have such secret methods.

At this moment, the eager fire in front of him flew out again and yelled:

"The Honorable Son can now give you a chance. As long as you let the evil beast under you stop pursuing the Honorable Son, how can the hatred between you and the Son be written off?"

"Have you given this chance?" After hearing the fiery words, Shi Feng's face showed an expression like a joke, saying:

"Your death is already doomed today, and it is a big joke to say that you have given this little chance! Is it true that there is something wrong with your brain?

What **** is hot, where did I find you such a stupid person to be a holy child! "

"You! You! You! You! You!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words of insult again, the anger was speechless again.

In his opinion, if he disregarded his former suspicions and wrote off his grudges, that was the greatest gift to him.

After today, he will be endlessly hunted down by the mighty flames of the Holy Land, but there is no way to go to the sky, and sooner or later he will die in the hands of the powerful flames of the Holy Land.

Not only did he die on his own, but it also affected everyone involved with him.

He could not continue to live without regard to his past suspicions and writing off his grudges.

But this person is so ignorant!

At this moment, the snake tail shining with four colors of light descended on the top of the fire again, and violently beat it down again.

This time, the **** was trying his best to box up and fight against the air.

This time, the assault by the four-headed snake resisted again.

However, Shi Feng had more clearly sensed that after this fire was about to resist the four big snakes, his body was already shaking more vigorously, and the resistance was more difficult.

After Huoyu resisted the attack, the figure flickered again, but the speed of this movement was significantly slower than before.

"I still want to run!" Shi Feng said with a sneer looking at the eagerness to continue to flee, urging the four snakes to pursue.

This time, the four-headed snake quickly caught up again, and the tail of the snake swayed again, swinging toward the fire.

"Pop! Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap!" The fierce sound of violent violent sounds again and again.

The four-headed snake slammed the four-colored snake tail with all its strength, colliding with the fire again and again.

However, the four-headed serpent launched a powerful attack and returned to its peak state in an instant.

And the **** has become more and more difficult and weak, and the raging flames on the original itself have become chaotic.

The speed of body movement has become even slower.

"This attack is enough!" Seeing that fiery desire became less and less, Shi Feng said again in a cold voice.

This time, Shi Feng looked at the eager fire in front of her. She was full of disdain and teasing. The four big snakes and the four-colored snake tails swayed again.

"No! Not good! My power! Is it really my fierce robbery today?"

Induced by another violent and powerful attack coming from behind, the desire for fire was naturally very clear to him.

At this moment, under many powerful attacks, he has almost reached the point where the oil is exhausted.

However, even if the oil was exhausted, the thirst for fire did not hesitate to punch it toward the falling snake tail.

"Oh!" There was another violent sound storm.

"Eh!" And at this moment, a painful shout sounded in the fiery mouth.

The fiery face revealed the pain and sorrow.

At this moment, the fire desire only felt that the whole body was extremely painful, a powerful and violent force, destroying its own body, and severely destroying its own body.

The fiery figure was immediately shaken and fell towards the sea of ​​fire below.

After a long pursuit, at this moment, the victory and defeat have finally been divided.

In the void in the far distance behind, the man in black robe looked at the front with shock, the Holy Son of Fire who was driven into the sea of ​​fire below!

This is the Son of Fire in the Holy Land of Fire, possessing the legendary sacred body of fire. If this scene spreads across the wild continent, it will be enough to fill the history of the wild continent.

(End of this chapter)

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